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One of the names of this bird is Ossifraga, from which by corruption is deduced Osprey. See Gesner, and William Turner. The name in Pliny is Haliaetos.

An Ostent, a show, an outward appearance. Lat. Ostentus.

To Overween, to reach beyond the truth of any thing in thought: especially in the opinion of a man's self.

Ouphe, the same as Elfe, from which it is a corruption, a fairy, a hobgoblin.

Ouphen, elfish, of fairy-kind.

An Ouzle, a blackbird.

Owches, bosses or buttons of gold. The word is mentioned in

an old statute of Hen. 8. made against excess in apparel: it is also used by Chaucer and Spenser.

To Owe, is very frequently used for-possess: to be the owner of: especially where the author would imply an absolute right of property in the thing possess'd.

A Paddock, a toad.


Palabras, o' my word. Span. Dò Palabra. Pocas Palabras, few words.

A Palliament, a robe. Ital. Paliamento.

A Pantaloon, a man's garment anciently worn, in which the breeches and stockings were all of a piece. Fr. Pantalon.

A Pantler, the officer in a great family who keeps the bread. Fr. Panetier.

To Paragon, to compare. Fr. Paragonner: also to equal.

A Paragon, a complete model or pattern.

A Parator, the same as Apparator or Apparitor: an officer belonging to the spiritual courts, who carries summons and serves processes.

To Pargel, to daub or plaster over.

Partlet, a name given to a hen: the original signification being a ruff or band or covering for the neck.

A Pash, to kiss. Span. Paz. La Paz de Judas is a phrase with the Spaniards, by which they express treachery.

To Pash, to dash.

A Pelt, a skin or hide. Lat. Pellis.

Pelting, a pelting village, a pelting farm has the same sense as beggarly. There is a rot among sheep, particularly called the pelt-rot; which is, when the sheep from poverty and ill keeping first lose their wool and then die.

Perdy, an oath. Fr. par Dieu.

Periapts, amulets: charms worn as preservatives against diseases or mischief. Gr. wegianlw, pro amuleto appendo. Steph.

A Pet, a lamb taken into the house, and brought up by hand; a cade-lamb.

A Petar, a kind of little cannon filled with powder, and used for the breaking down the gates of a town, and for countermining. Fr. Petard.

Picked, sharp, smart. Fr. Piqué.

Pight, pitch'd, placed, fixed.

A Pilcher, a furr'd gown or case, any thing lined with fur.

Pin, a horny induration of the membranes of the eye.

A Pir, a little chest or box wherein the consecrated host is kept in Roman catholick countries. Lat. Piris.

Planched Gate, a gate of boards.

To Plash, to reduce into order the largest and most riotous plants in a hedge by cutting deep into their bodies to make them bend down, and then interweaving them with the lower parts of the hedge. The original and true word is to Pleach, by vulgar use pronounced Plash.

To Pleach, to twist together, to interweave.

Point-device, exact to the greatest nicety. Fr. A points devisés: the expression is used by Chaucer.

Poll'd, shaven.

Pomander, a little round ball of perfumes. Fr. Pomme d' Ambre.

Pomwater, a very large apple.

A Precisian, one who professes great sanctity; a ghostly father, a spiritual guide.

Prime, prompt; from the Celtique or British Prim.

Primero, a game at cards. Span. Primera.

A Priser, a prize-fighter.

Proface, much good may do you! Ital. Profaccia,

To Propend, to lean more, to incline more favourably. Lat. Propendeo.

Properties, a term much used at the playhouses for the habits and implements necessary for the representation; and they who furnish them are called Property-men. This seems to have arisen from that sense of the word Property, which signifies a blind, a tool, a stalking-horse.

A Puttock, a kite.


A Quab, a gudgeon, (Gobio capitatus, Skin.) And a gudgeon iş often used in a figurative sense for a soft easy fool ready to swallow any bait laid for him.

To Quail, to droop, to languish, to faint.

Qualch, squat or flat.

Queasy, sickish, nauseating.

A Quell, a murderous conquest. In the common acceptation, to quell signifies to subdue any way; but it comes from a Saxon word, which signifies to kill.

A Quern, a churn; also a mill.

Quests, lamentations. Lat. Questus.

A Questant or Quester, one who goes in quest of any thing. Quill, ("deliver our supplications in quill:”) this may be supposed to have been a phrase formerly in use, and the same with the French en quille, which is said of a man, when he stands upright upon his feet without stirring from the place. The proper sense

of Quille in French is a nine-pin, and in some parts of England nine-pins are still called Cayls, which word is used in the statute 33 Hen. 8. c. 9. Quille in the old British language also signifies any piece of wood set upright.

Quillets, quibbles, querks, subtleties.

Quips, gibes, flouts.

A Quintain, a post, or the figure of a man set up in wood for the purpose of military exercises, throwing darts, breaking lances, or running a tilt against it. Fr. Quintaine.

To Quote, to understand, to interpret, to rate, to estimate.


Rabato, an ornament for the neck, a collar-band or kind of ruff. Fr. Rabat. Menage saith it comes from rabattre, to put back, because it was at first nothing but the collar of the shirt or shift turn'd back towards the shoulders.

The Rack, the course or driving of the clouds.

Raied, blotted, stained, fouled: the same as Beraied, which is the term more known of late days. Fr. Rayé.

Raught, the same as reached.

To Ravin, to snatch or devour greedily.

A Raze of ginger: this is the Indian word for a bale, and must be distinguish'd from Race, which signifies a single root of ginger. Rear-mice or Rere-mice, bats.

A Recheate, a particular lesson upon the horn to call dogs back from the scent; from the old French word Recet, which was used in the same sense as Retraite.

Rechless or Reckless, regardless, negligent.

To Reck, to regard, to care.

Reechy or Reeky, smoky or soiled with smoke; thence also sweaty

or filthy with sweat.

Reed, lesson, doctrine, counsel.

Reguerdon, recompence.

To Renege, to renounce. Span. Renegár.

Ribaud, debauch'd, abandon'd, prostituted. F. Ribaud.

Ribi, drink away! Italian. The imperative mood of Ribére, which is the same as Ribevere, to drink again.

Riggish, wanton.

Rigol, a circle: from the Ital. Rigolo, which signifies a little

round wheel or trundle.

Roisting, blustering, swaggering.

A Rood, a cross.

A Rowse, the same as a carouse.
Roynish, mangy, scabby. Fr. Rogneux.

A Ruddock, a robin red-breast.

Rudesby, rude companion, rude fellow.

A Runnion or Ronyon, a scabby or mangy man or woman. Fr. Rogneux and Rogneuse.

Ruth, pity, compassion.


Sacring-bell, the little bell which is rung in the procession of the host to give notice of its approach, or to call to some holy office. From the French word Sacrer, to consecrate or dedicate to the service of God.

Sad is frequently used for grave, sober, serious.

To Sagg, is (properly) to sink on one side as weights do when they are not balanced by equal weights on the other.

A Sallet or Salade, a helmet. Span. Celada. Fr. Salade.

Saltier, a term in heraldry, one of the ordinaries in form of St. Andrew's cross.

Sanded, of a sandy colour, which is one of the colours belonging to a true blood-hound.

San Domingo, St. Dominick. Span.

Sans, without, a French word.

A Saw, a wise saying, a proverb.

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