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Anger...Charles and Mary Lamb 107
Angler, The......John Chalkhill 1617
Angler's Invitation, The, Stoddart 1615
Angler's Wish, The, Isaac Walton 1616
Annabel Lee..
.E. A. Poe 1077
Annan Water.
Unknown 1036
Annie Laurie... William Douglas 532
Annuity, The....George Outram 2064
Answer to a Child's Question
S. T. Coleridge 133
Ant and the Cricket, The

Unknown 110
Antony to Cleopatra, W. H. Lytle 2274
Apollo's Song from Midas" Lyly 500
April Adoration, Ai ..Roberts 1310
April Rain, "It is not raining
rain for me". .Robert Loveman 1394
April Rain, "The April rain, the
April rain".
Mathilde Blind 1395
"Are the Children at Home"
Margaret Sangster
Are They not all Ministering
Spirits.... .R. S. Hawker 609
"Are Women Fair". .Davison 1834
P. B. Shelley 1374
Argument of His Book, The


Robert Herrick 2921
Armada, The, T. B. Macaulay 2298
"Around the Child"

W. S. Landor 342
Arrow and the Song, The

H. W. Longfellow 2791
Ars Victrix. Austin Dobson 2954
Théophile Gautier 3592
"As I Came Down from Leba-
Clinton Scollard 2531


"As I Laye a-Thynkynge"

[blocks in formation]

Auld House, The


Carolina Nairne 3036
Auld Lang Syne....Robert Burns 2897
Auld Robin Gray, Anne Barnard 989
Autumn.. Emily Dickinson 1337
Autumn: a Dirge...P. B. Shelley 1336
Autumn Garden, An
Bliss Carman 1403
Autumn Tints...Mathilde Blind 1337
Aux Italiens. Bulwer Lytton 869
Ave Atque Vale, "Farewell, my
Youth! for now we needs must
.R. M. Watson
Ave Atque Vale, "You found the
green before the Spring was
.T. S. Jones, Jr. 3432
Ave Imperatrix.. .Oscar Wilde 2172
"Awake! Awake!" John Ruskin 2868
"Awake, My Heart" Bridges 489



[blocks in formation]



Baby Seed Song..
"Baby Sleeps"
Bacchanalian Song,
Bachelor's Hall..
Bailiff's Daughter of Islington,

R. H. Barham 3161
"As Like the Woman as You
.W. E. Henley 1832
Ashes of Roses...E. G. Eastman 903


Laurence Hope
Ask and Have. .Samuel Lover
"Ask Me no More". Tennyson 855
William Winter IIOI
Aspatia's Song from "The Maid's
John Fletcher 1038
Aspects of the Pines, P. H. Hayne 1356
Astrophel and Stella, Sonnets I,

Philip Sidney 1199
At a Solemn Music, John Milton 2939
At First..
.A. T. Jones 3258
At Gibraltar...G. E. Woodberry 2157
At Her Window

Frederick Locker-Lampson 682
At Home in Heaven

[blocks in formation]












T. B. Aldrich
George Cooper
.W. C. Bennett
....Edith Nesbit
.Samuel Hinds 25
Viola Taylor 430
A.... Procter 1938
.R. W. Emerson 2824

John Finley 1904

Unknown 2611

[blocks in formation]

were roaring". ..John Gay 1038
Ballad Made in Hot Weather
W. E. Henley 1967
W. M. Thackeray 1668
Ballad of Cassandra Brown, The
H. G. Cone 1840
Ballad of Dead Ladies, A
J. H. McCarthy 1726
Ballad of Dead Ladies, The
D. G. Rossetti 1724
Ballad of Dreamland, A
A. C. Swinburne 483
Ballad of Earl Haldan's Daughter
Charles Kingsley 772

Ballad of Bouillabaise, The

Index of Titles



Ballad of Father Gilligan, The
W. B. Yeats 2717
Ballad of Heroes, A.....Dobson 2232
Ballad of Imitation, The, Dobson 1815
Ballad of Judas Iscariot, The

Robert Buchanan 2705
Ballad of Keith of Ravelston, The
Sydney Dobell 2646
Ballad of Life, A.. .Swinburne 620
Ballad of Orleans, A... Robinson 2292
Ballad of Prose and Rhyme, The
Austin Dobson 1708
Ballad of Reading Gaol, The
Oscar Wilde 2687
Ballad of Sarsfield, A... De Vere 2338
Ballad of Sir John Franklin, A
G. H. Boker 2398
Ballad of the Angel, The, Garrison 995
Ballad of the Boat, The, Garnett 3188
Ballad of the French Fleet, A

H. W. Longfellow 2354
Ballad of the Oysterman, The

O. W. Holmes 2071
Ballad of Trees and the Master,
..Sidney Lanier 3526
Ballade de Frère Lubin...Marot 3588
Ballade des Dames du Temps

Jadis..... .François Villon 3587
Ballade of a Friar, Andrew Lang 1806
Ballade of Dead Ladies....Lang 1725
Ballade of Ladies' Names

Henley 1703
Ballade of Middle Age.....Lang 349
Ballade of My Lady's Beauty
Joyce Kilmer 557
Ballade of Summer, Andrew Lang 1707
Ballade of the Primitive Jest
Andrew Lang 1650
Barbara. .Alexander Smith 1070
Barbara Allen's Cruelty, Unknown 2610
Barbara Frietchie. Whittier 2430
Barefoot Boy, The. ..Whittier 249
Barrel-Organ, The, Alfred Noyes 2877
Bartholomew. Norman Gale 18
Battle Cry.......J. G. Neihardt 2812
Battle-hymn of the Republic

J. W. Howe 2134
Battle of Blenheim, The, Southey 2343
Battle of Naseby, The, Macaulay 2320
Battle of Otterburn, The

Unknown 2284
Battle of the Baltic...Campbell 2374
Bayard Taylor...J. G. Whittier 3424
Be True.. Horatius Bonar 2799
'Be Ye in Love with April-Tide"
Clinton Scollard 648
Beasts, Birds and Fishes, O'Keefe 130
Beauty and Duty, Ellen Hooper 2832
Because.... Edward Fitzgerald 760
"Because of You," S. A. Hensley
Bedouin Song.... Bayard Taylor
Bedtime....F. R. St. C. Erskine
Beech Tree's Petition, The




Thomas Campbell 1366

Before Sedan.....Austin Dobson 2454

"Before the Beginning of Years"

A. C. Swinburne 354
Beggar Maid, The....Tennyson 1107
"Behave Yoursel' before Folk"
Alexander Rodger 725

Beleaguered City, The

H. W. Longfellow 2753

[blocks in formation]

Bells, The...
Bells of Shandon,


F. S. Mahony 2506
.T. D. English 454

Ben Bolt.
Bermudas. ..Andrew Marvell 2472
Betrothed, The..
Kipling 840
Better Resurrection, A, Rossetti 3247
"Beyond the Smiling and the
Weeping"....Horatius Bonar 3270
"Bid Adieu to Girlish Days"

James Joyce 1136
Biftek aux Champignons.. Beers 1728
Bill and Joe......O. W. Holmes 2858
Bingen on the Rhine....Norton 2528
"Bird, Let Loose in Eastern

Skies, The". .Thomas Moore 3469
Bird Song.. Laura E. Richards 1506
.R. H. Stoddard 1474
Birth-bond, The. .Rossetti 1220
Birth of St. Patrick, The.. Lover 1900
Birthday, A.. .C. G. Rossetti IIII
Bishop Orders His Tomb at Saint
Praxed's Church, The

Robert Browning 1794
Bivouac of the Dead, The, O'Hara 2238
Black Regiment, The
G. H. Boker 2436
Blackberry Girl, The.....Sproat 175
Blackbird, The, "How sweet the
harmonies of afternoon"

Frederick Tennyson 1475
Blackbird, The, "Ov al the birds
upon the wing".
Barnes 1479
Blackbird, The, "The nightingale
has a lyre of gold"....Henley 1479
Blackbird, The, "When smoke
stood up from Ludlow"

A. E. Housman 1478
Black-eyed Susan....John Gay 917
Blackmwore Maidens.... Barnes 322
Blessed Damosel, The, Rossetti 3012
"Blest be the Tie that Binds"

John Fawcett 3551
Blind Boy, The....Colley Cibber 149
Blind Men and the Elephant,
.J. G. Saxe 1809
Blood Horse, The.. B. W. Procter 1473
"Blow, Blow, Thou Winter

Wind"... William Shakespeare 2891
"Blow, Bugles, Blow," McGroarty 2244
"Blow High! Blow Low," Dibdin 922
"Blow Softly, Thrush"...Taylor 1535
Blue and the Gray, The...Finch 2236
Blue Bells of Scotland, The

Unknown 2204
.Cowper 2276
Thomas Hill 1483
.D. G. Rossetti 1222
.Robert Burns 1026
Walter Scott 2336

Boadicea: An Ode...
Bobolink, The..
Body's Beauty.
Bonnie Doon...
Bonnie Dundee..
Bonnie George Campbell

Unknown 2620

Bonnie House of Arlie, The

Unknown 2600
"Bonnie Wee Thing"....Burns 600

[blocks in formation]

William Drummond 1255
.C. D. Warner 2744
Browning 2212

Boot and Saddle.
Border Ballad.

Bourne, The.

Walter Scott 2206
.C. G. Rossetti 3203

Boy and the Wolf, The....Frere 113
Boys, The.
.O. W. Holmes 1687
Boy's Song, A.
James Hogg 120
Bracelet: To Julia, The, Herrick 574
Braes of Yarrow, The..... Logan 1039
R. W. Emerson 2824
Bramble Flower, The Elliott 1419
Brave at Home, The, T. B. Read 2246
Brave Old Oak, The Chorley 1359
"Break, Break, Break," Tennyson 456
Breaking, The, M. S. Anderson 337
Breath on the Oat..J. R. Taylor 2467
Bridal Dirge, A....B. W. Procter 1051
Bridal Song... John Fletcher 1160
Bride, The.. Laurence Hope 1164
Bridge, The...H. W. Longfellow 3158
Bridge of Sighs, The.......Hood 3182
Brier, The.
W. S. Landor 1420
"Brightest and Best of the Sons
of the Morning". Heber 204
Bringing Our Sheaves.. .Akers 3485
British Grenadiers, The,

Unknown 2208
Brook's Song, The....Tennyson 1372
Brookside, The.. R. M. Milnes 1113
Broom Flower, The.
Brother Jonathan's Lament for

Howitt 1420

Sister Caroline..O. W. Holmes 2423
Brown of Ossawatomie, Whittier 2422
Bruce to His Men at Bannock-
Robert Burns 2278
Bucket, The..Samuel Woodworth 450
Bugle Song from "The Princess"
Alfred Tennyson 613
Burial of Moses, The, Alexander 3490
Burial of Sir John Moore after

Corunna, The...Charles Wolfe 2381
Burial of the Dane, The


H. H. Brownell 1580
Burning Babe, The....Southwell
Buttercups and Daisies..Howitt 109
Butterflies.. John Davidson 1014
Butterfly and the Bee, The

W. L. Bowles 108
"By Yon Burn Side," Tannahill 1132


Calf-Path, The. .S. W. Foss 1828
Call, The. R. W. Kauffman 494
"Call Me Not Dead". Gilder 3282
Caller Herrin'...Carolina Nairne 1576
Calumny... .F. S. Osgood 2792
Canadian Boat-Song.....Moore 1382
Cane-bottomed Chair, The

W. M. Thackeray 3041
Captain Reece.....W. S. Gilbert 2112
"Captain Stood on the Carron-

ade, The"..Frederick Marryat 2057
Captain's Daughter, The, Fields 168
Captain's Feather, The....Peck 2233
Carcassonne, "I'm growing old,

I've sixty years"....Thompson 420

[blocks in formation]

Unknown 195
F. D. Hemans 2372

Casey at the Bat...E. L. Thayer 2117
Castara. William Habington 513
Castles in the Air, "My thoughts
by night are often filled"

T. L. Peacock 417
Castles in the Air, "The bonnie,
bonnie bairn who sits poking
in the ase"..James Ballantine 245
Cataract of Lodore, The, Southey 1376
Cautionary Verses to Youth of
Both Sexes.. .T. E. Hook 1953
Cavalier Tunes.. Browning 2211
Cavalier's Escape, The

Cavalier's Song

Walter Thornbury 2652

Robert Cunninghame-Graham 597
Cavalier's Song, The, Motherwell 2210
Celestial Surgeon, The, Stevenson 3483
Ceremonies for Christmas
Robert Herrick 215
Certain Maxims of Hafiz, Kipling 1843
Certain Young Lady, A..Irving 705
.A. H. Fisher 2532
Chalienge.. .K. F. Murray 306
Chamber Scene"..N. P. Willis 334
Chambered Nautilus, The

O. W. Holmes 2781
Chameleon, The..James Merrick 1807
Changing Road, The, K. L. Bates 3215
Chanson de Rosemonde..Hovey 977
Chant Royal of High Virtue

A. T. Quiller-Couch 2817
Chanted Calendar, A....Dobell 1413
Chanticleer.... Katharine Tynan 141
Character of a Happy Life, The

Henry Wotton 2844
Herbert Trench 2787

Charge, A.
Charge of the Light Brigade, The

Alfred Tennyson 2406
Keep I Have, A"
Charles Wesley 3542

"Charge to
"Charlie is My

Unknown 2201
Chartless.. Emily Dickinson 3465
Che Sara Sara. Victor Plarr 1136
Cherry-Ripe... Thomas Campion 506
Chess-board, The, Bulwer Lytton 868
Unknown 2591

Child in the Garden, The,

Henry Van Dyke 417
"Child My Choice, A," Southwell 3501
J. B. Tabb 422
Children, The..C. M. Dickinson 238
Children's Hour, The, Longfellow 240
Child's Heritage, The..Neihardt 265
Child's Laughter, A, Swinburne 242
Child's Natural History, Herford 2014
Chi'd's Song in Spring...Nesbit 127
Child's Wish Granted, The

G. P. Lathrop 306
Chimney Swallows, H. N. Powers 1529
Chivalry at a Discount, Fitzgerald 1666
.Robert Burns 522
Chloe Divine...Thomas D'Urfey 515
Chloris in the Snow...Unknown 505

Choice, The....

Index of Titles


D. G. Rossetti 3340


Choosing a Name...Mary Lamb
Chorus from "Hellas"...Shelley 2517
Christ Our Example in Suffering

James Montgomery 3549

Christmas at Sea, R. L. Stevenson 1556
Christmas Bells, H. W. Longfellow 205
Christmas Carol, "As Joseph was
Unknown 203
Christmas Carols, "It came upon

the midnight clear". .Sears 200
Christmas Chimes.....Unknown 1975
Christmas Hymn, A.....Domett 198
Christus Consolator... Raymond 3523
Chronicle, The, Abraham Cowley 796
Chrysalis, A...Mary E. Bradley 286
Churchyard, The.....Buchanan 3223
City in the Sea, The... E. A. Poe 3205
City of the Dead, The... Burton 3228
Civil War. ...C. D. Shanly 2428
.E. V. Lucas 1706
Clocking Hen, The... Unknown 46
Closing Scene, The..T. B. Read 3207
Cloud, The.......P. B. Shelley 1392
Coleridge, Theodore Watts-Dunton 3367
Collar, The... George Herbert 3473
S. T. Coleridge 1843
Columbia. Timothy Dwight 2130
Columbus, "Behind him lay the

gray Azores"...Joaquin Miller 2294
Columbus, "St. Stephen's clois-
tered hall was proud".

L. H. Sigourney 2293
"Come, Chloe, and Give me
Sweet Kisses". . C. H. Williams 659
"Come into the Garden, Maud"

[ocr errors]

Alfred Tennyson 680
'Come to Me, Dearest," Brenan 962
Comfort. .E. B. Browning 3516
"Comin' Through the Rye"

Robert Burns 701
Common Street, The..H. Cone 2873
Commonplaces. Rudyard Kipling 1880
Companions.....C. S. Calverley 1678
Compensation.....Celia Thaxter 1256
Complete Lover, The... Browne 510
Comrades, "At least, it was a life

of swords". Lionel Johnson 2862
Comrades, "I rose up when the
battle was dead". ...Housman 2864
Comrades, "Where are the friends
that I knew in my Maying"

G. E. Woodberry 2861
Conclusion, The.. Walter Raleigh 3239
Conclusion of the Whole Matter,
F. R. Torrence 2777
Concord Hymn.. R. W. Emerson 2133
Conquered Banner, The... Ryan 2451
Conqueror Worm, The, E. A. Poe 3204
Conscience. .H. D. Thoreau 2820
Conservative, A. .C. P. S. Gilman 1822
Consider.. .C. G. Rossetti 3481
Constancy, "Dear as remem-
bered kisses after death'"
Minor Watson 3261
Constancy, "I cannot change as
others do". John Wilmot 589
Constant Lover, The...Suckling 791
Constant Swain and Virtuous


Maid, The..
Contemplation upon Flowers, A
Henry King 1417



.Norman Gale 1136
Contented John.. Jane Taylor 105
Contented Mind, A. Sylvester 2840
Unknown 699
Contentment. .O. W. Holmes 1685
Conundrum of the Workshops,

The... .Rudyard Kipling 1816
Coridon's Song...John Chalkhill 1590
Corinna's Going a-Maying

Robert Herrick 1315
Waiter Scott 2279

Coronation, "All hail the power
of Jesus' name".
.Perronet 3542
Coronation, "At the King's gate
the subtle noon" Jackson 2843
Coronemus nos Rosis Antequam
Marcescant...Thomas Jordan 1924
Corsage Bouquet, A..... Lüders 1724
Cottager to her Infant, The


Dorothy Wordsworth
Cotter's Saturday Night, The
Robert Burns 3048
Counsel.. .Mary E. Davis 2866
Country Wedding, The Unknown 741
Court Lady, A..E. B. Browning 3117
Courtin', The......J. R. Lowell 710
Courtship, Merry Marriage, and

Picnic Dinner of Cock Robin
and Jenny Wren, The Unknown 171
Courtship of the Yonghy-Bonghy-
Bò, The.. Edward Lear 1986
Cow, The.
..Ann Taylor 45
Cowper's Grave, E. B. Browning 3368
"Crabbed Age and Youth"

William Shakespeare 691
Cradle Hymn, A, "Hush! my
dear, lie still and slumber"

Isaac Watts 75
Cradle Song, A, "Come_little
babe, come silly soul".. Breton 1018
Cradle Song, "Sleep, baby,
sleep" Elizabeth Prentiss
Cradle Song, "Sleep, little baby
of mine





Cradle Song, "Sleep, sleep,
beauty bright," William Blake
Cradle Song, "What is the little
one thinking about," Holland
.Henry Newbolt 2445
.F. T. Palgrave 2280
Credo, A..
W. M. Thackeray 1954
Creep afore ye Gang, Ballantine 244
A. C. Doyle 2369
Cricket, The....William Cowper 1465
Cricket's Story, The.....Nason 137
Crooked Footpath, The, Holmes 3493
Crossing the Bar.. .Tennyson 3284
Crow, The. William Canton 1488
Crowing of the Red Cock, The

Emma Lazarus 3056
Cruiskeen Lawn, The..Unknown 1942
Crust of Bread, The... Unknown 98
Cry of the Children, The


E. B. Browning 269
Cuckoo, The, F. Locker-Lampson 1489
Cuddle Doon, Alexander Anderson
Cui Bono.. .Thomas Carlyle 3171
Culture in the Slums....Henley 1885
Cup, The......J. T. Trowbridge 1599
Cupid and Campaspe..John Lyly 500
Cupid Drowned.....Leigh Hunt 472
Cupid Stung.....Thomas Moore 472


Curé's Progress, The...Dobson 1714
"Curfew Must Not Ring, To-
..R. H. Thorpe 3131
Cushla Ma Chree. .J. P. Curran 2191
Custer's Last Charge, Whittaker 2455
Cyclamen, The.......Arlo Bates 646

Bliss Carman 1430
Daisy.. Francis Thompson 327
Damelus' Song of His Diaphenia
Henry Constable
Dandelion.. .A. R. Annan 1435
Dandelions, The. .....H. G. Cone 1435
Daniel Gray. J. G. Holland 3129
Danny Deever.. Rudyard Kipling 2221
"Darest Thou now O Soul'

Walt Whitman 3274
Darius Green and His Flying-
machine.....J. T. Trowbridge 2095
Dark Glass, The..D. G. Rossetti 1221
Dark Man, The....Nora Hopper 890
Dark Road, The..Ethel Clifford 3331
Dark Rosaleen...J. C. Mangan 2177
"Darling, Tell me Yes"... Saxe 628
Daughter of Mendoza, The

M. B. Lamar 551
Dawn and Dark...Norman Gale 1287
Dawn-angels, W. M. F. Robinson 1269
Dawn of Peace, The.....Noyes 2252
Dawn on the Headland, Watson 1268
"Day and Night My Thoughts

Incline". ....R. H. Stoddard 1946
"Day is Done, The," Longfellow 3157
"Day Returns, The"..... Burns 925
Daybreak. H. W. Longfellow 3231
"Days of my Youth". Tucker 338
Days of the Month. Unknown 57
De Brevitate Vitæ....Unknown 3579
"De Gustibus -". Browning 2507
Deacon's Masterpiece, The

O. W. Holmes 1803
Dead Coach, The.. Tynan 3217
Dead Faith, The. .F. H. Lea 3188
Dead Letter, A...Austin Dobson 1744
Dead March, A.. Monkhouse 3312
Dear Fanny.. Thomas Moore 704
Dearest Poets, The.. Leigh Hunt 2904
Death, "Death stands above me,

whispering low," W. S. Landor 3271
Death, "I am the Key that parts
the gates of Fame Coates 3218
Death and Burial of Cock Robin,
Unknown SI
"Death, Be not Proud," Donne 3150
Death-bed, A....James Aldrich 3320
Death-bed, The... Thomas Hood 3318
Death of the Flowers, The

W. C. Bryant 1459
Death of the Old Year, The

Alfred Tennyson 1351
Death's Final Conquest, Shirley 3192
Death's Subtle Ways....Shirley 3193
Death's Summons.
Nashe 3239
Debate in the Sennit, The_Lowell 1772
Dedication, A. Rudyard Kipling 3566
Deeds of Kindness....Unknown III
Deeds of Valor at Santiago
Clinton Scollard 2466
Defence of Lucknow, The

Alfred Tennyson 2408

Defence of the Alamo, The, Miller 2391
W. S. Landor 702

Delight in Disorder.....Herrick 364
Departure.....Coventry Patmore 954
Deposition from Beauty, A

Thomas Stanley 586
Deserted Garden, The, Browning 1406
Deserted House, The..Tennyson 3202
Deserted Village, The, Goldsmith 3064
Unknown 2778
Desire, The... Katharine Tynan 241
Destruction of Sennacherib, The
Lord Byron 2255
Deutschen Vaterland, Des, Arndt 3584
Devout Lover, A..... Randolph 513
Dewey at Manila, R. U. Johnson 2463
Dialogue from Plato, A, Dobson 1711
Diana, Sonnets IX, LXII

Henry Constable 1209
Dickens in Camp....Bret Harte 3372
Dies Iræ, "Day of wrath, that
day of burning.
.A. Coles 3527
Dies Iræ, "Dies iræ, dies illa"


Tommaso di Celano 3569
Difference, The... L. E. Richards
"Dinna Ask Me"..John Dunlop 1129
Dirge, A, "Call for the robin-
redbreast and the wren"

John Webster 3218
Dirge, "Calm on the Bosom of
thy God".....F. D. Hemars 3310
Dirge, "Fear no more the heat o'
the sun"..William Shakespeare 3219
Dirge, A, "Now is done thy long
day's work

Tennyson 3310
Dirge for a Soldier. .G. H. Boker 2243
Dirge for One Who Fell in Battle

T. W. Parsons 2242
Dirge for the Year. . P. B. Shelley 1352
Dirge in Cymbeline..
.Collins 3219
Dirty Jim..
Jane Taylor ΙΟΙ
.C. S. Calverley 1861
Discipline.. George Herbert 3474
Discoverer, The...E. C. Stedman 284
Disdain Returned.
Carew 789
Dispraise of Love, and Lovers'
Follies.. Francis Davison
Diverting History of John Gil-


pin, The. William Cowper 2025
Jean Ingelow 948
Divine Rapture, A. Quarles 3496
Dixie, "I wish I was in de land ob
.D. D. Emmett 2146
Dixie, "Southrons,, hear your

country call you,' Albert Pike 2147
"Do I Love Thee"...J. G. Saxe 629
Do you Fear the Wind. . Garland 1636
"Do You Remember," T. Bayly 760
Dolcino to Margaret...Kingsley 1181
Don Quixote. ....Austin Dobson 2810
..Henry Abbey 972
J. J. Roche 715
"Don't be Sorrowful, Darling"
Rembrandt Peale 1186
Doorstep, The...E. C. Stedman 766
A. J. Munby 1167
Dorothy Q.. .O. W. Holmes 1680
Doubt of Martyrdom, A, Suckling 580
Doubting Heart, A, A. A. Procter 2755
Douglas Tragedy, The, Unknown 2549
Dove, The.
John Keats 3173
Dover Beach...Matthew Arnold 2495

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