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two thicknesses, each three quarters of an inch thick, cut to a round form, about eighteen inches diameter, crossing each other, and screwed together, to prevent beng split (if it should be struck hard on the pavement), to which I had a strong staple, with ten yards of strong small coid; I then had an iron rod, about half an inch thick (round) formed into a ring, or hoop, of eighteen inches clear diameter. I then got strong canvas, like thin Sail-cloth, full a yard and a half square, formed into a bag, which was nailed round the deal bottom, and well bound at top, round the iron hoop, which completed it. I then had a well-made, pliable rope, about fifty feet long, well secared, with a triple hold to the hoop, or ring, and thus, by coiling the rope properly round a bed-post, then to have the person to be let down in the bag, which so soon as they step on the bottom, the bag to be drawn up, which would reach to the neck of a grown person, who would have to hold (to steady them) by two loops of small cord fastened to the hoop, hanging inward; then the person who is to manage the business, hoists the bag just clear out of the window, the small cord at the bottom falling directly to the street, and be there held by some one, or more, to steady and guide the bag in its descent, so as to prevent its being impeded by any cornice, projection, balcony, or even the palisades of an area. The person managing the rope is to let out, or ease gently and regularly, but yet with expedition: when the bag has reached the street, any strong person can lift all together, and take it to an opposite house, the door of which we will suppose already open, and some female ready, with proper wrappings, to enfold the rescued persons, and convey them to a


The instant the bag is empty, the specfator in the street calls, pull up, the bag ascends with celerity and safety, even to the windows in its way, by the guide cord being held below. All this could have been done in three minutes, or less, and repeated in as few, if necessary, the last person then leaving the bag out of the window, close to the cill, into which he gets, having first coiled the rope, holding it in his hand, with a good noose, and then, by letting out the cord (with him in the bag), he goes down as easy as he let the others down.

To" the knotted rope" I readily subscribe my approbation, except that it is

only fit for persons of good courage, and who are not afraid of their hands. The "feather-beds, or mattresses" would also be very useful.

The last remark, on "the secure mode of going into a room full of smoke" (to appearance), is not only very useful and safe, but has lately (highly to the honour of a person, no fireman) been so very usefully adopted, that common justice demands it should be known. The hay-loft over the stable of Mr. Lee, a builder in Chiswell-strect, was on fire; Mr. John King, who lives at No. 198 in Shoreditch, was passing, and perceived the smoke; he hastened to the place, where he found Mr. Lee, in great distress, with very little assi tance. He immediately got up into the loft, the smore issuing very thick; he crawled on his hands and knees, found where the fire was, moved the trusses of hay and straw, on each side, from it, returned to the loft door, got water as it was put for hun, in pails, and actually damped the fire presently, so that, the the smoke abating, he was enabled to raise himself to an erect posture, and put the fire completely out. This is a cou rageous and truly patriotic conduct of a stranger, at what might be deemed the hazard of his life, though with no other injury than some little scorching of his hands and some small damage to his clothes. Mr. Lee was so sensible of the goodness of the act, that he immediately made him a gratuity (which, with reluc tance, he accepted), assured him of his future friendship, and explaining the matter where he was insured, the directors presented Mr. King with ten pounds as a reward for his active zealous conduct.

"Go thou, and do likewise."

Thus we we find it not even necessary to wait the arrival of a salamander, but any man of courage, which must be produced by that knowledge and the conviction of the safety, may do the like.

I would advise a man to go in with his hat and coat on, first wetting the hat and arms as it would prevent a light burst of flame from catching the hair, or shirt, which is very liable, if dry*.

Your's, &c.

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INCE my last, the country I have attempted to introduce to the attention of your readers has become more interesting than ever, in consequence of its having been made the deposit of stores and provisions, said to be collected in support of a traiterous design to divide this Union, and for the formation of a western empire, under the direction of Adam Burr, late vice-president of the United States, the metropolis of which was to be New Orleans. Although these letters are not intended to investigate such schemes, yet the author may be permitted to say, that in a nation self-governed like this, where the laws are enacted by the immediate representatives of the people, on whom they uqually act with their constituents; where no individual is exempt from the obligations of law, and where the sovereignty is acknowledged to be in, and used for, the benefit of the whole; where, in one word, equality so correctly exists as in the United States, every such attempt requires the most decided opposition and detestation. In a nation so governed, such efforts resemble suicide, and no language can be used sufficiently strong in their reprehension. Were they unsupported by foreign force, their machinations might be despised as the effect of disappointed ambition, of hopes which hypocrisy and selfishness have blasted. There is reason to fear that the traitors who have contemplated this infamous project have received, and expect more, foreign aid. That it may prove unsuccessful, is not only the wish of every patriot citizen of the United States, but must be of every philanthropist who can understand the progression of the principles of civil liberty in this country. Part of Mr. Burr's vessels, ammunition, provisions, &c. were deposited at Beevortown, and have there been seized by the all-penetrating activity of the administration. On this occasion, the attachment of the constituted authorities and citizens of the state of Ohio to the Union, has been not less conspicuous than honourable: they have fully proved that, although a few ambitious individuals may attempt to mislead a nation, a happy people will never resist their government, a contented people will never rebel.

We proceeded from Windsor to Harpersfield. The land in this latter town is

so rich, that the original proprietors, be fore they could agree in the division of it, were compelled to add other lands at a distance, less valuable, so as to reduce the lots to a medial value. In truth, the soil is a perfect marrow, and, as may be expected, the trees lofty, especially the elins, which are very beautiful and ma jestic. Hemlock is far from being a com mon tree in the neighbourhood of Lake Eric; but in this township there are two beautiful groves of it, most charmingly adapted for speculation and reflection; the widely distended arms of these trees, intermixing with each other, the dark, yet everlasting, green of their foliage, producing a gloom, never yet illumined by the solar ray, and which, when con nected with the eternal silence of the forest, is highly inductive of that state of mind, which, perhaps, is the most grateful, and which is well known by the term of castle-building. Those who can feel and estimate this state of mind, need seek no more favoured spot for its enjoyment than the neighbourhood of Grand River, as it passes through the township of Harpersfield.

It was on the 15th of May that we wandered on the high and romantic cliffs of Grand-River, or, as it was called by the Aborigines, Geauga, in Harpersfield; the grass being then at least fifteen inches high, and the river at an immense distance below, dashing over the rocks; the high cliffs covered with lofty timber, and the river then crowded with muskalinge. (This fish is, I believe, not known in natural history by this name, or, at least, spelling; but is as good as cod when salted, and resembles veal when fresh). In order to get to the river, we had to lead our horses down a natural stair-case, along the rocks. Having crossed the river, and ascended the other side, high in air, perched on an enormous clm, at the point of a high rock, for the first time I saw seated in solemn dignity a male and female bald, or American eagle: at the immense distance they were from us, they seemed but as two white specks, surrounded by the vernal foliage. The earth was as generally covered on this day with a small red berry, resembling, in taste and appear ance, the haw, as I ever saw your mea dows with daisies. It is fixed on a sin gle stem, is called winter-cluter, much sought after by the Indians, and said strongly to indicate a good soil.

When we first arrived at Harpers, field, it contained but twenty-seven fami lies, but thirteen others arrived before

we left the country. Vessels of one hundred tons burthen had then been built in this town, and sent into the lake. At Windsor, land averaged at three dollars per acre: in Trumbull township, which is between Windsor and Harpersfield, but on which there were then no residents, it was not more than two dollars; whilst at Harpersfield, without improve ments, five dollars was asked, and more for that which was cleared, in proportion to the nature and extent of the improvements. Trumbull township is stony; but the stones appear as if spread on the earth; are generally round, and vary in size from a man's head to a hogshead.

At Harpersfield we met with a very interesting man: his name was M'Dougall; he is a native of the State of New York, about forty years of age, and born blind; he resided with his sister, who had lately emigrated. His blindness appeared consequent on a turbid whitish fluid, which seemed to be contained between the iris and the cornea, which appeared for ever in motion, and thereby prevented the rays of light from operating on the retina; but what rendered McDougall most remarkable, was the intelligence he possessed, and the vigour of mind he displayed. He was not only conversant with the history of his own country, but of that of Great Britain, the late revolution in France, and the defects which induced the fall of the ancient republics. He well understood the principles of law as established by Blackstone, and the improvements in chemistry introduced by the French philosophers. Of mild and modest manners, happy in good and kind relations, esteemed and beloved by his neighbours, he seemed little to regret the loss of sight. Most blind people are cheerful; he was peculiarly so: and the few hours I passed with him were not only entertaining, but instructing, Ile did not, however, I was told, depend upon his retentive powers for bringing a person a second time to his recollection, where the voice was not familiar, but on feeling of the hand: of this I had after wards a proof; for meeting him when he was unprepared for such a rencounter, although he recollected having before heard my voice, he could not recall my name, or where we met, but on shaking hands, immediately remembered both.

Proceeding from Harpersfield to Austenburgh, about nine miles, we found the road most horridly muddy, often obstructed by the falling across it of timber of most enormous length. These we had

to leap our horses over, to the no small hazard of our necks, more especially when on the other side the horses' feet were received by a soft, sloughy soil, to the eye apparently firm, but from which it was often difficult to disengage the animal. Nature appears to have supplied the lands on the banks of Grand-River with a most valuable and inexhaustible manure. As I had no test by which to ascertain its chemical qualities, I shall only observe that the lofty banks of the Guaga (Grand-River) seem altogether composed of a bluish marl, which, when rubbed between the fingers, feels oily, and dissolves very readily, and almost entirely, in the mouth. Such a soil may, probably, one day be in as much demand for mechanical as for agricultural purposes. In a new country like this, noney may be supposed scarce: simple and hospitable manners therefore prevail; no ostentatious display of wealth depresses honest industry on the one hand, no positive poverty compells unmanly submis sion on the other. If, however, the tra veller sees not much either of gold or silver, he has plenty to eat, most hospitably tendered, as well as of spirits of different kinds and milk, with good beds and bad pillows, in very comfortable log-houses, warmed in winter by immense fires, at any of which, when night comes on, he has a hearty welcome to all he receives. It is true, their fried bacon is to me an unsavoury mess; but if nothing else of fers, its constant attendants, chickens and eggs, may surely satisfy any man: if not, venison and bear-meat, both of which are very sweet and good, wild turkey, and various kinds of fish, may easily be procured. Perhaps it is a subject of just regret, that the day is so rapidly advancing when luxury will extend the effects of its baneful influence to this happy country; when manners, no longer simple, must give way to ostentation and pomp, and the frippery and gewgaws of foreign nations be preferred to the neat, the homely, manufactures of domestic industry. May, however, the day be far distant when the honest yeomanry of the Connecticut Reserve exchange the solid blessings of equality, benevolence, and urbanity, for the splendid nothings which avarice toils for, and the spirit of liberty detests.

Arrived at Austenburgh, we stopped at a house of a puritan, of the true old. Cromwell breed. We were very hungry, and dinner, consisting of chickens, eggs, bacon, and custards, was presently, and


neatly, served up. The dinner was nicely hot, and the day cold. With eager anticipation 1 placed myself at table; but a reprimand from mine host soon set ine on my legs again. Alas, Sir! with all these good things before my devouring eyes and empty stomach, I had to undergo the tantalization of a grace, more than half an hour long; and, perhaps what was as severe a penance, to be mighty careful how I looked, lest a wicked leer from my companions should unhinge my gravity. Tane and patience, however, got the grace to an end, but the dinner was spoiled; after, however, eating what we could, a second grace, equally long, set ns free from the bondage of the table. Heartily fatigued when night came, we went to bed; but were scarce asleep, when we were awakeneti by psalm-singing, which continued for about an hour, and which was repeated before the sun was up, Never having been exposed before to such outrageous devotion, my sinful spirit little brooked it; nor could I avoid a wish, hitherto gratified, that rel gion might never again spoil my dinner when hungry, or my night's rest when fatigued.

township is so exactly in the centre of Guaga, one of the new counties into which Trumbull has been divided, that there is no doubt of its being, during the next summer, made the seat of justice for that county. In consequence of this expectation, and of the other advantages which it possesses, the whole of the town ship, except three hundred acres, retained by the original proprietor, has been purchased by a company, who have laid it out in the following manner, viz. one hundred and fifty lots of two acres each, in the centre of the township, forms the town of Jefferson; the immediate surrounding property is divided into three hundred lots of eight acres each, and the land situate further from the centre into one hundred and fifty lots of eighty acres, each share-holder being entitled to one town-lot, two eight-acre lots, and one eighty-acre farm. Five acres in the town are set aside for public buildings. There are also six open squares in different parts of the town, of half that size. Four two-acre town-lots are set apart for the endowment of a school; one is given to the first Christian congregation estab lished therein, and one to a person who erects, a brick tavern of certain dinonsions. The latter lot has been accepted, and the building is about to commence; nor can any doubt be entertained of the advantage of the situation by those wha consider the importance of the fisheries between Grand river and Ashtabula, which hereafter must supply the Ohio country, or the quantity of lake-salt, both of which will necessarily pass through Jefferson. There are at this moment but eleven resident families in this township; twenty-four are about to remove thence from Maryland this spring, a few from this district and Virginia, and seve ral from the states of Connecticut and New Jersey. Jefferson, therefore, bids fair soon to be an important town.

Five miles nearer the lake than Austenburgh lies the Township of Jefferson, then without an inhabitant; though, if I judge right, destined for future importance. It is a very beautiful tract of land. In consequence of an error in the original survey, it contains about eighteen thousand acres. The east branch of the Guaga passes through it. It is also well watered by several rivulets, and must be the great thoroughfare by which much of the Ohio country will be supplied, is even now supplied, with lake-ish and salt. There are many valuable mill-seats in this township, and very beautiful situations for houses. The timber, which is large in proportion to the richness of the soil, is here enormous, though principally maple, poplar, and beech. I am satisfied many of these trees arise without a branch one hundred feet from the earth; and are, at a man's height, from thirty to thirty-three feet in circumference. We measured one, a chesnut, rudely enough to be sure, but so as to It is a beautiful ride of twelve miles give an idea of its girth, thus:-One of from Jefferson to Lake Erie, on whose our party had a common one-horse- shore we arrived the 16th of May. In chair whip, to the lash of which I tied order to arrive at this immense inland my pocket (a common bandanna silk) sea, we had to cross the Ashtabula river, handkerchief, yet the whole would not It divides the township of Jefferson from circumscribe the tree. In Jefferson that of Ralfsville, so called after the there is a beautiful Hemlock grove, of eldest son of Gideon Granger, the present from five to eight hundred acres. This post-master-general of the United States

Eighty-acre lots in Jefferson are now on sale, at five dollars the acre; townlots; in good situations, at twenty dollars the quarter of an acre, and the field-lots are considered as well worth ten dollars each.

It occupies the land between the river aad the lake, and the dashing waves of the latter were long heard before our eyes could penetrate the forest, and distinguish its waters. Was I to compare the as yet uncultivated shores of Lake Erie with any part of the coast of England, with which I am acquainted, I should say the contour of the country most resembles the lands between Cromer and Mundsley, in Norfolk. The same high craggy cliffs, a siliceous sand (studded, however, with wild pease), as beautiful as the other, the same grand water prospect, and waves beating and foaming in a manner similar to what I have often observed in that neighbourhood. Our first visit to the lake was very unfavourable; the rain poured down in torrents, our compass would not traverse; suddenly night overtook us, and we were lost. We travelled near four hours before we found the path leading to the Ashtabula; our horses were jaded, and my friend's sunk beneath his weight. A distant light soon cheered our worn-out spirits, and a bumble cottage received the weary wanderers. On the hearth blazoned the crackling faggot, but, alas! one room was all the house contained, and that was already occupied by fifteen persons. The kind hostess, however, provided us with eggs, bacon, chickens, and whisky; after which we converted the flannels from under our saddles into pillows, and attempted to sleep. This, however, the novelty of my situation, the soaring of some of my fellow lodgers, the talking of others, added to the hollow roaring of the winds, the solema peal of the thunder, and the grunting of the hogs, from which we were only separated by a thin partition, as well as the officious kindness of our hostess, prevented my indulging in; and, lest I should force some of your readers into a premature nap, I shall conclude with the customary assurances of the esteem and respect of Alexandria, Jun. 29, 1807.


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sear, where they gave battle to the Britous and put them to flight. They wer Cerdic's nephews, by a sister; and he being a Saxon, no doubt from Ditmarsh, is a proof of the great intercourse, friendship, and connection, that subsist ed between the two nations, the Saxons and the Jutes. Vithgar was the most warlike of the two brothers, and therefore much beloved by Cerdic. The Britona had in that battle ranged their troops in very good order, partly on a mountain, partly in a valley. Their shields were also finely adorned and gilt; but when it came to combat, they were easily defeated. Shortly after, Arthar had succeeded to the throne, no doubt while he was engaged in the Danish war, a great battle took place (A D. 519) between the Britons and Cerdic, with his son Cenric, at Cerdicsford, now Charford, a fording place in the river Avon. The Britons fought well, and the battle lasted till night, when a complete victory was gained by the Saxons. From this time is reckoned the beginning of the kingdom of Wessex. After Arthur had returned home, he was engaged in twelve battles with the Anglo Saxons; one of them was fought near the river Douglas, in Lindsey; another in the Cafedonian forest, a third on the Badonian mountain, in the last of which 810 Saxons feil. In many of these conflicts Arthur was engaged with the two brothers, Colgrin and Baldulph, whoin Langhorn, no doubt rightly, supposes to have been Cimen and Pleting, the sons of (Elia. These two, Colgrin and Baldulph, as soon as they received intelligence of the death of Aurelius, are said to have come to Bri tain with a great force, from Germany, probably from Saxony to the south of the Elbe. They attacked the northern parts between the Humber and the sea at Cathness. As soon as Arthur heard of this, he marched against the city of York, which they had taken. At the river Douglas it came to a pitched battle between the Britons on one side, and the Saxons, Picts, and Scuts on the other. Arthur gained the day, besieged Colgrin in York, and or dered Cadder, Duke of Cornubia, to attack Bakdulph, which he did with such effect, that Baidulph was routed. Yet the latter contrived to join his brother in the besieged city; he had his hair and beard shaved, and took a harp in his band: thus equipped he entered the hostile camp, and was in the night hoisted over the wall into the city, where he gave an account to his brother of the situation of their af


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