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box about six feet by three, was drawn up to the gaol door: at each end was a seat just capable of holding two persons. Nicholson, double ironed, was first placed in it, with his back to the horses; he was also pinioned with ropes, and round his shoulders was coiled the fatal cord: by his side sat the executioner; opposite to the prisoner the rev. Mr. Bramston took his seat, and by his side sat one of the Maidstone jailors with a loaded blunderbuss. Every thing being in readiness, the procession advanced at a very slow rate towards Pennenden Heath, which is distant from Maidstone nearly a mile and an half, on which was erected a temporary new drop, which had a platform raised about seven feet from the ground, and was large enough to contain about a dozen persons. A little before two o'clock the hurdle arrived, and stopped immediately under the gallows, when Mr. Bramston and Nicholson knelt down on it, and remained for some time in prayer. Some time previously to this Mr. Bonar arrived on the ground in a post-chaise, and took his stand within twelve yards of the fatal spot, with the front windows full on the gallows, and which he kept open during the whole time; but each of the side windows was closed by blinds. So anxious was Mr. Bonar to get from the unfortunate wretch his very dying words, as to whether he had either motive or accomplice, that a person was deputed to ascend the platform after the cord was round the prisoner's neck, and to ask him the following questions:

Q. Now that you have not many moments to live, is all that you have stated, namely, that you had no motive that you can tell of, nor had

you any accomplice, true?-A. All that I have stated is true.

Then there is no living creature on earth who had any thing to do with the murder but yourself?No, no one.

You had no accomplices?None.

Had you any antipathy to either your master or mistress before you committed the horrid murder?Clasping his hands togther as well as his heavy irons would permit him, "As God is in heaven it was a momentary thought, as I have repeatedly declared before."

The above were the last words of this unhappy man: in a few minutes after they were uttered, the bottom of the platform, which, we have before stated, was constructed like one of the new drops, was let. fall, and Nicholson was launched into eternity. He died unusually hard, being greatly convulsed. After hanging an hour, the body was put into a post-chaise, which drove off in the direction for Bromley.


These unfortunate men were executed at Northampton, pursuant to their sentence at the last assizes. A report had reached town that Huffey attempted to make his escape the night preceding his execution, and that he had so far effected his purpose as to disencumber himself of his irons, and to have made way through two very strong doors, but was detected at the outside gate and conveyed back to his cell and re-ironed. About half past nine o'clock the procession approached the place of execution. Kendall appeared deeply impressed with a


sense of the awful sentence he was about to undergo, but uniformly persisted in his innocence, and said that he fell a victim in consequence of unfortunately being in company with his fellow sufferer on the night the robbery was committed. He declared at the gallows that he was a murdered man; he appealed to the populace in a speech of some length, in which he endeavoured to convince them of his perfect inno. cence. White's general deportment was such as convinced the surrounding multitude that he died without the fear of death: hardihood never forsook him; and he more than once expressed his disapprobation of the chaplain not performing his duty. He declared that Kendall was innocent. They were launched into eternity amidst the greatest crowd of spectators that ever was seen on any occasion in that part. Huffey White was one of the greatest depredators on the town for many years past. He was attached to gangs of robbers, consisting of housebreakers, (among whom he was an expert workman, having first embarked in this system of robbery,) pickpockets, mail robbers, &c. He was a man whose face did not by any means betray his profession, and was remarkable for his silence and easy manner. He was considered a very tempe. rate man, and is said never to have injured the person of any one in his depredatory career, but on the contrary refused to be concerned with any accomplices who indulged in assaults. White is said to have disregarded the scaffold, and it seems he listened but little to the exhortations of the clergyman, who, on asking him if he could administer any sort of comfort to him, was answered, "Only by getting some other man to be hanged for him."



Paris, Sept. 1.-The military events which follow each other with'

rapidity not allowing a detailed relation, we are authorised, whilst ex pecting them, to publish the following letter, addressed by his excellency the duke of Bassano, minister for foreign affairs, to his serene highness the prince arch-chancellor of the empire:

"Monseigneur,-I had the ho nour to write your excellency yesterday, the 26th, and to announce to your serene highness, that the Russian, Prussian, and Austrian armies had marched to attack Dresden, under the eyes of their sovereigns, and that they had been repulsed at all points. You will easily comprehend that the emperor is occupied in such a manner, that it is impossible, at this moment, to give a detailed account of all the events which have taken place.Hostilities commenced on the 17th. His majesty entered Bohemia on the 19th, occupying the principal debouches at Rambourg and Gabel, and having marched his troops within twelve leagues of Prague. On the 21st he was in Silesia, beating the Russian and Prussian armies of generals Sacken, Langeron, York, and Blucher, and forcing the fine positions of the Bober. Whilst the enemy still believed his majesty in the depths of Silesia, he left a powerful army there, under the orders of the duke of Tarentum, made his guards march ten leagues a day, and arrived at Dresden, for some days threatened by an imminent attack. His majesty entered the town at nine in the morning, and immediately made his dispositions. At three in the afternoon, the Rus sian, Prussian, and Austrian army, commanded by generals Wittgen

stein, Kleest, and Schwartzenberg, retreat, it will necessarily suffer deployed 150,000 men, marching considerable losses; if it remains, against the town. All the attacks there will be very destructive events were repulsed by the old and young to-morrow. Since the affairs at guard alone, who covered them- Ulm, the French army never exselves with glory. The enemy left perienced worse weather, and more 4000 killed at the foot of our re- abundant rain. The emperor has doubts. We have taken 2000 men, been exposed to it all day. He is a flag, and several pieces of cannon. this moment entering. The nume -This morning at four o'clock rous columns of prisoners, pieces the emperor was upon the ground; of cannon, and flags, which have the rain fell in torrents; marshals been taken, are traversing the town. the duke of Ragusa and Belluno The inhabitants evince the most passed the bridge with their corps. lively joy at the sight of these troAt eight o'clock our attack com- phies. The duke of Reggio was menced by a brisk cannonade. The to be on the 23d or 24th at Berlin. enemy's extreme left was com- The duke of Tarentum drove the remanded by the Austrian generals mains of the army from Silesia upon Ignace, Giuley, and Klenau, and Breslau.-It is not a bulletin which separated from the remainder of I address to your serene highness; the army by the valley of Plauen. but I thought it my duty to give The emperor ordered it to be at- you this important intelligence, his tacked by marshal the duke of Bel- majesty not having time to write : luno, and by general Latour Mau- he is very well.-One circumstance bourg's cavalry, under the orders of will excite universal indignation; the king of Naples. We reckon the ex-general Moreau is with the among the trophies of this day enemy's army, in the suite of the 15,000 men, among whom are field- emperor of Russia, as a privy-counmarshal-lieutenant Metzko, two ge- sellor. He has there thrown off the nerals of brigade, many superior mask which for some years has not officers, 20 pieces of cannon, and concealed him from intelligent per10 flags. During this time, general sons. I cannot yet, monseigneur, Vandamme, who had debouched send your serene highness the docuby Koiregolun, seized upon the ments relative to the Austrian deheights of Pirna, marched on both claration of war. In the midst of sides the Peterswalde road, and ren- those events which succeed each dered himself master of the de- other, I have not found a moment bouches from Bohemia, beating to place them before the emperor. 15,000 men who presented them--I am, with respect, monseigneur, selves before him, and taking your serene highness's very humble number of prisoners. At this mo- and very obedient servant, ment all the roads of Peterswalde and Freyberg are intersected; the Russians and Prussians came by the road of Peterswalde, and the Au. strians by that of Freyberg. If the enemy's army, which is numerous, as it is composed of the Russian and Prussian corps, and of all the Austrian army, determines to

"The duke of BASSANO." Dresden, Aug. 27, six P. M.


4. At the commencement of the present campaign, Bonaparte told the people of France, that in a few months he would have peace. When the armistice took place, he


publicly exulted in the approaching for the extraordinary concurrence realization of his boast, which was repeated with increased confidence. But let us ask, what have been the results of his pretended decisive victories of Lutzen and Bautzen, and of the armistice itself? They have led, not to a peace advantageous and honourable to his power and his name, but to hostilities on a larger scale; a scale that embraces all Europe. They have acquired him no fresh supporter, but have added to the list of his enemies a power bound to him closely by the ties of blood, and yet compelled, by his unrelenting ambition, to rend them asunder; a power curtailed indeed in territory, and weakened in population, by the disasters of former wars, but entering into the present with renovated means, and a spirit that adds to their efficiency. The denouncement of the armnistice was officially notified by a letter from general in chief Barclay de Tolly to the prince of Neufchatel; and that hostilities would com mence on the 5th (17th) of August, on the part of the Russian, Prussian, and Swedish armies.

The crown prince of Sweden, having received formal intimation of the denunciation of the armistice, and of the attendant Austrian declaration of war against France, put his army in full motion, and concentrated not less than 90,000 men between Berlin and Spandau. He had previously addressed to the combined army under his orders the following proclamation:

"Soldiers, called by the confidence of my king, and of the sovereigns his allies, to lead you in the career which is about to open, I rely for the success of our arms on the divine protection, the justice of our cause, and on your valour and perseverance. Had it not been

of events which have given to the last twelve years a dreadful celebrity, you would not have been assembled on the soil of Germany; but your sovereigns have felt that Europe is a great family, and that none of the states of which it is coinposed can remain indifferent to the evils imposed upon any one of its members by a conquering power. They are also convinced that, when such a power threatens to attack and subjugate every other, there ought to exist only one will among those nations which are determined to escape from shame and slavery. From that moment you were called from the banks of the Wolga and the Don, from the shores of Britain, and the mountains of the north, to unite with the German warriors who defend the cause of Europe. This then is the moment when rivalry, national prejudices, and antipathies, ought to disappear before the grand object of the independence of nations. The emperor Napoleon cannot live in peace with Europe, unless Europe be his slave. His presumption carried 400,000 brave men 700 miles from their country: misfortunes, against which he did not deign to provide, fell upon their heads, and 300,000 Frenchmen perished on the territory of a great empire, the sovereign of which had made every effort to preserve peace with France. It was to be expected that this terrible disaster, the effect of divine vengeance, would have inclined the emperor of France to a less murderous system; and that, instructed at last by the example of the North and of Spain, he would have renounced the idea of subjugating the continent, and have consented to let the world be at peace. But this hope has been disappointed; and that peace which


all governments had desired, and which every government proposed, has been rejected by the emperor Napoleon.--Soldiers! It is to arms then we must have recourse, to conquer repose and independence. The same sentiment which guided the French in 1792, and which prompted them to assemble and to combat the armies which entered their territory, ought to animate yourvalour against those who, after having invaded the land which gave you birth, still hold in chains your brethren, your wives, and your children. Soldiers! what a noble prospect is presented to you! the liberty of Europe, the re-establishment of its equilibrium, the end of that convulsive state which has had twenty years' duration; finally, the peace of the world will be the result of your efforts. Render yourselves worthy, by your union, your discipline, and your courage, of the high destiny which awaits you."

(Signed) "CHARLES JEAN. "From my head-quarters at Oranienburg, Aug. 15, 1813." The following order of the day was issued by the prince of Schwart zenburg on the 17th of August, setting forth the grounds on which Austria had been induced to go to

war :

"The great day is arrived! Brave warriors! our country relies on you. Hitherto every time that she called upon you, you justified her confidence. All the endeavours of our emperor to restore the longwanted peace to Europe, and to fix the peace and welfare of the empire, which is inseparable from the peace and welfare of our neighbours, on a solid basis, were in vain. Neither - constant patience, nor pacific re presentations, nor the confidential reliance of the other belligerent powers on the emperor's councils

and measures; in short, nothing could bring the minds of the French government to moderation and reason. On that day on which Austria loudly declared herself for the cause of justice and order, she likewise took on herself to combat for the greatest of all blessings. We do not singly undertake this combat. We stand in the same ranks with all that Europe has to oppose of greatness and activity against the powerful opponent of her peace and liberty. Austria, Russia, Prussia, Sweden, England, Spain, all join their united endeavours for the same end, for a wellfounded and durable peace, a reasonable distribution of strength among the different states, and the independence of every single power. It is not against France, but against the domineering power of France out of her own borders, that this great alliance has raised itself.-What may be performed, by the resolution and of nations, has been proved to us by Spain and Russia; what may be performed, by the united force of so many powerful states, will be shown in the year 1813!-In such a holy war we must, more than ever, preserve those virtues by which our armies have rendered themselves conspicuous in so many former wars.-Unconditional willingness to sacrifice every thing for our monarch and native country-great equanimity in good or unfavourable times-determination and constancy in the field of battle-moderation and forbearance towards the weak these qualities must always be found in us.

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