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would be found in the circle of Main and Tauber, lying on the right of the Tauber, with the exception of the town and banlieu of Wertheim, (forming, as it does, the sole péage belonging to Baden upon that river) and thus far, upon the authority of the letter above cited, I should be prepared to go; and our example, in support of this diminished demand from Baden, would probably produce some effect in procuring that of the other two Courts. The revenues of this proposed cession would probably go near to make up the 100,000 florins estimated by M. de Rechberg as the value of the whole circle; but, if not, it is surely more just that Bavaria should charge herself with the difference than that the whole sacrifice should fall on a third Power. If Prince Metternich shall give instructions to Wessenberg for some modified arrangement of this sort, perhaps we shall be able to do something on this subject. As matters at present stand, I think any satisfactory issue absolutely impracticable, and for the reasons above stated.

Farewell, &c.,

Droit de Garnison de Mayence.



L'Empereur consent, dans le cas de l'arrangement avec la Bavière, tel qu'il a été arrêté en notre faveur entre les quatre Cours à Paris-arrangement qui permet à l'Autriche de disposer de la totalité de ses possessions sur la rive gauche du Rhin,

1o. À ce que la place de Mayence, en sa qualité de place fédérative, recevra une garnison composée des troupes Autrichiennes, Prussiennes, et de Darmstadt.

2°. Que le Gouverneur soit Autrichien et le Commandant Prussien; le nombre de la garnison Autrichienne et Prussienne devant être le même; celui de la garnison Hessoise sera determiné de commun accord.

3°. Que tout ce qui sera relatif à l'entretien des garnisons


respectives, des routes militaires, pour établir leurs communications avec les États respectifs-en un mot, tout ce qui concerne tant les objets militaires qu'administratifs, dans la présente question, soit arrangé et convenu, de gré à gré, entre les deux Puissances, de manière à prouver leur parfait accord à l'ouverture des délibérations qui devront avoir lieu à la Diète à ce sujet, et à celui du système général de défense de l'Alle


4°. Que jusques-là, tout reste in statu quo, à moins de changemens sous le point de vue administratif, des quels pourraient convenir les deux Cours, en attendant les arrangemens de la Diète.

5°. Que l'Autriche, pour assurer davantage son système de défense et celui des frontières d'Allemagne, reçoive le droit de garnison à la forteresse principale fédérative, qui sera jugée devoir être construite pour la défense du Haut Rhin, sur la même échelle que la Prusse a le droit de garnison à Luxembourg; l'Autriche réservant toutefois la faculté de se relâcher selon la convenance des circonstances, sur le droit de nommer en même tems que le Gouverneur également le Commandant de la place.


Le Chancelier Hardenberg a chargé M. de Krusemark de déclarer au Prince Metternich que sa Majesté Prussienne acquiesce aux propositions susdites, mais qu'elle y attache les deux conditions suivantes :

1°. Que le futur Commandant Prussien dans cette forteresse aura (à l'honorifique près) les mêmes attributions que le Gouverneur Autrichien, et qu'ils agiront constamment dans un parfait concert et en commun.

2°. L'Autriche ayant l'intention de concéder à la Bavière le droit exclusif de mettre garnison dans Landau, qui doit rester forteresse de la fédération Germanique, le Roi demande que la Bavière n'en garde pas seule la disposition, mais que sa

Majesté Impériale se réserve expressément le droit et contracte l'obligation de placer garnison à Landau en même tems que cette dernière.

Mr. B. Frere to Lord Castlereagh.

Constantinople, March 11, 1816. My Lord-The change of tone on the part of the Internuncio, reported in my despatch No. 8, of this date, requires some further explanation than I am able to give in a public letter, without having the appearance (which I should by all means wish to avoid) of complaining of the conduct of one of my colleagues.

The only instructions which he has received consist in a letter from Prince Metternich, written to him in his own hand, on the night before he left Paris for Milan. The Prince there mentions the Treaty respecting the Seven Islands and the nature of its stipulations, which he tells him that he will receive from the Secretary of State's Office at Vienna, and says that the British Minister is charged with a communication upon the subject.


The despatch, which he received at the same time from the Office at Vienna, enclosed the several treaties which had been concluded at Paris, and amongst them that of the 5th of November, together with the procès verbal of the Conference of the 21st. The Under-Secretary, after enumerating them, says, Though particular circumstances have rendered it advisable to make these treaties public in France, without waiting for the ratifications, you will of course understand that they are not sent for the purpose of being communicated to the Porte, but merely for your private information; without prejudice, however, to the orders which you may have received from Prince Metternich, with regard to your intercourse with your colleagues."

This is, as nearly as I can recollect, the tenour of the letters which he showed me yesterday, in explanation of this

unexpected change in his language. He had never doubted of the sufficiency of his instructions, till the arrival of M. d'Italinsky's; but considered the official transmission of the procès verbal as equivalent to the order which it is therein said that the respective Ministers shall receive upon the subject. He now, however, argues that the above document teaches him to expect orders, and that he has received none; meanwhile, he is expressly prohibited from communicating the treaty to the Porte.

The true explanation of these difficulties is no doubt to be found in what I conceive to be a mistaken notion that, by refraining from pressing this subject upon the Porte, he shall the more easily succeed in obtaining her consent to the annexation of Ragusa to the Austrian dominions. I am warranted in this opinion by the language he has himself used towards me; and I was sensibly hurt, in my last conversation with him, at being asked whether I had made any such insinuation to the Reis Effendi. But, though I should not think myself justified in seeking to promote the object which more immediately interests his Majesty's Government by means which would tend to thwart the accomplishment of any other of the arrangements to which it has given its sanction, I apprehend that little assistance is to be expected from the Austrian Minister under the present circumstances, unless I can convince him that, by obtaining the Porte's accession to the treaty respecting the Seven Islands, a step will be gained towards ensuring her assent to the other dispositions that have been made by the Allied Powers, and the question of Ragusa will be facilitated rather than prejudiced by such an event. I have the honour to be, &c.,

Lord Burghersh to Lord Castlereagh.


Florence, March 27, 1816.

My dear Lord Castlereagh-In consequence of General Maitland's request, I send his despatches, together with mine, by courier, and I shall be much obliged to you to let the same

messenger return as soon as you are able. My despatches are but of little interest: we are stupidly dull and quiet in Italy. The Roman States are, however, dissatisfied with the Pope's Government; the people in insurrections constantly give vent to their feelings.

With regard to our communication with that Government, I cannot but return to what I have formerly stated, that, for our consular establishment at least, you should name some person, who should have the charge and direction of the inferior agents, and who should manage the correspondence with the Government. You can hardly be aware of the conduct of some of these agents: their extortions in some instances, their mighty demands from the Government, and their ridiculously haughty demeanour, not to mention their under-practices, of which I constantly hear, neither distinguished for wisdom nor honesty, make it very necessary that some arrangement should be made with regard to them.

I enclose in my despatch the remaining papers relating to the Prince of Piombino's negociation. He has himself transmitted to you his case. You will form your judgment upon it, and, I hope, will give me some opinion with regard to it. There is an advantage in letting a Government like this, which certainly gives very fair protection to everything British, feel that it is thought of and considered in England.

Since the birth of my son, I have a great desire to return to England for a few weeks during the summer. I have not as yet fixed the time; but, if you feel no objection to it, I would thank you to transmit me an official leave of absence, which I might make use of as the opportunity might offer.

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Lord Clancarty to Lord Castlereagh.

Frankfort sur Maine, March 31, 1816.

My dear Lord-The delays in answering the references sent hence to the Court of the Netherlands, relative to the Luxem

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