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INCH, insh, n. the twelfth part of a foot: proverbially, a small distance or degree. -BY INCHES, by slow degrees. [A.S. ynce, an inch-L. uncia, the twelfth part of anything, an inch, also an ounce (twelfth of a pound). Doublet OUNCE.] INCH, insh, INCHED, insht, adj. containing inches.

INCHOATE, in'kō-āt, adj. only begun: unfinished.- -n. INCHOA'TION, beginning.adj. INCHō'ATIVE, inceptive. [L. inchoo, inchoatus, to begin.]

INCIDENCE, in'si-dens, n. a falling upon: the meeting of one body with another.ANGLE OF INCIDENCE, the angle at which a ray of light or radiant heat falls upon a surface. [See INCIDENT.] INCIDENT, in'si-dent, adj., falling upon: fortuitous: liable to occur: naturally belonging.-n. that which falls out or happens: an event: a subordinate action: an episode. [Fr.-L. incidens.] INCIDENTAL, in-si-dent'al, adj., falling out: coming without design: occasional: accidental.-adv. INCIDENT'ALLY.-n. INCIDENT'ALNESS.

INCIPIENT, in-sip'i-ent, adj. beginning.adv. INCIPIENTLY.-ns. INCIP'IENCE, INCIP'IENCY. [Pr.p. of L. incipio. INCEPTION.]



INCIRCLE, in-serk'l. Same as ENCIRCLE. INCISE, in-sīz', v.t. to cut into: to cut or gash to engrave. [Fr. inciser-L. incido, incisus-in, into, and cædo, to cut. Cf. CÆSURA and EXCISION.] INCISION, in-sizh'un, n. the act of cutting into a substance: a cut: a gash. INCISIVE, in-si'siv, adj. having the quality of cutting into, or penetrating as with a sharp instrument: trenchant: acute: sarcastic. [Fr. incisif-L. incisus.] INCISOR, in-si'zor, n. a cutting or fore tooth.-adj. INCI'SORY. [L.] INCITATION, in-si-ta'shun, n. the act of inciting or rousing: that which stimulates to action: an incentive. [Fr.-L. See INCITE.]

INCITATIVE, in-sīt'a-tiv, n. a provocative: a stimulant: an incitant. 'They all carried wallets, which, as appeared afterwards, were well provided with incitatives, and such as provoke to thirst at two leagues' distance."-Jarvis. INCITE, in-sit', v.t. to rouse: to move the mind to action: to encourage: to goad. -adv. INCIT INGLY.-N. INCITER. [Fr.L. incito-in, and cito, to rouse-cieo, to put in motion.]

INCITEMENT, in-sit'ment. Same as IN


INCIVILITY, in-si-vil'i-ti, n. want of civility or courtesy: impoliteness: disre spect: an act of discourtesy (in this sense has a pl., INCIVIL'ITIES). [L. in, not, and CIVILITY.]

INCLEMENT, in-klem'ent, adj. unmerci

ful stormy: very cold.-adv. INCLEM'ENTLY.—n. INCLEM'ENCY. [Fr.—L. in, not, and CLEMENT.]

INCLINABLE, in-klin'a-bl, adj. that may be inclined or bent towards: leaning: tending: somewhat disposed.—n. ÎNCLIN'ABLENESS.

INCLINATION, in-kli-na'shun, n. the act of inclining or bending towards: tendency: natural aptness: favorable disposition: affection: act of bowing: angle between two lines or planes. INCLINE, in-klīn', v.i. to lean towards: to deviate from a line toward an object: to be disposed to have some desire.-v.t. to cause to bend towards: to give a leaning to to dispose: to bend.-n. an inclined plane: a regular ascent or descent. [Fr.-L. inclino-in, towards, clino; cog. with Gr. klino, to bend, and E. lean.] INCLOSE, in-klōz', v.t. to close or shut in:


to confine to surround: to put within a case: to fence. [Fr.-L. includo, inclusus-in, in, and claudo, to shut.] INCLOSURE, in-klō'zhūr, n. act of inclosing state of being inclosed: that which is inclosed: a space fenced off that which incloses: a barrier.

INCLUDE, in-klōōd', v.t. to close or shut in to embrace within limits: to contain: to comprehend. [L. includo, inclusus-in, in, and claudo, to shut. See CLOSE.]

INCLUSION, in-klōō'zhun, n. act of including.

INCLUSIVE, in-klōō'siv, adj., shutting in: inclosing comprehending the stated limit or extremes.-adv. INCLU'SIVELY. INCOGNITO, in-kog'ni-tō, adj., unknown: disguised.adv. in concealment: in a disguise under an assumed title. [It. -L. incognitus-in, not, and cognitus, INCOGNIZABLE, in-kog'niz-a-bl or inknown-cognosco, to know.] kon'iz-a-bl, adj. that cannot be known or distinguished. [Prefix in-, not, CogINCOHERENCE, in-kō-her'ens, n. want of coherence or connection: looseness of parts: want of connection: incongruity. [Fr.-L. in, not, and COHERENCE.] INCOHERENT, in-kō-her'ent, adj. not connected loose: incongruous. INCOHERENTLY.



INCOMBUSTIBLE, in-kom-bust'i-bl, adj. incapable of being consumed by fire.ns. INCOMBUSTIBILITY, INCOMBUSTIBLENESS.-adv. INCOMBUSTIBLY. [L. in, not, and COMBUSTIBLE.]


INCOME, in'kum, n. the gain, profit, or interest resulting from anything: reve[E. IN and COME.] INCOMMENSURABLE, in-kom-en'sū-ra-bl, adj. having no common measure.-ns. INCOMMENSURABILITY, INCOMMEN'SURA

BLENESS.—adv. INCOMMEN'SURABLY. [Fr. -L. in, not, and COMMENSURABLE.] INCOMMENSURATE, in-kom-en'sū-rāt, adj. not admitting of a common measure: not adequate: unequal.-adv. INCOMMEN'SURATELY. INCOMMODE, in-kom-ōd', v.t. to cause trouble or inconvenience to: to annoy : to molest. [Fr.-L. incommodo-incommodus, inconvenient-in, not, and commodus. See COMMODIOUS.] INCOMMODIOUS, in-kom-o'di-us, adj. inconvenient: annoying.- -n. INCOMMO'DIOUSNESS.-adv. INCOMMO'DIOUSLY. [L. in, not, and COMMODIOUS.] INCOMMUNICABLE,


adj. that cannot be communicated or imparted to others.-ns. INCOMMUNICABILITY, INCOMMUN'ICABLENESS.-adv. INCOMMUN'ICABLY. [Fr.-L. in, not, and COMMUNICABLE.]

INCOMMUNICATIVE, in-kom-un'i-ka-tiv, adj. not disposed to hold communion with unsocial. — adv. INCOMMUN'ICATIVELY.

INCOMMUTABLE, in-kom-ut'a-bl, adj. that cannot be commuted or exchanged. —ns. INCOMMUTABIL'ITY, INCOMMUTʼABLENESS. — adv. INCOMMUTABLY. [Fr.-L. in, not, and COMMUTABLE.] INCOMPARABLE, in-kom'par-a-bl, adj. matchless.- -n. INCOMPARABLENESS.-adv. INCOMPARABLY. [Fr.-L. in, not, and COMPARABLE.] INCOMPATIBLE, in-kom-pat'i-bl, adj. not consistent contradictory:-pl. things which cannot co-exist. -n. INCOMPATIBILITY.-adv. INCOMPATIBLY. [Fr.-L. in, not, and COMPATIBLE.] INCOMPETENCE, in-kom'pe-tens, INCOMPETENCY, in-kom'pe-ten-si, n. state of being incompetent: want of sufficient


power want of suitable means: insuffi. ciency. INCOMPETENT, in - kom'pe - tent, adj. wanting adequate powers: wanting the proper qualificatious: insufficient.adv. INCOMPETENTLY. [Fr.-L. in, not, and COMPETENT.]

INCOMPLETE, in-kom-plēt', adj. imperfect.-n. INCOMPLETE'NESS.-adv. INCOMPLETELY. [L. in, not, and COMPLETE.] INCOMPLIANT, in-kom-pli'ant, INCOMPLIABLE, in-kom-pli'a-bl, adj. not disposed to comply: unyielding to request. -n. INCOMPLIANCE.-adv. INCOMPLIANTLY. [L. in, not, and COMPLIANT.] INCOMPREHENSIBLE, in-kom-pre-hen'si-bl, adj. (Pr. Bk.) not to be comprehended or contained within limits: not capable of being understood: inconceiveable.-ns. INCOMPREHENSIBILITY, INCOMPREHEN'SIBLENESS, INCOMPREHEN'SION.— adv. INCOMPREHEN'SIBLY. [Fr.-L. in, not, and COMPREHENSIBLE.] INCOMPREHENSIVE,


in-kom-pre-hen'siv, adj. limited.-n. INCOMPREHENSIVEINCOMPRESSIBLE, in-kom-pres'i-bl, adj. not to be compressed into smaller bulk. -n. INCOMPRESSIBILITY. [L. in, not, and COMPRESSIBLE.] INCOMPUTABLE, in-kom-put'a-bl, adj. that cannot be computed or reckoned. [L. in, not, and COMPUTABLE.] INCONCEIVABLE, in-kon-sev'a-bl, adj. that cannot be conceived by the mind: incomprehensible. -n. INCONCEIV'ABLENESS.adv. INCONCEIVABLY. [Fr.-L. in, not, and CONCEIVABLE.] INCONCLUSIVE, in-kon-klōōs'iv, adj. not settling a point in debate.-adv. INCONCLUSIVELY.-N. INCONCLUS'IVENESS. [L. in, not, and CONCLUSIVE.] INCONDENSABLE, in-kon-dens'a-bl, adj. not to be condensed or made more dense or compact.-n. INCONDENSABIL'ITY. [L. in, not, CONDENSABLE.] INCONGENIAL, in-kon-je'ni-al, adj. unsuitable unsympathetic.-n. INCONGE'NIALITY. [See CONGENIAL.] INCONGRUOUS, in-kong'grōō-us, adj. inconsistent: unsuitable.-n. INCONGRU'ITY. -adv. INCONGRUOUSLY. [L. in, not, and CONGRUOUS.]

INCONSEQUENT, in-kon'se-kwent, adj. not following from the premises.-n. INCON'SEQUENCE. [L. in, not, and CONSEQUENT.]

INCONSEQUENTIAL, in-kon-se-kwen'shal, adj. not regularly following from the premises: of little importance.-adv. INCONSEQUENTIALLY.

INCONSIDERABLE, in-kon-sid'er-a-bl, adj. not worthy of notice: unimportant.adv. INCONSIDERABLY. [Fr.-L. in, not, and CONSIDERABLE.] INCONSIDERATE, in-kon-sid'er-āt, adj. not considerate: thoughtless: inattentive.adv. INCONSID'ERATELY. -n. INCONSIDERATENESS.

INCONSISTENT, in-kon-sist'ent, adj. not consistent: not suitable or agreeing with: contrary: not uniform: irreconcilable.ns. INCONSISTENCE, INCONSISTENCY.-adv. INCONSISTENTLY. [L. in, not, and CONSISTENT.] INCONSOLABLE, in-kon-sōl'a-bl, adj. not to be comforted.-adv. INCONSOLABLY. [Fr.-L. in, not, and CONSOLABLE.] INCONSPICUOUS, in-kon-spik'ū-us, adj. not conspicuous: scarcely discernible.adv. INCONSPICUOUSLY.-n. INCONSPICUOUSNESS.

INCONSTANT, in-kon'stant, adj. subject to change fickle.-n. INCON'STANCY.adv. INCON'STANTLY. [Fr.-L. in, not, and CONSTANT.]


INCONSUMABLE, in-kon-süm'a-bl, adj. that cannot be consumed or wasted. [L. in, not, CONSUMABLE.] INCONTESTABLE, in-kon-test'a-bl, adj. too clear to be called in question: undeniable.-adv. INCONTEST'ABLY. [Fr.-L. in, not, and CONTESTABLE.] INCONTINENT, in-kon'ti-nent, adj. not restraining the passions or appetites: unchaste.-ns. INCONTINENCE, INCON'TINENCY.-adv. INCONTINENTLY. [Fr.-L. in, not, and CONTINENT.] INCONTINENTLY, in-kon'ti-nent-li, adv. immediately. [Same root as above.] INCONTROLLABLE, in-kon-trōl'a-bl, adj. that cannot be controlled.-adv. INCON TROLL'ABLY. [L. in, not, and CONTROLLABLE.]

INCONTROVERTIBLE, in-kon-tro-vert'ibl, adj. too clear to be called in question. -n. INCONTROVERTIBILITY.-adv. INCONTROVERT'IBLY. [L. in, not, and CONTROVERTIBLE.]


INCONVENIENCE, in-kon-vēn'yens, INCONVENIENCY, in-kon-vēn'yen-si, n. the being inconvenient: want of convenience that which causes trouble or uneasiness.v.t. INCONVENIENCE, trouble or incommode. INCONVENIENT, in-kon'ven'yent, adj. unsuitable causing trouble or uneasiness: increasing difficulty: incommodious. adv. INCONVENIENTLY. [Fr.-L. in, not, and CONVENIENT.] INCONVERTIBLE, in-kon-vert'i-bl, adj. that cannot be changed.-n. INCONVERTIBILITY. [L. in, not, and CONVERTIBLE.] INCONVINCIBLE, in-kon-vins'i-bl, adj. not capable of conviction.-adv. INCONVINC IBLY. [L. in, not, and CONVINCIBLE.] INCORPORATE, in-kor'po-rāt, v.t. to form into a body to combine into one mass: to unite to form into a corporation.v.i. to unite into one mass: to become part of another body.-adj. united in one body: mixed. [L. incorporo, -atum-in, into, corporo, to furnish with a body. See CORPORATE.]

INCORPORATION, in-kor-po-ra'shun, n. act of incorporating: state of being incorporated: formation of a legal or political body: an association with capital stock and under State supervision. INCORPOREAL, in-kor-po'rē-al, adj. not having a body: spiritual.-adv. INCORPO'REALLY. [L. in, not, and CORPOREAL.] INCORRECT, in-kor-ekt', adj. containing faults: not accurate: not according to the rules of duty.-adv. INCORRECTLY.n. INCORRECT'NESS. [Fr.-L. in, not, and CORRECT.]

INCORRIGIBLE, in-kor'i-ji-bl, adj. bad be- | yond correction or reform.-ns. INCORR'IGIBLENESS, INCORRIGIBILITY.-adv. INCORR'IGIBLY.

INCORRODIBLE, in-kor-ōd'i-bl, adj. not able to be rusted. [L. in, not, and CORRODIBLE.]

INCORRUPT, in-kor-upt', adj. sound: pure: not depraved: not to be tempted by bribes.adv. INCORRUPTLY. [L. in, not, and CORRUPT.] INCORRUPTIBLE, in-kor-uptʼi-bl, adj. not capable of decay: that cannot be bribed: inflexibly just.-adv. INCORRUPT'IBLY.n. INCORRUPT'IBLENESS.

INCORRUPTION, in-kor-up'shun, n. state of being incorrupt or exempt from corruption.

INCORRUPTNESS, in-kor-upt'nes, n. a being exempt from corruption or decay: purity of mind.

INCRASSATE, in-kras'at, v.t. to make thick.-v.i. (med.) to become thicker.

adj. made thick or fat: (bot.) thickened towards the flower.-n. INCRASSA'TION.


[L. incrasso, -atum-in, into, crasso, to make thick-crassus, thick. See CRASS.] INCRASSATIVE, in-kras'a-tiv, adj., thickening.-n. that which has power to thicken.

INCREASE, in-krēs', v.i. to grow in size: to become greater: to advance.-v.t. to make greater: to advance: to extend: to aggravate.-IN'CREASE, n. growth: addition to the original stock: profit: produce progeny. [Through Norm. Fr. from L. incresco-in, in, cresco, to grow.] INCREDIBLE, in-kred'i-bl, adj. surpassing belief.-adv. INCREDIBLY.-n. INCREDIBIL'ITY. [Fr.-L. in, not, and CREDIBLE. INCREDULOUS, in-kred'ū-lus, adj. hard See CREED.] of belief: also, not easy to be believed; incredible. "No dram of a scruple, no scruple of a scruple, no obstacle, no incredulous or unsafe circumstance."Shak. - adv. INCRED'ULOUSLY. -n. IN


INCREMENT, in'kre-ment, n. act of increasing or becoming greater: growth: that by which anything is increased: (math.) the finite increase of a variable quantity: (rhet.) an adding of particulars without climax (see 2 Peter i. 5-7). [L. incrementum · incresco. See INCREASE.]

INCRESCENT, in-kres'ent, adj. increasing: growing. [L. in, and CRESCENT.] INCRIMINATE, in-krim'in-āt. Same as CRIMINATE.

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INCRUST, in-krust', v.t. to cover with a crust or hard case: to form a crust on the surface of. [Fr.-L. incrust-o, -atus | -in, on, and crusta. See CRUST.] INCRUSTATION, in-krus-ta'shun, n. act of incrusting a crust or layer of anything on the surface of a body: an inlaying of marble, mosaic, etc. INCUBATE, in'kū-bāt, v.i. to sit on eggs to hatch them. [L. incubo, -atum-in, upon, cubo, to lie down.] INCUBATION, in-kū-bā'shun, n. the act of sitting on eggs to hatch them: (med.) the period between the implanting of a disease and its development: the act of sleeping for oracular dreams. "This place was celebrated for the worship of Esculapius, in whose temple incubation, i.e. sleeping for oracular dreams, was practiced."-E. B. Tylor. INCUBATOR, in'ku-ba-tor, n. a machine for hatching eggs by artificial heat. INCUBUS, in'kū-bus, n. a sensation during sleep as of a weight lying on the breast, nightmare: any oppressive or stupefying influence :-pl. IN'CUBUSES, INCUBI (in’-kū-bî). [L.—incubo.] INCULCATE, in-kul'kāt, v.t. to enforce by frequent admonitions or repetitions.-n. INCULCATOR. [Lit. to tread or press in; L. inculco, inculcatum-in, info, calco, to tread-calx, the heel.] INCULCATION, in-kul-kā'shun, n. act of impressing by frequent admonitions. INCULPABLE, in-kul'pa-bl, adj. blameless.adv. INCUL'PABLY. [L. in, not, and CULPABLE.]

INCULPATE, in-kul'pāt, v.t. to bring into blame: to censure. -n. INCULPATION. [Low L. inculpo, inculpatum—L. in, into, culpa, a fault.] INCULPATORY, in-kul'pa-tor-i, adj. imputing blame.

INCUMBENCY, in-kum'ben-si, n. a lying or resting on: the holding of an office: an ecclesiastical benefice. [See INCUMBENT.]

INCUMBENT, in-kum'bent, adj., lying or resting on: lying on as a duty: indispensable.-n. one who holds an ecclesiastical benefice (in England or Ireland). -adv. INCUM'BENTLY. [L. incumbens,


-entis, pr.p. of incumbo, incubo, to lie upon. See INCUBATE.] INCUMBER, INCUMBRANCE. Same as ENCUMBER, ENCUMBRANCE. INCUNABULA, in-kū-nab'u-la, books printed in the early period of the art, before the year 1500. [L. incunabula, (lit.)" swaddling-clothes," hence "beginnings."]

INCUR, in-kur', v.t. to become liable to: to bring on :-pr.p. incurr'ing; pa.p. incurred'. [Lit. to run into, to fall upon; L. incurro, incursum-in, into, curro, to run.]

INCURABLE, in-kūr'a-bl, adj. not admitting of correction.-n. one beyond cure. -ns. INCUR'ABLENESS, INCURABIL'ITY.— INCUR'ABLY. [Fr.-L. in, not, and CURABLE.]

INCURSION, in-kur'shun, n. a hostile inroad. [Fr.-L. incursio—incurro.] INCURSIVE, in-kur'siv, adj. pertaining to or making an incursion or inroad. INCURVATE, in-kur'vāt, v.t. to curve or bend.-adj. curved in ward.—n. INCURVA'TION. [L. incurvo, incurvatum-in, in, and curvus, bent. See CURVE.] INDEBTED, in-det'ed, adj. being in debt:

obliged by something received.-n. INDEBT EDNESS. [Fr.-L. in, in, and DEBT.] INDECENT, in-de'sent, adj. offensive to common modesty.-adv. INDE'CENTLY.n. INDECENCY. [Fr.-L. in, not, and DECENT.] INDECISION, in-de-sizh'un, n. want of decision or resolution: hesitation. [Fr.-L. in, not, and DECISION.] INDECISIVE, in-de-si'siv, adj. unsettled: wavering.-adv. INDECI'SIVELY.-N. INDECI'SIVENESS.

INDECLINABLE, in-de-klin'a-bl, adj. (gram.) not varied by inflection.-adv. INDECLIN'ABLY. [L. in, not, and DECLINABLE.]

INDECOMPOSABLE, in-de-kom-pōz'a-bl, adj. that cannot be decomposed. [L. in, not, and DECOMPOSABLE.] INDECOROUS, in-de-ko'rus, adj. not be. coming: violating good manners.—adv. INDECO'ROUSLY. [L. in, not, and DECOROUS.]

INDECORUM, in-de-ko'rum, n. want of decorum or propriety of conduct. [L. in, not, and DECORUM.]

INDEED, in-dēd', adv. in fact: in truth: in reality. [E. IN and DEED.] INDEFATIGABLE, in-de-fat'i-ga-bl, adj. that cannot be fatigued or wearied out: unremitting in effort: persevering.-adv. INDEFATIGABLY.-N. INDEFATIGABLENESS. [Fr.-L. indefatigabilis — in, not, de, down, and fatigo, to tire.]

INDEFEASIBLE, in-de-fez'i-bl, adj. not to be defeated or made void.-adv. INDEFEASIBLY.-n. INDEFEASIBILITY. [Fr. -L. in, not, and DEFEASIBLE.] INDEFECTIBLE, in-de-fekt'i-bl, adj. incapable of defect: unfailing. [L. in, not, and DEFECTIBLE.] INDEFENSIBLE, in-de-fens'i-bl, adj. that cannot be maintained or justified.-adv. INDEFENS'IBLY. [L. in, not, and DEFENSIBLE.] INDEFINABLE, in-de-fin'a-bl, adj. that cannot be defined.-adv. INDEFIN'ABLY. [L. in, not, and DEFINABLE.] INDEFINITE, in-def'i-nit, adj. not limited: not precise or certain.-adv. INDEFINITELY.-n. INDEFINITENESS. [L. in, not, and DEFINITE.]

INDELIBLE, in-del'i-bl, adj. that cannot be blotted out or effaced.-adv. INDEL'IBLY.-N. INDEL'IBILITY. [Fr.-L. in, not, and delebilis-deleo, to destroy.] INDELICACY, in-del'i-ka-si, n. want of delicacy or refinement of taste and manners rudeness.


INDELICATE, in-del'i-kat, adj. offensive to good manners or purity of mind: coarse.-adv. INDEL'ICATELY. [Fr.-L. in, not, and DELICATE.]

INDEMNIFICATION, in-dem-ni-fi-kā'shun, n. act of indemnifying: that which indemnifies.

INDEMNIFY, in-dem'ni-fi, v.t. to make good for damage done: to save harmless-pa.p. indem'nified. [Fr.-L. indemnis, unharmed-in, not, and damnum, loss; and facio, to make.] INDEMNITY, in-dem'ni-ti, n. security from damage, loss, or punishment: compensation for loss or injury. [Fr.-L. indemnitas.]

INDEMONSTRABLE, in-de- mon'stra - bl, adj. that cannot be demonstrated or proved. [L. in, not, and DEMONSTRABLE.] INDENT, in-dent', v.t. to cut into points like teeth to notch: (print.) to begin further in from the margin than the rest of a paragraph.-n. a cut or notch in the margin: a recess like a notch. [Low L. indento-L. in, dens, dentis, a tooth.] INDENTATION, in-den-ta'shun, n. act of indenting or notching: notch: recess. INDENTURE, in-dent'ūr, n. a written agreement between two or more parties: a contract.-v.t. to bind by indentures: to indent. [Indentures were originally duplicates indented so as to correspond to each other.]

INDEPENDENT, in-de-pendent, adj. not dependent or relying on others: not subordinate: not subject to bias: affording a comfortable livelihood: said of countries not subject to any other government: self governing.-adv. INDEPEND'ENTLY.-ns. INDEPEND'ENCE, INDEPEND'ENCY. [L. in, not, and DEPENDENT.] INDEPENDENT, in-de-pend'ent, n. one who in ecclesiastical affairs holds that every congregation is independent of every other and subject to no superior authority.

INDESCRIBABLE, in-de-skrīb'a-bl, adj. that cannot be described. [L. in, not, and DESCRIBABLE.]

INDESTRUCTIBLE, in-de-struk'ti-bl, adj. that cannot be destroyed.-adv. INDESTRUCTIBLY.-N. INDESTRUCTIBIL'ITY. [L. in, not, and DESTRUCTIBLE.] INDETERMINABLE, in-de-ter'min-a-bl, adj. not to be ascertained or fixed.-adv. INDETERMINABLY. [L. in, not, and DETERMINABLE.]

INDETERMINATE, in-de-ter'min-ât, adj. not determinate or fixed: uncertain.adv. INDETERMINATELY.

INDETERMINATION, in-de-ter-min-a

shun, n. want of determination: a wavering state of the mind: want of fixed direction.

INDETERMINED, in-de-ter'mind, adj. not determined: unsettled.

INDEX, in'deks, n. (pl. INDEXES, in'deks-ez, and in math., INDICES, in'di-sez), anything that indicates or points out: a hand that directs to anything, as the hour of the day, etc. the forefinger: alphabetical list of subjects treated of in a book: (math.) the exponent of a power.-v.t. to provide with or place in an index. [L. index, indicis-indico, to show.] INDIAMAN, in'di-a-man or ind'ya-man, n. a large ship employed in trade with British India.

INDIAN, in'di-an, adj. belonging to the Indies, East or West, or to the aborigines of America.-n. a native of the Indies: an aboriginal of America.-INDIAN CORN, maize, so called because brought from W. Indies.-INDIAN FILE, following one another in single file, like Indians through a wood.-INDIAN INK, a substance used in water-colors, composed


of lampblack and animal glue, orig. used in India, or rather in China.-INDIAN or INDIA RUBBER, caoutchouc, so named from its rubbing out pencil-marks. [From the river Indus, and applied by mistake to the W. Indies by their first discoverers, who thought they had arrived at India. See HINDU.] INDICAN, in'di-kan, n. a colorless substance found in plants which yield indigo-blue, in human blood and urine, and also in the blood and urine of the ox, and which forms indigo when in a state of decomposition.


contemptuous treatment: incivility with contempt or insult. [Lit. "unworthiness," Fr.-L. indignitas.]

INDIGO, in'di-go, n. a blue dye obtained. from the stalks of the indigo or Indian plant. [Fr.-Sp. indico-L. indicum, from Indicus, Indian.]

INDIRECT, in-di-rekt', adj. not direct or straight not tending to a result by the plainest course: not straightforward or honest.-adv. INDIRECTLY.-n. INDIRECTNESS. [Fr.-L. in, not, and DIRECT.] INDISCERNIBLE, in-diz-ern'i-bl, adj. not discernible.-adv. INDISCERN'IBLY. [L. in, not, and DISCERNIBLE.]

INDICATE, in'di-kāt, v.t. to point out: to show. [L. indico, -atum-in, and dico, INDISCOVERABLE,in-dis-kuv'er-a-bl, adj. to proclaim.]

INDICATION, in-di-ka'shun, n. act of indicating that which indicates: mark: token: symptom.

INDICATIVE, in-dik'a-tiv, adj., pointing out giving intimation of: (gram.) applied to the mood of the verb which indicates, i.e. affirms or denies.-adv. INDICATIVELY.

INDICATOR, in'di-ka-tor, n. one who indicates an instrument on a steam-engine to show the pressure.-adj. INʼDICATORY, showing.

INDICT, in-dit', v.t. to charge with a crime | formally or in writing, esp. by a grand jury. [L. in, and dicto, freq. of dico, to say.]

INDICTABLE, in-dit'a-bl, adj. liable to be


INDICTION, in-dik'shun, n. (lit.) a proclamation: a cycle of fifteen years instituted by Constantine the Great. [L. indictio.]

INDICTMENT, in-dīt'ment, n. the written accusation against one who is to be tried by jury.

INDIFFERENT, in-dif'er-ent, adj. without importance of a middle quality: neutral: unconcerned.-ns. INDIFFERENCE, INDIFFERENCY. [Lit. "without a difference"; L. in, not, and DIFFERENT.] INDIFFERENTISM, in-dif'er-ent-izm, n. indifference, esp. in matters of belief: un


INDIFFERENTLY, in-dif'er-ent-li, adv. in an indifferent manner: tolerably, passably: (Pr. Bk.) without distinction, impartially.

INDIGENCE, in'di-jens, n., want of means: extreme poverty.

INDIGENOUS, in-dij'en-us, adj., native born or originating in: produced naturally in a country. [L. indigenus-indu or in, in, and gen, root of gigno, to produce.]

INDIGENT, in'di-jent, adj., in need of anything: destitute of means of subsistence: poor.-adv. IN'DIGENTLY. [Fr.-L. indigens, entis, pr.p. of indigeo-indu or in, in, and egeo, to need.] INDIGESTED, in-di-jes'ted, adj. not digested unarranged: not methodized. [L. in, not, and DIGESTED. See DIGEST.] INDIGESTIBLE, in-di-jest'i-bl, adj. not digestible: not easily digested: not to be received or patiently endured.—adv. INDIGEST'IBLY.

INDIGESTION, in-di-jest'yun, n. want of digestion painful digestion. [L. in, not, and DIGESTION.] INDIGNANT, in-dig'nant, adj. affected with anger and disdain.-adv. INDIG'NANTLY. [Lit. "considering as worthy" or "improper," from L. indignans, -antis, pr.p. of indignor-in, not, dignus, worthy.]


INDIGNATION, in-dig-na'shun, n. the feeling caused by what is unworthy or base: anger mixed with contempt. [Fr. -L. indignatio.] INDIGNITY, in-dig'ni-ti,

n. unmerited

not discoverable. [L. in, not, and DISCOVERABLE.]

INDISCREET, in-dis-krēt', adj. not discreet imprudent: injudicious. — adv. INDISCREET LY.-M. INDISCREET'NESS. [Fr. -L, in, not, and DISCREET.] INDISCRETION, in-dis-kresh'un, n. want of discretion: rashness: an indiscreet act. INDISCRIMINATE, in-dis-krim'i-nāt, adj. not distinguishing confused.-adv. INDISCRIMINATELY. [L. in, not, and DisCRIMINATE.]


INDISPENSABLE, in-dis-pens'a-bl, adj. that cannot be dispensed with: absolutely necessary.-adv. INDISPENS'ABLY. -n. INDISPENSABLENESS. [L. in, not, and DISPENSABLE.]

INDISPOSE, in-dis-pōz', v.t. to render indisposed or unfit: to make averse to. [Fr.-L. in, not, and DISPOSE.] INDISPOSED, in-dis-pōzd', adj. averse: disinclined: slightly disordered in health. -n. INDISPOS'EDNESS.

INDISPOSITION, in- dis-po-zish'un, n state of being indisposed: disinclination: slight illness. INDISPUTABLE, in-dis'pu-ta-bl, adj. too evident to be called in question: certain. -adv. INDIS'PUTABLY.-n. INDISPUTABLENESS. [Fr.-L. in, not, and DISPUTABLE.] INDISSOLUBLE, in-dis'ol-u-bl, adj. that cannot be broken or violated: inseparable: binding for ever.-adv. INDISS'OLUBLY.-ns. INDISS'OLUBLENESS, INDISSOLUBILITY. [Fr.—L. in, not, and DISSOLUBLE.]

INDISTINCT, in-dis-tingkt', adj. not plainly marked: confused: not clear to the mind. -adv. INDISTINCT'LY.--N. INDISTINCT'NESS. [L. in, not, and DISTINCT.] INDISTINGUISHABLE, in-dis-ting'gwisha-bl, adj. that cannot be distinguished.adv. INDISTINGUISHABLY.

INDITE, in-dit', v.t. to dictate what is to be uttered or written: to compose or write.-ns. INDIT'ER, INDITE'MENT. [0. Fr. enditer, endicter, from root of INDICT.] INDIVIDUAL, in-di-vid'u-al, adj. not di vided: subsisting as one: pertaining to one only.-n. a single person, animal, plant, or thing.-adv. INDIVIDUALLY. L. individuus, and suffix -al--in, not, dividuus, divisible-divido, to divide.] INDIVIDUALISM, in-di-vid'ù-al-izm, n. the state of regard to individual interests instead of those of society at large. INDIVIDUALISTIC, in-di-vid'u-al-is'tik, adj. of, pertaining to, or characterized by individualism: caring supremely for one's self. Prof. W. R. Smith. INDIVIDUALITY, in-di-vid-ū-al'it.i, n. separate and distinct existence: ness distinctive character. INDIVIDUALIZE, in-di-vid'ū-al-īz, v.t. to distinguish each individual from all others to particularize.-n. INDIVIDU



INDIVIDUATE, in-di-vid'ū-āt, v.t. to individualize: to make single.-n. INDIVIDUA'TION.


INDIVISIBLE, in-di-viz'i-bl, adj. not divisible.-n. (math.) an indefinitely small quantity.-adv. INDIVIS'IBLY.-n. INDIVIS'IBLENESS. [Fr.-L. in, not, and DIVISIBLE.] INDO-CHINESE, in-dō-chi'nēz, adj. of or pertaining to Indo-China, the southeastern peninsula of Asia, or to its people or their languages.

INDOCILE, in-do'sil or in-dos'il, adj. not docile not disposed to be instructed.n. INDOCILITY. [Fr.-L. in, not, and DOCILE.]

INDOCTRINATE, in-dok'trin-āt, v.t. to instruct in any doctrine: to imbue with any opinion.-n. INDOCTRINA'TION. [L. in, into, doctrina, doctrine. See DocTRINE.]

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INDOLENT, in'do-lent, adj. indisposed to activity.-adv. IN'DOLENTLY.-n. IN'DOLENCE. [Lit. and orig. "free from pain or "trouble," from L. in, not, dolens, -entis, pr.p. of doleo, to suffer pain.] INDOMITABLE, in-dom'it-a-bl, adj. that cannot be tamed: not to be subdued.adv. INDOM'ITABLY. [L. indomitus, untamed-in, not, domo, to tame.] INDORSE, in-dors', v.t. to write upon the back of to assign by writing on the back of: to give one's sanction to.-n. INDORS'ER. [Through an old form endosse, from Fr. endosser - Low L. indorso-L. in, upon, dorsum, the back.] INDORSEE, in-dor-se', n. the person to whom a bill, etc., is assigned by indorsement.

INDORSEMENT, in-dors'ment, n. act of writing on the back of a bill, etc., in order to transfer it: that which is written on a bill, etc. sanction given to anything. INDUBIOUS, in-dù'bi-us, adj. not dubious.: certain. [L. in, not, and DUBIOUS.] INDUBITABLE, in-dū'bit-a-bl, adj. that cannot be doubted: too plain to be called in question: certain.-adv. INDU'BITABLY. -n. INDUʼBITABLENESS. [Fr.-L. indubitabilis-in, not, dubito, to doubt. See DOUBT.]

INDUCE, in-dūs', v.t. to prevail on: to cause: (physics) to cause, as an electric state, by mere proximity of surfaces.n. INDUC'ER. [L. induco, inductum-in, into, duco, to lead.]

INDUCED, in-düst', p. and adj. caused by induction.-INDUCED CURRENT, in elect. one excited by the presence of a primary current.-INDUCED MAGNETISM, magnetism produced in soft iron when a magnet is held near, or a wire, through which a current is passing, is coiled round it. INDUCEMENT, in-dus'ment, n. that which induces or causes: (law) a statement of facts introducing other important facts. INDUCIBLE, in-dus'i-bl, adj. that may be induced offered by induction. INDUCT, in-dukt', v.t. (lit.) to bring in: to introduce: to put in possession, as of a benefice.-n. INDUCT'OR. [See INDUCE.] INDUCTILE, in-duk'til, adj. that cannot be drawn out into wire or threads.-n. INDUCTIL'ITY. INDUCTION, in-duk'shun, n. introduction to an office, esp. of a clergyman: act or process of reasoning from particulars to generals: (physics) the production by one body of an opposite electric state in another by proximity.—adj. INDUCTIONAL. [See INDUCE.] INDUCTIVE, in-duk'tiv, adj., leading or drawing: leading to inferences: proceeding by induction in reasoning.-adv. IN



INDUE, in-du', v.t. to put on, as clothes: to invest or clothe with: to supply with: -pr.p. indu'ing; pa.p. indued'.-n. INDUE'MENT. [L. induo, induere, to put on.] INDUE, in-du', v.t. a corr. of ENDUE (which


see), which has been very generally confused with INDUE, to invest with, INDULGE, in-dulj', v.t. to yield to the wishes of to allow, as a favor: not to restrain, as the will, etc.-v.i. to allow one's self.-n. INDULG'ER. [See INDULGENT.]

INDULGENCE, in-dul'jens, n. permission: gratification in R. Catholic Church, a remission, to a repentant sinner, of punishment which would otherwise await him in purgatory. [Fr.] INDULGENT, in-dul'jent, adj. yielding to the wishes of others: compliant: not severe.-adv. INDULGENTLY. (Fr.-L. indulgens, -entis, pr.p. of indulgeo, which perh. is from in, towards, and dulcis, sweet.]

INDURATE, ir'dū-rāt, v.t. to harden, as the feelings.v.i. to grow hard: to harden.-n. INDURA'TION. [L. induro, induratum-in, in, duro, to harden-durus, hard.]

INDUSIAL, in-dū'zi-al, adj. (geol.) composed of indusia, or the petrified larvacases of insects.

INDUSIUM, in-dū'zi-um, n. (bot.) a sort of hairy cup inclosing the stigma of a flower: the scale covering the fruit-spot of ferns. [Lit. "an under garment;" L. -induo.]

INDUSTRIAL, in-dus'tri-al, adj. relating to or consisting in industry.-adv. INDUS


INDUSTRIALISM, in-dus'tri-al-izm, n. devotion to labor or industrial pursuits: that system or condition of society in which industrial labor is the chief and most characteristic feature, opp. to feudalism and the military spirit. INDUSTRIOUS, in-dus'tri-us, adj. diligent or active in one's labor: laborious: diligent in a particular pursuit.—adv. INDUS'[Fr.-L.; perh. from indu,


old form of in, within, and struo, to build up, to arrange.] INDUSTRY, in'dus-tri, n. quality of being industrious: steady application to labor: habitual diligence: applied also to occupations and various classes of manufacturing; as, the iron and steel industry, etc.

INDWELLING, in'dwel-ing, adj., dwelling within.-n. residence within, or in the heart or soul. [E. IN, within, and DWELLING.]

INEBRIATE, in-e'bri-āt, v.t. to make drunk: to intoxicate. [L. inebrio, inebriatum -in, inten., ebrio, to make drunk-ebrius, drunk. See EBRIETY.] INEBRIATION, in-e-bri-a'shun, INEBRIETY, in-e-bri'e-ti, n. drunkenness: intoxication.

INEBRIOUS, in-e'bri-us, adj. drunken or causing drunkenness : intoxicating.

"With inebrious fumes distract our brains."-Tom Brown. INEDITED, in-ed'it-ed, adj. not edited: unpublished. [L. in, not, and EDITED.] INEFFABLE, in-ef'a-bl, adj. that cannot be spoken or described. adv. INEFF'ABLY.-N. INEFFABLENESS. [Fr.--L. ineffabilis-in, not, effabilis effor, to speak, to utter-ef, for ex, out, fari, to speak.]

INEFFACEABLE, in-ef-fās'a-bl, adj. that cannot be rubbed out.-adv. INEFFACE'ABLY. [Fr.-L. in, not, and EFFACEABLE.]

INEFFECTIVE, in-ef-fek'tiv, adj. inefficient: useless.adv. INEFFECTIVELY. [L. in, not, and EFFECTIVE.] INEFFECTUAL, in-ef-fek'tu-al, adj. fruitless.adv. INEFFECTUALLY. -n. INEFFEC'TUALNESS.

INEFFECTUALITY, in-ef-fek-tū-al’i-ti, n. something powerless or unable to pro


duce the proper effect. "A vague auroraborealis, and brilliant ineffectuality."Carlyle. INEFFICACIOUS, in-ef-fi-kä'shus, adj. not having power to produce an effect.-adv. INEFFICACIOUSLY.

INEFFICACY, in-ef'fi-ka-si, n. want of efficacy or power to produce effect. INEFFICIENT, in-ef-fish'ent, adj. effecting nothing.-adv. INEFFICIENTLY.-n. INEFFICIENCY. INELEGANCE, in-el'e-gans, INELEGANCY, in-el'e-gan-si, n. want of elegance want of beauty or polish. INELEGANT, in-el'e-gant, adj. wanting in beauty, refinement, or ornament.adv. INEL'EGANTLY. [L. in, not, and ELEGANT.]

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INELIGIBLE, in-el'i-ji-bl, adj. not capable or worthy of being chosen.-adv. INEL'IGIBLY.-N. INELIGIBILITY. [Fr.-L. in, not, and ELIGIBLE.] INELOQUENCE, in-el'o-kwens, n. the state or quality of being ineloquent: want of eloquence: habit of not speaking much. "To us, as already hinted, the Abbot's eloquence is less admirable than his ineloquence, his great invaluable talent of silence."-Carlyle.

INELOQUENT, in-el'o-kwent, adj. not fluent or persuasive. [Fr.-L. in, not, and ELOQUENT.]


INEPT, in-ept', adj. not apt or fit: unsuitable: foolish: inexpert.-adv. INEPT'LY. -n. INEPTITUDE. [Fr.-L. ineptus-in, not, aptus, apt. See APT.] INEQUALITY, in-e-kwol'i-ti, n. want of equality difference: inadequacy : competency: unevenness: dissimilarity. [Fr.-L. in, not, and EQUALITY.] INEQUITABLE, in-ek'wi-ta-bl, adj. unfair, unjust. [L. in, not, and EQUITABLE.] INEQUITY, in-ek'wi-ti, n. unfairness: injustice. "Habitually, if we trace party feeling to its sources, we find on the one side maintenance of and on the other opposition to some form of inequity." -H. Spencer.

INERADICABLE, in-e-rad'i-ka-bl, adj. not able to be eradicated or rooted out.adv. INERAD'ICABLY. [L. in, not, and root of ERADICATE.]

INERT, in-ert', adj. dull: senseless: inactive slow without the power of moving itself, or of active resistance to motion powerless. adv. INERT'LY. -n. INERT'NESS. [Lit. without art or skill, from L. iners, inertis-in, not, and ars, artis, art. See ART.]

INERTIA, in-er'shi-a, n., inertness: the inherent property of matter by which it tends to remain forever at rest when still, and in motion when moving. INESCAPABLE, in-es-kāp'a-bl, adj. not to be eluded or escaped from: inevitable. "Within the clutch of inescapable anguish."-George Eliot.

INESSENTIAL, in-es-sen'shal, adj. not essential or necessary. [L. in, not, and ESSENTIAL.]

INESTIMABLE, in-es'tim-a-bl, adj. not able to be estimated or valued: priceless.-adv. INES'TIMABLY. [Fr.-L. in, not, and ESTIMABLE.] INEVITABLE, in-ev'it-a-bl, adj. not able to be evaded or avoided: that cannot be escaped irresistible.-adv. INEV'ITABLY.-N. INEVITABLENESS. [Fr.-L. inevitabilis-in, not, and evitabilis, avoidable-evito, to avoid-e, out of, and vito, to avoid.]

INEXACT, in-egz-akt', adj. not precisely correct or true.-n. INEXACT'NESS. [L. in, not, and EXACT.]

INEXCUSABLE, in-eks-küz'a-bl, adj. not justifiable: unpardonable.-adv. INEX


CUS'ABLY.-N. INEXCUS'ABLENESS. [Fr.L. in, not, and EXCUSABLE.] INEXHAUSTED, in-egz-hawst'ed, adj. not exhausted or spent. [L. in, not, and ExHAUSTED.]

INEXHAUSTIBLE, in-egz-hawst'i-bl, adj. not able to be exhausted or spent: unfailing.-adv. INEXHAUST IBLY.-n. INEXHAUSTIBILITY.]

INEXORABLE, in-egz'or-a-bl, adj. not to be moved by entreaty: unrelenting: unalterable.-adv. INEX'ORABLY.-ns. INEX'

ORABLENESS, INEXORABIL'ITY. [Fr.-L. inexorabilis--in, not, and exorabilis, from exoro-ex, and oro, to entreat, from os, oris, the mouth.]

INEXPANSIBLE, "in-eks-pans'i-bl, adj. incapable of being expanded, dilated, or diffused. Prof. Tyndall.

INEXPECTABLE, in-eks-pekt'a-bl, adj. not to be expected: not to be looked for. "What inexpectable, unconceivable mercy."-Bp. Hall.

INEXPECTANT, in-eks-pekt'ant, adj. not expecting not waiting: not looking for. "Loverless and inexpectant of love." -Charlotte Bronte.

INEXPEDIENT, in-eks-pe'di-ent, adj. not tending to promote any end: unfit: inconvenient.-adv. INEXPE'DIENTLY.- ns. INEXPEDIENCE, INEXPE'DIENCY. [Fr.-L. in, not, and EXPEDIENT.] INEXPENSIVE, in- eks-pens' iv, adj. of slight expense.

INEXPERIENCE, in-eks-pē'ri-ens, n. want

of experience. [Fr.-L. in, not, and ExPERIENCE.]

INEXPERIENCED, in-eks-pe'ri-enst, adj. not having experience: unskilled or unpracticed.

INEXPERT, in-eks-pert', adj. unskilled.— n. INEXPERT'NESS. [L. in, not, and ExPERT.]

INEXPIABLE, in-eks'pi-a-bl, adj. not able to be expiated or atoned for.adv. INEX'PIABLY.-n. INEX'PIABLENESS. [Fr.-L. in, not, and EXPIABLE.] INEXPLICABLE, in-eks‍pli-ka-bl, adj. that cannot be explained: unintelligible.adv. INEXPLICABLY.-ns. INEXPLICABIL'ITY, INEX'PLICABLENESS. [Fr.-L. in, not, and EXPLICABLE.]

INEXPLICIT, in-cks-plis'it, adj. not clear. [L. in, not, and EXPLICIT.] INEXPRESSIBLE,

in-eks-pres'i-bl, adj. that cannot be expressed unutterable: indescribable.-adv. INEXPRESS'IBLY. [L. in, not, and EXPRESSIBLE.] INEXPRESSIVE, in-eks-pres'iv, adj. not expressive or significant.-n. INEXPRESS'


INEXTINGUISHABLE, in-eks-ting'gwisha-bl, adj. that cannot be extinguished, quenched, or destroyed.-adv. INEXTIN'GUISHABLY. [Prefix in-, not, and EXTINGUISHABLE.]

INEXTRICABLE, in-eks'tri-ka-bl, adj. not able to be extricated or disentangled.adv. INEX'TRICABLY. [Fr.-L. in, not, and EXTRICABLE.] INFALL, in'fawl, n. an incursion: an inroad. Carlyle. INFALLIBLE, in-fal'i-bl, adj. incapable of error: trustworthy: certain.-adv. INFALL'IBLY.-n. INFALLIBIL'ITY. [Fr.-L. in, not, and FALLIBLE.] INFAMOUS, in'fa-mus, adj., of ill fame or bad report: having a reputation of the worst kind: publicly branded with guilt: notoriously vile: disgraceful.adv. IN'FAMOUSLY. [Prefix in-, not, and FAMOUS.]

INFAMY, in'fa-mi, n., ill fame or repute : public disgrace: extreme vileness. INFANCY, in'fan-si, n. the state or time of being an infant: childhood: the beginning of anything: inexpressiveness: want


of utterance: inability to speak. "So darkly do the Saxon Annals deliver their meaning with more than wonted infancy."--Milton.

INFANT, in'fant, n. a babe: in law, a person under 21 years of age, though for many purposes both boys and girls attain their majority at 18.-adj. belonging to infants or to infancy: tender: intended for infants. [L. infans, -antis, that cannot speak-in, not, and fans, pr.p. of fari, to speak, Gr. phemi. See FAME.] INFANTA, in-fan'ta, n. a title given to a daughter of the kings of Spain and Portugal, except the heiress-apparent. [Sp., from root of INFANT.]

INFANTE, in-fan'tā, n. a title given to any son of the kings of Spain and Portugal except the heir-apparent. [Sp., from root of INFANT.]

INFANTICIDE, in-fant'i-sīd, n., infant or child murder: the murderer of an infant. -adj. INFANTICIDAL. [Fr.-L. infanticidium-infans, and cædo, to kill.] INFANTILE, in'fant-il or -il, INFANTINE, in'fant-in or -in, adj. pertaining to infancy or to an infant. INFANTRY, in'fant-ri, n. foot-soldiers. [Fr. infanterie-It. infanteria-infante, fante, a child, a servant, a foot-soldier, foot-soldiers being formerly the servants and followers of knights.] INFATUATE, in-fat'u-at, v.t. to make foolish: to affect with folly: to deprive of judgment: to inspire with foolish passion to stupefy.-n. INFATUATION. [L. infatuo, -atum—in, and fatuus, foolish.] INFATUATE, in-fat'ū-āt, adj., infatuated or foolish.

INFECT, in-fekt', v.t. to taint, especially with disease: to corrupt: to poison. [Lit. "to dip anything into," from Fr. infect -L. inficio, infectum-in, into, and facio, to make.]

INFECTION, in-fek'shun, n. act of infecting that which infects or taints. INFECTIOUS, in-fek'shus, INFECTIVE, in-fek'tiv, adj. having the quality of infecting corrupting: apt to spread.adv. INFECTIOUSLY.-n. ÎNFECTIOUSNESS. INFELICITOUS, in-fe-lis'i-tus, adj. not felicitous or happy. [L. in, not, and FELICITOUS.]

INFELICITY, in-fe-lis'i-ti, n. want of felicity or happiness: misery: misfortune: unfavorableness.

INFER, in-fer', v.t. to deduce: to derive, as a consequence :-pr.p. inferr'ing; pa.p. inferred'. [Fr.-L. infero—in, into, and fero, to bring.]

INFERABLE, in-fer'a-bl, INFERRIBLE, in-fer'i-bl, adj. that may be inferred or deduced.

INFERENCE, in'fer-ens, n. that which is inferred or deduced: conclusion: consequence. INFERENTIAL, in-fer-en'shal, adj. deducible or deduced by inference.-adv. IN



INFERIOR, in-fe'ri-ur, adj., lower in any respect subordinate: secondary. — n. one lower in rank or station: one younger than another. [Fr.-L. inferior, comp. of inferus, low.] INFERIORITY, in-fe-ri-or'i-ti, n. the state of being inferior: a lower position in any respect.

INFERNAL, in-fer'nal, adj. belonging to the lower regions or hell: resembling or suitable to hell: devilish.-adv. INFERNALLY. [Fr.-L. infernus-inferus.] INFERTILE, in-fer'til, adj. not productive: barren.-n. INFERTILITY. [L. in, not, and FERTILE.]

INFEST, in-fest', v.t. to disturb : to harass. [Fr.-L. infesto, from infestus, hostile,


from in and an old verb fendere, to strike, found in of-fendere, de-fendere.] INFIDEL, in'fi-del, adj., unbelieving : sceptical: disbelieving Christianity: heathen. -n. one who withholds belief, esp. from Christianity. [Fr.-L. infidelis-in, not, fidelis. faithful-fides, faith.] INFIDELITY, in-fi-del'i-ti, n., want of faith or belief: disbelief in Christianity: unfaithfulness, esp. to the marriage contract: treachery.

INFILTRATE, in-fil'trāt, v.t. to enter a substance by filtration, or through its pores.-n. INFILTRATION, the process of infiltrating, or the substance infiltrated. [L. in, in, and FILTRATE.] INFINITE, in'fin-it, adj. without end or limit: without bounds: (math.) either greater or smaller than any quantity that can be assigned.—adv. ÎNʼFINITELY. -n. INFINITE, that which is infinite: the Infinite Being or God. [L. in, not, and FINITE.]

INFINITÉSIMAL, in-fin-i-tes'im-al, adj. infinitely small.-n. an infinitely small quantity.-adv. INFINITES'IMALLY. INFINITIVE, in-fin'it-iv, adj. (lit.) unlimited, unrestricted: (gram.) the mood of the verb which expresses the idea without person or number.-adv. INFINITIVELY. [Fr.-L. infinitivus.] INFINITUDE, in-fin'i-tud, INFINITY, infin'i-ti, n. boundlessness: immensity: countless or indefinite number. INFIRM, in-ferm', adj. not strong feeble: sickly weak: not solid: irresolute : imbecile. [L. in, not, and FIRM.] INFIRMARY, in-ferm'ar-i, n. a hospital or place for the infirm. [Fr.-Low L. infirmaria.]

INFIRMITY, in-ferm'it-i, n. disease: failing defect: imbecility.

INFIX, in-fiks', v.t. to fix in: to drive or fasten in to set in by piercing. [L. in, in, and FIX.]

INFLAME, in-flam', v.t. to cause to flame: to cause to burn: to excite: to increase: to exasperate.-v.i. to become hot, painful, or angry. [Fr.-L. in, into, and FLAME.]

INFLAMMABLE, in-flam'a-bl, adj. that may be burned: combustible: easily kindled.-n. INFLAMMABIL'ITY.-adv. INFLAMM'ABLY.

INFLAMMATION, in-flam-a'shun, n. state of being in flame: heat of a part of the body, with pain and swelling: violent excitement: heat.

INFLAMMATORY, in-flam'a-tor-i, adj.

tending to inflame: inflaming: exciting. INFLATE, in-flat', v.t. to swell with air: to puff up.-adv. INFLATINGLY. [L. inflo, inflatum-in, into, and flo, to blow, with which it is cog.]

INFLATION, in-fla'shun, n. state of being puffed up in finance, the increased issue of a paper currency, not warranted by the security and other circumstances. INFLATUS, in-fla'tus, n. a blowing or breathing into: inspiration. [L.], INFLECT, in-flekt', v.t. to bend in: to turn from a direct line or course: to modulate, as the voice: (gram.) to vary in the terminations. [L. inflecto-in, in, and flecto, flexum, to bend.] INFLECTION, in-flek'shun, n. a bending or deviation: modulation of the voice: (gram.) the varying in termination-adj. INFLECTIONAL.

INFLECTIVE, in-flekt'iv, adj. subject to inflection.

INFLEXED, in-flekst', adj., bent inward: bent turned. INFLEXIBLE, in-fleks'i-bl, adj. that cannot be bent: unyielding: unbending.ns. INFLEXIBIL'ITY, INFLEX'IBLENESS.

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