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tion on the American question forms by no means a parallel instance; and you will therefore leave the question in such a state as that, whilst the claim to a formal interference is suspended on the part of your Court, their claim to some favour being shown to the King of Persia shall not be weakened; and your lordship will endeavour to persuade the Persian Ambassador that in this state it is most for the interest of his Court that the question should be left.

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Lord Castlereagh to Lord Clancarty.

Cray Farm, June 4, 1816.

My dear Clancarty—I send you a voluminous transmiss, to peruse on its way to Vienna. You will see, in my despatch to Charles, my reasons for wishing these papers should be withheld for the present from your respective bureaus; but you may make notes for your private information on any points you may deem useful.

Since I closed my despatch to you, I have seen Esterhazy, and conversed with him on Metternich's instructions. I have fully explained to him my objection to any diversion, even in the nature of a loan, of the fortification fund. I stated to him further my opinion that, if any pecuniary indemnity was to enter into the arrangement with Baden, it could only come from either or both the States who signed the Treaty of Munich. He seemed to consider an indemnity of this nature an expedient only to be looked to in case Russia pressed it.

I think you will find Russia not impracticable on the territorial question, if the Hochberg line is included in the actual succession of the Baden family; and this does not seem either a great or unreasonable sacrifice on the part of Bavaria.

Your appointment to the Hague has been gazetted, and your outfit money issued. This, of course, is exclusive of plate, which will be provided for the embassy. I entirely approve of your return by Paris, and shall be most happy to

see you here for a short time, before you proceed to the Hague.

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Send my brother a copy of my despatch to you of this date.

Sir Charles Stuart to Lord Castlereagh.

Paris, June 13, 1816.

My dear Lord-I enclose the extract of two statements I have received, which state facts respecting the communication maintained by my Russian colleague with the French Government, which I am disposed to believe.

The examination of Count Toreno and the Spaniards who have been arrested at Paris continues to occupy the attention of the police, and I learn from good authority that their inquiries are principally directed to the objects of the subscription entered into by private individuals in London, for the support of the party which opposes the measures of the present Government in Spain. The Minister of the Police is of opinion that the result of the information he has obtained, proves that the insurrection of Polier and the late conspiracy at Madrid may be traced to the misapplication of this money. Believe me, &c., CHARLES STUART.

Lord Cathcart to Lord Castlereagh.

St. Petersburgh, June 20, 1816. My dear Lord-I had the honour of receiving your lordship's despatches by the Messenger Latchford, who arrived here on the 3-15 instant. A Russian courier, despatched about the same time by Count Lieven, had travelled with greater expedition, and the Emperor was already fully and accurately in possession of everything that had been said or communicated to his Ambassador at London. His Imperial Majesty was in the country, with all the Imperial family, to make a short stay at the several more distant palaces round this metropolis, and with the Prince of Orange (whose de



parture with his bride stands for to-morrow). The fêtes at several of these places, which were splendid, taking leave, and a great manœuvre with eighteen battalions and thirty-four cannon, &c., made it impossible for his Imperial Majesty to give me an immediate audience, but I was honoured with an appointment this evening, and am just returned from a conference of considerable length.

The lateness of the hour and early departure of the post oblige me to postpone farther report and details. With many sincere thanks for the interesting and most important information your lordship has given to me,

I have the honour to remain, &c.,

Mr. B. Frere to Mr. W. Hamilton.


Constantinople, June 26, 1816.

My dear Sir-The information which I have received from Sir Thomas Maitland of the existence of a party in the Ionian Islands, who endeavour to traverse his measures, and who, to support their credit with their adherents, give it to be understood that the Emperor of Russia means to interfere in their affairs, has made me consider it as peculiarly important to prevent the Russian mission here from doing anything which might give a colour of truth to such insinuations.

This apology may be thought necessary for the length of the correspondence with which I have troubled Lord Castlereagh on this subject. I have endeavoured to conduct it with all the temper and moderation which is due to M. d'Italinsky's1 professions, and to give way as little as possible to the feelings which the obvious tendency of his proceedings is calculated to excite.

The truth is that in our conversations we seldom differ, whereas in our official correspondence we as seldom agree; and, being disposed to attribute this incoherence to the pen that he employs, I determined to try the channel of a private corre

1 Russian Ambassador to the Porte.

spondence, where it could be used with propriety. I have no copy of the letter which I sent on returning him his Note, but the substance of it is reported in my despatch. I trouble you with a copy of his answer, as well as of what I have since written to him. They will enable you to judge of the footing upon which we are better than the mere official correspondence; and, if there is any question whether the cabals in the Ionian Islands are countenanced from without, everything which belongs to the subject must be interesting.

Believe me to be, &c.,


M. d'Italinsky to Mr. B. Frere.


Buyukdéré, 10-22 Juin, 1816.

Monsieur-Je garderai votre note du 20, puisque vous avez cru ne pouvoir m'en faire grace, et tout en vous priant de ne pas rejetter la mienne du 7-19, qu'à cet effet je vous restitue ci-incluse j'ajouterai une seconde dont la finale et l'ordre dont


y est fait mention vous satisferont. J'aime au moins à m'en flatter, et je serai charmé l'apprendre par un mot de réponse avec le Janissaire porteur de ma présente.

Au surplus, d'après les notions que j'ai demandées à ma Chancellerie, il ne se trouve en cette capitale aucun insulaire dans le cas d'une simple protection.

J'ai l'honneur d'être avec une considération très distinguée, monsieur et mon bon ami, votre très humble et très obéissant serviteur,


Mr. B. Frere to M. le Chevalier d'Italinsky.

Constantinople, 25 Juin, 1816. Monsieur l'Envoyé-Permettez moi de vous soumettre une observation qui me semble devroit vous engager à refondre (comme j'ai pris la liberté de vous proposer dans mon billet du 20) l'instruction adressée à votre Chancellerie, plutôt qu'à y

ajouter l'ordre supplémentaire renfermé dans l'office que vous me fites l'honneur de m'écrire, en date du 22.

D'un côté, la mention de la deuxieme classe doit être superflue, si personne des sujets Ioniens ne se trouve dans la catégorie à laquelle elle s'applique. De l'autre côté elle ne laisse pas de présenter une idée qui certainement n'est pas la votre, ni celle de sa Majesté l'Empereur; car on diroit qu'elle donne à comprendre que l'arrangement qui fixe le sort des Isles Ionienennes fera des mécontents qui voudroient s'expatrier.

Or, quoique cela soit possible, il me semble que le Ministre d'une Puissance qui a concouru à établir cet arrangement ne devroit pas supposer une pareille conséquence. Si vous envisagez la chose de la même manière, je suis persuadé que vous supprimerez en entier l'article.

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Lord Castlereagh to Lord Clancarty.

Foreign Office, July 9, 1816.

My dear Clancarty-I wish I could see the probability of an early end of the Frankfort negociations; 1st, from wishing much that you should be at the Hague, where I think your presence extremely desirable on more than one account; and 2ndly, from its being prejudicial that the arrangements of Europe and the meeting of the Germanic body should appear to be suspended by two such questions as the provision for Beauharnois and the claim upon Baden.

The separating these two questions from the rest of the business, and the referring them for a separate negociation by the Ministers of the four Powers at Vienna, has been suggested for consideration by Prince Metternich. At first, this idea appeared to me unobjectionable; but, upon further reflection and conversing with Count Lieven, I have great doubts of its being practicable; that is, I doubt the Emperor of Russia's

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