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My humble opinion was that he would have run a better chance of getting credit for common sense than he ever did before; but that was no affair of mine; men never consult their attorneys to be complimented on their good sense. I remained dumb, while the orator proceeded.

"These are fine days, indeed, Mr. Sharpe, when a man like myself—and I pretend to be nobody, I assure you, though they are pleased to compliment the little talent of public speaking, which nature has blessed me with, but let that pass: I am but a humble individual, exerting myself in my sphere for the public good; I have no higher ambition, I assure you, Sir; and if a seat were offered me tomorrow, (I was invited to stand for the borough where I was born, at the last election; though on public principle, I was obliged to decline, for the deputation could not guarantee me against expense: but this in confidence, Mr. Sharpe-only by the bye-you understand?) I say, Sir, that if I were seated to-morrow, and offered place the next day, I would decline it: I would indeed, Sir, unless conscientiously assured that I could serve my coun

try with credit (as indeed some folks say that I could be very useful): but I am only a humble individual, however kindly my friends may be pleased to think of me; and I repeat, that matters are come to a fine pass indeed, if such a humble and unpretending man as myself cannot take his proper share in the public duty without being scurrilously libelled, and mercilessly and falsely abused!"

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Really, it is too bad, Mr. Bedworth; I am not surprised at your temper being a little ruffled by it."

"Pardon me, Sir, there you are wrongquite wrong: I have lived too much before the world to allow my temper to be ruffled by any provocation: no man is fit for public life, who allows his temper to be ruffled. I never was ruffled in my life, Sir; never!"

I saw I was in danger, and speedily retreated.


"I beg your pardon, Mr. Bedworth. judged of you by myself; my patience never could have brooked so much contumely and insult; but I was not born for public life."

"True, Mr. Sharpe; very few men are; it was long before I discovered my own peculiar

fitness for it; but you are losing sight of the immediate question."

The orator himself had lost sight of it, like many other modern orators; but we must humour our clients a little.

"I have indeed, Mr. Bedworth: you quite carried away my feelings, and that I confess, is a great fault in one of my profession; but what course do you intend to take?"

He was flattered by this deferential appeal to his superior sagacity.

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Certainly, Mr. Sharpe; I well thought over the subject before I called on you; in fact I gave to it all the powers of my mind: under your correction, Sir, I think that a criminal information is the course."

"That is scarcely usual in cases of private libel, unless the libel is intended to provoke a challenge."

"Private libel, Mr. Sharpe! private libel, do you call it, where a base and cowardly attack is made on a public man?"

I was again in imminent peril.

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'Doubtless, Sir, it is your public character that has induced the libel; but it is neverthe

less a libel peculiarly of a private character, to

reflect upon the honesty of a tradesman's past career."

"But all my friends will expect me to take the more dignified course on such a serious occasion; so I have determined upon it, if you please."


Very well, Mr. Bedworth; the first thing then is the affidavit. I see you are called a


gaol-bird," a "rogue of enterprise," and a "gazetted thief;" your name is not specified certainly, but you have no doubt, I presume, that you are the party intended?"

"None at all, none whatever: the principal speaker' at this celebrated meeting, could be nobody but me, Sir. I was undoubtedly the principal speaker there. I moved the first resolution; I seconded the third; I spoke on the fourth; I opposed the amendment; and finally, I returned thanks to the chair. Indeed, I may say that nobody of any consequence took any part in the affair, but myself."

"Then it is unquestionable, Mr. Bedworth, that you are the 'gaol-bird?'"

"I am, Sir."

"And the 'rogue of enterprise?""
"I am, Sir."

"And a 'gazetted thief?""

"I am, Sir. I am the goal - bird,' the 'rogue of enterprise,' and the 'gazetted thief:' all in one-Tria juncta in uno, Sir."

"Well then, we must deny it all on oath." "That is easily done."

"I will prepare the affidavit to-night, if you will favor me with a short narrative of the last your trading life.”


years of

"What has that to do with it?" (in obvious alarm).

"We must go into court with clean hands, you know; and not only deny the charge, but all color and foundation for it."

A dead pause followed, for which I was at a loss to account, and therefore deemed it prudent not to interrupt it.

"I am thinking, Mr. Sharpe, that a wise man must look a little to himself, even in public affairs. A criminal information is a costly article, I fear."

"Yes: it costs some money: fees to counsel on two motions-office copies of long affidavits -fees again on the trial, mount up to something."

"What do you suppose?"

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