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"GEORGE the Third, by the Grace of God, of the "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, King, "Defender of the Faith, To all to whom these Presents "fhall come, Greeting: Whereas, We have lately for "divers difficult and preffing Affairs concerning Us, "the State and Defence of Our United Kingdom of "Great Britain and Ireland, and the Church, ordained "this Our present Parliament to begin and be held at "Our City of Westminster, on the Twenty-second Day "of June, in the Forty-feventh Year of Our Reign, on which Day Our faid Parliament was begun and holden, "and from thence, by feveral Adjournments and Pro"rogations, was adjourned and prorogued to and until "Thursday the Nineteenth Day of January inftant, "then to be holden and fit at Our City of Westminster "aforefaid; And forafmuch as for certain Caufes "We cannot conveniently be present in Our Royal Per"fon in Our faid Parliament upon the faid Nineteenth "Day of January inftant: Know ye, that We, trufting in "the Discretion, Fidelity, and Care of Our most dear "and entirely beloved Son and moft faithful Counsellor

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"dom fhall be therein to be done; and alfo, if neceffary,
"to continue, adjourn, and prorogue Our faid Parlia-
"ment; commanding alfo, by the Tenor of thefe Pre-
fents, with the Confent of Our faid Council, as well
"all and every the Archbishops, Bishops, Earls, Vis-
counts, Barons, and Knights, as all others whom it
concerns, to meet in Our faid Parliament, that to the
"fame Prince of Wales, Duke of York, Duke of Clarence,
"Duke of Cumberland, Duke of Suffex, Duke of
"Cambridge, Duke of Gloucester, Archbishop of Can-
"terbury, Lord Eldon, Earl Camden, Earl of Westmor

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land, Duke of Montrofe, Duke of Portland, Marquis of Salisbury, Marquis of Hertford, Earl of Aylesford, "Earl of Dartmouth, Earl of Winchilfea and Notting"ham, Earl of Chesterfield, Earl of Buckinghamshire, "Earl Fitzwilliam, Earl Spencer, Earl of Chatham,

Earl Bathurst, Earl of Carnarvon, Earl of Saint "Vincent, Earl of Chichefter, Vifcount Sidmouth, Lord "Holland, Lord Harrowby, Lord Walfingham, Lord "Grenville, Lord Auckland, Lord Mulgrave, Lord "Redefdale, Lord Ellenborough, Lord Barham, and "Lord Erskine, or any Three of them, they diligently "intend in the Premifes in the Form aforefaid. In "Witness whereof We have caufed thefe our Letters to be made Patent.


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"My Lords and Gentlemen, "We have it in Command from His Majesty to ftate mifiers' "to you, that His Majesty has called you together in Speech. "perfect Confidence that you are prepared cordially to

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fupport His Majefty in the Profecution of a War, "which there is no Hope of terminating fafely and "honourably, except through vigorous and perfevering "Exertion.

"We are to acquaint you, that His Majefty has "directed to be laid before you Copies of the Proposals "for opening a Negociation, which were tranfmitted to "His Majefty from Erfurth, and of the Correspondence "which thereupon took place with the Governments of "Ruffia and of France, together with the Declaration "iffued by His Majefty's Command on the Termination "of that Correfpondence.

"His Majefty is perfuaded that you will participate "in the Feelings which were expreffed by His Majesty, "when it was required that His Majefty fhould confent "to commence the Negociation by abandoning the "Caufe of Spain, which he had fo recently and folemnly espoused.

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phew and faithful Counsellor William Frederick Duke "of Gloucester; the most Reverend Father in God Our "right trufty and well-beloved Counfellor Charles "Archbishop of Canterbury, Primate and Metropolitan "of all England; Our right trufty and well-beloved "Counsellor John Lord Eldon, Our Counsellor of that "Part of Our United Kingdom of Great Britain and "Ireland called Great Britain; Our right trusty and "well-beloved Coufins and Counsellors John Jeffreys "Earl Camden, Prefident of Our Council; John Earl "of Westmorland, Keeper of Our Privy Seal; Our right "trufty and right entirely beloved Coufins-and Coun"fellors James Duke of Montrofe, Master of Our Horse; "William Henry Duke of Portland, Our right trusty " and entirely beloved Coufins and Counsellors James "Marquis of Salisbury, Francis Marquis of Hertford; "Our right trufty and right well-beloved Coufins and "Counsellors Heneage Earl of Aylesford, Steward of "Our Household; George Earl of Dartmouth, Cham"berlain of Our Household; George Earl of Winchilfea "and Nottingham, Groom of Our Stole; Philip Earl of Chesterfield, Robert Earl of Buckinghamshire, Wil"liam Earl Fitzwilliam, George John Earl Spencer, John "Earl of Chatham, Henry Earl Bathurst, Henry Earl "of Carnarvon, John Earl of Saint Vincent, Thomas "Earl of Chichefter; Our right trufty and well-beloved "Coufin and Counsellor Henry Viscount Sidmouth; Qur right trufty and well-beloved Connfellors Henry Richard" "Lord Holland, Dudley Lord Harrowby, Thomas Lord Walfingham, William Wyndham Lord Grenville, Wil"liam Lord Auckland, Henry Lord Mulgrave, John "Lord Redefdale, Edward Lord Ellenborough, Our "Chief Juftice, affigned to hold Pleas before Us; "Charles Lord Barham, and Thomas Lord Erskine, "and any Three of them, full Power in Our Name "to hold our faid Parliament, and to open and declare, "and caufe to be opened and declared, the Caufes of holding the fame, and to proceed upon the faid Affairs in Our faid Parliament, and in all Matters arifing "therein; and to do every Thing which for Us and by "Us, for the good Government of Our faid United "Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and of other "Our Dominions belonging to Our faid United King

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"We are commanded to inform you, that His
Majefty continues to receive from the Spanish Go-
vernment the strongest Affurances of their determined
"Perfeverance in the Caufe of the legitimate Monarchy,
"and of the National Independence of Spain, and to
"affure you, that fo long as the People of Spain fhall
"remain true to themfelves, His Majefty will continue
to them His moft ftrenuous Affiftance and Support.
"His Majefty has renewed to the Spanish Nation, in
"the Moment of its Difficulties and Reverfes, the En-
gagements which He voluntarily contracted at the
"Outfet of its Struggle against the Ufurpation and
Tyranny of France; and we are commanded to ac-
quaint you, that these Engagements have been re-
"duced into the Form of a Treaty of Alliance; which
Treaty, fo foon as the Ratifications fhall have been
"exchanged, His Majefty will caufe to be laid before


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His Majefty commands us to ftate to you, that "while His Majefty contemplated with the liveliest "Satisfaction the Atchievements of His Forces in the "Commencement of the Campaign in Portugal, and "the Deliverance of the Kingdom of his Ally from the



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"Prefence and Oppreffions of the French Army, His
Majesty moft deeply regretted the Termination of that
"Campaign by an Armistice and Convention, of fome
"of the Articles of which His Majefty has felt Himself
"obliged formally to declare His Difapprobation.

"We are to exprefs to you His Majefty's Reliance
on your Difpofition to enable His Majefty to continue
"the Aid afforded by His Majefty to the King of
"Sweden. That Monarch derives a peculiar Claim to
"His Majefty's Support in the prefent Exigency of
"His Affairs, from having concurred with His Majesty
"in the Propriety of rejecting any Propofal for Nego-
"ciation, to which the Government of Spain was not
to be admitted as a Party.

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"Gentlemen of the Houfe of Commons, "We are commanded by His Majefty to inform you, "that He has directed the Eftimates of the current "Year to be laid before you.

"His Majesty relies upon your Zeal and Affection to "make fuch farther Provifion of Supply as the vigorous "Profecution of the War may render neceffary; and "He trufts that you may be enabled to find the Means "of providing fuch Supply without any great or imme. "diate Increase of the exifting Burthens upon His "People.

"His Majefty feels affured, that it will be highly "fatisfactory to you to learn, that notwithstanding the "Measures reforted to by the Enemy for the Purpose of deftroying the Commerce and Refources of His Kingdom, the public Revenue has continued in a "Course of progreffive Improvement.



"My Lords and Gentlemen,

"We are directed to inform you, that the Measure "adopted by Parliament in the laft Seffion for establish"ing a Local Militia, has been already attended with "the happiest Succefs, and promises to be extenfively " and permanently beneficial to the Country.

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"We have received His Majefty's Commands most especially to recommend to you, that, duly weighing "the immenfe Interefts which are at ftake in the War "now carrying on, you fhould proceed with as little "Delay as poffible to confider of the moft effectual "Measures for the Augmentation of the Regular Army, "in order that His Majefty may be the better enabled, "without impairing the Means of Defence at Home, "to avail Himself of the Military Power of His Domi"nions in the great Conteft in which He is engaged, "and to conduct that Conteft, under the Bleffing of "Divine Providence, to a Conclufion compatible with "the Honour of His Majefty's Crown, and with the "Interests of His Allies, of Europe, and of the "World."

Then the Commons withdrew.

The Houfe was adjourned during Pleasure, to unrobe. The House was resumed.

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"To make our moft humble Acknowledgements to "His Majefty, for the Directions which He has given,

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that there fhould be laid before us Copies of the "Proposals for opening a Negociation, which were "tranfmitted to His Majefty from Erfurth, and of the "the Correfpondence which thereupon took place with "the Governments of Ruffia and of France, together with "the Declaration iffued by His Majefty's Command on "the Termination of that Correfpondence; which Papers "and Correspondence, as foon as they are laid before us, we will take into our moft ferious Confideration. "To thank His Majefty for the Information His Majefty has been pleafed to give us, that He continues to "receive from the Spanish Government the strongest "Affurances cf their determined Perfeverance in the "Caufe of the legitimate Monarchy, and of the National Independence of Spain; and to exprefs the deep Sense "we entertain of His Majesty's Wisdom and Justice in the Determination which he has formed, that fo long as the People of Spain fhall remain true to themselves, "His Majefty will continue to them His moft ftrenuous "Aflistance and Support.


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"To affure His Majefty of the Satisfaction with which "we have heard that His Majefty has renewed to the Spanish Nation, in the Moment of its Difficulties and "Reverfes, the Engagements which He voluntarily con"tracted at the Outfet of its Struggle against the Ufur"pation and Tyranny of France, and that these Engage"ments have been reduced into the Form of a Treaty "of Alliance; and to thank His Majefty for acquainting us that He will caufe this Treaty of Alliance to be "laid before us, as foon as the Ratifications fhall have "been exchanged.

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"To exprefs our Participation in the Feelings of "Satisfaction with which His Majefty was enabled to "contemplate the Achievements of His Forces in the "Commencement of the Campaign in Portugal, and "the Deliverance of the Kingdom of His Ally from "the Prefence and Oppreffions of the French Army; "and that we moft deeply regret the Termination of "that Campaign by an Armistice and Convention, of "fome of the Articles of which His Majefty has been "ciously pleased to inform us, that He has felt Himself obliged formally to declare His Disapprobation. "To affure His Majefty, that He may rely on our Difpofition to enable His Majefty to continue the Aid "which He has afforded to His Ally the King of Sweden; "and that we are fully convinced that his Swedish



Majefty derives a peculiar Claim to Support in the prefent Exigency of his Affairs, from having con "curred with His Majefty in the Propriety of rejecting any Negociation to which the Government of Spain was not to be admitted as a Party.

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"To express our Satisfaction at the Information which "His Majefty has been gracioufly pleafed to afford us, "that the Measure adopted by Parliament in the lait "Seffion, for establishing a Local Militia, has been "already attended with the happieft Succefs; to affure "His



Committee to

prepare an Address:


reported and agreed to.


"His Majesty that we will proceed with as little Delay "as poffible, to confider of the most effectual Mea"fures for the Augmentation of the Regular Army; "being fully perfuaded that His Majefty fhould be "enabled, without impairing the Means of Defence at Home, to avail Himself of the Military Power of "His Dominions in the great Contest in which He is "engaged; and thereby to conduct that Contest, under "the Bleffing of Divine Providence, to a Conclufion "compatible with the Honour of His Majefty's Crown, "and with the Interests of His Allies, of Europe, and "of the World."

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"Most Gracious Sovereign,

"We, Your Majefty's most dutiful and loyal Subjects, "the Lords Spiritual and Temporal of the United 66 Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, in Parliament "affembled, beg leave to return Your Majefty our "moft humble Thanks for the Speech which has been "been made to us by your Majesty's Command.

"Permit us to affure Your Majefty, that Your Majesty may rely with the most perfect Confidence "on our Determination cordially to fupport Your "Majefty in the Profecution of the War, which we "are convinced there is no Hope of terminating fafely "and honourably except through vigorous and per"fevering Exertion.

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"We return Your Majefty our most humble Ac"knowledgements for the Directions which Your Majefty has given, that there fhould be laid before us Copies of the Propofals for opening a Negociation, "which were tranfmitted to Your Majefty from Erfurth, "and of the Correfpondence which thereupon took "place with the Governments of Ruffia and of France, "together with the Declaration iffued by Your Majesty's "Command on the Termination of that Correspond❝ence; and we beg Leave to affure Your Majefly that, fo "foon as fuch Papers and Correfpondence shall be laid "before us, we will take them into our moft ferious "Confideration.

"We beg Leave to thank Your Majefty for the In"formation which Your Majefty has been pleased to "give us, that Your Majefty continues to receive from "the Spanish Government the ftrongeft Affurances of "their determined Perfeverance in the Caufe of the "legitimate Monarchy and of the National Indepen

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"We beg Leave to affure Your Majefty of the Dif"pofition which We feel to enable Your Majefty to "continue the Aid which Your Majefty has afforded to "Your Ally the King of Sweden.

"We are fully convinced that his Swedish Majefly "derives a peculiar Claim to Support in the present "Exigency of his Affairs, from having concurred with "Your Majefty in the Propriety of rejecting any Negociation to which the Government of Spain was not "to be admitted as a Party.

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"We receive with the greatest Satisfaction the In"formation which Your Majefty has been graciously

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pleafed to afford us, that the Measures adopted by "Parliament in the laft Seffion for eftablishing a Local "Militia has been already attended with the happiest "Succefs; and we beg Leave to affure Your Majesty "that we will proceed with as little Delay as poffible to "confider of the most effectual Measures for the Aug❝mentation of the Regular Army, being fully perfuaded that, without impairing the Means of Defence at Home, "Your Majesty should be enabled to render the Military Power of Your Dominions available in the great "Contest in which Your Majefty is engaged, and

thereby to conduct that Conteft, under the Bleffing "of Divine Providence, to a Conclufion compatible "with the Honour of Your Majefty's Crown, and with "the Interests of Your Majelty's Allies, of Europe, " and of the World."

Which Addrefs, being read by the Clerk, was agreed to by the House.

ORDERED, That the faid Addrefs be prefented to His Majefty by the Lords with White Staves.


It was moved, "That the feveral Refolutions of the L.Wallingham appoint. "23d of July 1800, touching the Nomination of a ed Chairman "Chairman of Committees of this House, at the Com- of Commit"mencement of every Seffion, be now read :" The fame were accordingly read by the Clerk. Refolved, Nemine Diffentiente, That the Lord Walfingham be appointed Chairman of the Committees of this Houfe, for this Seffion.

bam do take the Chair in all Committees of the whole Refolved, Nemine Diffentiente, That the Lord WalfingHouse, unless where it fhall have been otherwife directed by this House.

Refolved, Nemine Diffent ente, That Lord Walfingham do alfo take the Chair in all Committees upon Private


Bills, and other Matters, unless where it shall have been D. Norfolk.
otherwise directed by this House.

Lords Committees appointed to confider of the Orders for Privileges. and Customs of this Houfe, and Privileges of Parliament, and of the Peers of Great Britain and Ireland, and Lords


for the Journals.

of Parliament:

Ld. Chancellor.
Ld. Prefident.
Ld. Privy Seal.
D. Norfolk.
D. Beaufort.
D. Portland.
M. Stafford.
M. Abercorn.
Ld. Steward.

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L. Abp. Canter-

L. Bp. Durbam.
L. Bp. Worcester.
L. Bp. Bangor.
L. Bp. Chefter.
L. Bp. Salisbury.
L. Bp. Hereford.
L. Bp. Leighlin,

L. Bp. Cloyne.

L. Haftings:
L. Willoughby Br.
L. St. John of
L. Clifton.
L. Ashburnham.
L. Napier.
L. King.
L. Ponsonby.
L- Grantham.
L. Bofton
L. Rivers.
L. Harrowby.

L. Dynevor.
L. Walfingham.
L. Sommers.

L. Berwick.

L. Montagu.
L. Heathfield.
L. Kenyon.
L. Amberft.
L. Grenville.
L. Douglas of

L. Mulgrave.
L. Hood of Cather-
L. Stewart of Gar
L. Rolle.
L. Wellesley.
L. Carrington.
L. Bayning.

L. Bolton.

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[blocks in formation]

D. Beaufort.

D. Portland:

L. Bp. Worcester.
L. Bp. Bangor.
L. Bp. Chefter.

M. Abercorn.
M. Stafford.

Ld. Steward.

Ld. Chamberlain.

E. Suffolk
E. Bridgewater.
E. Winchilfea &

E. Sandwich.
E. Effex.
E. Abingdon.
E. Jerfey.
E. Dalhousie.
E. Balcarres.
E. Aberdeen.

E. Oxford & Mors

E. Cowper.
E. Macclesfield.
E. Pomfret.
E. Graham.
E- Buckingham-

E. Fitzwilliam.
E. Egremont.
E. Darlington.
E. Bathurst.

E. Grofvenor.
E. Mount Edg

E. Digby.
E. Liverpool.
E. St. Vincent.
E. Glandore.
E. Enniskillen.
E. Chichefter.
E. Limerick.
E. Normanton.
E. Lonsdale.
V. Falmouth.
V. Wentworth.
V. Sydney.

V. Sidmouth.

L. Bp. Exeter.

L. Clifton.
L. Abburnham.
L. Napier.
L. King.
L. Ponsonby.
L. Grantham.
L. Bofton.
L. Rivers.

L. Harrowby,
L. Dynevor.
1. Walfingbam.
L. Sommers.
L. Berwick.
L. Montagu.
L. Heathfield.
L. Kenyon.
L. Amberft.
L. Grenville.
L. Douglas of
L. Mulgrave:
L. Hood of Cather
L. Stewart of Gar-

L. Rolle.
L. Wellesley,
L. Carrington.
L. Bayning.
L. Bolton.
L. Wodehouse.
L. Lilford.
L. St. Helen's.
L. Redefdale.
L. Arden.

L. Sheffield.

L. Erskine.

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It is thereupon ORDERED, by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament affembled, That the High Steward of the City of Westminster, or his Deputy, together with the Juftices of the Peace of the faid City, fhall, by their ftrict Care and Directions to the Conftables and other Officers within their Jurifdiction, take special Order, that no empty Hackney Coaches be fuffered to make any Stay between Whitehall and the End of Abingdon Street, in Westminster, from Twelve of the Clock at Noon until Five of the Clock in the Afternoon of the fame Day, during the Sitting of this Par liament; and that no Carriages, Drays, or Carts, be permitted to ftop in the Streets and Paffages between of Abingdon Street, between the Hours aforefaid, or to pafs through the Old Palace Tard, from One of the

the End of Market Lane in Pall Mall and the End

Clock in the Afternoon until One Hour after the
Rifing of this Houfe, during the Sitting of this Par-
liament; and that all Carriages, Drays, or Carts,
hereby permitted to pass through the faid Streets and
Paffages be obliged to go one after another in the Man-
ner following, (that is to fay), All Carriages, Drays,


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or Carts, going towards Westminster, to keep on the Side of the Street or Paffage next to Saint James's Park, and all thofe going the contrary Way, to keep on the other Side of the Street; and upon no Account whatsoever to prefume to go Two or more abreaft during the Sitting. of this Parliament; and herein fpecial Care is to be taken by the faid Deputy Steward, Justices of the Peace, Conftables, and all other Officers herein concerned, as the contrary will be answered to this House:

And it is further ORDERED, That the High Bailiff of the City of Westminster, and the Juftices of the Peace for the City and Liberty thereof, or fome of them, refiding in Westminster, be ferved with the Order of this Houfe, made this Day for the Purposes aforefaid.

Dominus Cancellarius declaravit præfens Parliamentum-continuandum effe ufque ad et in diem Veneris, vicefimum diem inftantis Januarii, horâ undecimâ Auvicefimum diem inftantis Januarii, horâ undecimâ Au

roræ, Dominis fic decernentibus.

IE Veneris, 20° Januarii 1809.


"his now Wife, and to enable him to marry again; "and for other Purposes therein mentioned." The faid Bill was read the First Time.

ORDERED, That the faid Bill be read a Second Time on Monday the Sixth Day of February next; and that Notice thereof be affixed on the Doors of this House, and the Lords fummoned; and that the faid John Lord Boringdon may be heard by his Counfel at the faid tions of the Bill; and that the faid Augufta Lady BoringSecond Reading, to make out the Truth of the Allegadon may have a Copy of the Bill, and that Notice be given her of the faid Second Reading; and that the be at Liberty to be heard by her Counfel what the may have to offer against the said Bill at the fame Time.

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Boringdon with the Right Honourable Augusta Lady "Boringdon his now Wife, and to enable him to marry "again; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned,' if the Houfe fhall think fit, whether there has or has not

Domini tam Spirituales quam Temporales præfentes been any Collufion, directly or indirectly, on his Part,

Epus. Hereford.

Steel et al.' againft Wemyss.


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The Answer of Lieutenant General William Wemyss of Wemyss, to the Appeal of Alexander Steel, Ship Builder at Weft Wemyss, and others, was this Day brought in. As was alfo, The Anfwer of Mrs. Wright, otherwife Co. against Robifon, Widow of the deceafed John Robifon Efquire, Wright et al. and others, to the Appeal of Archibald Conftable and Company, Bookfellers in Edinburgh.

Constable &

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A Petition of the Right Honourable John Lord Boringdon, praying Leave to bring in a Bill to diffolve Divorce Bill: the Marriage with the Right Honourable Augufta Lady Boringdon, his now Wife, and to enable him to marry again; and for other Purposes therein mentioned; being offered to be prefented to the House:

Bill pre


The Houfe was informed, "That Mr. John Spinks was """attending,"

He was ordered to be called in; and being called in accordingly, and fworn at the Bar, delivered a Copy of the Proceedings for a Divorce a Menfå et Thoro, and 'the definitive Sentence in the Confiftory Court of the Bishop of London, intituled, "Lord Boringdon against Lady Boringdon," which he said he had examined with the Original, and that the fame was a true Copy. And then he withdrew.

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ORDERED, That the faid Proceedings and Sentence do lie on the Table.

Then the faid Petition was prefented and read. ORDERED, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill according to the Prayer of the faid Petition.

Accordingly, The Lord Walfingham prefented to the Houfe a Bill, intituled, " An Act to diffolve the Marriage of the Right Honourable John Lord Boringdon "with the Right Honourable Augufta Lady Boringdon

relative to any Act of Adultery that may have been committed by his Wife; or whether there be any Collufion, directly or indirectly, between him and his Wife, or any other Perfon or Perfons, touching the faid Bill of Divorce, or touching any Proceedings or Sentence of Divorce had in the Ecclefiaftical Court at his Suit, or touching any Action at Law which may have been brought by him against any Perfon for criminal Converfation with his the faid John Lord Boringdon's Wife; and alfo whether, at the Time of the Adultery of which he complains, his Wife was, by Deed or otherwife by his Confent, living feparate and apart from him, and releafed by him, as far as in him lies, from her conjugal Duty; or whether fhe was at the Time of such Adultery cohabiting with him, and under the Protection and Au

thority of him as her Husband.

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And thereupon an Affidavit of Arthur Strahan, Writer in Edinburgh, of the due Service of the faid Order, being read:

ORDERED, That the faid Refpondent do put in his Answer to the said Appeal peremptorily in a Week.

The House being informed, "That Dame Margaret E. Hopetoun "Johnstone and others, Refpondents to the Appeal of against John"James Earl of Hopetoun, had not put in their Anfwer ftone et al. "to the faid Appeal, though duly ferved with the Order "of this Houfe for that Purpofe;"

And thereupon an Affidavit of William Allan, Writer in Edinburgh, of the due Service of the faid Order, being


ORDERED, That the faid Refpondents do put in their Anfwer to the faid Appeal peremptorily in a Week.

The Houfe being informed, "That Thomas Tipping Ewing against " and others, Refpondents to the Appeal of William Tipping et al. "Ewing, Merchant in Glfgow, had not put in their "Answer to the faid Appeal, though duly ferved with "the Order of this Houfe for that Purpofe;"

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