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ACADEMY of Sciences in St. Peters-

burgh, abstracted statement of the
weather during the 20 years, from 1772
to 1792, 13.

Acetic acid, effects of, upon Brazil wood
paper, 25.

Acetate of copper, composition of, 164.
Acid, formic, preparation of, from tartaric
acid, 311.

melanic, name proposed to distin-
guish a peculiar substance found in black
urine, 69.

sulphuric, diluted; changes effected
by it on the colour of Brazil wood pa-
per, 24.

sulphurous, effects upon Brazil
wood paper, 24.

tartaric, preparation of formic acid
from, 311.

Acids and alkalies, remarks on certain
substances which appear to act as both,

-use of tincture of Brazil wood in
distinguishing, 23.

Adams, Mr. on finding the sines of the

sum and difference of two arcs, 21-on
logarithmic and circular series, 261-on
compound interest, 450.

Aerolite, ancient, notice respecting, 470.
Alkaline sulphurets, extract from the me-
moir of M. Berzelius upon, 284, 343.
Alkohometrical application of the thermo-
meter, 396.

Alumina, its powers as a base considered,


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[blocks in formation]

Babbage, Mr. analysis of his letter to Sir
H. Davy on the application of machi-
nery to the purpose of calculating and
printing mathematical tables, 383.
Balls, cannon, conversion of, into plum-
bago, 77.

Barlow, Mr. on the mathematical laws of
electro-magnetism, 470.

Barometer, extraordinary depression of,
Dec. 25, 1821, 263.

Beaufoy, Col. astronomical observations
by, 27, 171, 277, 357, 450-experi-
ments and calculations for comparing
the force of a body in motion with dead
weight, 165.

Berthier, M. analysis of native carbonate
of magnesia, 389-analysis of magne
site, 389.

Berthollet, Count, notice of death of, 469.

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Blowpipe, an account of the principal
characters of earths and metallic oxides
before the, 271.

Boase, Mr. on the difference in the annual
statements of the quantity of rain falling
in adjacent places, 18.

Body, force of, in motion, compared with
a dead weight, 165.

Bones found in a cave at Kirkdale,
account of, 133.

Bonsdorff, M. on the use of tincture of
Brazil wood, in distinguishing several
acids, and on a new yellow colour ob-
tained from it, 23-analysis of amphi-
bolic minerals, 316.

Books, new scientific, 78, 157, 237, 318,
397, 471.

Boracic acid, effects of, upon Brazil wood
paper, 24.

Brandes, Prof. observations on the depres-
sion of the barometer, Dec. 25, 1821,

Brazil, iron ore from, analysis of, 310.
-wood, effects of sulphuric acid
upon the colour of, 24.

tincture of, on the use of, in
distinguishing several acids, 23.
Brooke, Mr. on a new lead ore, 117.
Buckland, Rev. W. notice of his paper on
the formation of valleys by diluvial ex-
cavations, as illustrated by the valleys
which intersect the coast of Dorset and
Devon, 66-account of the bones found
in a cave at Kirkdale, 133, 173.


Calcareous rocks, on siliceous petrifactions
imbedded in, 236.

Cambridge Philosophical Society, analysis
of their Transactions, 61, 289.
Carbon, hydriodide of, discovery and com-
position of, 153.

Carbonate of magnesia, native, analysis of,

Cassius, powder of, its chemical nature
considered, 55.

Cave, account of bones found in one, at
Kirkdale, 133, 173.
Cecil, Rev. W. notice of his paper on the
application of hydrogen gas to produce a
moving power in machinery, &c. 62,

[blocks in formation]

Compression of water, instrument for
measuring of, 236.

Constantine Pogonatus, Greek fire suppos-

ed to be invented during his reign, 391..
Conybeare, Rev. J. J. on works in Niello
and the Pirotechnia of Venoceio Birin-
guccio Siennese, 364-on siliceous pe-
trifactions imbedded on calcareous rocks,
236-on Greek fire, 434.

Rev. W. D. notice of his pa-
per, entitled, additional notices on the
fossil genera of ichthyosaurus and ple-
siosaurus, 66.

Copper, acetate of, composition of, 164.

general return of the quantity of,
raised in Great Britain and Ireland,

ores, average produce of the, 154.
peroxide of, analysis of, 154.
attraction of moisture

by, 154.

Cornwall, Royal Institution of, Report of,

Corrosive sublimate, unacted upon by
light, 64.
Coulommiers, analysis of magnesite from,


Crystalline form of diaspore, on the, 17.
Cutanus, near Madrid, analysis of magne
site from, 389.


Definition of a straight line, 71.
Deflagrator, improved account of, 119.
Diaspore, on the crystalline form of, 17.
Deuchar, Mr. an account of several cir-
cumstances connected with the ductility
of glass, 358.

Dobereiner, M. on the preparation of for-
mic acid from tartaric, 311.

Ductility of glass, an account of several
circumstances connected with, 358.


Egg, weight lost by, during incubation,
source of the earthy matter of, 65.

[blocks in formation]

Ganges, extract of Capt. Hodgson's jour
nal of a survey to explore the source of,
31, 99.

Gases, specific gravity of, remarks on the
influence of moisture in modifying, 195.
modification of,

by moisture, 29, 257.
Geological remarks, 83.


Society, proceedings of, 308,

Geology of Snowdon and the surrounding
country, sketch of, 231.
Gibbsite, notice of a new mineral so
named, 470).

Glass, ductility of, an account of several

circumstances connected with, 358.
Gold and sodium, chloride of, 156.
Gravity, specific, modification of, by moist-
ure, 29, 257.

Greek fire of the Middle Ages, on the,

Greenland, notice of Capt. Scoresby's
voyage to, 277.

Groening, M. on the alkohometrical ap-
plication of the thermometer, 396.


Hakewell, M. notice of his paper on the
Stonesfield slate pits, 70.

Hare, Dr. account of his improved defla-
grator, 119.

Haüy, Abbé, account of the death of, 231.
Herapath, Mr. observations upon D.'s an-
swer to C.'s remarks upon, 197.
Hoboken, magnesian minerals of, 75.
Hodgson, Capt. extracts from his journal
during a survey of the sources of the
rivers Ganges and Jumna, 31, 99.
Howard, Mr. R. meteorological tables, by,
79, 189, 239, 319, 399, 473.
Hydriodic acid, effects upon Brazil wood
paper, 24.

Hydriodide of carbon, discovery and com-
position of, 153.

Hydrogen gas, on the application of, to
produce a moving power in machinery,


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Meteorological account of the weather dur-
ing the three winter months of the years
1821, 1822, 6.

tables, 79, 159, 239, 319,

399, 473.
Mica, with only one axis of double refrac-
tion, analysis of, 257.
Mines, on the temperature of, 440.
Mineralogy, progress of, in America, 76.
Minerals, magnesian, of Hoboken, 75.

amphibolic, analysis of, 316.
Moisture, power of, in modifying the spe-
cific gravity of gases, 29.

on the attraction of, by peroxide

of copper, 154.

Molybdenum, sulphuret, analysis of, 76.
Moyle, Mr. on an electrical phenomenon,
439-on the depression of the barome-
ter, 448.

Multinomial, expansion of, method for
finding the sum of all the coefficients in,


Muriatic acid, effects of, upon Brazil wood
paper, 24.


Naptha, supposed to be an ingredient of
Greek fire, 391.

New lead ore, on a, 117.
Niello, on works in, and the pirotechnia of
Venaceio Biringuccio, Siennese, 364.

Nitric acid, effects of upon Brazil wood
paper, 24.


Observations, astronomical, 27, 171, 277,
357, 450.

upon D.'s answer to C.'s
remarks upon Mr. Herapath's theory,

Oersted, Prof. instrument for measuring
the compression of water, 236.

Oils, fixed, effect of, in destroying the
smell of essential oils, 388.

Ore, lead, on a new one, 117.

Ores, copper, average produce of the ores
of, 154.

Oxalic acid, effects of, upon Brazil wood
paper, 26.


Partington, Mr. C. F. analysis of his
work on the steam-engine, 57.

Patents, new, 78, 158, 238, 318, 397,

Petersburgh, St. academy of, abstracted

statement of the weather during the 20
years, from 1772 to 1792, 13.

Petrifactions, siliceous, imbedded in calca-
reous rocks, on, 236.

Phenomena, lunar and solar, at Toula, in
Russia, 222.

Phenomenon, remarkable one which oc
curred at Juvenas, 72.

Phillips, Mr. R. on certain substances
which have been supposed to act as
acids and as alkalies, 53-observations
on the pulvis antimonialis of the Pharm.
Lond. 266-on a peculiar sulphate of
alumina, 280-on the composition of
common verdigris, 161-on some pecu-
liar crystals of sulphate of potash, 344.
Mr. W. on the crystalline form
of diaspore, 17 on the crystalline form
of sulphate of potash, 342.

and Mr. Woods,sketch of
the geology of Snowdon and surround-
ing country, 231, 401.

Phosphatic acid, effects of, upon Brazil
wood paper, 25.

Phosphoric acid, effects of, upon Brazil
wood paper, 25.

Phosphorous acid, effects of, upon Brazil
wood paper, 25.

Pirotechnia of Venoceio Biringuccio Si-
ennese, 364.

Plants, observations on the time of the
flowering of, 6.

Plumbago, conversion of cannon
into, 77.


Potash, sulphate of, on some peculia
crystals of, 344.

Prechtel, M. on the fundamental state of
the magnetic phenomena of the electri-
cal connecting wire, 1.
Prout, Dr. on the ultimate analysis of ani-
mal and vegetable substances, 424.
Pulvis antimonialis, observations on, 266.
Pyroxene, analysis of, 396.


Rain, on the difference in the annual
statements of the quantity falling in ad-
jacent places, 18.

Rays of light, on the illuminating power of
the different, 157.

Ritchie, W. proposal for propelling steam
b vessels by horizontal motion instead of
circular, 361.

Rose, M. analysis of mica with only one
axis of double refraction, 257.
Royal Society of London, analysis of
Transactions of, Part I, 1822, 370-
Part II. 456.



Saint-Ouen, analysis of magnesite from,

Salinelle, analysis of magnesite from,
л 389.

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Saussure, M. de, on the influence of green
fruits upon the air, 154.
Scoresby, Capt. notice of his voyage to
Greenland, 277.

Seebeck, Dr. new electro-magnetic experi-
ment by, 318.

Series, logarithmic and circular, on, 260.
Seybert, Mr. analysis of the sulphuret of
molybdenum, 76-analysis of tabular
spar, colophonite, and pyroxene, 396.
Shells found in Snowdon, account of, 423.
Smithson, Mr. on the detection of very mi-
nute quantities of arsenic and mercury,
127-on some improvements in lamps,
Snowdon, and the surrounding country,
sketch of the geology of, 321, 401.
Society, Royal, proceedings of, 153.

Astronomical, of London, analysis
of the Transactions of, 148, 223.

Philosophical, of Cambridge, ana-
lysis of their Transactions, 61, 289.

Geological, proceedings of, 309.
Sounds excited on hydrogen gas, 172.
South, Mr. James, on the apparent right
ascension of Ursa Minoris, &c. 129.
Sowerby, Mr. G. B. on the shells found
on Snowdon, &c. 423.


Mr. James, death of, announced,

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Table, meteorological, 79, 159, 239, 319,
399, 473.

Tabular star, analysis of, 396.

Tartaric acid, effects of, upon Brazil wood
paper, 26.

Test, new one for arsenic, 77.
Thermometer, alkohometrical application
of, 396.

Tin and hydrogen, compound of, 136.
Toula, in Russia, lunar and solar pheno-
mena at, 222.

Traill, Dr. notice of Capt. Scoresby's voy-
age to Greenland, 277.

Transactions of the Royal Society of Lon-
don, 1822, Part I, analysis of, 370-
Part II. 456.

Tutenag, analysis of, 236.

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