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Book V., glish Feet, (according to Book 11. Chap. 2. Note (a);) CE the fame Length with the Height of the Eye, on the Maft of a Ship, or at only a Man's Height, r. added to it; and EHC the oppofite right Angle. By which three Parts-given, it is easy to find all the other Parts of the Triangle. And firit, the Angle at C, in order to find the Side H E, the Proportion is, As the Side CE, to the Angle at H; fo the Side HC, to the Angle at E, which being fubftra&ted out of 90 gr. the Remainder is the Angle at C. And then, As the Angle at E, is to its oppofite Side H C, or elfe as the Angle at H is to its oppofite Side C E; fo the Angle at C, to its oppofite Side E H, the visible Horizon. Or the Labour may be fhortned, by adding together the Logarithm of the Sum of the two given Sides, and the Logarithm of their Difference; the half of which two Logarithms, is the Logarithm of the Side requir'd, nearly. For an Example, We will take the two Sides in Yards, by Reason scarce any Table of Logarithms will ferve us farther. The Semidiameter of the Earth is 7011594 Yards; the Height of the Eye is two Yards more, the Sum of both Sides, is 14023190.

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is the Logar. of 5296 Yards three Miles, which is the Length of the Line E H, or Distance the Eye can reach at fix Feet Height.

This would be the Distance, on a perfect Globe, did the vifual Rays come to the Eye in a ftrait Line; but by Means of the Refractions of the Atmosphere, diftant Objects on the Horizon, appear higher than really they are, and may be/feen at a greater Distance, efpecially on the Sea; which is a Matter of great Ufe, especially to difcover at Sea the Land, Rocks, c. and it is a great Act of the divine Providence, in the Contrivance and Convenience of the Atmofphere, which by this Means enlargeth the vifible Horizon, and is all one, as if the terraqueous Globe was much larger than really it is. As to the Height of the Apparent above the true Level, or how much diftant Objects are rais'd by the Refractions, the ingenious and accurate Gentlemen of the French Academy Royal, have given us a Table1. in their Measure of the Earth, Art. 12.0

(f) See


And as this Erection of Man's Body is the most compleat Pofture for him; fo if we furvey the Provifion made for it, we find all done with manifeft Defign, the utmoft Art and Skill being employ'd therein. To pafs by the particular Conformation of many of the Parts, the Ligaments and Faftnings to answer this Pofture; as the Faftning, for Inftance, of the Pericardium to the Diaphragm, (which is peculiar to Man (f); I fay, paffing by a deal of this Nature, manifefting this Pofture to be an Act of Defign,) let us ftop a little at the curious Fabrick of the Bones, thofe Pillars of the Body. And how artificially do we find them made, how curioufly plac'd from the Head to Foot! The Vertebra of the Neck and Back-bone (g), made fhort and complanated, and firmly braced with Mufcles and Tendons, for eafy Incurvations of the Body; but withal for greater Strength, to fupport the Body's own Weight, together with other additional Weights it may have Occafion to bear. The Thigh-bones and Legs long, and strong, and every Way well fitted for the Motion of the Body. The Feet accommodated with a great Number of Bones, curioufly and firmly tack'd together, (to which must be added the Ministry of the Mufcles (b), to answer all the Motions

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(f) See Book VI. Chap. 5. Note (g).

(g) See Book IV. Chap. 8. Note (c).

(b) The Mechanifm of the Foot, would appear to be wonderful, if I fhould defcend to a Defcription of all its Parts but that would be too long for thefe Notes; therefore a brief Account, (moft of which I owe to the before-commended Mr. Chefelden,) may ferve for a Sample: In the firft Place, It is neceffary the Foot fhould be concave, to - enable us to ftand firm, and that the Nerves and BloodVeffels may be free from Compreffion when we ftand or walk. In order hereunto, the long Flexors of the Toes

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Motions of the Legs and Thighs, and at the fame Time to keep the Body upright, and prevent its falling, by readily affifting against every Vacillation thereof, and with ealy and ready Touches keep ing the Line of Innixion, and Center of Gravity in due Place and Pofture (i).

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And as the Bones are admirably adapted to prop; fo all the Parts of the Body are as incomparably plac'd to poife it. Not one Side too heavy for the other; but all in nice Equipoife: The Shoulders, Arms, and Side æquilibrated on one Part; on the other Part the Vifcera of the Belly counterpois'd with the Weight of the fcapular Part, and that useful Cufhion of Flesh behind.

And lastly, To all this we may add the wonderful Concurrence, and Miniftry of the prodigious Number and Variety of Muscles, plac'd throughout the Body for this Service; that they fhould fo readily answer to every Pofture; and comply with every Motion thereof, without any previous

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cross one another at the Bottom of the Foot, in the Form of a St. Andrew's Cross, to incline the leffer Toes towards the great One, and the great One towards the leffer, The fhort Flexors are chiefly concern'd in drawing the Toes towards the Heel. The tranfuerfalis Pedis draws the Outfides of the Foot towards each other; and by being inferted into one of the fefamoid Bones, of the great Toe, diverts the Power of the abductor Mufcle, (falfly fo call'd,) and makes it become a Flexor. And lastly, the peronaus Longus runs round the outer Ankle, and obliquely forwards crofs the Bottom of the Foot, and at once helps to extend the Tarfus, to conftrict the Foot, and to direct the Power of the other Extenfors towards the Ball of the great Toe: Hence the Lofs of the great Toe, is more than of all the other Toes. See alfo Mr. Cowper's Anat. Tab. 28.

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(i). It is very well worth while to compare here what Borelli faith, de motu Animal. Par. 1. cap. 18. De ftatione Animal. Prop. 132, &c. To which I refer the Reader, it

being too long to recite here.

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Thought or Reflex act, fo that (as the excellent Borelli (k) faith), "It is worthy of Admiration, "that in fo great a Variety 'of Motions, as run"ning, leaping, and dancing, Nature's Laws of "Equilibration fhould always be obferved; and "when neglected, or wilfully tranfgreffed, that "the Body muft neceffarily and immediately tumble down. 6130

(k) Borel. ibid. Prop. 142

a ..


Of the FIGURE and SHAPE of Man's BODY.


HE Figure and Shape of Man's Body, is the moft commodious that could poffibly be invented for fuch an Animal; the moft agreeable to his Motion, to his Labours, and all his Occafions. For had he been a rational Reptile, he could not have moved from Place to Place faft enough for his Bufinefs, nor indeed have done any almoft. Had he been a rational Quadrupede, among other Things, ! he had loft the Benefit of his Hands, thofe noble Inftruments of the moft ufeful Performances of the Body. Had he been made a Bird, befides many other great Incoveniencies, thofe before-mentioned of his Flying would have been fome. In a word, any other Shape of Body, but that which the All-wife Creator hath given Man, would have been as incommodious, as any Pofture but that of erect, it would have rendered him more helpless, or have put it in his Power to have been more pernicious, or deprived him of Ten thoufand Benefits,


or Pleafures, or Conveniences, which his prefent Figure capacitates him for.



Of the STATURE and SIZE of Man's BODY.

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S in the Figure, fo in the Stature and Size of Man's Body, we have another manifeft Indication of excellent Defign. Not too Pygmean (a), nor too Gigantick (b), either of which Sizes would in some particular or other, have been incommodious to Himself, or to his Business, or to the rest of his Fellow-Creatures. Too Pygmean would have rendered him too puny a Lord of the Creation; too impotent and unfit to manage the inferiour Creatures, would have expofed him to the Affaults of the weakest Animals, to the ravening Appetite of voracious Birds, and have put him in the Way, and endangered his being trodden in the Dirt by the larger Animals. He would have been alfo too weak for his Bufinefs, unable to carry Burdens, and in a word, to tranfact the greater part of his Labours and Concerns.

And on the other hand, had Man's Body been made too monstrously strong, too enormously Gi

(a) What is here urged about the Size of Man's Body, may anfwer one of Lucretius's Reasons why Nil ex nihilo gignitur. His Argument is

Denique cur Homines tantos natura parare ́

Non potuit, pedibus qui pontum per vada poffent
Tranfire, & magnos manibus divellere monteis ?

Lucret. L. 1. Carm. 200.

(b) Haud facile fit ut quifquam & ingentes corporis vires, ingenium fubtile habeat. Diodor. Sic. L. 17.


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