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to church in a kind of solemn and mourn- credence of the age, by enchantments, and ful procession, where she actually implored it was given out that her familiar spirit vipardon of the saints, whose shrines she was sibly accompanied her, under the form of about to violate. Her young and gallant a negro-maid. This yet more incensed the Padilla being condemned to die (and this truly brave, and they fought with such vifatal incident was the downfal of the con- gour as to drive her out of the city; for federacy) Maria resolved to revenge the four months longer, however, after she had death of her husband, and the people of retired to the citadel, she exerted herself in Toledo yet held firm their allegiance to- || defending it, with a fortitude and valour wards her. When the city was invested, she which seemed in the end to promise her defended it with a vigour unparalleled even success. A strong party of the royalists in the opposite sex; but the clergy, whose at length compelled her to fly, and she esproperty she had possessed herself of, no caped in man's attire to Portugal, where longer supported her she then affected to many of her relations were settled. delude them, according to the superstitious


MADAME LA MARECHALE DE MIREPOIX. I her affairs: never was so much fickleness

WITHOUT being a regular beauty, Madame de Mirepoix was, in her youth, one of the best made women in France; and she preserved her blooming appearance to a very advanced age. Her mind was as vigorous as her countenance was youthful; but what most distinguished her was a gracefulness unparalleled in all her actions and manners of the most elegant kind; so that her decisions in matters of taste and behaviour were universally respected. Her politeness was wholly unstudied, her temper equal, and without being a slave to etiquette, she knew how to maintain her rank in society; she was benevolent without ostentation, while malignity and severity were strangers to her breast. Never was woman more captivating and amiable. Louis XV. entertained for her a sincere and lively friendship, of which he gave her continual proofs, in paying for her those debts which an immoderate love of play, and an expensive disposition caused her to contract. She has been blamed for her complaisance to Madame de Barri, which she carried so far, as to be often seen in public with her she was, no doubt, more actuated in this conduct by her gratitude to the King, than by any interest she could possibly take in what was so contrary to the rules of correctness.


It has been a matter of astonishment to many, that while Madame de Mirepoix shewed so much judgment in her conversation, she should have so little in conducting

shewn in little things, and at the same time such unshaken fidelity to her friends: scarce was she established in a new dwelling, at a most exorbitant expence, than she became crazy to change it for another. Yet her constancy towards every thing that had· life, was proverbial, and extended even to her cats and other domestic animals.


THIS lady, the mother of the justly renowned Baroness de Stael, was possessed of a fund of literature and good sense; her manners were more reserved than noble, but she possessed what is the most exalted of all virtues,-that of benevolence. What her husband gained by finance and commerce, was employed by her in good works. Amongst her particular friends, the restraint of her manners wore off; she was then peculiarly amiable, and cheerful even to gaiety.

One ruling thought, however, seemed to occupy the whole of her ideas: it was the success of M. Necker. Her attachment to her husband was sincere and disinterested, and her ideas of his talents and qualifications were such, that she absolutely idolized him: his house might be styled a temple, of which she was the priestess; and his friends, how high soever might be their rank, were reduced by her to become his worshippers.

Yet Madame Necker had a more exalted

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THIS lady was equally celebrated for the charms of her person, the sweetness of her temper, and her great literary fame. Born without any extraordinary talents, the world was astonished at the patience and courage of a female, who, by dint of study and application, resolved to become a poet. Madame du Boccage, however, had no occasion to fly to such a resource to gain admiration; she was much more sure of charming by the graces of her person and the excellence of her heart, than by those poems, the best of which were deficient in natural ease, and shewed a studied and

heavy manner of composing. She was wealthy, and it was in her power to have

collected together all the learned and witty in Paris, and to have formed her society from the literati. From what then, in so amiable and good a woman, could have arisen this mistake of talent, but the love of fame, so prevalent in the breasts of many mortals? Voltaire received Madame du

Boccage, on her return from England, at his country seat; and crowned her with a wreath of laurel, while he had been tormenting himself all the day to make two or three couplets in her praise. Supper was served up, no verses yet made, and the author of the Henriade, in despair, called for laurel, and formed the crown, which, as he placed it on her head, he violated the rites of hospitality, by a grimace he made behind her back, and formed with his fin gers the figure of a pair of horns. Yet was this good woman so blinded by her vanity, as to take all his burlesque, inflated praise, and pantomimic ceremony, as sterling truth, and sincere veneration of her great abilities.



THE following anecdote is but little known; we had it from one who endured the horror of witnessing many of the dreadful scenes at the commencement of the French revolution: it serves to shew, that conciliating manners, united with fortitude, may penetrate the hardest hearts; there were not instances wanting during the sanguinary proceedings of the revolutionists, of some few provoking their fate by illtimed obstinacy and fierté.

Amongst the horrors which marked the 10th of August, Lemonier, the King's phy sician, remained in his closet, and was resolved to put on no disguise; a party of men, their arms stained with blood up to the very elbow, knocked loudly at his door; the venerable man immediately opened it:" What art thou doing here? Thou art easy enough!"- "I am at my post." "What is thy business in this castle ?”—“ I am physician to the King." -"And thou art not afraid?”— '-"Of what? I am unarmed; would you hurt any one so situated?"-"Thou art a good kind of a

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ser, and told the officer to acquaint his master that that was the way he disposed of baubles sent him by those whose friendship he did not want. He took care, however, immediately after this insolence, to step into his carriage and get away, as fast as he could, out of the Emperor's dominions; and which he did but just time enough to save his head; a party of hussars being immediately dispatched to arrest him, but they arrived too late.

fast; when the nobleman began to praise The Emperor shewed himself above reMiss Macklin in a strain of panegyric, senting this insult; and when Pitrot's enwhich her father thought augured well for gagement was at an end, he sent the inher approaching benefit; Macklin grate- || solent foreigner a gold snuff-box, with his fully bowed, and while he was thinking picture set round with brilliants; and it how he should broach the subject of the was delivered to Pitrot by a Colonel of the tickets for his daughter's night, the Baronet | Guards. The dancing-master carelessly prevented him, by saying, "I mean to be || looked at it, gave the box to his hair-dresher friend-not in the trifling act of taking tickets for her benefit, I mean to be her friend for LIFE.”—“What do you allude to, Sir?" said Macklin, " Why," said the nobleman, "I mean as I say, to make her my friend for life; and as you are a man of the world, and it is fit you should be considered in this business, I make you an offer of four hundred pounds a year for your daughter, and two hundred pounds a year for yourself, to be secured on any of my estates during your natural life." Macklin happened just then to be spreading || some butter on a French roll: he grasped the knife he held, and looking steadfastly at the Baronet, desired him to quit his apartment immediately. He affected not to mind him, and made use of many coarse and gross expressions. Macklin, on this, sprang from his seat, and holding the knife to his throat, ordered him to make the best of his way out of the house, or he would drive the knife into his heart, as a proper reward for his infamous and degrading || proposals. Macklin had no occasion to repeat his threat-the Baronet sprang from his chair and sought safety in flight.



WHEN this Diou de la danse, as Vestris now styles himself, was at Vienna, he never made his appearance on the stage till in the last act of a ballet. The Emperor once desired he would make his entré at the end of the first act. Pitrot told the messenger that "Men of talent never made themselves too cheap." The Emperor and all the court immediately quitted the Opera-house. When Pitrot found this, he stepped forward, and said to the dancers, loud enough for the remaining audience to hear him :“Mes Enfans, nous dansons pour nous-mêmes, et non pas pour l'Empereur." It is affirmed that he never danced so well as on that evening.

When Frederic the Great of Prussia had ordered him to get up a magnificent ballet, he could not forbear remonstrating with him on the enormity of the expence. "The honour of Pitrot," replied the dancer, "is not to be limited by the purse of mo


When he was in France, and was about to commence a dance with the sister of the famous Madame du Thé, the father of the late Duke of Orleans stepped up to her, and whispered in her ear that he would sup with her. Pitrot overheard the Prince, and told the lady he was resolved to supplant him. The lady told him he must not think of it, for his Highness would give her an hundred louis d'ors. "Well," replied Pitrot," and I will give you a thousand." On her expressing her doubts, he laid his hand on his bosom, and said :-" You shall have them, foi de Pitrot!" And the next morning he kept his word.


In the year 1752, the famous David Ross had, during the Christmas holidays, been playing the character of George Barnwell, and Mrs. Pritchard that of Milwood. Dr. Barrowby, one of the physicians belonging to St. Bartholomew's Hospital, told Ross, that three days after, he was sent for by a young gentleman in Great St. Helens, apprentice to a very opulent merchant. He found him very ill of a fever. The nurse

told the Doctor that his patient frequently sighed bitterly, and she was sure he had something on his mind. After much intreaty on the part of the physician, the youth confessed he had something which lay very heavy on his heart, but that he had rather die than divulge it; as, if known,|| it would be his certain ruin. The Doctor assured him, that if he would confide it to him, he would do all in his power to serve him, and that the secret, if he desired it, should be buried in his breast, or only told to those who could be able and willing to

relieve him.

undertake, with his father, to make up mat. ters; and in order to set the mind of his patient entirely at ease, he told him if his father would not advance the money he would.

On the arrival of the father, the Doctor took him into an adjoining room, and explained the cause of his son's illness. With tears in his eyes, the old gentleman gave him a thousand thanks, and immediately went to his banker's for the money, while the Doctor returned to his patient, and told him every thing would be settled to his satisfaction in a few minutes. When the father returned, he put the two hundred After some subsequent conversation, he pounds into the hands of his son, and an told the Doctor, that he was second son to a affecting scene followed of tears and em gentleman of good fortune in Hertfordshire, || braces between the parent and the child. and that he had made an improper acquain- The son soon recovered, broke off a contance with the mistress of an East India nection which had nearly proved so Captain, then abroad. That in one year fatal to him, and became in time, by his he should be out of his time; and he had attention to business, one of the most opubeen intrusted with cash, drafts, and notes lent merchants in the city. to a considerable amount, from which he had purloined two hundred pounds. That three nights before, as he was at the play of George Barnwell, he was so forcibly struck, that he had not known a moment's quiet since. The Doctor asked where his father was? He replied, that he expected him there every moment, as his master had sent for him as soon as he was taken so very ill. The Doctor desired the young gentleman to make himself easy, as he wouldwell."

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He was always punctual in his attendance at the benefit of Mr. Ross; who, though he never knew the name of his benefactor, constantly on that occasion received in the morning a note sealed up, containing ten guineas, and the following words :


"A tribute of gratitude from one who was highly obliged, and saved from ruin, by seeing Mr. Ross's performance of Barn




(Concluded from Page 224.)

WHEN M. de Richelieu was Ambassa- || all the state secrets. It is curious enough dor at Vieuna, during the ministry of the that the austere Cardinal de Fleury, was Cardinal de Fleury, he shewed himself as the confidant of his diplomatic amours. at Paris and in the army, brave, spirited, || The Marshal also distinguished himself by and gallant, always attentive to the ladies, || the firmness with which he supported the and always well treated by them; he had the art of making gallantry serviceable to his political interests.

rights of the French crown against the pretensions of the Spanish Ambassador, who soon afterwards quitted Vienna through The Marshal finding himself indifferently || vexation. It is universally allowed that in received at the beginning of the ministry this embassy the Marshal displayed great of Prince Eugene, who might be said to talents, and a capacity for business above govern the monarch he had so valiantly his years, for he was not then quite twentydefended, addressed himself to the Prince's nine years of age; but the reputation which mistress, seduced her, and learned from her " he acquired as a statesman, was clouded by No. 65, Vol. X.


return to the Marshal.

the report of a weakness disgraceful to || terialists believed in ghosts. But let us common sense, which he unfortunately was guilty of at that time. Vienna was then The adventure which I have just meninfested by one of those charlatans who tioned passed over without any disagreeable gain an existence by practising upon the consequences to him; nor can we wonder credulity, the fears, and the curiosity of at it, when we find that the Abbe de Linttheir fellow creatures, in the triple capacity | zendorf, one of his companions or accom• of alchymist, astrologer, and physician. plices, was honoured with a Cardinal's hat. This itinerant quack, this being without a On the Marshal's return to France, country and without a name, duped many Louis XV. who was himself a man of wit, with a promise to make gold. He duped || became very partial to him, and began the Marshal in a manner, if possible, more from that time to honour him with marks' ridiculous, he promised to shew him the of favour and friendship, which continued devil in propria persona; and the Duke, to the end of his life. This monarch deexcellent as his understanding was, had lighted in joking the Marshal, and bore actually the weakness to believe him. His with great good humour Richelieu's reinfernal Majesty was to be exhibited in a || partees, which were sometimes very sharp. quarry near the town: and some men of One day as the King and the Marshal were distinction, amongst whom, we are sur-returning together from church, after hearprised to find, was the Abbe de Lintzen-ing a sermon by the Bishop of Senez, in dorf, son of the Grand Chancellor, went || which the prelate, with an apostolic zeal, with the Marshal.

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had reprobated the vices of the court, the King said to the Marshal, "M. de Richelieu, the preacher has thrown a great many stones into your garden."—"Sire," replied he, "did none fall into your Majesty's park ?”

feelings, he had the art to keep them at a respectful distance. Voltaire, so spoiled by the great, and who had been the companion of his youthful days, never presumed to break through those bounds. His nu merous letters to the Marshal are written in a guarded and respectful style, which forms a singular contrast with the freedom of those which he wrote to so many Princes and Princesses of sovereign houses.

Duclos, in his Secret Memoirs, pretends that the Marshal had the cruelty to assassinate the pretended magician. But Duclos, who so often copied the Duke of St. Simon, resembled him also in believing much too lightly the most atrocious accusations. For The Marshal behaved to his inferiors my own part I have been at particular with a dignity devoid of haughtiness; his pains to ascertain the truth or falsehood manners and words were peculiarly graceful, of this story, and I am convinced it has no but he never made free with those below foundation whatsoever. M. de Richelieuhim in rank; and without wounding their was indeed reproached at the time with being so foolish as to sacrifice a white horse to the moon. This account is much more probable, and in the event of a doubt, it is better to believe that the Marshal was guilty of murdering a horse than a sorcerer. It must be confessed, that the Duke was very superstitious; he believed in the predictions of astrologers, and all that sort of nonsense. I have seen him refuse, at Versailles, to go and pay his respects to the eldest son of Louis XVI. declaring at the same time seriously, that he knew that that child was not destined for the throne. This superstitious credulity was very general during the league; and its baneful in-tory. He has, however, been reproached fluence was still felt in society under the Regency, when the Duke de Richelieu entered the world. This superstitious weakness, strange as it may appear, was often found associated with the grossest impiety, and the principal part of the ma

M. de Richelieu, when Governor of Gayenne, kept up a great establishment, and displayed all that magnificence which formerly distinguished France, but which we no longer find except in the pages of its his

with having encouraged gaming in his own house. This practice, so reprehensible every where, is particularly so in a great commercial town, where economy ought to be the tutelar divinity. His ingenious repartees are still remembered at

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