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VOL. 55.-No. 1.] LONDON, SATURDAY, JULY 2, 1825.
Published every Saturday Morning, at Seven o'clock.

[Price 6d.




"This Bill (Mr. Peel's) was grounded on concurrent Reports of both
"Houses; it was passed by unanimous votes of both Houses; it was, at the
"close of the Session, a subject of high eulogium in the Speaker's Speech to
"the Regent, and in the Regent's Speech to the two Houses: now, then, I,
"William Cobbett, assert, that, to carry this Bill into effect is impossible; and
* I say, that, if this Bill be carried into full effect, I will give Castlereagh
"leave to lay me on a Gridiron and broil me alive, while Sidmouth may stir
"the coals, and Canning stand by and laugh at my groans."-Taken from
Cobbett's Register, written at North Hempstead, Long Island, on the 24th of September,
1819, and published in England in November, 1819.

PEEL'S Bill, together with the laws about Small Notes, which last were
in force when Peel's Bill was passed: these laws, all taken together, if
they had gone into effect, would have put an end to all Small Notes on the first
day of May last: but, to prevent this blowing up of the whole of the
Funding System, an Act was passed, in the month of July, 1822, to
prevent these laws, and especially that part of Peel's Bill which put an
end to Small Bank of England Notes, from going into full effect!—Thus the
System received a respite; but, thus did the Parliament fulfil the above
Prophecy of September 1819.

GOLD AND BANK NOTES; for I have laughed myself almost
into hysterics!



Now, then, you base and blun-
derheaded blackguard brothers
of the broad sheet, whom Mr.
BROUGHAM calls the "best of all

TO THE READers of the Register.
O LORD! O Lord! Let me
take time to draw my breath; possible public instructers:" now,


Printed and Published by C. CLEMENT, No. 183, Fleet-street.


then, you provincial slaves of the laughed, as well as at me, I proFire-shovels, the Jolterheads, and ceed to lay before you the abovethe Cotton Lords: now, then, mentioned report of proceedings, Baines, of some town in York- and then to offer you such comshire, and private - letter Bott ments as justice to myself, still Smith of Liverpool now, then, more justice to you, and still more feelosofer of the Chronicle, who than that, justice to the meritorifinds no evil except in the having ous person who has been the cause of children now, then, Peter of the grand exposure that has just Macculloch, who, with Mr. now taken place, requires. It is not Brougham and others, is about often that I trespass upon your to form an University, wherein valuable time by requesting you Scotchmen are to teach us "loons to read speeches made in that oth Sooth" how to get millions honourable, Honourable House, by only "watching the turn of which it is impossible for me justly the market:" now, then, you to characterize, and which I dare whole tribe of Jews and Stock-not justly characterize if I could. jobbers, about ten thousand of I dare not characterize that House whom, together with some thou-which protected the Bank against sands of pickpockets, I had the its creditors, that House which pleasure to see coming from the resolved, in 1811, that a one "Grand Review" yesterday, pound note and a shilling were soaked to your sallow, dirty skins: equal in value to a guinea in gold, now, then, all the whole tribe of and which same House resolved, fools and knaves, who have af in 1819, that the one pound note fected to laugh at my predictions and a shilling had not been equal relative to gold payments; now, in value to a guinea in gold in then, read the report of the pro- 1811. I dare not characterize ceedings in the thrice Honourable that House, which, during the House of Monday last, the 27th | War, enacted that the protection of June, 1825; and then twist of the Bank should cease in six about your lantern jaws, show your rotten teeth, and muster up arlaugh, if

you can.

months after the Peace, and which same House prolonged the protection during eight years after the Peace. I dare not charac

And, now, READERS OF THE REGISTER, you, at whom these terize that House, which enacted, empty skulled wretches have in 1819, that it was absolutely

necessary to the safety of the no longer to be drowned or burn country to return to the currency ed, but which makes not the

smallest attempt to prevent men from being shut up six years in a gaol (and possibly for life) for mere matters of opinion about religion; which makes not the smallest attempt to soften the new and terrible laws about poaching, which fill the gaols and the hulks for the sake of hares and phea

of our fathers; and which same House, in 1822, passed an Act, the obvious effect of which was to prevent a return to that currency. I dare not characterize that House, which, in 1819, passed a law to prevent the making of small notes by the Bank of England after the month of May 1822, and to prevent small notes being issued by sants and partridges; which country bankers after two years makes not the smallest attempt to beyond that period, and which soften the new trespass law, by same House, when 1822 came, passed another Act to enable the Bank of England, as well as all country bankers, TO MAKE for deviating ten yards from a foot-` ONE POUND NOTES FOR path, but which leaves wholly unELEVEN YEARS LONGER. touched the rich man, who may I dare not characterize this House, gallop through a farmer's corn and I will not, and I need not. with whole droves of dogs and But, I will speak of what passes horses, without the farmer's dar in it, or, I will, at least, give you ing to arrest him, and who is liable an account of what the newspa- to no responsibility, except through pers tell us passed in it, relative the means of a tardy and expento this paper affair, on Monday sive action at law. When Sir last, the 27th instant. JAMES comes with his long

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which a man or a boy, or a woman or a girl, may be crammed into gaol, and sent to hard labour

It is not, as I said before, often speeches for ameliorating the that I trespass upon your valua- criminal code, I apply the paper ble time by pointing out to you to the basest uses, and hope that what passes in this House. you will do the same. When Sir When Sir JAMES MACKINTOSH BOBBY WILSON, in his patriotic treats us to seven or eight feet efforts for the liberties of England, of speech, intended to bring about makes uncommonly long speeches that "softening of the criminal to persuade us that those liberties code" by which poor witches are are wounded in their tenderest

part by the shackles imposed on But, before I proceed to the the free ingress and egress of fo- proceeding itself, I ought to give reigners; when the great Reyou the history of the ground of it. former, Westminster's Pride and It is perfectly notorious, that there England's Glory, pours forth his is very little, and, indeed, no gold bombastical strains, in order to circulating in the country; and

that even in London, when you go to a banker's with any thing more than a five pound note, they tender you in change Bank of Eng

country notes payable by him, he always tenders you Bank of England notes, and not gold; and that,

restore happiness and liberty to the Irish, by calling upon us to give money to transport the Irish to the wilds of America; and particularly when he is endeavouring land notes of five pounds. It is to make them free by taking from also notorious that, if you go to nine tenths of them the right which one of these London bankers with they possess of voting at elections for Members of Parliament. When speeches of nine yards in length, taken altogether, are made about as to the rest of the kingdom, gold delays in the Court of Chancery, is never seen in circulation; and and when it comes out at last that that the whole of the people have the evil of these delays consists in believed that the law, as it now the refusal of the Lord Chancellor stands, authorizes the country to give the chief crawler a silk banker to give you Bank of Enggown. When wise Denman occu- land notes in exchange for his pies whole evenings in a charge notes, and to refuse to give you against Mr. Kenrick, and when gold in exchange for his own his own witness proves the charge notes.

of England, and every country banker, and all the Irish fellows that issue notes, and the Bank of Ireland, and all the Scotch rag

to have been such as even_his I have endeavoured to cause friends were unable to support. the people to know that this was When things like these take place, not the law, and that the Bank I fling aside the paper: I bestow no time on the matter; but, now we have something worthy of our attention, in the proceedings of last Monday night: something rooks, and the Bank of Scotland, that we are to read with care from the beginning to the end, without missing a single word.

as they call it; that every devil of them, from first to last, and from highest to lowest (if there be, or

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