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3d. The coast of Abyssinia is dotted red and yellow, because some KUShites, besides the Joktanide, aUBaL, may have crossed the Red Sea. The latter lent his name to the Avalites Sinus, &c., on the African continent.




1 Now these (are) the TtoLDTt-BNI-NuKh, (generations of the sons of CESSATION); SheM yellow races, KhaM swarthy races, and IaPeTt white races: unto them (were) sons after the deluge.* (The) affiliations of IaPeTi white races; - Crimeâ GoMeR, and Caucasus: = MaGUG, and Media MeDI, and Ionia = IUN, and Pontus - TruBaL, and Moschia = 3 MeSheK, and Thrace TIRAS. And (the) affiliations of Crimea = ASKINaZ, and Paphlagonia.



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TtoGaRMaH. And (the) affiliations of Ionia

TaRSIS, Cypriots:





RIPhaTt, and Armenia

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IUN; Morea = ALISAH, KiTIM, and Rhodians = - RODANIM.


and Tarsous = 5 By these were dispersed the settlements of Ha-GOIM the (white barbarian) hordes in their lands; every one after his tongue, after their families, in their 6 nations. And (the) affiliations of KhaM swarthy races; Dark Arabia† = KUSh, and Egyptians MiTs RIM, and Barbary PhUTh, and Canaan= 7 KNAAN. And (the) affiliations of Dark Arabia: KUSh; - Asabia SeBA, and Beni-Khaled: KhaUILaH, and Saphtha-metropolis Rumss = RâAMaH, and Sabatica-regio

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KUSh engendered (the Assyrian Hercules?) = NeM-RuD, 9 he first began to be mighty upon earth. He was a great landed-proprietor before (the face of) IeHOuaH; whence the saying, like NeM-RuD, (a) great 10 landed-proprietor before (the face of) IeHOuaH.‡ And (the) commencement of his realm, Babylon BaBeL, and Erech AReK, and Accad AKAD, and 11 Chalne - KaLNeH in the land of Mesopotamia ShiNâAR. Out of that land he (Nimrod) went forth [to] Assyria = ASHUR, and builded Nineveh: 12 NINUeH, and Rehoboth-Lion = ReKhoBoTi-âIR, and Calah: = NINUeH and between Calah KaLaKh

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and Resen ReSeN between Nineveh = 13 (he) she (Nineveh?) the great city). And (the) Egyptians = MiTSRIM engendered the Ait-Oloti = LUDIM, and the Ammonians ÂNaMIM, and the Libyans

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LeHaBIM, and the Nefousehs: NiPhaiTtuKhIM, and the Pharusii: PhaTtuRiSIM, and the Shillouhs = KShiLou KhIM out of whom issued

*No translation is intended by the terms yellow, swarthy, and white races. We use them merely to evolve the ethnological tripartite classification of the writer.

Dark Arabia serves for the dark CUSHITE (red-Himyar) Arabs.

The mention of IeHOuaH makes this copy of the Ethnic Chart Jehovistic, and consequently recent, by every rule of exegesis. (PARKER'S De Wette, II., pp. 77-145.)

15 Philistines =





PheLiSTIM, and the Caphtors = KaPhTtoRIM. And Canaan KNAAN engendered Sidon TSIDON his first born, and Kheth KheTt, and the Jebusian = IBUSI, and the Amorian = AMORI, and the Girgasian


18 Sinian SINI,- and the Aradian

19 and the Hamathian=



GIRGASI, And the Khuian = KhUI, and the AccrianâRKI, and the ARUaDI, and the Simyrian = TsiMRI, KhaMaTI: (Afterwards the families of the Kanaanian KN@ANI (were) spread abroad.) And the boundary of the Kanaanian= KNAANI (had been) from Sidon = TSIDON, towards Gerar, even to Aáza,

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(round) by Sodom, and Aâmora, and Admah, and Tseboim, as far as Lasha. 20 These (the) affiliations of KhaM swarthy races, after their families, after 21 their tongues, in their countries, in their nations. And to SheM yellow races also (there was) issue: he (is) the father of all (the) affiliations of (the) 22 Yonderer=ÊBeR, brother of IaPheTt the elder. Affiliations of SheM yellow races. Elymais aILaM, and Assyria ASHUR, and Chaldæan Orfa= 23 ARPha-KaSD, and Lydia LUD, and Aramæ a = = ARaM; — and (the) affiliations of Aramæa= ARAM; Ausitis âUTs, and Hûleh = KhUL, and 24 Gatara = GeTtuR, and Masonites = MaS. And Chaldæan Orfa ARPhaKaSD engendered Salacha? = SheLaKh; and Salacha = - SheLaKh engendered 25 (the) Yonderer ÊBER.




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And unto (the) Yonderer: EBER were born two affiliations; the name of one (was) (a) Split = PeLeG (because in his days the earth was split), and (the) name of his brother (was) Joktan = IoKTAN. 26 And Joktan = IoKTaN engendered (the) Allumaæotæ = ALMUDàD, and (the) Salapeni SheLePh, and Hadramàut = KhaTsaRaMUTt, and (the) Jera27 chæi= IeRaKh, and (Cape) Hadoramum HaDURAM, and Sanaa = 28 AUZAL, and (the) Dhu'-l-Kalàah = DiKLEH, And (the) Abalitæ &UBAL, 29 and Malai (el-Khyèf) = ABIMAL, and Sàba (Màreb) = SaBA, — and Ofor AUPhiR, and (the) Beni-Kholàn=KhUILeH, and (the) Beni-Jobà b = IUBaB. 30 All these (are) affiliations of [Qahtàn] Joktàn = IoKTaN; - and their dwelling (was) from Zames Mons = MeShA, towards Mount Zaffar SePhaRaH, 31 mountain of the East (or mountain opposite?).* These (are) (the) affiliations of SheM yellow races, after their families, after their tongues, in their lands, 32 after their nations. Such (are the) families of (the) sons of CESSATION = NuKh, after their generations, in their nations; and from these were dispersed Ha-GOIM = the hordes (the peoples) on the earth after the deluge. (Here ends the document.)


The authors cannot but hope, after the evidences herein accumulated, that the impartial reader now agrees with them and with Rosellini, that "la serie dei nomi de' discendenti di Noè è una vera ricenzione geografica `delle varie parti della terra;" so far as the world's surface was known to the writer of Xth Genesis.

Viewed by itself, as a document from all others distinct, incorporated by the Esdraic school into the canonical Hebrew writings, Xth Genesis is simply an ethnic chorograph; wherein three "Types of Mankind," generically classified as the red, yellow, and white, are mapped out-"after their families, after their tongues, in their countries, in their

*The word here is the same KDM upon which the analysis of De Longpérier was referred to under ASUR [ubi supra, p. 534].

nations." In every instance where monumental or written history has enabled us to check the writer's system, his accuracy has been vindicated. In not a few cases exactitudes, so minute as to be relatively marvellous, have been exhibited.

Our genealogical table displays the order in which this compiler supposed the different colonies, or affiliations, issued from each of the three parental stems. Our retranslation of Xth Genesis, by substituting, as far as possible, modern names for the same nations and countries, has enabled us to comprehend his literal meaning more clearly than when reading Hebraical appellatives now mostly obsolete, no less than veiled by an ancient and foreign mode of spelling them. And lastly, our transfer and redistribution of these seventy-nine cognomina, in a map, fix, within a few degrees of latitude and longitude, the boundary of this writer's geographical circumference; and thus indicate the horizon, so to say, of all the knowledge his "gazetteer" contains.

Learned and orthodox works have frequently defined this geography before; and with limitations of area quite as restricted as ours, as regards the sum total of terrestrial superficies. Because, if we have cut off, as not alluded to in Xth Genesis, the whole of Nubia above Egypt, and all Africa lying south of the northern limit of the Sahara deserts, our map, on the other hand, prolongs the writer's knowledge through Barbary, from Egypt to the Pillars of Hercules. Thus, upon the whole, our restoration is more extensive than that of Volney.

No savant whose opinion is worthy of respectful attention, but excludes all knowledge, on the part of the writer of Xth Genesis, of any portion of Europe, except the coasts of the Peloponnesus and of Thracia. All reasonable commentators, by cutting off "Scythia" at a line, drawn from the north-eastern apex of the Black Sea to the Caspian, deny that Xth Genesis includes Russian Asia; while none extend the geography of that document beyond a line drawn from the Caspian Sea to the mouth of the Indus, as an extreme; a frontier, to our view, quite unjustifiable, and by far too distant from a Chaldæan centrepoint.

In consequence, we all agree that Hindostan and its mixed populations; China with her immense Mongol and Tartar hordes; and the Islands of the Indian Ocean; are entirely excluded from Xth Genesis. The lands of Malayana, Oceanica, Australasia, and the Pacific, having been discovered within the last three centuries, were of course unknown to the school of Esdras twenty-three hundred years ago. So was also the "New World; "— the vast American continent and its Islands, prior to the voyages of Columbus, and his sucThe most rigid orthodoxy, therefore, concedes that, upon Finnish, Samoïde, Tongousian, Tartar, Mongol, Malay, Polynesian, Esquimaux, American, and many other races, the writer of Xth Genesis is absolutely silent; that, every one of these peoples lay very far beyond the utmost area demonstrable through his chorography.


Nothing "heretical," then, accrues from our simple demonstration of the truth of that which the educated of all Christendom now-a-days insist upon.

But, the orthodox will even allow a little more. Beginning at the Cape of Good Hope, they will admit, that the compiler of Xth Genesis does not embrace that region, nor its inhabitants, the Bosjesmans, Hottentots, Kaffres, and Foolahs, in this ethnic geography. They will voluntarily renounce also, in the name of this genesiacal writer, acquaintance with any part of Africa more austral than a line drawn athwart its continent from Senegal on the western to Cape Gardafui on the eastern or Abyssinian coast. Thus much, we opine, no one "nisi imperitus" can hesitate to grant.

Upon reflection, in view of the impassabilities of the immense Sahara desert (first, geologically, when it was an inland sea; and secondly, zoologically, until the camel was introduced and propagated in Barbary, after the first century, B. C.), all scholars, we presume, will coincide with our limitation; and, by way of compensation for the additional knowledge which our analyses have secured for the author of Xth Genesis, along Berberia, Barbary, they will not insist upon his acquaintance with anything south of the northern edge of the Sahara: the oases of Séewah, El-Khárgheh, &c., remaining, between orthodox readings and ours, "sub judice."

So far, to judge by published commentaries, there are no insurmountable obstacles to harmony between the most catholic interpreter of Xth Genesis and ourselves. "Nos adversaires" will now fairly confess that the battle-ground, upon which their and our opinions have to be fought, lies on a miserable strip of the Nile's deposits; along the countries we term, in common, the Nubias.

Yet, even here, reasonable persons-those who have of their own accord, and for the sake of truth, already abandoned the Tchoudes, Finns, Samoïdes, Tongousians, Tartars, Mongols, Malays, Polynesians, Esquimaux, American-aborigines, Hottentots, Bosjesmans, Kaffres, Foolahs, Senegalians, Abyssinians, the Sahara desert, &c., &c., as not included in Xth Genesis-such reasonable persons, we think, cannot make out, legally, a "casus belli" between our results and their individual preconceptions, upon matters so pitiful in geography as the Nubias.

They have read our analysis of KUSh. They have seen every affiliation of KUSh settled in Arabia. Now, if every affiliation of KUSh in Xth Genesis be Arabian, why must we seek for these KUSh-ites elsewhere? Indeed, if we both agree in classification, neither party has any other genesiacal names to dispute about.

KUSh and its affiliations being irrevocably determined in Arabia, and proved to have been generally of the Himyar-red stock, it would be as absurd to look for them in Nubis as on the Caucasian mountains. We know that until the XIIth and perhaps the XIth dynasty, the boundary of the MTsRim, Egyptians, was the 1st Cataract of Syene: and inasmuch as the Nubias were then little known to Egyptians, they were undoubtedly far less known to Asiatics.

Consequently, there was a time when Nubia herself was a "terra incognita." We have only to continue this Asiatic ignorance of Africa for a few centuries, and every one will allow that there is no improbability involved in the assertion that the Nubias were unrevealed to the compiler of Xth Genesis at Jerusalem, or at Babylon. His map proves that they were so; and, thus far, discussion is at an end.

With the Nubias vanishes the last possibility that Negro races were known to the writer of Xth Genesis. He never mentions them; nor indeed does any other writer in the canonical Scriptures, from Genesis to Malachi.

Negroes are, therefore, excluded from mention in the Old Testament; together with Finns, Uralians, Mongols, Tartars, Malays, Polynesians, Esquimaux, American-Indians, &c., &c. The map of Xth Genesis, under the heads "Shem, Ham, and Japheth," merely covers those families of mankind classified by the Egyptians, in the days of SEthei-Meneptha, 15th-16th centuries B. C., into the yellow, the red, and the white human types. Such is our conclusion. Science and reason confirm it. Xth Genesis proves it. Nevertheless, few persons beyond the circle of education exempt from ecclesiastical prejudice, will, for some time to come, accept this result! Why?

[Our manuscripts comprise critical answers to this query viewed in all its bearings upon the Ante-Diluvian Patriarchs, and upon the two pedigrees of ST. JOSEPH recorded in Matthew and Luke. Inasmuch, however, as their production here would necessitate a second volume to this work, we postpone their publication; remembering St. Paul's sage admonishments to Timothy and to Titus —“not to give heed to fables and endless genealogies" “but avoid foolish questions and genealogies.” (1 Tim. i. 4; Titus iii. 9: Sharpe's New Testament, "translated from Griesbach's Text;" London, 1844, pp. 380, 392-3).—G. R. G.]




THERE is nothing in the language of the Bible which illustrates more strongly the danger of a too rigid enforcement of literal construction than the very loose manner in which universal terms are employed. Those who have studied the phraseology of Scripture need not be told that these terms are used to signify only a very large amount in number or quantity. All, every one, the whole, and such like expressions, are often used to denote a great many, or a large portion, &c. Examples may be found on almost every page of the Old Testament, but we will first select a few from the many scattered through the New. And we beg the reader to bear in mind the fact already established, viz., that neither the writers of the Old or New Testament knew anything of the geography of the earth much beyond the limits of the Roman empire, nor had they any idea of the spheroidal shape of the globe. Be it noted also that, in order to avoid the mistakes of the English AUTHORIZED VERSION, our quotations are borrowed from Sharpe's New Testament as closest to the original Greek.

In the account given by Matthew (iv. 8, 9) of the temptation of Christ, we have these words:

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"Again the Devil taketh him on to a very high mountain, and showeth him all the kingdoms of the world, and their glory; and saith unto him; All these will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.""

Before accepting such words as "all the kingdoms of the world" in a literal sense, it may be well to peruse the commentary of Strauss, in his Life of Jesus:

"But that which is the veritable stumbling-block, is the personal apparition of the Devil with his temptations. If even there could be a personal Devil, 't is said, he cannot appear visibly; and, if even he could, he would not have behaved himself as our Gospels recount it. . . . The three temptations are operated in three different places, and even far apart. It is asked, how Jesus passed with the Devil from one to the other? . . . The expressions, the Devil takes him, ... places him, in Matthew-the expressions, fetching, he conducted, he placed, in Luke, indicate incontestably a displacement operated by the Devil himself; furthermore, Luke (iv. 5) saying that the Devil showed Jesus all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time;' this trait indicates something magical. . . . Where is the mountain from the summit of which one can discover all the kingdoms of the earth? Some interpreters reply that by the world, cosmos, one must understand Palestine only, and by the kingdoms,

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