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In fond purfuit far thro' the tangled wood,
Along the glittering margin of the flood.

At length the wild and tuneful nightingale,
Hopping from bough to bough, and tree to


To the thick covert of a fhady vale

I trac'd, and onward wandering pleas'd and free,

(My long hair floating to the western gale,)
I fat beneath a verdant canopy,
Embower'd in wood, to hear the bird repeat
That thrilling fong, fo mufically fweet.
Whilft thus I listen'd to the gentle bird,
Like Proferpine among the flow'rs of May,
And young as the, I on a fudden heard

To notes of woe the fweet fong die away; Then in the clofe and tangled fhade appear'd

A form, which fill'd my bofom with difmay,

Fell, dark, and fierce; and in the thicket food:

I rofe, and darted fwiftly thro' the wood.
I might have then efcap'd him in the race,
But that fair hair, my virgin joy and pride,
Free as myfelf, abandon'd by its trace,

Caught in a bough, and kept me clofely


My Eerce purfuer foon concludes the chace
(No father heard me, when for aid I

And in this cave, impervious to the sky,
He binds me down to languish and to die.
I fancy fill that all the woods refound

(Thro' which he bore me) with my pier

eing cry,

And, if fome favage fatyr haunts the ground, The wood-god, melted, heaves a pitying figh:

My hair dishevell'd, and my veft unbound, Torn by fharp thorns, in many a fragment Thefe foft and tender checks rough brambles fed,


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And, nurs'd in pleasures, now I droop with pain. C. 19, f. 9.

for fevral more ftanzas, full of fimilar She goes on in this lamentable ftraiu antithefes, and rather too tedious for infertion. She informs them that feveral knights had undertaken her caufe, but had fallen facritices to the lion who guarded her, or to the two giants its mafters. They are, however, far from being deterred by her hiftory; Margutte having the fulleft confidence in the mi raculous powers of his companion, and expecting to live in high luxury at the calle of Belflor, if ever they fhould be fortunate enough to restore the lady to her father, We need not purfve the adventure, which ended by the deftruction of the two giants, (though one was armed with a bear, the other with a dragon); after which the lady fet off with Marhero, who fails not to give himself imme gutte, and under the protection of our diately the character of a knight-errant. Noi andiam pel mondo cavalieri erranti Per amor combattendo in ogni loco.



To the Editor of the Monthly Magazine.


I HAVE, in common with the public,

been gratified and enlightened by the report of the Speech of Mr. WHITBREAD, on the interesting fubject of the poor; and his plans appear to be very good, as far as they are the palliatives of a growing evil.

But is not PREVENTION better than CURE-Is it wife, wilfully and know ingly to create and continue an evil, for the pleasure of attempting to cure it?

Every man and woman in the country can tell how half the poor in every parith became fo! And what is more, they can even name the poor-makers, and can fpecify the exact proportion of each man's fuccefs in this kind of manufactory!

I net lately with an intelligent farmer, from whom I learned that in his parith the poor's rates had increased from 10d. to 38. m the pound; and that the number of perfons who depended on the rates for afliftance or fupport, had been increased from under a core to nearly two hundred, within the last twenty years! I asked hing the reafon of fo great a change. Lord, Sir," fays he, "the reafon's as plain as day light, and is well known to all our gentry: but there's none fo blind as thofe that don't choose to fee. Twenty years ago, our parish contained a hundred and twenty feparate farms, and thefe fupported as many families. Now fpeculation's the rage; and all our little farmers muit turu out, to make room for two or three great ones! Our hundred and twenty farms are by this means reduced to lefs than fixty! More than fixty families have therefore been forced to depend wholly or partly on the rates. At laft rent-day our lord's iteward gave notice to ix old tenants, whofe families comfift of forty-three perfons, men, wonen, and chikken; and we learn that their takes are given away partly to a fpeculating grazier who lives on the other fide of the country, and who manages five hundred acres in our parith by means of a fugle thepherd, and partly to a fon-in-law of the fleward's, who has already une old farms in his bands! Luckily I have a hundred and ten acres of my own, or my family night alio have gune on the parith, for I was overreached by a friend of the fteward's at the expiration of my leafe, ad loft about two years ago à fang parcel of a hundred and sixty acres. Ifpoke to my

Lord about it, but he told me coldly, that he never interfered, and lift

every thing to his Reward, who had let it,

he juppojed, to the best advantage. The fame fyftem is purfued all round our country; in every parish the number of farms is reduced more than half; the families who occupied them for generations are deprived of their independent and ufual means of living; the old folks and the children, of courfe, become burthenfome to the parith, the young men go to the towns to feck a livelihood, and the young women to fervice or to the manufac tories, and many of them, with their incumbrances, foon return chargeable to us."

I have fince, Mr. Editor, extended my enquiries into various counties, and have generally met with the fame explanation; in a word, I find that, with an INCREASING POPULATION, Our definite extention of foil furnithes employment and independence to not more than half the number of perfons which it did twenty years ago, and that this number is annually diminithing!

It has hitherto been held as an axiom in policy, that a fubftantial independent yeomanry are the theet-anchor of a state; and I have not yet met with any refutation of this principle, nor with any proof that a population of PAUPERS ought to be preferred to one of INDUSTRIOUS CULTIVATORS.

I appeal, therefore, to the known patriotif of Mr. Whitbread,-I appeal to the prefent enlightened administration,I appeal to the good fenfe of the country, to devife and adopt the means which fhall diminish the effects of fo great an evil, and which fhall tend to prevent its future increase

I once had occafion to fpeak to the late Mr. PITT on fome fubjects of agriculture, and he forcibly remarked, "If we do not do fomething to prevent the monopolies of land, we thall toon be undone by it. I contider it as the principal caufe of the increate of the poor's rates, and of the rife in the price of all com modities." Such was the opinion of this celebrated minifter, after twenty years' experience in the management of our national affairs; and I am conviLced, if he bad lived, he would have pro pofed fuch incafures for curing the evil as were characteristic of him.

I certainly would not recommend a reftraining at; but I would recommend a fcale of pour-rates, of land-'as, and property-tax, to be enforced, which


fhould affect land-holders in proportion to the extent of their occupation, and land-owners alfo according to the fize in which they let their farms. Nothing could be more juft, more easily arranged, or more beneficial to the public, than fuch a regulation in the collection of the land tax, property tax, and poor's


It would throw much light on the fubject, if a committee of the House of Commons were appointed to enquire into, and report on, the number of farms occupied by feparate families throughout England and Wales, which exift now, and which exifted twenty years ago. Similar reports might be made every three years; and if each feparate property were fpccified which exceeded two thoufand acres, a fpirit of emulation might be excited among country gentle men to be diftinguithed by the number of their tenantry, and by the compactnefs and mediocrity of their farms. He ought to be diftinguifhed as a benefactor to his country who fuffered none of his tenants to occupy more than two hundred and fifty acres of good land; and he ought to contribute by proportionate taxation, who from indolence, mifplaced confidence, or avarice, permitted his eftate to be monopolized by drones and fpeculators.

In conclufion, I warn the Legislature that regulations in regard to the poor will be of little ufe while the caufe of the grievance is tolerated, and that it would be acting the part of a medical quack, who fhould palliate the fymptoms of a difeafe, while the difeafe itself was rapidly increafing.

In your next, I fhall crave the attention of your readers towards another clafs of poor-makers; namely, thofe manufacturers who take numerous apprentices to learn trades in which men are never employed! I am, Sir, your old correfpondent, COMMON SENSE. Leb. 27, 1807.

For the Monthly Magazine. NEGLECTED BIOGRAPHY.


originally a cobler. Of him Simon learnt Englith, and fomething of the accidence, which forming the extent of his tutor's pretenfions, the lad was fent to the free-fchool in the close at Salisbury, the mafter of which was noted for his feverity. After a stay there of two years, he was put under one of the prebendaries of the cathedral in that city, named Minterne, who, being a covetous perfon, would remove his wood from one place to another in his houfe for the purpose of warining himfelf, without being at the expence of making a fire; and the fame courfe of economy and exercife he obliged his pupil to take. In the winter of 1563, Simon's father died; on which his mother, who it appears was of a very unfeeling difpofition, took her fon from fchool, and fet him to keeping theep, plowing, and gathering fticks.

At the age of fourteen he bound himfelf apprentice to a tradefman in Salifbury, who followed feveral callings, and was both a grocer and drugzift.

His mafter finding him alliduous and careful, committed the fhop almott whoily to him; but Forman gave himself much to reading, for which he was reproved by his mafter, who took away his books, At that time, fays Wood, one Henry Gird, a kerfey-weaver's fon of Crediton, in Devonshire, boarded with his master, and went to fchool at Salisbury; and Sinon being his bed-fellow, he learned all at night which Henry had learned at fchool in the day. Though this increase of knowledge was but little, it affords a commendable example of diligence. A neighbour's daughter fell in love with Simon, who, however, was fo intent upon his books as to treat her affection with indifference. Owing to a quarrel with his mafter's wife, his indentures were given up before he was eighteen years old, on which he again went to fchool; but the want of means obliged him to leave it. His industry, however, had been fuch, that he was enabled to fet up as a fchoolmafter, whereby he gained 40s. in his purfe. With this fum, not a trifling one at that time, he went on foot with a companion to Oxford, where Simon became a poor fcholaru the free-fchool belonging to Magdalen

IMON FORMAN, vifionary and afSurologer, was born at quid ante, tot fre

near Wilton, in Wiltshire, in 1552. lie was troubled much with dreams and visions, fays Wood, at the age of fix years; and at eight he was placed under. one Rideout, or Ridear, a minifter, who (according to the fame writer) had been

While at the university, he formed an intimacy with two of his countrymen, with whom he mis-fpent his time in hunting and other extravagancies. At two years ftauding, he quitted college and became a fchoolmater; studying alfo aftronomy,

aftronomy, phyfic, magic, and philofophy. "But thefe ftudies," fays Wood, "efpecially aftronomy (by which he means aftrology) and magic, being but little used in thofe days, he suffered much trouble; and for practifing phytic, he lost his books and goods three times.

The fame writer farther relates, but apparently without any real authority, that Forman travelled much into the Eastern countries to feek after knowledge; and in bis return from the Portugal voyage in 1583 (how could this be called an Eaftern country?), he fettled in London, and dwelt in Philpot-lane about fourteen years, where he had much trouble with the doctors of phyfic, becaufe he was not free among them, or graduated in the university. He was by them four times imprisoned, and once fined; yet at the last he overthrew them all in the Common Law, as alfo in Chancery. In 1603, being at Cambridge, that univerfity conferred the degree of doctor of phyfic and aftronomy upon him, with a licenfe to practife, from which time (faith the Oxford biographer) none durft meddle with him. But as the college of phyficians had treated him fo roughly, and doubtless with Juftice, confidering that he was an arrant empiric, we may fairly call in queftion the propriety of the conduct of the learned univerfity in thus proftituting its degree and licenfe. There is another point in this account which requires an explanation that I am not able to give, and this is the meaning of a doctorate in aftronomy. It is a faculty not now known, nor is it mentioned any where elfe, that I can remem


But to return to Dr. Forman, for fuch he now is; on receiving his academical honours, he fettled at Lambeth, to the profit and benefit (faith his biographer) of many. In what refpects, however, he doth not mention, except that he was very charitable to the poor. He does, indeed, go on to fay that Forman was very judicious and fortunate in refolving horary queftions, efpecially concerning thefts; as likewife in fickneffes, which indeed was his mafter-piece; and he had good fuccefs in refolving questions about marriage, and in other questions very intricate.

The folemnity with which these several excellencies are stated, excites a fmile at the extraordinary credulity which could fwallow and report the practices of grofs impofture.


Wood goes on to record fome inftances of Forman's fagacity; which, however, only ferve to prove that he was a downright rogue. For it appears, that he was much in the confidence of that infamous favourite Robert Carr, earl of Somerfet, and his countefs, the murderers of Sir Thomas Overbury. That lady was before the wife of Robert, earl of Effex, from whom the obtained a divorce, on the pretended ground of his impotency. Forman is faid, by the Oxford hiftorian, to have made certain pictures in wax, reprefenting Sir Robert Cart and the faid lady, to cause a love between each other; with other fuch like things.

Wood fays, that Forman died fuddenly, and was buried, September 12, 1611, in Lambeth-church, leaving a widow, and fome money and goods worth 1200l. But Lilly, the aftrologer, gives a curious account of his death, which, as a ftory, may afford amusement, though it will not command belief.

"The Sunday night before Dr. Forman died, he and his wife being at fupper in their garden-house, the faid, in a pleafant humour, that he had been informed that he could tell whether man or wife would die firfi; and asked him whether the fhould bury him or not? Oh,' faid Forman, you shall bury me but thou wilt much repent it.' Then,' faid the, in a true fpirit of female curiofity, how long will that be? To which he made anfwer, I fhall die before next Thursday night be over."

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"The next day, being Monday, all was well; Tuefday came, and he was not fick; Wednesday came, and still he was well and then his impertinent wife did twit him in the teeth with what he had faid on Sunday. Impatient enough, it must be admitted. Thursday came, and dinner being ended, he was well, went down to the water-fide, and took a pair of oars to go to fome buildings he was in hand with at Puddle-dock; and being in the middle of the Thames, he prefently fell down, and only faid An impoft, an impoft, and fo died. Whereupon," adds Lilly, in the true cant of his profellion, "a moft terrible ftorm of wind immediately followed. (Life of Lilly, aritten by himself)

Forman left a large stock of aftrological manufcripts, and fome on phyfic, divinity, and alchemy, behind him, which are in the Afhmolean Mufeum at Oxford, The profound Dr. Robert Fludd, the Ff Roficrucing,

Rosicrucian, availed himself confiderably or four of the natives, one of whom is

of the papers of Forman in compiling his own cloudy books, which, though little known in England, attracted fo much notice abroad as to be deemed worthy of an answer by the learned Peter Gaffandi.


A celebrated aftrologer, was a native of Bohemia, and rendered himself remarkable in the fixteenth century by his predictions. He foretold, that in 1565 the emperor Maximilian would affuredly become fovereign of all Europe, for the punishment of the tyranny of the other princes: but the year before the time predicted, the fultan Solyman II. took Sigreth, the ftrongest place in Hungary, in the fight of the emperor and of the whole imperial army.

Leowicz, however, was not abafhed by this disappointment, but announced with the greatest confidence that the world would be at an end in 1584. This prediction fpread a general alarm, and -fo frightened the people, that the churches and monafteries throughout Germany were thronged by fuperftitious devotees. -The aftrologer died ten years before at Lawingen. The famous Tycho Brahe made a journey on purpose to vifit him in 1569; for, notwithstanding his extravagance in aftrological matters, Leowicz was a man of fcience, and published a judicious work on eclipfes, and fome others on aftronomical fubjects.

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now on board of a man of war; and though he has been many years from his native ifle, which he left young, yet he has learned very few words, and his ideas are as confined as his words.

We this day, while fteering between the Narcondain and Cocus itles, perceived at ten o'clock in the forenoon a large fhip on our lee quarter, evidently in chace of us. As it would have excited too much alarm to bear up immediately after her, a rufe de guerre was tried, which completely fucceeded to our wishes. Moft of the fmall fails were taken in, the top-fails reefed, taking care at the fame time not to alter our courfe, nor to appear as taking the leaft notice of the ftrange fail. By this decoy the gained fo far upon us at fun-fet, that we could clearly fee her hall off the deck, working up with a ftrong prefs of fail. During the night we kept under very little canvas, frequently heaving up in the wind, fo as to make fcarcely any progrefs.

Before the day dawned, men who were noted for good fight were ftationed at the maft-heads, with orders to keep a vigilant look-out. By this means we faw her ten minutes before the faw us, during which interval we were enabled to wear, and ftand directly towards her, without her obferving our manœuvre : the confequently took us for fome other veffel, a mistake the could not correct, for the was completely under our cannon, and fell an easy prey, without firing a gun! She was a large frigate-built privateer, of 30 guns, and 220 men, a ship that would very probably have done much mischief to the trade of the country. It was amusing to behold the countenances of the French officers, who had been on board fince the capture of the other privateer, when they faw this fhip (their old confort) running into our jaws; fometimes curling the temerity of their

ing their infatuation!

Without any further interruption we arrived at Kedgeree on the 15th of February; and here we remained till the 8th of March, during which time the weather was as cool as one would defire; the N. E. monfoon coming down clear and refreshing from the country, and we had confequently no fickness on board.

We now took leave of the Ganges for the last time, and proceeded with a home


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