Human Rites: Worship Resources for an Age of ChangeThis is a worship anthology for the present day. The subjects covered are wide-ranging: blessings for relationships, including same-sex relationships; prayers for occasions like miscarriage or still birth; divorce and separation; blessings for babies and adoptions; healing services; and many more. |
1 | |
5 | |
Beginnings and namings | 35 |
A celebration of homes for all who live in them | 73 |
A celebration of relationships | 97 |
Healing our wounds | 131 |
Separations and goodbyes | 164 |
Dying death and bereavement | 201 |
Rites of remembrance | 233 |
The Christian vision | 271 |
Good news to all humanity | 312 |
Acknowledgements | 321 |
327 | |
Other editions - View all
Human Rites: Worship Resources for an Age of Change Hannah Ward,Jennifer Wild No preview available - 1995 |
Common terms and phrases
Almighty Amen anointing baby birth blessing body bread Brian Wren bring candle CELEBRANT child Christ our Lord Church comfort compassion confess creation Creator dance darkness death earth eternal Eucharist faith Father fear feel fill forgiveness friends friendship gift give thanks glory God's grace Graham Maule hands Hear our prayer hearts heaven Holbeck Hall Hotel Holy Spirit hope human Hymn Iona Community Jan Berry Janet Morley Jennifer Wild Jesus Christ Jim Cotter journey June Boyce-Tillman justice Kyrie eleison let go Let us pray light Litany liturgy live Lord Jesus marriage mercy MINISTER Miriam Therese Winter mother offer pain parents person praise present PRIEST promise Psalm reading relationship remember reprinted by permission resurrection rites ritual share silence sing song strength symbol things touch trust VOICE wine Wisdom woman women words worship Zealand Prayer Book