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dressed to the empress Catherine II. by her Quarter-master-General, M. de Pistor. They are two in number; the first treats of the revolution that took place at Warsaw, on the 6th of April 1794, and presents extensive and circumstantial details, relative to the measures adopted by the Russian chiefs, to prevent the events that ensued. The second, contains an account of the operations of the campaign that ensued, and both of them were presented to her imperial majesty, in January 1796. Their author, M. de Pistor, who was one of the officers appertaining to the staff of General Igelstrom, be re-endeavours to prove that none of the misfortunes that ensued, can be jusly attributed to him. He at the same time frankly avows, that faults had been committed, and he points out the officers who were guilty.

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Throughout the whole of the details, the writer appears in the character of a subject of a despotic monarchy, and affects to believe that Russia possessed legitimate claims to the sovereignty of an ancient, independent republic! The conduct of the Diet of Warsaw is accordingly complimented with the epithet of insurrectionelle," and that of the Polish nation is,with equal truth, considered as factious. He wished to treat the whole country, as in a state of rebellion, and therefore was for seizing all the forts and arsenals, and subjecting every portion of it, even those territories which remained neutral, or obedient to Russia, to all the horrors of military law !

The Quarter-master General appears to have anticipated every thing, but the singular courage of the people, and the celebrated victory of Kosciusko at Raslawic, where a body of peasants, ill armed and without discipline, penetrated through the Russian ranks, so that the imperial troops were obliged to retire from the centre. Immediately after this, the insurrection extended to the palatinates of Chelm and Lublin: the occupation of Warsaw enabled it to spread throughout the remainder of Poland.

It was thus, by means of a class of men, whom he qualifies with the names of brigands, of populace, and of revolters, that the capital was at length evacuated on the part of nine battalions and two companies, besides eight squadrons of horse, supported by 36 field-pieces, without reckoning the Prussians encamped in the neighbourhood.

In the second memoir, the author finds himself obliged to treat the "insurgents"

with less scorn. He acknowledges the disputes that had taken place between the Russian and Prussian officers, and attempts to justify himself in respect to the disastrous events that had occurred. He fairly allows, however, that his own soldiers were not blaineless.

"What has greatly diminished the number of our troops," says he, "is pillage-many of them having entered the city for that purpose. A body of them having been found searching for booty, during the night, in the quarter of Leschno, several of the inhabitants repaired to the commandant of the Polish troops near the arsenal, in order to demand assistance. This was at length afforded; a party of soldiers having been marched expressly for that purpose, and these imme diately began to massacre all the stra glers: no less than 200, all of whom were intoxicated, perished in one cellar. A hundred on this retired to a house, near the street of the Franciscans, and being at length forced to surrender, they also were put to death."

By way of introduction to the whole, the editor has given a summary of the History of Poland; and he there lays down two principles, of which the present work is adduced as a proof and confirmation. The first is, that, for a long series of years, Russia had conceived, meditated, and prepared a system of usurpation in respect to the country in question; that this dangerous neighbour had been the constant fomenter of all the intrigues, of all the troubles, and of all the factions which have desolated that nation; that its disunion constituted its ruin, and that its ruin was the constant invariable aim of the court of St. Petersburgh.

The second is, that the system of en elective monarchy, adopted by the Poles, exposed them to periodical convul sions and to fute minable civil strife. At each succeeding election, ambition of every kind, both national and foreign, was engendered, which ended at length in their subjugation by the neighbouring nations that had conspired against


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public; the formation of an auxiliary part of the recrimination, a most extraor Russian army for the service of Poland; dinary class of men has sprung up in the vast projects of the empress relative France: to Moldavia, Wallachia, and the Morea; the violence committed against the Polish nobles; in short, the famous Declaration of the 2d of September, 1772, “ a monument of iniquity, that aroused the whole nation, and produced the fatal epoch when the first partition of territory took place."

The editor, who is perhaps rather induced by the occurrence of recent events, than the love of liberty, to attack the courts of Berlin and Petersburgh, coneludes with a quotation from Burke, in which that orator observes, "that the states of Europe will some day lament that they had tolerated the consummation of so great an iniquity, and those more especially which had taken an active part in it."


"La Mort du Henri IV. Tragédie en cinq actes, & en vers."-The Death of Henry IV. a Tragedy of five Acts, in Verse. By M. LEGOUVE, of the Institute. This tragedy, the composition of one of the most celebrated literary men now existing in France, has given birth to many quarrels and much abuse among the Parisian critics. It is termed by one party, a most excellent dramatic work, in point of structure, while the poetry is accounted very fine, and the whole deemed worthy of the talents of the author.

On the other hand, it has been asserted, that M. Legouvé has violated history, as the assassination of his hero proceeded not from a conspiracy, but the misguided fanaticism of a single, insulated, and deluded wretch. It is added at the same time, that the disputes between Henry and his queen were mere domestic jars, calculated for a comedy alone.

"A collection of pedants and of monks," say they, "escaped from the abolished cloisters and colleges, have united to speculate relative to those follies of which they are the apostles. Some of them, the younger children of Loyola, wish to revive in France the ridiculous quarrels relative to quietism; others, the sanguine disciples of the Sorbonne, endeavour to restore the theological inquisition: all labour for the same end-to mislead public opinion, to foment hatred, and to take advantage of disorder.

"The private lives of peaceable citizens are not sheltered from their researches; their writings are exactly in the same style as those homicidal denunciations, those perfidious accusations, which took place during the reign of terror. And is this astonishing? One of their colleagues was secretary to the infamous Marat.

Although they appear to unite in the praises of the hero of France, yet some of them still carry in their pockets, either the bonnet-rouge, which covered their heads while members of the revolutionary committees, or the amnesty of the Bourbons, whose cause they have advocated. They proclaim themselves the apostles of religion, the friends of morals and of their country; and yet we behold among them those furious men who invited foreigners into France; those fanatics who caused the unhappy Vendeans to be murdered; those spics, paid by all parties, and who by turns wore the livery of all !"

We now return, after this short digres sion, to the tragedy in question.

Henry announces to his council the design he had long meditated, of repairing to Flanders, where he intends to attack the Spaniards, who had assembled a numberous body of troops there. On the departure of the other members, the prince remains closetted with Sully and, opening his mind to that minister, discloses the chagrin experienced, in consequence of the jealousy and haughtiness of Mary de Medicis, his consort. The duke in some measure exculpates the queen, by reminding the sovereign of his own indiscretions; afterwards he advises his majesty to conciliate her affection. An interview accordingly takes place, when Henry addresses his consort as follows:

To this their opponents rejoin, that the proofs of a horrid and successful combination are founded on the authorities of Daniel, De Bury, De Mézerai, De Prefixe. To these, they say, may be added. "Les Mémoires de Sully & de Condé," "Le Journal de Henri IV." L'Etoile," "Le Mercure de France, année 1610,"" L'flistoire Universelle," "Intrigue de Cabinet," &c. They at the same time affirm, in respect to the second charge, that according to the mode of reasoning adopted on this occasion, the fine tragedies of Andromaque, Mithridate, and Zaire, ought never to have been written. In Pour les bords où la guerre est prête a re

short, if we are to give credit to some MONTHLY MAG. No. 159


"Reine, avant de partir

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Je viens vous confier la suprême puissance:
Eh! qui peut mieux que vous réparer mon


Mais lorsqu'à votre cœur je cède désormais
Le pouvoir si touchant de verser des bienfaits,
Laissez moi voir, pour prix des dons de ma

De vos yeux abattus s'éloigner la tristesse,
Et de ce front charmant les ombres, les cha-

Se perdre dans l'éclat de vos nouveaux des-

Mary being greatly affected with this unexpected instance of confidence, immediately beseeches the king not to hazard his person, but confide the command of the troops to some general who possessed his confidence. On this his majesty replies in the following strain :"J'ai du commandement promis de me char


La parole d'un roi ne doit jamais changer.
Voulez-vous qu'évitant de tenir ma promesse
Je me laisse accuser d'une lâche faiblesse ?
D'ailleurs, quand mes soldats vont sur des
bords lointains

Chercher de longs travaux et des périls cer-

Resterai-je paisible au sein de ma famille,
Comme ces rois couchés au trône de Castille,
Qui, captifs couronnés, dans un repos hon.


Vivent loin des combats où l'on périt pour

eux ?

N'attendez pas de moi cet effort impossible.
Mes sujets à leurs pleurs m'ont toujours vu

Ils ne me verront pas, à leur sang étranger,
Leur prescrire un péril et non le partager.
Je prétends affronter ceux que je leur ap-

Et je cours triompher ou mourir à leur tête."
Meanwhile the Spanish minister has
made a party at court, and even con-
ceived the plan of a conspiracy against
the life of Henry IV. in which the poet
by implication intimates that Mary and
the Duc d'Epernon have entered. This
is supposed to have been brought about
by jealousy, the disaffected having spread
a report that the king of France was about
to enter Flanders from no other motive
than his affection for the Princess de
Condé, whose husband was greatly a
larmed on the occasion.

At length the plot is carried into execution, notwithstanding the queen is supposed to have relented, and Sully, repairing to the palace, recites to her the mournful catastrophe:

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D'autres frappent leur sein, arrachent leurs cheveux ;

Ceux-ci courent au loin comme des frénétiques; Ceux-là du Louvre même embrassent les porplus d'un y tombe mort; plus d'un autre en tiques;


Se roule et se meurtrit sur le pavé sanglant;
Enfin chacun maudit ou veut fuir la lumière,
Et l'affreux désespoir remplit la ville entière.
Ah! qui mérita mieux de si touchans regrets?
Sa mort ne mettra pas en deuil les seuls Fran-

Elle ira, de sa gloire en tous lieux escortée,
Jetter l'affliction dans l'Europe attristée;
De nos ennemis même elle obtiendra les

pleurs ;

Elle sera l'objet des plus longues douleurs;
Et, parlant comme nous de ce roi qu'on adore,
Nos derniers descendans le pleureront encore.

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"Pyrrhus, ou les Eacides, tragedie."Pyrrhus, or the Eacides, a tragedy.

The ground work of this tragedy is to be found in Plutarch, but the manner which the author has thought fit to adapt it to the stage, the situations which be has conceived, the plot which he has c trived, together with his manner of m


folding it, all appertain to himself. In short, with some little allowances, it may be considered entirely as a work of unagination.

Care has been taken to seize the most

favourable opportunities, and to represent Pyrrhus during his youth, and at the precise period when he had ascended the throne. The hero is accordingly depicted as boiling with ardour, replete with the love of glory, and burning with a desire to imitate the deeds of Achilles, whom he takes for his model.

Pyrrhus, the son of king Eacus, having been saved from the fury of his father's revolted subjects, by means of Amestris, the consort of an usurper, is secretly brought up, under the name of Agenor. Supposing that he had no ancestors to boast of, the youth determines to create for himself a name, and become like the followers of the Macedonian hero:

"Soldats sous Alexandre & rois après sa


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Phanes, the general of the enemy's army, now makes his appearance, and discloses a secret of no little magnitude to Agenor, known by the name of Pyrrhus: in short, he tells him that his father had escaped from the hands of assassins, was alive, and at that moment addressed himself to him. Eacus (for so he proves to be) at the same time intreats his son to assist in a plot that had been entered into for putting Alcetas to death. The son for a long time struggles between duty on one hand and gratitude on the other; but at length decides, in a second interview, as he had now found the author of ins being, not to cloud so joyful an event with scenes of vengeance. On this Planes retires in indignation to his camp; and he having perished soon after in action, Pyrrhus is proclaimed king.

The three first acts of this tragedy were listened to with great attention, and some of the incidents being truly dramatic, the audience appeared to be greatly delighted; but the fourth and fifth did not realize the expectations which had been conceived during the antecedent ones. Notwithstanding this,

when the curtain dropped, the parterre, or pit, of the Theatre Français demanded the name of the author, who proved to be M. LE Hoc

"1ere Journée, Henri Roi de Navarre a la Cour de France; 2me Journée, Henri IV. au Camp, ou la Bataille d'Ivry; Sme Journée Henri IV. sur le Trone, ou son Entrée a Paris."-1st Day, Henry King of Navarre at the Court of France; 2d Day, Henry IV. in the Camp, or the Battle of Ivry; 3d Day, Henry IV. on the Throne, or his Entry into Paris.

This is a dramatic piece of no less than fifteen acts, which occupied three whole nights in the representation! Such an entertainment may be supposed to be novel; but it bears some affinity to the ancient mysteries, and also resembles the dramatic cycles of Schiller, which have been introduced on the German stage.

Omasis, ou Joseph en Egypte, tragédie en cinque Actes."-Omasis, or Joseph in Egypt, a tragedy in five acts. There have been no less than three dramatic pieces entitied “ Joseph," on the French stage, and two of these were comedies; the third was a tragedy, by the author of Penelope. The audience at the Theatre Français seem to have been greatly pleased with the represen

tation of "Omasis."

"La Manie de Briller, comédie en trois actes.”—The Rage to Shine, a coin three acts. medy

This little dramatic piece was performed at the Théatre de l'Imperatrice, and is the production of PICARD. The basis of French comedy is generally founded on the vanity of women, the tion and love of luxury which induce a folly of their husbands, and the emulabeautiful female to ruin herself and family by extravagance. Here, on the other hand, instead of a heroine of this description, we are presented with a virtuors woman, simple alike in her manners and her taste.

The audience appeared delighted with the piece, and Picard himself performed the part of the good husband, whom he had so successfully pourtrayed.

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"Anacréon sut plaire aux belles
Malgré ses quatre-vingts hivers;
Et les Graces, toujours fidelles,

Le couronnaient de myrthes verds.
Pindare, en cygne d'Aonie,

D'un siècle traversant le cours,
Plus cher encore à Polymnie,

Chantait la gloire et les amours.
Sophocle, à son vingtième lustre,

De Melpomène eut les faveurs.
J'aime à voir leur vieillesse illustre
Cueillir des lauriers et des fleurs.
Ma lyre aussi n'est pas muette;

Le Pinde a répété mes vers.
Liberté, je fus ton poëte,

Amour, je célébrai tes fers.
Me jeunes pas suivaient les traces
Des dieux de Gnide et de Claros ;
Je puis encor chanter les Grâces,
Je chante encore les héros.
Là je soupire avec Tibulle;

Là Tyrtée enflamme ma voix ;
Ici je lance avec Catulle

Les traits malins de son carquois.
Si, dans mes yeux moins diaphanes,
Le jour ne brille qu'à moitié,
Heureux, je vois moins de profanes,
J'en suis plus cher à l'amitié.
Les Graces, d'une main charmante,
Daignent souvent guider mes pas;
Je crois retrouver une amante

Quand leur bras s'enlace à mon bras.
Eh! pourrais-je la méconnaître ?

Mon cœur palpite à ses accens:
Nouveau Titon, je vais renaître !

Une autre Aurore a mon encens."
"Le Souper."-The Supper.

These verses, from which we shall give only a short extract, have been well received in Paris. They are written on the return of an exile, who had been accustomed to delight the Parisians with his festivities.

"C'est à souper qu' Horace vous convie, Illustre ami d'Auguste et des beaux-arts: C'est aujourd'hui que l'année accomplie A ramené le premier jour de Mars, Epoque affreuse à-la fois et chérie Où votre ami courut tant de hasards. Fêtez le dieu qui protégea sa vie ; Venez, Mécène, en l'honneur de Bacchus, Vider cent fois cette coupe remplie Du même vin dont s'enivra Tullus. Déja de fleurs la table est parfumée, Toute la nuit prolongez le festin, Et, dès le soir, que la cire allumée Porte ses feux jusqu'à ceux du matin."

"Achille à Scyros, poëme en six Chants; par J. CH. J. LUCE DE LANCIVAL, Professor de Belles-lettres au Lycée Imperial."-Achilles at Scyros, a poem

in six Cantos; by J. Ch. J. Luce dẹ Lancival, Professor of Belles-lettres at the Imperial Lyceum. 2d Edition.

Achilles is here represented as bred under the care of Chiron. His mother, alarmed at the response of the oracle relative to his destiny, repairs to Thessaly, for the express purpose of demanding her sou from the Centaur. After describing the grotto inhabited by them, the author next pourtrays his hero :"A grand cris, à grands pas, plein d'une ardeur guerrière,

Achille arrive enfin, tout couvert de poussière :

Mais tel qu'il est, le front dégoûtant de sutur,
Rembruni de fatigue et sombre de terreur,
Et malgré la poussière, et sous le poids des


Superbe, sa figure offre encore mille charmes, Son regard étincelle, et sur son cou nerveux Serpente en longs anneaux l'or de ses blonds


Sur son jeune menton, un duvet près d'éclore,
Fait deviner son sexe et marque son aurore:
Une grace céleste ajoute à tant d'attraits,
Et sa mère se peint dans presque tous ses

Tel on voit Apollon, quand des bois de Lycie,
Il retourne vainqueur aux bosquets d'Aonie,
Et déposant son arc, terrible même aux dior,
Reprend en souriant son luth harmonieux."

While Chiron prepares a rural feast for Thetis and her son, the latter recounts the particulars of his education; and af ter describing his exploits against lions, tigers, boars, &c. proceeds as follows:"J'arrête, seul, à pied, quatre coursiers

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J'arrache, d'une main courageuse et prudente, Les débris enflammés d'une chaumière ardente. 11 m'en souvient, grussi de cent tributs noveaux,

Le Sperchius roulait le torrent de ses eaux; Il a franchi ses bords-dans le lieu même où l'onde,

Avec plus de fureur, bondit, écume et grande, Chiron veut que, debout, d'un pied victo rieux,

Défendant le passage aux flots séditieux,
J'ose soutenir, seul, l'effort de la tempêtez
Il est là, l'œil ardent, suspendu sur ma tète,
Mexhorte, m'applaudit, me gourmande à la


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