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Je ne me plains ni ne m'étonne d'être exilé de la France ceux à qui j'ai tendu la main pour les y faire rentrer. Je connois les vices du cœur humain, et je suis habitué aux caprices de la Fortune. Dans la situation de la vie où je me trouve, il est consolant de penser qu'il n'est au pouvoir de personne de changer la nature des choses: le mensonge ne peut devenir vérité.

Ma vie politique est remplie ; toute mon ambition est satisfaite, après que j'ai obtenu parmi les Français une considération qui suivra partout mon nom et ma personne. La justice et la voix des siècles prononceront si, dans ce qui a attiré des désastres sur ma patrie, les torts ont été ou non de tous les côtés, et de quel côté ils ont été les plus grands. Je renouvelle à votre Seigneurie l'assurance de ma plus haute considération.


Lord Cathcart to Lord Castlereagh.

St. Petersburgh, April 4, 1816.

My dear Lord-I was invited last night to read the draft of the circular to the Russian Ministers at Milan, London, Paris, and Berlin, and the lettre de cabinet from his Imperial Majesty to your lordship. I trust these will afford the most satisfactory and convincing proofs of the pacific intentions of the Emperor, and do honour to the principle and sentiments which dictated the Treaty of the Sovereigns.

I learn from the Bavarian Minister that a Convention has been concluded at Munich, which is to settle the whole territorial question between Bavaria and Austria, both as to principle and detail; but that, previous to signature, a courier had been despatched to Milan to ask the admission of a secret Article in favour of Prince Eugene. Austria consents to pay to Bavaria a sum nearly equal to the revenues of the circle of the Maine and Tauber, until the latter Power can be put in possession of that territory. Bavaria would wish to receive



from Austria the Neapolitan money, if any shall be obtained for Prince Eugene, and to pay part of it to Baden for part of the Palatinate. This will be opposed by the Grand Duke, and will, I am convinced, be thought unreasonable here. Count Bray is instructed to make a communication to this Court, to urge the conclusion of Prince Eugene's business: he has not yet prepared his note, and will show it to me, together with the Convention.

The Emperor is in perfect health, good spirits, and often talks of you in the most gracious terms. The anniversary of marching into Paris in 1814 was celebrated here with great magnificence. Thirty-two thousand infantry were formed in masses on the esplanade in front of the palace, to one of the balconies of which a platform was added, in which the Te Deum was sung in presence of his Imperial Majesty and of the Court, and in sight of all the troops, and hearing of most of them. Near five thousand cavalry and forty-eight cannon were connected with the infantry, the whole of which manœuvred on that small space, so as to march past the platform where the Empresses stood, without the least check or confusion. These regiments had all been at Paris, one of them on the last occasion; and afterwards 882 officers had the honour of dining with their Imperial Majesties in the great hall of St. George and a hall adjoining to it. At night the city was illuminated.

I have, &c.,

Mr. Bagot to Lord Castlereagh.


Washington, April 6, 1816.

My dear Lord-On the 23rd of last month one of the chief clerks in the department of State called upon me for the purpose, as he pretended, of delivering to me a message from Mr. Monroe, respecting Mrs. Bagot's presentation to Mrs. Madison, which was to take place the following day. Upon leaving the room, he put into my hands a paper unsealed and

undirected, containing, as he informed me, the rules of etiquette to be observed between the diplomatic corps in this city and the Government of the United States. Without reading the paper, I asked him whether he delivered it to me by order of Mr. Monroe: he told me that he did. After he was gone, I

enclose to your lord

examined it, and I think it my duty to ship a copy of it. Your lordship will perceive that it is neither addressed to me nor signed, and, what is perhaps equally worthy of observation, that it differs materially from a paper purporting to have the same object, which was delivered to the foreign Ministers here in the month of March, 1814, which paper had been already shown to me by M. de Kantzou, the Swedish Minister to the United States, and of which I obtained from him the copy which I enclose.

As I have reason to believe that these rules were originally drawn up solely in resentment of some neglect which Mr. Monroe conceived himself to have experienced in his representative character when in England, I thought it desirable that he should be induced, either by signing the paper and addressing it to me, to make it official, or to withdraw it altogether.

For this purpose, I took an opportunity in the conversation which I had with him on the 26th of last month, to advert to the paper, as well as to the manner in which it had been communicated to me, professing my readiness to send it to my Court, provided he would transmit it to me officially; but stating that, considering its present form and the manner in which it had been delivered to me, I was at a loss to know how to act in respect to it.

Mr. Monroe was evidently embarrassed by this proposal, and endeavoured to divert me from the point I had in view, by asking me whether I had found any incorrectness in regard to the etiquette assumed to be observed in England, as, in that case, he should be very happy to discuss those points of the paper with me officially, and to make such corrections in it as I might suggest. I evaded this offer by pleading my imperfect

knowledge of many of the rules of strict etiquette in England; and immediately reverting to the difficulty in which I had at first stated myself to be, told him that I merely wished to know whether I was to consider it as a formal or as an informal communication. Upon this Mr. Monroe told me that it was informal; which assurance being all that I required, I immediately dropped the subject, and in all probability it will not be resumed: but I have nevertheless thought it right to transmit these papers privately to your lordship, in order that you may see what are the rules which this Government wishes to enforce in respect to etiquette here, as well as the high importance which it attaches to an exact observance of it towards its representatives in European Courts.

I have the honour to be, &c.,


PS. It is right to add that, upon the occasion of a formal dinner given on the 2nd instant to Mrs. Bagot and myself by the President, Mr. Monroe took me aside, and told me that, in reference to the paper in question, it had been that day determined by the President that, at the first dinner given by him to a foreign Minister and his wife, they should be allowed precedence of the Ministers of State, upon a principle of hospitality; but that, upon all subsequent occasions, the Ministers of State and Members of the Senate would take precedence of them. C. B.

M. Gallais' to Mr. Quintin Craufurd.

13 Avril, 1816.

Monsieur Je n'ai point envoyé mon historiette ni comme vraie, ni comme nouvelle, mais seulement comme une preuve

1 M. Gallais was an eminent public writer, and author of several important historical works, who particularly distinguished himself by bold and energetic hostility to revolutionary principles and proceedings. The subjoined papers from his pen, addressed to Mr. Craufurd, appear to have been addressed by that gentleman to Sir Charles Stuart, our Ambassador in Paris, and by him forwarded to Lord Castlereagh.-EDITOR. 2 See forward, Bulletin 14.

de la crédulité superstitieuse, qui, dans l'esprit d'une populace démoralisée, remplace ordinairement les croyances religieuses. Voici une autre affaire.

Je me promenois hier au Luxembourg, tandis que tout Paris se portoit sur la route de Longchamps. Je vis un groupe de curieux qui entouroit des statues colossales qu'on descendoit du palais. Je n'eus pas de peine à reconnoître Mirabeau, Thouret, et Condorcet. Qu'en veut-on faire? rien, on les ôte de la salle qu'ils ornoient depuis 14 ou 15 ans, pour les renfermer dans un magazin-c'est les jetter aux gemonies. Il est donc vrai, “qu'il n'y a pas loin du Capitole à la roche Tarpeïenne." C'est Mirabeau qui l'a dit le premier; c'est lui qui le prouve aujourd'hui. Quels jeux de la Fortune! Combien de révolutions de cette espèce avons nous vues depuis quelques années! C'est bien par le tems qui court qu'on sent les vérités renfermés dans l'oraison funèbre de la reine d'Angleterre par le grand Bossuet. "Celui qui règne dans les cieux et de qui relevent tous les empires, à qui seul appartient la gloire, l'indépendance, et la majesté, est aussi le seul qui se glorifie de faire la loi aux rois, et de leur donner de grandes et terribles leçons."

J'ai vu Marat porté au Panthéon et six mois après jetté dans l'égout de Montmartre. J'ai vu les funérailles de Mirabeau jamais aucun monarque en France n'en obtint de plus pompeuses et de plus solemnelles: et voilà qu'on jette aujourd'hui sa statue dans le fonds d'une cave! J'ai vu Buonaparte, Fouché, Cambacérès, &c., couverts de gloire, et que sont ils aujourd'hui ?

Que ceux qui attachent quelque prix à cette fumée qu'on appelle gloire-gloire militaire, gloire de la tribune, gloire littéraire même-doignent réfléchir un moment, et considérer ce qui se passe depuis 26 ans dans notre malheureux pays, ils seront bientôt désabusés.

Je vous demande pardon, Monsieur, de ces tristes réflexions: elles me poursuivent depuis hier; et je me suis un peu soulagé en vous les communiquant.

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