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Of the Figure of the Terraqueous Globe.


HIS I fuppofe I may take for granted to be Spherical, or nearly fo (a). And this must be allowed to be the most commodious, apt Figure for a World on many Accounts; as it is moft capaci ous, as its Surface is equi-diftant from the Center,


(a) Although the Terraqueous Globe be of an orbicular Figure, yet it is not ftrictly fo, I. On account of its Hills and Vallies. But these are inconfiderable to the Earth's Semidiameter; for they are but as the Duft upon a common Globe. But, 2. Our modern Aftronomers affign a much greater Variation from a globous Form, namely, that of a prolate Sphæroid, making the Polar about 34 Miles fhorter than the Equatorial Diameter. The Caufe of which they make to be the centrifugal Force of the diurnal Rotation of the Globe.

This Figure they imagine is in Jupiter, his Polar being to his Equatorial Diameter, as 39 to 403. But whether it be fo or no, I confefs I could never perceive, although I have often viewed that Planet through very good, and long Glaffes, particularly a tolerable good one of 72 Feet in my Hands: And although by Reafon of cloudy Weather, and (at prefent) Jupiter's Proximity to the Sun, I have not been of late aule to take a review of that Planet; yet Saturn (fo far as his Ring would permit,) and Mars appear perfectly round thro' Mr. Huygens's long Glafs of 126 Feet, which by Will he bequeathed, with its whole Apparatus, to our R. S. by whofe Favour it is now in my Hands. And moreover, I believe it difficult, next to impoffible, to measure the two Diameters to a 40th Part, by reafon of the finallness of Jupiter's apparent Diameter, and by reafon he is moving all the time of measuring him.

As to what is alledged from lengthening the Pendulums of Clocks, to make them keep the fame Time under the Equator, as they do in our Climes; I have fhewn from the like Variations in the Air. Pump, that this may arife from the rarity of the Air there, more than here. V. Phil. Tranf. No. 294. But if the Degrees of a Meridian grow larger, the more we go towards the Line, (as Mr. Caffini affirms they do, by an 800

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Book II. not only of the Globe, but at least (nearly) of Gra vity and Motion too, and as fome have thought, of the central Heat and Waters. But thefe, and divers other Things I fhall pafs over, and infift only upon two or three other Benefits of this globous Figure of the Earth and Waters.

1. This Figure is the most commodious in regard of Heat, and I may add of Light also in fome meafure. For by this means, thofe two great Benefits are uniformly and equally imparted to the World: They come harmonioufly and gradually on, and as gradually go off again. So that the daily and yearly Returns of Light and Darkness, Cold and Heat, Moift and Dry, are Regular and Workman-like, (we may fay,) which they would not be, especially the former, if the Mafs of Earth and Waters were (as fome fancied (b) it) a large Plain; or as others,


Part in every Degree, in Phil. Tranf. No. 278.) then there is great reason to conclude in behalf of this Sphæroidal Form.

The natural Caufe of this Sphericity of our Globe, is (according to Sir Ifaac Newton's Principles) that Attraction, which the infinite Creator hath ftamp'd on all the Matter of the Universe, whereby all Bodies, and all the Parts of Bodies mutually attract themselves and one another. By which means, as all the Parts of Bodies tend naturally to their Center, fo they all betake themselves to a globous Figure, unless some other more prevalent Cause interpofe. Thus Drops of Quick-filver put on a spherical Form, the Parts thereof ftrongly attracting one another. So Drops of Water have the fame Form, when falling in the Air; but are Hemifpherical only when they lie on a hard Body, by reafon their Grawity doth fo far over-power their felf-attracting Power, as to take off one half of their Sphericity. This Figure is commonly attributed to the Preffure of the circumambient Air:. But that this can't be the caufe, is manifeft from the AirPump; the cafe being the very fame in an exhaufted Receiver, as in the open Air, and not any the leaft Alteration of the Figure that I could perceive, in all the Trials I have made."

(b) It would be frivolous as well as endless to reckon up the various Opinions of the Ancients about the Figure of the Terraqueous Globe; fome of them may be feen in Varen. Geogr.

like a large Hill in the midst of the Ocean; or of a multangular Figure; or fuch like.

22. This Figure is admirably adapted to the commodious and equal Diftribution of the Waters in the Globe. For fince, by the Laws of Gravity, the Waters will poffefs the lowest Place; therefore, if the Mafs of the Earth was cubick, prifmatick, or any other angular Figure, it would follow, that one (too vafta Part) would be drowned; and another be too dry. But being thus orbicular, the Waters are equally and commodiously distributed here and there, according as the Divine Providence faw moft fit; of which I fhall take notice by and by.

3. The orbicular Figure of our Globe, is far the moft beneficial to the Winds and Motions of the Atmosphere. It is not to be doubted, if the Earth was of fome other, or indeed any other Figure, but that the Currents of Air would be much retarded, if not wholly stopped. We find by Experience what Influence large and high Mountains, Bays, Capes, and Head-lands have upon the Winds; how they stop fome, retard many, and divert and change (near the Shores) even the general and conftant

1. 1. c. 3. init. or Jonfton's Thaumat. c. 1. Artic. 3. But among the variety of Opinions, one of the principal was, That the vifible Horizon was the Bounds of the Earth, and the Ocean the Bounds of the Horizon, that the Heavens and Earth above this Ocean, was the whole vifible Univerfe; and that all beneath the Ocean was Hades, or the invifible World, Hence, when the Sun fet, he was faid tingere Je Oceano; and when any went to Hades, they must firft pafs the Ocean. Of this Opinion were not only the ancient Poets, and others among the Heathens, but fome of the Chriftian Fathers too, particularly Lactantius, St. Auguftine, and others, who thought their Opinion was favoured by the Pfalmift, in Pfal. xxiv. 2. and cxxxvi. 6. See Bp. Ufher's a Jef. Chall. p. 366. ም

Winds (c), that blow round the Globe in the Torrid Zone. And therefore, fince this is the effect of fuch little Excrefcences, which have but little Proportion to our Globe, what would be the Confequences of much vafter Angles, which would equal a Quarter, Tenth, or but an Hundredth Part of the Globe's Radius? Certainly these must be such a Barricade, as would greatly annoy, or rather abfolutely ftop the Currents of the Atmosphere, and thereby deprive the World of thofe falutiferous Gales that I have faid keep it fweet and clean.

Thus the Figure of our Globe doth manifest it to be a Work of Contrivance, inafmuch as it is of the moft commodious Figure; and all others would be liable to great and evident Inconveniences.

() Neither do thefe conftant Trade-Winds ufually blow near the Shore, but only on the Ocean, at least 30 or 40 Leagues off at Sea, clear from any Land; especially on the Weft Coast, or Side of any Continent: For indeed on the East Side, the Eafterly Wind being the true Trade Wind, blows almost home to the Shore, fo near as to receive a check from the Land-Wind. Dampier's Winds, Ch. 1.

And not only the general Trade-Winds, but also the conftant ceafting Trade-Winds, are in like manner affected by the Lands. Thus, for Inftance, on the Coaft of Angola and Peru. But this, faith the curious Captain Dampier, the Reader must take notice of, That the Trade-Winds that blow on any Coast, except the North Coast of Africa, whether they are conftant, and blow all the Year, or whether they are shifting Winds, do never blow right in on the Shore, nor right along Shore, but go fanting, making an acute Angle of about 22 Degrees. Therefore, as the Land tends more Eaft or Weft, from North or South on the Coast; fo the Winds do alter accordingly. Ibid. Ch. 2.



Of the Bulk of the Terraqueous Globe.


HE next Thing remarkable in the Terraqueous Globe, is the prodigious Bulk thereof (a). A Mafs of above 260 Thousand Million of Miles folid Content. A Work too grand for any thing lefs than a God to make. To which in the next Place we may add,

(a) It is not difficult to make a pretty near Computation of the Bulk of the Terraqueous Globe, from thofe accurate Observations of a Degree made by Mr. Norwood in England, and Mr. Picart, and Mr. Caffini in France. Whofe Measures

do in a furprizing manner agree. But Mr. Caffini's feeming to be the most accurate (as I have fhewn in my Aftro-Theology, B. 1. Ch. 2. Note a.) I have there made ufe of his Determinations. According to which the Diameter of the Earth being 7967,72 English Miles, its Ambit will be 25031 Miles; and (fuppofing it to be Spherical) its Surface will be 199444220 Miles; which being multiplied into of its Semidiameter, gives the Solid Content, viz. 264856000000 Miles.


The Motions of the Terraqueous Globe.


HE Motions the Terraqueous Globe hath, are round its own Axis, and round its Fountain of Light and Heat, the Sun (a). That fo vaft a Body as the Earth and Waters fhould be moved at

(a) With the Copernicans, I take it here for granted, that the Diurnal and Annual Revolutions are the Motions of the Terraqueous Globe, not of the Sun, c. but for the Proof thereof I fhall refer the Reader to the Preface of my AftroTheology, and B. 4. Chap. 3.


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