LAWS. At the annual meeting in January, 1818, the third, tenth, and sixteenth laws of the society were altered, as follows: ARTICLE III. The society shall have a president, and four vice-presidents. ARTICLE X. The stated meetings of the society shall be on the third Tuesday of every month. ARTICLE XVI. For the purpose of defraying the necessary expenses of the society, for premiums and prizes, books on agriculture, improved instruments of husbandry, and other important objects and contingencies, every member shall annually pay to the treasurer a contribution of four dollars. If any resident member shall remove beyond the limits prescribed, he shall not, in virtue of his resident membership, be eligible as a candidate for honorary membership, without being regularly proposed as such. OF THE PHILADELPHIA SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING AGRICULTURE. Elected at the annual meeting, in January, 1818. ISAAC C. JONES, RICHARD PETERS, JUN. REUBEN HAINES, JOSEPH R. PAXSON, STEPHEN DUNCAN. HONORARY MEMBERS. Sir John Sinclair, Bart. England. C. H. Wilkinson, M. D. Bath, England. Domingas Borges de Barras, Rio de Janeiro. * J. Billingsly, England. David Caldwell, Philadelphia. J. R. Evans, Esq. Elkton, Maryland. Thomas Smith, Tinicum, Delaware county. Dr. Ritchie, York county, Pennsylvania. Dr. Thornton, Washington city. Mr. Bellah, Chester county, Pennsylvania. Gen. Thomas Robinson, do. Samuel Willis, York county, do. do. William J. Miller, Philadelphia county. Thomas Pinckney, Jun. South Carolina. J. T. Lewis, do. G. Fisher, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Gen. T. M. Forman, Cecil county, Maryland. Francis Wisely, Chester county, Pennsylvania. Mahlon Parsons, do. John Adlum, District of Columbia. do. Samuel Betton, M. D. Germantown, Philadelphia county. Samuel E. Shoemaker, Maryland. Joseph B. Sims, Brandywine. Thomas Vickars, Chester county, Pennsylvania. Virgil Maxey, Maryland. Robert Frazer, Delaware county, Pennsylvania. Dr. Dudley, Petersburg, Virginia. : : Jacob C. Wykoff, Philadelphia county. Samuel A. Kirk, York county, Pennsylvania. Robert Woodward, New Jersey. James Ross, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. John P. De Gruchy, Northumberland county, Penn. Andrew Kirkpatrick, New Brunswick, New Jersey. David Hosack, M. D. New York. John Yeates, Lancaster county, Pennsylvania. Charles Miner, Chester county, Abraham Sharpless, do. do. do. do. do. Clayton Wistar, Manington, New Jersey. George Morgan, Washington county, Pennsylvania. ERRATA IN THE LIST OF MEMBERS. David Caldwell, -for "honorary" member, read resident member. Newcastle County, Delaware. Mr. Bellah,-for "Chester County, Pennsylvania," read Newcastle Add John Johnson, of Germantown, a resident member. |