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Susan." This piece has succeeded, and is getting-up; but since its production, Mr. Arnold has played a drama by Mr. Bernard, the author of "Dramatic Retrospections," which promises to make up for his former failure. It is a production replete with interest. The attraction is kept alive, and in expectation during the whole piece; and the excellent acting renders it highly amusing. This with the promised farce of the laughter-exciting Peake, many other novelties, and the good acting of an excellent company, among which may be seen the veteran Miss Kelly, still at her post in all her powers; the little Poole, decidedly the best juvenile actress that has ever appeared, because she is juvenile; and that lump of fun, Reeve, we trust will enable Mr. Arnold to bring up the remainder of his season with a wet sail, and give him courage to open his new theatre next year.


CAMBRIDGE, JUNE 17.-The following Prizes were adjudged on Monday last:Sir Wm. Browne's Medal for the best Greek and Latin Odes and Greek and Latin Epigrams, to James Hildyard, of Christ College.

Subject-Greek Ode. Granta Illustrissimo Regi Gulielmo Quarto gratulatur quod in Solium Britanniæ successerit.

Latin Ode.-Magicas accingitur artes.

Greek Epigram.-Magnas inter opes inops.

Latin Epigram.-Prudens simplicitas.

Porson Prize (for the best translation of a passage from Shakspeare into Greek verse)-George Kennedy, of St. John's College. Subject-As You Like It. Act II. Scene 1. Beginning "To-day my lord of Amiens and myself," &c. and ending "native dwelling-place."

Members' Prizes for Bachelor of Arts.-James Spedding, of Trinity College. Subject-Utrum boni plus an mali hominibus et civitatibus attulerit dicendi copia?— No second prize awarded.

Members' Prizes for Undergraduates.-1. W. H. Thomson, of Trinity College. 2. H. Alford, of Trinity College. Subject-Utrum fides Punica ea esset qualem perhibent Scriptores Romani?

ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY, JUNE 27.-A paper on the course of the Quorra from Youri to the sea was read, being extracted from the journals of the two Landers, and communicated by John Barrow, Esq. The paper was accompanied by plans and a map, showing the course of the river, constructed by Lieut. Becher, R.N. And it was concluded with some important remarks on the course of the river, to the same effect as mentioned by Mr. Barrow at the commencement, and was received, by the most numerous meeting of the whole season, with considerable interest and satisfaction. The thanks of the Society were immediately voted to the Landers for their valuable communication. The President then observed, that the present being the concluding meeting for the season, he was in hopes it would be found that much good had been already done by the Society since its formation ; and he was happy in stating, that the Council had awarded His Majesty's premium of Fifty Guineas to the Landers, for having discovered the course and termination of the Quorra. This communication was received with great satisfaction. The younger brother, John Lander, was present at the meeting; but the elder, Richard, who was formerly with Clapperton, was prevented from attending by illness. A letter was subsequently read from M. Bonpland, announcing his speedy return from Paraguay, where he had been detained some years by the Dictator Dr. Francia. Sir John Stanley, bart., was elected a Fellow of the Society.

COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS.-At the last meeting this season, Dr. Francis Hawkins, the registrar, read a paper, in which Dr. Gregory, physician to the Small-Pox Hospital, explained the grounds on which he had been led to form the conclusion, that the cause of the frequent failure of cow-pox to protect the constitution completely against the attacks of small-pox, is to be sought for not so much in any imperfect performance of vaccination, nor in the nature of the variolous poison itself, as in the inability of cow-pox to render the constitution insensible to its own influence beyond a certain time. The shortest period in which Dr. Gregory has observed the immunity from cow-pox, in consequence of vaccination, to wear out, is ten years; and when the immunity ceases, it is reasonable to suppose that the constitution is left again obnoxious to small-pox; and Dr. Gregory is then in the habit of recommending revaccination. But in many instances the immunity, both from cow-pox and small-pox, lasts for a much longer period. And even when it ceases to exist in perfection, it generally has still sufficient power to mitigate the severity, and diminish the danger of small-pox occurring subsequently to vaccination. A paper was then read, communicated by Dr. Wilson, which was drawn up by the late James Wilson, Esq., at the request of Sir Joseph Bankes, for the information of the Royal Society. In this paper were related the particulars of a case, in which the veins that usually supply the liver with venous blood for the secretion of bile, were found to enter the vena cava without passing through the liver, and this organ received no other supply of blood than that furnished by the hepatic artery, although bile appeared to have been formed in quantity and quality the same as usual.


MAGARODES; NEW INSECTS FOUND IN THE NEIGHBOURHOOD OF ANT-HILLS.-These insects present phenomena of a very peculiar character: at once apterous and hexapods, they are enclosed during their state of nymph in a scaly cocoon, which has the form and consistence of pearl. These cocoons are found in great abundance in the earth in several of the West Indian Islands. The natives give them the name of ground pearls, and consider them as ant-eggs, using them as ornaments in necklaces, purses, &c. There was only Dr. Nugent who had mentioned these singular beings in the Transactions of the Geological Society, and who, having observed an orifice in these miscalled pearls, suspected that it might give issue to an insect; until Mr. Guilding, in the last volume of the Linnæan Transactions, supposes the whole to belong to an insect which he calls magarodes formicarum. M. Latreille, however, is inclined to consider some of the figures given by Mr. Guilding as being nearly related to the larvæ of grasshoppers, or similar hemipteræ. M. Goudot, a young French naturalist, just returned from Madagascar, has brought with him a little coleopterous insect of the family of Lamellicornes, and allied to the acanthoceræ of M'Leay, which lives in society in the nests of the termites, and which, by contracting its feet, also resembles a little pearl, or a shining and almost globular grain.

INDUSTRY OF BIRDS.-Dr. Steel, who lives near the mineral springs of Saratoga, in New York, has ascertained that the bank swallow (hirundo riparia) knows how to vary, according to necessity, the construction of its nest. If it finds sandy banks, it bores holes in them, and thus forms for its future family a commodious habitation, into which none of their enemies can enter. When this resource is wanting, it approaches the houses, and, although less accustomed to man than the swallow of the windows, it attaches its nest to granaries, farm-yard sheds, and similar edifices; and then, it being necessary to build instead of to dig, it selects materials, transports them, and puts them in their proper places. It thus appears that this species of swallow has not essentially the habits indicated by its specific name; but that it will live contentedly wherever it can find food, safety, and the charms of society; for isolated families, or solitary nests, are never seen. A little colony, which established itself in the neighbourhood of Saratoga in 1828, increased so rapidly, that in 1830 it consisted of several hundreds of nests.

TENNANTITE. Some magnificent specimens of that variety of gray copper, which was named Tennantite, after Tennant, the celebrated chemist, have been lately raised in a recently opened mine called Trevisane, Cornwall. It has been analysed by J. Hemming, Esq., well known as a lecturer on chemistry at the Russell, Lon don, and Mechanics' Institutions, and contains silex 50; copper 48-4; arsenie 11.5; iron 14.2; sulphur 21.899.19.

OIKOPLEURA; A NEW MOLLUSCOUS ANIMAL.-Mertens describes, in a 4to work of sixteen pages, a new molluscous animal, by the name of oikopleura. It forms an order apart, and places itself near the pteropoda. Nearly related to the clio borea lis, it abounds in the north of the Pacific Ocean, as the latter does in the north of the Atlantic. It is caught with difficulty, and has the faculty of reproducing its membraneous shell several times in a day.

ON THE ORIGIN OF THE ACTION OF THE VOLTAIC PILE.-A highly important discussion is at present in progress relative to the original source of electricity in the Voltaic pile, (not originating with, but to a considerable extent renewed by, the endeavours of M. A. de la Rève) to prove that chemical action is the sole cause; contact of dissimilar metals having no effect. This has been vigorously controverted by MM. Pfaff, Marianini, &c. M. Mattenci has made some further experiments on frogs, in which he first assured himself that there was no chemical action between distilled water perfectly free from air and zinc, either alone or in contact with copper. Being sure upon this point, a prepared frog was then suspended from a rod of zinc, which was fixed at the bottom of a gas jar, and connected with a long copper wire, so that nothing more was required to produce the well-known contraction, than to touch the muscles of the legs with the copper wire. The same effect was produced when the jar was filled with distilled water and with pure hydrogen, and when the animal was washed in distilled water, freed of air, and all animal fluid removed. The experiment was also repeated in vacuo, and in various gases. M. Mattenci is convinced that the mere contact of different metals is able to develop electricity, although he admits, with most philosophers, that chemical action exerts an influence over this force, just as heat does in thermoelectric experiments.


Kept at Edmonton, Latitude 51° 37′ 32′′ N. Longitude 3′ 51′′ West of Greenwich. The warmth of the day is observed by means of a Thermometer exposed to the North in the shade, standing about four feet above the surface of the ground. The extreme cold of the night is ascertained by a horizontal self-registering Thermometer in a similar situation. The daily range

of the Barometer is known from observations made at intervals of four hours each, from eight in the morning till the same time in the evening. The weather and the direction of the wind are the result of the most frequent observations. The rain is measured every morning at eight o'clock.

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T. Knowles, of Charlton Row, Lancaster, for improvements in machinery, by aid of which machines commonly called Mules are, or may be, rendered what is termed self-acting. May 23, 1831.

T. Westrup and W. Gibbins, of Bromley, Middlesex, for improvements in converting salt or other water into pure water. May 24, 1831.

R. Wood, of Bishopsgate Street Without, London, for an inking apparatus to be used with certain descriptions of printing presses. May 24, 1831.

S. Hobday, of Birmingham, for an improvement in a machine to be worked by steam, that may be applied for the moving of ships' boats and barges on the water, and to carriages either on the road or tram ways, and in a fixed position may be applied to all the purposes that steam engines are now used for. May 24, 1831. R. Fell, of Fountain Yard, Vauxhall Bridge Road, Middlesex, for improvements in machinery or apparatus for raising water, and in the application thereof to certain useful purposes. May 24, 1831.

N. H. Manicler, of 5, Union Road, Southwark, Surrey, and J. Collier, Canal Grove, New Peckham, Kent, for a new manufacture of useful products from a certain oleaginous substance. May 31, 1831.

S. Lambert, of Regent Street, Westminster, for an improvement in throstle spindles for spinning and twisting silk, cotton, wool, flax, and other fibrous substances. June 2, 1831.

T. Spinney, of Cheltenham, for improvements in apparatus for manufacturing gas for illumination. June 4, 1831.

J. Pearse, of Tavistock, for improvements on wheeled carriages, and an apparatus to be used therewith. June 7, 1831.

E. N. Fourdrinier, of Hanley, Stoke upon Trent, Stafford, for a machine for an improved mode of cutting paper. June 20, 1831.

J. L. Stevens and P. Waycott, of Plymouth, for improvements in mangles. June 22, 1831.


Of the leading manufactures of the country, we may observe that prices and demand are maintained; but there is not that buoyancy in any of them that there was two months since; but commercial men are looking forward with great confidence to the benefits that will arise from the settlement of the Belgian question, as a political event that will operate most favourably upon trade in all its branches. Belgium is not only a large consumer of British manufactured goods, but immense quantities go there in transitu towards other markets, and the recent troubles of that part of the continent has not only prevented the consumption of goods, but has also interfered with their passage to other states. From these circumstances a brisk autumn trade is anticipated. The cotton market for the most part steady since our last report, has within these few days with difficulty supported itself, and if holders had forced sales, it must have given way; they were however ready, but not impatient sellers.

The West-India produce market has of late shown some activity. Sugar has been in brisk demand at an average advance of about 2s. per cwt. which has rendered the stock higher than it was at the corresponding period of last year. larly inferior descriptions, has been very much inquired after at improving quotations from 3s. to 4s., and although there is no advance in the price of rum, it is Coffee, particurather more in demand. Full proof is established at 1s. 5d.

There has not been much doing in East-India produce, if we except the large quarterly sale of Messrs. Tucker and Co. chiefly for cassia and pepper; at which both articles went off freely. There have been some export orders executed in pepper since the sale. The East-India Company's sale of indigo is just over, and the result is a decline in prices from 1s. 3d. to 1s. upon the last sale.

A good trade is at present experienced in tea, and an advance of 1 per lb. upon Boheas may be quoted upon the last sale's prices. The tallow market has fluctu ated a good deal since our last report, owing to the precautions taken to prevent the spread of cholera, which it was thought might interfere with commercial intercourse. That circumstance caused tallow at one time to advance to 43s. for future delivery and on the spot. It has since however declined, and is now 41s. 6d. on the spot, and 42s. for future delivery. There is scarcely any business doing in tobacco. The price is too high for the execution of export orders, and the home trade is very dull.

The dry-fruit trade is at present neglected, but activity is expected in it on account of the failure of the English fruit-crop, which must necessarily force consumers into the dry-fruit market. The advices from the hop plantations are not quite so favourable as they have been; the duty, which has been 150,000l., has experienced a reduction of 10,000l. at the time we are writing. Trade generally we think is not in a very satisfactory state. Individuals connected with it are not inclined to enter into large engagements at this moment, and there is decidedly a great want of confidence amongst commercial men.

THE FUNDS.-The July account on the English Stock Exchange was on the 20th of that month, and, compared with the preceding settlement, a very light one. The extreme fluctuations were scarcely 3 per cent. and they occurred so partially that speculators and jobbers had full opportunity of changing their accounts without much loss. The consequence was an easy settlement. The affairs of Belgium and France have chiefly operated upon English securities since our last report. With regard to Belgium, our funds have been particularly sensitive, and the slightest interruption to the progress of the negociation between King Leopold and the Deputies uniformly caused depression in consols, and a different turn to the affair, as uniformly advanced them. Since the final adjustment of the Belgian question, the funds have been firm, and the account of the 20th being rather bearish, has added to their firmness. There has been great fluctuations in exchequer bills during the past month. They have declined from 15, 16, to 5; and have since advanced to 10, 11. The sales by the Bank have been the cause of this. In the Foreign Stock Exchange the variation of prices in some instances has been extensive. Brazil Stock, after having experienced great depression, has in some degree recovered, and is quoted at 50, 51. The same applies to Portuguese, which are again buoyant. Spanish bonds have declined to 131, having been as low as 12. There is no cause assigned for this decline, and we believe it originates chiefly in speculation.

On Monday, 25th of July.


Consols, 82 seven-eighths, 3.- Reduced, 83 three-eighths. Three and a half Reduced, 91.New 3 and a half, 90 five-eighths, three quarters. Four per Cent. 99 three-eighths, fiveeighths. Bank Stock, 200, half.-East India Stock, 200, three-quarters. Exchequer Bills, 12, 13.-India Bonds, 1 Pm.

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FROM JUNE 17, TO JULY 19, 1831, INCLUSive.

June 17.-L. Roughton, Walbrook, chemist. -S. Chappell, Honey Lane Market, butcher.— W. Draper, Wellclose Square, auctioneer.W. Richardson, Adam's Court, Broad Street, merchant.-W. Tilsley and W. Jones, Newtown, Montgomeryshire, bankers. F. Wm. Hooper, Bath Street, Leamington, carver and gilder.-J. Crosland and G. Crosland, Huddersfield, woollen cloth merchants.-V. Heughan and W. Muir, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, drapers.G. W. Hallifax, Hexthorpe with Ralby, Yorkshire, lime burner.

June 21.-W. Yewens, Copthall Court, mine agent. J. Owen, Chiswell Street, St. Luke's, victualler.-J. Filton, Brewer Street, Somers Town, leather cutter.-E. J. Marr, Sculcoates, Yorkshire, dealer. J. M. Moore, Hanging Bridge, Derbyshire, innkeeper. - J. Osborn, Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, ironmonger.

June 24.-C. Bernard, Calcutta, merchant. -I. Marsh, Tutbury, Staffordshire, grocer.-W. Giles, Lad Lane, London, riband warehouseman.-G. Lloyd, Stingo Lane, St. Maryle-bone, brewer.-W. P. Litt, J. J. Harrison and W. Harrison, Lime Street, London, merchants. Wm. Bassett, Dean Street, Soho, builder.-R. Johnson, Liverpool, painter.-T. Dobson, sen. J. Dobson and T. Dobson, jun., Kidderminster, carpet manufacturers. John Bugg, H. Bugg, jun. and G. Bugg, Spalding, Lincolnshire, bankers.-J. H. Harrall, Kirkgate, Leeds, fruiterer.-W. Richardson, Clementhorpe, Yorkshire, tanner.-W. Williams, St. Woollas, Monmouthshire, coal merchant.Dennett Lodge, Poole, ironmonger.-S. Hodson, Glossop, Derbyshire, cotton spinner.

June 28.-A. Saywell, Queenborough, Kent, linen draper.-J. Phillips, Carey Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, tobacconist.-W. Willsher, sen. and G. Willsher, Oxford Street, bakers. W. Clark, Ilford, Essex, victualler.-Ed. Wm. Bishop, George Street, Southampton Street, Pentonville, surveyor.-J. Luke, Mark Lane, wine merchant.-J. Brown, Sheerness, barge owner.-T. West and A. Brain, jun. Conham, Gloucestershire, coal miners.-J. Low Overton, Leamington Priors, Warwickshire, builder.W. Pattison, Wetherby, Yorkshire, spirit merchant.-W. Moore and J. M'Creight, Liverpool, corn merchants.-W. Tasker, Waterhead Mill, near Oldham, Lancashire, innkeeper.T. Metcalf Moses, Stockton-upon-Tees, Durham, joiner.-D. B. Payne and H. and G. H. Hope, Wells, Somersetshire, bankers.-H. Tapper, Titchfield, Hants, innkeeper.-J. Palmer, Birmingham, scrivener.

Garden, hosier.-H. Triggs, No. 9, Sol's Row, Hampstead Road, copper plate printer.-J. Alves, York Chambers, St. James's Street, Westminster, bill broker.-W. T. Houghton, Walcot Place, Lambeth, coal merchant.-T. Martin and R. Freen Martin, Coleman Street, wool brokers.-J. Cash, Liverpool, tailor.-D. Lodge, Poole, ironmonger.-J. Drayton Jenkins and J. Jenkins, Pillgwenlly, St. Woollas, Monmouthshire, coal merchants.-T. Timbrell, Trowbridge, Wilts, banker.-J. Morville, Pontefract, Yorkshire, horse dealer.

July 8.-W. Couchman, Bishopsgate Street Without, linen draper.-J. Áblett, Hollen Street, Wardour Street, carpenter.-J. Cornelius Hyde, Iver Heath, Bucks, miller.-W. Smith, Turnham Green, Chiswick, tailor.-R. Staton, Carlton Street, Regent Street, tailor.-J. Jenks, Bromyard, Herefordshire, tanner.-J. Hooper, sen. and E. Franklin, Westbury, Wilts, bankers. -D. Spedding, Carlisle, butcher.-W. Emery, Bristol, corn factor. S. Crowther, Bradford, Yorkshire, worsted spinner. J. Huxtable, Bristol, corn and provision factor.-V. Cole, Bordesley, Warwickshire, victualler.

July 12.-J. C. Smith, Lower Deptford Road, Rotherhithe, ship owner.-H. Flint, Liverpool, boarding-house keeper.-J. Cooper, Aylesbury Street, Clerkenwell, oilman.-J. Sutton, Andover, Hants, nurseryman. J. Goode, Wilderness-row, Goswell Street, engineer. J. Naylor, Milk Street, Cheapside, woollen warehouseman.-W. White, Newent, Gloucestershire, corn dealer. D. Jones, St. Woollas, Monmouthshire, grocer.-E. Solomon, Bath, jeweller.-R. Faux, Bordesley, Aston, Warwickshire, hop merchant.-I. B. Wright, Liverpool, druggist.-J. Norris Chapman, Bridgewater, Somersetshire, linen draper.-S. Kitching, Leeds, Yorkshire, victualler.

July 15.-J. S. Raven, Skinner Street, Snow-hill, grocer.-M. Adams, Atherstone, Warwickshire, hat manufacturer.-R. Alexander, and S. Isaacson, Strand, printers.-J. Hill, Little Pultney Street, Golden Square, dyer.J. Hodson, Portland Town, Middlesex, victualler.-J. Watkins, Old Kent Road, victualler.-T. Hartwell, Derby, silk throwster.W. Wigston, Derby, lace manufacturer.-T. Statham, jun., Clunton, Shropshire, cattle dealer.-J. Fairclough, Edgworth, Lancashire, calico printer.-J. West, Frome Selwood, Somersetshire, banker.

July 19.-W. Henry Armitage, High Street, Southwark, hop merchant.-J. Smith, Blackman Street, Southwark, linen draper.-W. SawJuly 1.-W. Smith, Welwyn, Herts, grocer. bridge, Coventry, ribbon manufacturer.-Tho-W. Gibbs, Savage Gardens, wine merchant. mas Ryley, Coventry, dyer.-J. Salter, Tiver-S. Merryweather, Manchester, brewer.-D. ton, Devonshire, stationer.-A. Mackenzie, sen. Atkin and D. Wheeler, Lower Marsh, Old Dock, Liverpool, liquor merchant.-Elias Lambeth, brewers. R. Featham, Brookesby Needham, Stockport, Cheshire, currier.-SaStreet, Islington, builder.-David Drakeford, muel Beckett, Hodge, Cheshire, cotton spinMeeting House Court, Old Jury, broker.-J. ner.-W. Daughtrey and J. Daughtrey, KidHookey, Titchfield, Hants, linen draper.-R. derminster, carpet manufacturers. George Birch, Shrewsbury, grocer.-J. Marsh, Man- Law, otherwise George Sharp Law, Leir, Leichester, innkeeper.-S. H. Sale, Glossop, Der-cestershire, builder. B. Burton, Cartworth, byshire, cotton spinner. Yorkshire, plumber.

July 5.-J. Muddell, New Street, Covent

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