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NEWS the most unpleafing to the merchants and underwriters have been at laft received in regard to the fate of Buenos Ayres. It was retaken by the Spaniards, on the 12th of Auguft last; confequently, even the first of the merchant-thips freighted from this country for that port could not arrive before it had returned into the enemy's poffeflion. Point: Maldonado, however, on the oppofite fide of the river, and confiderably to the fouth-eaft of Monte Video, has been occupied by the troops from the Cape of Good Hope. Not one, therefore, of the British merchantmen can have failed, unwittingly, into the harbour of Buenos Ayres, while it was again an enemy's port. They would all go into Portuguese ports, or top at Point Maldonado; but the fales of their cargoes are, in a great meature, prevented. A part may be difpofed of to the Portuguefe; part, alio, may be fmuggled in among the Spaniards along the coaft. Some of the hips may return with their cargoes to Jamaica, or others of the free ports in the Weft Indies; others may fend goods into the Sanith market, by the intervention of American traders; others may await the re-conqueft of Buenos Aytes by a new British force. But, after all, the lofs upon fo many hundred thoufand pounds' worth of goods must be very large. It will be fuffered rather by the merchants than by the under-writers. Much of it falls upon the manufacturers and petty dealers; Sheffield and Birmingham, in particular, fuffer very confiderably. We fear that Manchester has alfo its part, and that not a small one, in the lofs

The homeward Weft India fleet has arrived, without misfortune by form or capture;" but there is no brifk fale for West India produce. Raw cottons fcarcely fetch a price equi-. valent to the freight. Sugars continue too low to afford any thing like an adequate return to the proprietors of Mufcovado fugar of middling or inferior quality. The cafe is the fame with rum and coffee. The attempt to exclude British commodities from the Continent, cannot but be ultimately fruftrated; in the mean time, it fails not of inflicting fome part of that mischief apon British commerce which its author intended. The price of fugar, computed from the returns for the week ending January 21, is only 11. 17s. 01d. per cwt.

The manufacturers of linens in Scotland and Ireland, derive advantage from the prefent fate of Germany. The German linen manufactures are ruined. The demand continues nearly the fame in thofe ftaples, in which was the principal competition between German and British linens. Our manusacturers have the advantage of fupplying that whole demand; . but there is a fcarcity of flax and hemp.

The conditions of the new commercial treaty with the United States of America will not be made public till they thall have been finally ratified by the Anglo-American government. But doubts have been expreffed, that, to the exceeding detriment of our own Weft India trade, the Anglo-Americans may be permitted, under that treaty, to introduce into the ports of France the produce of St. Domingo, of St. Thomas's, of their own South Carolina; and, under fmuggling deceits, that alfo of Martinique and Guadaloupe: by which France will retain an advantage toward procuring the fupplies the wants from the West. Indies, of which the late edict of blockade against the British ifles should have deprived


The hip-owners continue to complain, that the fpirit of the navigation-laws is not rigoroufly adhered to in their favour; that ship-building declines in the port of London; and that, without the speedy adoption of a very different policy from that upon which government has for fome time acted in 'relation to the fhipping intereft, both the fhip-building manufacture, and the carrying trade by fea, are in danger of being, within no long time, utterly loft to this country

The juft and equitable measure of the immediate abolition of the flave-trade is again under the confideration of Parliament. It is certain that the merchants and planters have been providing against that meafure, and have this year fent out more thips to the coast of Africa than have, for several years previous, been employed in the fame traffic, for the use of the British plantations folely. It is flated, that 4 or 5000 landmen have, for fome time, entered every year on board the fhips fitted out on the African trade; that in the voyage from Britain to Africa, from Africa to the West Indies, thofe landmen have acquired the skill and expertnefs of failors; that, on their arrival in the Weft Indies, a great part of them have been always impreffed into the hips of war upon that ftation; and that, without fuch an annual fupply of freth feamen, thus feafoned in hot climates for the fervice, it is impotlible for us to maintain an adequate naval force in the West Indies.

The British trade to Portugal furvives the confequences of the French edit of blockade; but that to the coafts of Italy, and to the Mediterranean in general, fufters already great injury from the edict. Mercantile correfpondence is interrupted by it; and even the trade faom Malta, as an emporium or depôt, to Leghorn, by neutrals, cannot be continued as before. The trade of export and import with Sicily and Sardinia, however, proceeds as


The prefence of Admiral Louis at the Dardanelles happily prevents any interruption of our trade to the Levant or the Black Sea, and cuts off all potible communication between the French and India.

It is afcertained, that if the carrying trade between this country and India were free and open to all, the freight between the two would be reduced from 151. per ton, which it now colts, to 51. or él. per ton. Should this reduction of freight be accomplished, not only indigo, but also filk, fugar, ftarch, hides, and fruits of feveral species, might be imported

with peculiar advantage.

The Anglo-Americans are preparing to pursue the fur-trade from Louifiana, in a manner in which they may greatly ontrival our Canadian and Hudfon's Bay companies.

The 3 per cents, have fluctuated, all this month, from 59 to 61. Others in proportion. The average Prices of Navigable Canal Shares and Dock Stock, for January 1807, at the office of Mr. SCOTT, 25, New Bridge-ftreet, London:-The Coventry Canal, 4201. to 4351. per share; the laft half-yearly dividend was 121 per fhare net.hton and Oldham, 1001. per fhire.-Grand Junction, 861. to 871. ex. dividend.-Rochdale, 451., including the last call of 51. per fhare.Worcester and Birmingham, at 391. per share, all calls paid. -Lancaster, at 191.-Monmouthshire Navigation, at 971. ex dividend -West India Dock Stock, at 1441 ex. dividend of 51 per cent. net for the half year to Christmas.-Eat India Dock, 1201 to 1921. per cent -London Dock, 100l. to 1051. ex. dividend of 21. 15s. per cent. net half-yearly dividend to Christmas.-Globe Infurance, 1021. per cent. ex, divi, dend of 31. 10s. per cent. half-year to Christmas.


THE mild weather which we have experienced in the preceding month has been favourable to the wheat and tare crops, which in general look better than could be expected from the general humidity of the winter, which has been unfriendly to fheep-feeding on turnips, and colefeed, although thofe crops at this feafon were never more luxuriant and abundant. From the general good condition of the paftures, much fodder has been faved, and the outlying ftock thrive well.

In the country markets, the prices of grain (oats excepted, from the great purchases made by government) are much lower. Wheat averages, throughout England and Wales, 77s; Barley, 40s. 34.; and Oats, 27s. 28.

The weekly markets are well fupplied with fat cattle and sheep at reduced prices. Cows and calves are now brought there in plenty, and fell well; but at prefent there is little or no demand for lean cattle or ftore fheep. Much business is done in the pig markets, which are well fapplied, and meet with quick and ready fales. In Smithfield, Beef fetches from 4. 44. to 5s.; Mutton, from 4s. 8d. to 6s.; and Pork, from 4s. 84, to 5s. 8d.

In the fen counties, where the practice of breeding cattle has become pretty general, it is now the custom, and has been for a winter or two paft, to feed their yearling calyes with raw potatoes and fome hay, on which they are found to do well.

But the writer of this Report recommends, from experience, the improved method of framing them as food for horfes and cattle, making them more nutritious and lefs laxative.


And now; behold the joyous winter days,.
Frosty, fucceed; and through the blue ferene,
For fight too fine, th' ethereal nitre flies;
Killing infectious damps, and the spent air
Storing afreth with elemental life.

WE bave had fome frofty days, and on the 14th of January a fall of fnow of a few hours* continuance; but hitherto (January the 19th) the weather has been unufually, and unfeafonably, mild.

Christmas-day was cold and rainy; but, on the day before and the day after, the fun Gone bright and warm, and the bees were flying about as at the commencement of fpring. On Christmas-day I obferved the following plants in flower: winter aconite, beleborus byemalis of Linnæus, greater periwinkle, vinca major; oxlip primula elatior; primrofet ; islets; the drop-wart, pirea filipendula; wall flowers, flocks, marigolds, anemones, bepaileas The china rafes (rofa finenfis), were likewife in great beauty in the open ground.

In the bottoms of fome of the fheltered hedges, expofed to the fouthern fun, I remarked, about the fame day, the red-flowered campion (lychnis dioice), and the pile-wort (ranunculus faria); the former a relic of the autumn, and the latter a harbinger of Ipring.

January 1, 1807. The young leaves of the elder and wrodbine begin to appear. The 6r leaves of the milk thistle (carduus marianus) are alfo feen.

At an estate belonging to the Earl of Malmbury, in Wiltshire, there was a rok's noft containing young ones fo early as the 1st of January.

The ewes begin to produce their lumbs in the open fields.



The moles Aill continue to throw up hillocks.

After a few days of heavy rain the flocks, of gulls that came inland were very numerous. They feemed bufily employed on the flat grounds that had been overflowed by the rivers, in picking up fresh water thell animals, and other fubftances which the fury of the current had caft afhore. Perfons who are curious in collecting fells would find it worth their while to examine the wreck thrown up by fresh water floods. It often contains small thells in myriads, as well as fome of the larger fpecies which are not otherwife eafily to be obtained.

At the commencement of the rainy weather the fieldfares retired to the more elevated parts of the county. They are fince returned.

January 6. Geefe begin to lay their eggs.

Salmon fishing has recommenced, but hitherto (January 19th) only one fulmon has been caught in the neighbourhood of the place from which I write.

A jurbelow or herald moth (phaldua libatrix of Linnæus), was caught in flight, on the 6th of January.

After a heavy gale of wind a piece of wood was picked up on the fea beach, containing three or four of the barnacle shells (lepas anatifera of Linnæus, "anatifa lævis of Bofc). This fhell, which was believed by naturalifts of former times to contain the embryo of that large bird, the barnacle goofe, is not often found upon the fouthern coafts of England. January 19. Mezereon and fnowdrops are in flower. Hampshire.


Obfervations on the State of the Weather, from the 24th of December, to the 24th of January 1807, inclufive, Two Miles N.W. of St. Paul's.

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The quantity of rain fallen during this month is equal to between one and two inches in depth.

This has been the coldest month that we have experienced, but the average height of the thermometer is rather more than 40°; we have fcarcely at any time had a continued froft for 48 hours. The mean height of the barometer, for the whole month, is 28.68.

About the 27th ult. the tides were higher in the Thames than have been known very many years; the overflowing of the water did confiderable damage. The fame, we happen to know, was experienced at Margate; and alfo in the Firth of Forth in Scotland. The wind blew from the W. S. W.

In the neighbourhood of Perth, North Britain, many of the fpring-flowers were in fulf blow on Christmas-day.


Our Correfpondent at Sligo is informed, that the best means of fecuring a regular fupply of the Monthly Magazine is the General Poft Office. Confiderable numbers of all the London periodical publications are circulated through that medium; and we are happy to be able to flate, that the Monthly Magazine, which has always maintained the enviable diftinétion of being at the head of the Poft Office lifts, increafes in that as well as every other mode of circulation, with a degree of rapidity of which no periodical work ever perhaps afforded a

fimilar inftance,

Several friends, the value of whofe communications we gratefully acknowledge, must indulge us till our bureau is cleared of various interesting papers on temporary and practical fubjects. We have added to the bulk of the Magazine, without any addition to the price, in the hope of being able to comply with the prefling folicitations of all our correfpondents, to oblige whom as fait as poffible is our obvious duty and intereft. The superior circulation of Our Miscellany naturally occafions this fuperabundance of valuable communications, and the only preference we give to thofe which we deem admiflible, arifes from their temporary in portance or their practical utility.



No. 154.]

MARCH 1, 1807.

[2 of VOL. 23.

"As long as thofe who write are ambitious of making Converts, and of giving to their Opinions a Maximum of “Infiuence and Celebrity, the most extensively circulated Mifcellany will repay with the greatest £ffect the **Cariolity of those who read either for Amusement or Inftruction." JOHNSON.


To the Editor of the Monthly Magazine.*



TAKE the earliest opportunity to inform you, that, foon after my arrival at Madras, I had the good fortune to meet with a friend who commands a country fhip belonging to one of the ports on the Coromandel coal. He immeditely gave me a birth, and I have accompanied him hither to take in a cargo of pepper. The last evening I had the pleafure of fpending in your company in Engkund, you made me promife to fend you a copy of my Journal: but the places we touched at during our voyage outward, have been fo often and fo minutely dejorbed, that there remained nothing new

to communicate.

I hope, however, that, the following account of this fettlement will be found to contain fome particulars that are not generally known in Europe. It is founded either on actual obfervation, or on facts and details for which I am indebted to a gentleman of diftinguilhed abilities and Ligh rank here.

Pale-Pinang, to which the English lave given the name of Prince of Wales' Ifland, is fitunted at the entrance of the traits of Malacca, about a mile and a laf from the coalt of Quida, between 5.7 and 5.25 of northern latitude. Its greatest extent from north to fouth 15 about eighteen males: at the north end it is about fifteen miles in breadth; but it decreases towards the fouth to about eleven miles,

The climate is very mild and healthy for, notwithstanding its vicinity to the equator, it is never liable to the extremes of heat and cold; feldom to violent and never to continued rains as are common on the coafts of Coromandel and Malabar. On the other hand it is frequently

•The public cannot fail to be gratified with the new and important information consained in this valuable communication, and base reason to believe we shall be favoured with her from the fame intelligent corre, Late

MOHLY MAG, No. 151.

refreshed with agreeable and cooling fhowers. The feafou of moft rain is from the beginning of October to the beginning of December, after the fetting in of the north-eaft monioon: then alfo is the greatest heat, but during the fouth-wett monfoons, the violence of which does not extend to far into the ftraits of Malacca, the air is cooled by a delightful alternation of land and sea-breezes. While, from Quida to Junk Ceylon, the countries only one degree farther to the northward are under the influence of the violent gales and deluges of rain, which mark the fetting-in and clearing up of the southwett inonfoons; Prince of Wales' Ifiand is blefied with a ferene sky, and only now and then a day of moderate and light rain, no more than is neceffaty to invigorate and quicken vegetation. These advantages render it a place equally fuited to European and Afiatic conftitutions. During a late excurfion into the country, a few hours ride from Fort-Cornwallis, brought our party to an elevation where the air is cooler by fixteen to twenty degrees. On thefe falubrious heights, European convalefcents, find their health perfectly rettored in a few weeks; and accordingly they are much referted to by invalids from the other English fettlements in India.

Almoft the whole of the northern part is mountainous, and covered with fine timber down to high-water inark. Through the centre run three ranges of hills and fine vallies between them; fome of which are cultivated with pepper and a variety of fruit-trees. About one half on the Inland is either level ground, or of fo gentle an inclination, as easily to admit of cultivation. Into the large wettera bay run two very fine rivulets of remarkably good water; one of which is navigable for fhips' long-boats, two miles inland, and empties itself into the barbour, about a mile to the fouthward of FortCornwallis, Water is alfo found in all the low parts by digging to the depth of only a few feet.

The uncultivated parts are thickly co

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vered with wood; the hills and dry grounds, with trees of an immenfe fize mixed with canes, rattans, and a great variety of creeping plants; the fwamps, with large trees of a more flimfy texture, and with the necboon or cabbage and beetle-nut-tree; and the ground overflowed by the tides, with the mangrove, from the bark of which a rich red dye is prepared, and other trees that grow in

falt water.

The foil is generally light, and in fome parts fandy, and mixed with a black vegetable mould. For the most part it is too rich for grain; so that from its luxuriancy, the crop falls down and rots before it is ripe. The most proper objects of cultivation are fuppofed to be pepper and other fpices, and the fruits common on the peinfula of Malacca.

but as we have heard nothing of their produce, it is probable that they have failed.

It is well known that the Dutch derived famenfe advantage from the fale of CINNAMON, NUTMEG, MACE, and CLOVES. The true cinnamon tree is peculiar to Ceylon, which is now in our poffeffion. The monopoly of the other three fpices the Dutch East India Company had for more than a century fecured to themtelves, by extirpating the trees that produce them wherever they could be found, except in Banda and Amboyna; with which no other nation was allowed to have any intercourfe. When the Ilands were captured laft war, the Directors of the East India Company, and the Indian Government, foreseeing, I fuppofe, that on the restoration of peace they would probably be given up again to our rivals, fent thither an intelligent botanif, under whofe fuperintendance the Nutmeg and Clove trees in various flages of growth, were transported to the couft of Sumatra, (near Bencoolen,) and to Prince of Wales' Iland, where the climate and foil have proved fo congenial to them, that we may hope, ere long, to fee those valuable Spices become as plentiful as pepper; efpecially as they will not be expofed here to the hurricanes, which fome years ago blew down in one night, almost all the nutmeg-trees in Banda.

The island produces a great variety of foreli-trees, many of which are fit for hip-building. The Chinga is in much eficem among the Malays, for the purpofes of houte and thip-building. A tree at its full growth will yield from 70 to to 90 by 21 to 3 feet diameter of clear timber. The Pennager, which grows only on the fea-thore and rocky ground, furnilles knees and crooked timber for fhips. The Bentanghour, or red poon, attords the bett timber for matis and yards, of any that is produced in India, and is eficemed next in quality to fir. It grows to a very great fize and perfectly ftraight.

At any rate, the monopoly, which the Dutch had established by fraud, cruelty, and ufurpation, and cemented with the blood of our countrymen facrificed to their avarice, in the infamous inaffaere of Amboyna, is wrefted from them for


I have been told, that the French had before fucceeded in carrying plants of the clove-tree to the Mauritius and the Wet Audies, with what fucco's I know not;

The forcits abound with gum and woodoil trees. One of the numerous species of creepers, is about five inches in diameter, and grows continually twifting like a cork-ferew, thooting up till in a fpiral forn even when it has nothing to fupport it: the bark of this paratite plant, which is remarkably thick, emits, when cut, a white vifeous juice, which, on expofure to the air, takes in a very few minutes the colour and confifiency of elaftic gun, of the fame appearance and antwering the fame purposes as the Caoutchouc of South America.

The indigenous wild quadrupeds were fome deer and wild hogs. The latter are very large and numerous, and commit great ravages on the lands cultivated with fugar-cane and yams. Sheep, goats, bullocks, and other animals, that have been introduced by the fettlers, thrive well and multiply faft; and haply are not expofed to the fury of the hyena or other rapacious beafts of prey, which abound on the Malay coaft, but none of which are found here.

There are very few birds on the island, doves excepted, of which there is great abundance, as well as variety of fpecies; geefe, ducks, and other domeftic fowis, thrive furprising well; and game and poultry may be furnished from the Malay coalt. At Quida in particular they are fo cheap, that a hundred good fowls may be purchafed for tince dollars; from twelve to fixteen ducks, for one dollar; and the price of a full-grown bullock feldom exceeds fix dollars.

The whole coaft fwarms with every kind of filh, known in other parts of Inlia. The market is likewife plentifully supplied with offers, cockles, mufcles, and turtle.


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