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whirlpool between Italy and Sicily, and opposite to Scylla. CHIRON, ki'ron, a centaur celebrated for his knowledge of medicine and music, the tutor of Esculapius, Achilles, and Hercules. Accidentally wounded by one of the poisoned arrows of Hercules, he gave up his immortality, and waschanged into the constellation Sagittarius. CHLORIS, klō'ris, wife of Zephyrus, the Greek goddess of flowers; identical with the Roman Flora.

CIRCE, sir'sē, daughter of Helios and Perse, a sorceress who detained Ulysses on his way home from Troy, converting his men into swine.

CLIO, k'o, the Muse of history.

CLOTHO, klō'tho, the spinner of the thread of life, the youngest of the Fates. COCYTUS, ko-si'tus, a river in the lower world.

COMUS, koʻmus, a god of mirth and joy, represented as a winged youth. CORYBANTES, kor-i-ban'tes, priests of Cybele or Rhea, in Phrygia, who wor shipped her with wild dances to the sound of cymbals.

CRŒŒEŠUS, krē'sus, a king of Lydia, of boundless wealth.

CUPID, kū'pid, the Greek EROS, the god of love, son of Venus, represented as a mischievous boy with arrows, which he aims at gods and men alike. CYBELE, sib'e-le, a goddess originally Phrygian, worshipped at Rome also as Ops.

CYNTHIA, sin'thi-a, Diana, so called from Mount Cynthos, in Delos, her birthplace. CYTHEREA, sith-er-e'a, Venus, so called from the island of Cythera, where she was worshipped.

DEDALUS, de'da-lus, the builder of the Cretan labyrinth, who was shut up by Minos, but escaped by means of artificial wings.

DAMOCLES, dam'o-klēz, a flatterer of the tyrant Dionysius. Having lauded highly the happiness of kings, he had his views altered on finding a keen-edged sword suspended by a single horse-hair over his head, as he sat at a banquet. DAMON, da'mon, and PHINTIAS, fin'tias, two noble Pythagoreans of Syracuse, remembered as models of faithful friendship.

DANAE, dan'a-e, the mother of Perseus by Jupiter, visited by the god in a shower of gold, when immured in a tower by her father's order.

DAPHNE, daf'ne, a nymph beloved by Ap

pollo, and turned into a laurel-tree." DEJANIRA, dej-a-ni'ra, wife of Hercules. Having unwittingly caused his death, she killed herself.

DELOS, de los, the smallest of the Cyclades, a floating island, until Jupiter made it stationary, in order to be a safe resting-place for Latona, and the birthplace of Apollo and Diana.

DELPHI, del'fi, a small town in Phocis, the Pytho of Homer, celebrated for its oracle of Apollo.

DEUCALION, dū-kā'li-on, son of Prometheus, with his wife Pyrrha, the sole survivor of the deluge. DIANA, di-a'na, twin-sister of Apollo, the virgin goddess of the moon and of hunting, identified by the Romans with the Greek Artemis.

DIDO, di'do, daughter of the Tyrian king Belus, and the reputed foundress of Carthage. She fell in love with Æneas, the Trojan hero, but not finding her love returned, killed herself.

DIONYSUS, di-on-i'sus, the Greek Bacchus.

DODONA, do-do'na, a city of Epirus,

famed for an oracle of Jupiter, where | HELICON, hel'i-kon,a mountain in Boeotia, the responses were given by the wind rustling through oak-trees. DRACON, dra'kon, the author of the first written code of laws at Athens, in which the penalty of death was attached even to petty crimes.

EGERIA, e-ger'i-a, one of the Camena or prophetic nymphs of Roman mythology, who dictated to Numa Pompilius his forms of worship.

ELEUSIS, el-u'sis, a very ancient city of Greece, famous for its mysteries of Ceres. ENDYMION, en-dim'i-on, a youth cele brated for his beauty, and the perpetual sleep in which he was wrapped by the Moon, in order that she might kiss him without his knowledge.

EOS, e'os. See AURORA.

ERATO, er'a-to, the Muse of amatory EREBUS, er'e-bus, son of Chaos, brother poetry. of Nox, the god of darkness, also the lower world.

EUPHROSYNE, ü-fros'i-ne, one of the Graces.

EUROPA, ú-ro'pa, the daughter of Agenor, carried off by Jupiter into Crete under the form of a white bull. The continent of Europe was named after her.

EURUS, ú'rus, the east wind. EURYDICE, u-rid'i-sẽ, the wife of Orpheus. When she died, he followed her to Hades, and by the charms of his lyre won her back from Pluto on condition that he would not look back at her upon the way. This his love made him forget, and she returned to the lower world. EUTERPE, û-ter'pē, the Muse of lyric poetry and music.

FATES, three goddesses who determined the birth, life, and death of man-Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos.

FLORA, flo'ra, the Roman goddess of flowers.

FURIES, three goddesses of vengeanceAlecto, Megæra, and Tisiphone. GANYMEDE, gan'i-med, son of Tros, for his beauty carried off from Mount Ida by the eagle of Jupiter to be the cupbearer of the gods.

GERYON, ge'ri-on, a giant king in Spain,

whose oxen were carried off by Hercules. GLAUCUS, glaw'kus, a fisherman who was changed into a sea-god. GORGONS, gor'gons, three female mon

sters, who turned all they looked upon GRACES, three attendants of Venus, of into stone-Medusa,Euryale, and Stheno. great beauty-Aglaia, Thalia, and Euphrosyne.

HEBE, he'be, the goddess of youth, daughter of June, cup-bearer to the gods, and wife of Hercules after he was deified. HECATE, hek'a-te or hek'at, a goddess often identified with Diana on earth, Luna in heaven, and Proserpine in the lower world, and therefore represented with three heads. HECTOR, hek'tor, the son of Priam, king of Troy, and husband of Andromache; the bravest of the Trojans, slain, and dragged three times round the walls of Troy, by Achilles. HECUBA, hek'u-ba, wife of Priam, and mother of Hector, noted for her misfortunes after the fall of Troy. HELENA, hel'e-na, daughter of Jupiter

and Leda, sister of Castor, Pollux, and Clytemnestra, wife of Menelaus, and the greatest beauty of her day. She caused the Trojan war by eloping with Paris, son of Priam, king of Troy. HELENUS, hel'e-nus, a celebrated soothsayer, son of Priam, king of Troy.

sacred to Apollo and the Muses. HELLE, hel'lē, a maiden who, while fleeing from her stepmother, was drowned in the strait which, after her, is called the Hellespont.

HERA, he'ra, the Grecian goddess corresponding to the Juno of the Romans. HERCULES, her'kū-lēz, the son of Jupiter and Alcmena, one of the most celebrated heroes of antiquity, noted especially for his twelve labors.

HERMES, her'mez, the Greek name of Mercury.

HERO, he'ro, a beautiful priestess of Venus at Sestos, beloved by Leander of Abydos. HESPERIDES, hes-per'i-dez, daughters of Hesperus. In their garden were golden apples guarded by a dragon, which was, however, killed by Hercules, who carried off the apples.

HESPERUS, hes'per-us, a son of Aurora, or of Atlas, turned into a star. HIPPOCRENE, hip-po-krē'nē, a fountain near Mount Helicon, sacred to the Muses, and said to have been produced by a stroke of the hoof of the winged horse Pegasus.

HORÆ, ho're, the Hours, daughters of Jupiter and Themis. They controlled the changes of the seasons, and kept watch at the gates of Olympus. HYACINTHUS, hi-a-sin'thus, a beautiful lad, beloved by Apollo, and accidentally killed by a blow from his quoit. From his blood sprang the flower that bears his


HYBLA, hib'la, a town in Sicily, the neighborhood of which was celebrated for its honey.

HYDRA, hi'dra, a water-serpent with fifty heads, killed by Hercules near the Lernean lake.

HYGEIA, hi-je'i-a, the goddess of health, daughter of Esculapius.

HYMEN, hi'men, the god of marriage. HYMETTUS, hi-met'tus, a mountain near Athens, famed for its honey and its marble.

HYPERION, hip-e-ri'on, a Titan, son of Uranus (Heaven) and Gaia (the Earth), father of the Sun.

IACCHUS, i-ak'us, a name of Bacchus. IDA, i'da, a mountain in Crete, also a mountain-range near Troy.

IDALIA, I-da'li-a, a surname of Venus, de rived from the town of Idalium in Cyprus, sacred to her.

ILIUM, il'i-um, a poetical name for Troy. IO, î'ō, daughter of a king of Argos, loved by Jupiter, and, through fear of Juno, changed into a cow. Juno now tormented her with a gadfly, and she fled from land to land, swimming the Bosporus ("oxford"), and at length finding rest in Egypt, where she recovered huniau form, and was worshipped as Isis. IPHIGENIA, if-i-jen-i'a, daughter of Agamemnon. She was to be sacrificed in expiation for an offence of her father against Diana, but was spared by the goddess, who put a hart in her place. IRIS, I'ris, the swift-footed messenger of the gods, the personification of the rainbow.

ISIS, T'sis, an Egyptian goddess, by the Greeks identified both with Demeter and with Io.

IXION, iks-on, the son of a king of Thessaly, was chained, for an offence against Juno, to a constantly revolving wheel. JANUS, ja'nus, the Roman sun-god, having a face on the front, and another at the back, of his head. His temple in the Forum had two doors opposite each other, which in time of war were open, and in


time of peace were shut. The latter happened only thrice in Roman history. JASON, ja'son, the leader of the Argonauts, brought the Golden Fleece from Colchis, with the help of Medea, whom he married. JUNO, jū'no, the Greek Hera, daughter of Saturn, sister and wife of Jupiter, and protecting goddess of women. JUPITER, ju pi-ter, the chief god among the Romans, son of Saturn, and husband of Juno; corresponding to the Greek Zeus.

LACHESIS, lak'e-sis, the one of the Fates who determined the lot of life. LAOCOON, la-ok'o-on, a Trojan, priest of Apollo, killed, together with his two sons at the altar by serpents. LAODAMIA, la-o-dam-i'a, wife of Protesilaus. Her husband was killed by Hector before Troy, and she prayed the gods to give him to her for but three hours. The request was granted, and when the time expired, she died with him.

LATONA, la-to'na, the mother of Apollo and Diana.

LEANDER, le-an'der, a youth of Abydos, who swam across the Hellespont every night to visit Hero of Sestos, until he was drowned in a storm.

LEDA, le'da, the wife of Tyndarus, king of Laconia, visited by Jupiter in the form of a swan. By him, she was the mother of Pollux and Helen; by her husband, of Castor and Clytemnestra. LUCRETIA, lōō-krēsh'i-a, the wife of Collatinus. When dishonored by Sextus Tarquinius, she killed herself, and thus became the immediate cause of the expulsion of the Tarquins from Rome. LUNA, lu'na, the moon-goddess, the Greek Selene.

MARS, märz, an old Roman god of war, son of Jupiter and Juno; the Greek Ares. MARSYAS, mar'si-as, a satyr who challenged Apollo to a musical contest, with the Muses as judges, and who was flayed alive for his temerity. MEDEA, me-de'a, daughter of a king of Colchis. She assisted Jason to obtain the Golden Fleece, afterwards became his wife, and, when deserted by him for anC er, destroyed her rival and her own Children by Jason, and fled to Athens. MEDUSA, me-du'sa, one of the Gorgons, killed by Perseus.

MEGÆRÅ, me-gé'ra, one of the Furies. MELIBUS, mel-i-be'us, the name of a shepherd.

MELPOMENE, mel-pom'e-né, the Muse of tragedy.

MEMNON, memʼnon, a son of Aurora, and king of Ethiopia, who went to aid the Trojans, was slain by Achilles, and, on the funeral pyre, changed, by his mother, into a bird. His marble statue at The bes, when touched by the first rays of the sun, gave forth a sound like a lutestring. MENTOR, men'tor, the faithful friend of Ulysses.

MERCURY, mer'kū-ri, son of Jupiter and Maia, a Roman god of commerce and gain, messenger of the gods; identified with the Greek Hermes. MIDAS, mi'das, a Phrygian king who received from Bacchus the power of turning everything he touched to gold. Even his food turning to gold, he escaped starvation only by washing in the Pactolus. He decided in favor of Pan, a musical contest between him and Apollo, who, in revenge, gave Midas an ass's ears. MINERVA, min-er'va, the Roman goddess

of wisdom, identical with the Greek Pallas Athene.

MINOS, mi'nos, a king and lawgiver of

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MORPHEUS, mor'fe-us, the god of dreams. MUSES, daughters of Jupiter and Mnemosyne. They were CALLIOPE, the Muse of epic poetry; CLIO, of history; ERATO, of amatory poetry; THALIA, of comedy; MELPOMENE, of tragedy; TERPSICHORE, of dancing; EUTERPE, of lyric poetry; POLYHYMNIA, of lyric poetry and eloquence; and URANIA, of astronomy. NARCISSUS, nar-sis'us, a beautiful youth who fell in love with his own image reflected in a well, and pined away until he was changed into the flower that bears his name.

NAUSICAA, nå-sik'a-a, the daughter of King Alcinous. When playing at ball with her maidens on the shore, she found the shipwrecked Ulysses, and conducted him to her father's court. NEMÆAN LION, ne-mê'an, a lion in the wood of Nemæa, which was destroyed by Hercules.

NEPTUNE, nep'tûn, the Poseidon of the Greeks, brother of Jupiter, and chief god of the sea.

NESTOR, nes'tor, an aged king of Pylos, famous among the Greeks before Troy for his eloquence, wisdom, and foresight. NIOBE, ni'o-be, the wife of Amphion, king of Thebes. Having boasted that she had more children than Latona, her seven sons and seven daughters were killed by Apollo and Diana, and she wept for them until she was turned into stone.

NOX, noks, night, the daughter of Chaos. NUMA, nû'ma, the second king of Rome, who organized the whole religious ritual of the state.

EDIPUS, e'di-pus, a king of Thebes who solved the Sphinx's riddle, whereupon she killed herself. CENONE, e-no'ne, a nymph of Mount Ida, beloved by Paris while yet a shepherd. OLYMPUS, o-lim'pus, a mountain on the borders of Thessaly and Macedonia, the seat of the gods. OMPHALE, om'fa-le, a Lydian queen whom Hercules served as a slave for a short time. She would amuse herself by wearing his lion's skin and caying his club, while Hercules donned woman's dress and spun wool.

OPS, the wife of Saturn, the Roman goddess of plenty and patroness of husbandry.

ORESTÉS, o-res'tez, son of Agamemnon. He avenged his father's murder by slaying his mother Clytemnestra, and her paramour Ægisthus.

ORION, o-ri'on, a celebrated giant and hunter, who at his death was turned into a constellation.

ORPHEUS, or fus, a Thracian poet who moved rocks and tamed wild beasts by the music of his lyre.

OSIRIS, o-si'ris, the chief Egyptian deity, husband of Isis, and the first to introduce civilization into Egypt.

PACTOLUS, pak-tō'lus, a river in Lydia, said to bring down golden sands, from Midas having washed in it.

PÆAN, pē'an, a name of Apollo as the healer.

PALLAS, pallas, the same as ATHENA. PAN, an Arcadian pastoral god, inventor of the shepherd's flute. PANDORA, pan-do'ra, the first woman, made by Vulcan by command of Jupiter. She brought with her from heaven a box containing all human ills, which feminine curiosity made her open, and out of it


they all flew, to afflict_mankind, while nothing remained but Hope. PARCE, par'se, the Fates. PARIS, par is, son of Priam, king of Troy, Brought up as a shepherd on Mount Ida, there he decided the dispute as to their beauty between Juno, Minerva, and Venus, in favor of the last, who promised him Helen, wife of Menelaus, and the fairest of women. His carrying her off caused the Trojan war, in which he was slain.

PARNASSUS, par-nas'sus, a mountain in Greece sacred to Apollo and the Muses. PATROCLUS, pa-trok'lus, the dearest friend of Achilles, rashly challenged Hector before Troy, and was killed by him.

PEGASUS, pega-sus, a winged horse which sprang from the blood of Medusa, bore Bellerophon in his struggle with the Chimæra, then flew upwards to heaven, He is called the horse of the Muses. PELOPS, pē'lops,son of Tantalus,and father of Atreus. When a child, he was served up as food to the gods, but was recalled to life by Jupiter. He became king of Elis, and was so powerful that he gave his name to the whole Greek peninsula. PENELOPE, pe-nel'o-pe, the wife of Ulysses, celebrated for her constancy during his twenty years' absence. She put off her importunate suitors by prom ising to marry when she had finished & web she was weaving; but what was woven during the day, she undid at night.

PERSEUS, per'sūs, a son of Jupiter, cut of the head of Medusa, and saved Androm eda from a terrible sea-monster.

PHAETON, fa'e-thon, a son of Sol. Having obtained leave to drive the chariot of the sun for one day, he upset it, and was hurled by a thunder-bolt from Jupiter into the river Po. PHILOMELA, fil-o-me'la, a daughter of Pandion, king of Athens, changed into a nightingale. PHLEGETHON, fleg'e-thon, a river of fire in the lower world.

PHOEBE, fè'be, a name of Artemis or Diana, as the goddess of the moon, it being regarded as the sister of Phoebus or the Sun.

PHOEBUS, fe'bus, a name of Apollo as god of the sun.

PHOSPHORUS, fos'for-us, the Greek name of Lucifer, the morning star.

PIERIA, pi-ēr'i-a, a district in the north of Greece, one of the earliest seats of the worship of the Muses, who are often styled Fierides.

PLUTO, plu'to, the king of the lower world, brother of Jupiter and Neptune. PLUTUS, plu'tus, the god of riches. POLLUX. See CASTOR. POLYHYMNIA, pol-i-him'ni-a, the Muse of lyric poetry and eloquence. POLYPHEMUS, pol-i-fe'mus, a one-eyed Cyclops in Sicily, who was blinded by Ulysses while he was sleeping, after having devoured many of the companions of the latter. POMONA, po-mo'na, the goddess of fruit. POSEIDON, po-si'don, the Greek god of the sea, identical with the Roman Nep tune. PRIAM, pri'am, the last king of Troy, slain by Pyrrhus.

PRIAPUS, pri-a'pus, son of Bacchus and Venus, the god of fruitfulness, of gar dens, etc. PROMETHEUS, pro-me'thus, son of fapetus, and father of Deucalion. He made a man of clay, and put life into him by fire stolen from heaven. For this, Jupiter chained him to a rock, where a



vulture preyed continually upon his liver, until he was delivered by Hercules. PROSERPINE, pros'er-pin, daughter of Jupiter and Ceres, carried off by Pluto, and made queen of the lower regions. PROTEUS, pro'te-us,a sea-god who assumed any form he pleased. He tended the seals or sea-calves of Neptune. PSYCHE, si'ke, a nymph beloved by Cupid. PYGMALION, pig-mali-on, a king of Cyprus who fell in love with the image of a maiden which he himself had made. Venus changed it into a woman, whom he married. PYRAMUS, pir'a-mus, the devoted lover

of Thisbe. Supposing her to be dead, he stabbed himself under a mulberry tree. PYTHON, pithon, a serpent killed near Delphi by Apollo, who founded the Pythian games to commemorate the victory. REMUS, re'mus, twin-brother of Romulus, killed by him for laughing et his infant walls.

RHADAMANTHUS, rad-a-man'thus, one of the judges in the lower world. ROMULUS, rom'yoo-lus, the mythical founder of Rome, son of Mars by Rhea Silvia, exposed at birth in a cradle on the Tiber, and miraculously suckled by a she-wolf. RUBICO (Eng. RUBICON, rööb'i-kon),

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small stream on the east coast of Italy, the boundary between Italy and Cisalpine Gaul. It was thus the limit of Casar's province, and his crossing it at the head of his army at the commencement of the civil war was tantamount to bidding deflance to the laws of the republic. SARDANAPALUS, sar-dan-a-pål'us, king of Nineveh, noted for his licentiousness and effeminacy. When hopelessly defeated, he burned himself together with all his treasures.

SATURN, sat'urn, an old Roman divinity, the god of agriculture and civilization, identified by the Romans with the Greek Cronos, and thus the father of Jupiter, by whom he was dethroned. SCYLLA, silla, a rock between Italy and Sicily, opposite Charybdis, very dangerous to passing ships. It was the haunt of Scylla, a fearful monster. SEMELE, sem’e-lê, the mother, by Jupiter, of Bacchus,

SEMIRAMIS, sem-ir'a-mis, with her husband Ninus, the mythical founder of Nineveh. She was distinguished for her personal prowess; and after the death of Ninus she reigned alone with great glory.

SERAPIS, se-ra'pis, an Egyptian divinity. SILENUS, si-le'nus, the companion of Bacchus, represented as being usually drunk, and seated on an ass. When drunk or asleep he would prophesy, if surrounded by a chain of flowers. SINON, si'non, a Greek who allowed himself to be taken prisoner by the Trojans, and persuaded them to admit within their city the wooden horse, which was filled with Greek warriors. SISYPHUS, sis'i-fus, a wicked king of Corinth, who was punished in the lower world by having to roll to the top of a hill a stone which constantly rolled back again.

SOL, the ancient Italian god of the sun, later identified with the Greek Helios, hence often called Titan or Phoebus by the poets.

SOMNUS, som'nus, the god of sleep, said to be son of Night and brother of Death. STYX, stiks, a river of the lower world, across which the shades of the departed were ferried.

TANTALUS, tan'ta-lus, a son of Jupiter, for divulging his father's secrets, was made to stand up to his chin in water, with branches of fruit hung over his head, the water receding when he wished to drink, and the fruit when he desired to eat.

TARPEIAN ROCK, tar-pf'an rok, on the Capitoline hill at Rome, over which criminals were thrown. TELEMACHUS, te-lem'a-kus, the son of Ulysses and Penelope, left Ithaca to search for his father, and found him at home on his return. TERMINUS, ter'min-us, the god who guarded boundaries. TERPSICHORE, terp-sik'o-re, the Muse of dancing.

THALIA, tha-la, the Muse of comedy. THERSITES, ther-si'tes, a Greek before

Troy famous for his ugliness and scurrility, killed by Achilles. THESEUS. the'sûs, the great legendary hero of Attica, who killed the Minotaur, and performed various other famous exploits.

THESPIS, thes'pis, the founder of Greek tragedy.

THETIS, the'tis, a Nereid, mother of Achilles.

THISBE, this be, a Babylonian maiden who killed herself beside the body of her lover Pyramus.

TIMON, timon, a celebrated misanthrope of Athens

TIMOTHEUS, ti-mo'the-us, a celebrated musician of Miletus.

TIRESIAS, ti-re'si-as, a blind soothsayer of Thebes.

TISIPHONE, ti-sifo-nè, one of the Furies. TITANS, titans, the sons of Titan, helped their father against Jupiter, but were overthrown.

TITHONUS, tith-o'nus, the mortal hus band of Aurora, endowed by her with immortality, but not eternal youth. In a decrepit old age his immortality became a burden to him, and he was changed into a grasshopper. TITYRUS, tit'i-rus, the name of a shep


TROILUS, tro'i-lus, a son of Priam, king of Troy, slain by Achilles. TROPHONIUS, trof-o'ni-us, the builder, along with his brother Agamedes, of the temple of Apollo at Delphi. Deified after his death, he imparted oracles in a cave in Bootia.

TROY, a city of Asia Minor, destroyed by the Greeks after a siege of ten years. See HELENA.

TYRTÆUS, tir-te'us, a lame schoolmaster, sent by Athens to Sparta in answer to an appeal for aid, and who, by his inspiriting martial lyrics, led the Spartans on to victory.

ULYSSES, a-lis'ēz, a king of Ithaca, famed for his craft and eloquence. His wanderings for ten years, over many lands and seas, on his way home from Troy, form the subject of the Odyssey. URAÑIA, ú-ra'ni-a, the Muse of astron

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VESPER, ves'per, the same as Hesperus. VESTA, ves'ta, daughter of Saturn, god

dess of the household fire and of domestic life. Her priestesses took an oath of virginity, and were charged to keep the sacred fire burning. VIRGINIA, vir-jin'i-a, a Roman girl whom her father Virginius stabbed to death, to save her from the lust of the decemvir Appius Claudius. This led to the expulsion of the decemvirs. VULCAN, vulkan, the Roman god of fire, Son of Jupiter and Juno, confounded with the Greek Hephaistos. ZEPHYRUS, zef'i-rus, the west wind. ZEUS, ze us, the Greek name of Jupiter.

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