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2. That the military have nominated us their commander by land and sea, and to regulate the whole military department in the country.

3. That the Icelandic flag shall be blue, with three white stockfish thereon, and the honor of it we promise to defend at the risk of our life and blood.

4. That the great seal of the island shall no longer be respected; but that all public documents of consequence shall be signed by my own hand, and my seal (J. J.) fixed thereunto, until such time as the representatives shall assemble and provide a proper seal.

5. That all public officers, who have, from motives of patriotism, already given in declarations that they were willing to serve their country in its late difficult and dangerous situation, shall receive their salaries.On the contrary, those that have been situated near Reikevig and not yet declared themselves, are totally suspended from office, pay, and power, unless they within the 20th of

this month give proper reasons for not having sent in either their resignations or their wish of continuing in office. After that date a list shall be made out and publicly distributed, of the names of all those officers who shall either resign or continue in their employments. Any person from the date thereof, who shall obey any order from such persons as have not declared themselves shall be deemed a traitor and treated accordingly. Nevertheless a month is granted to persons residing in places more remote from Reikevig, that they may have sufficient time to send in their declarations.

6. That all officers who wish to resign shall be sent to Copenhagen free of expence, when an opportunity is found so to do. In the mean time we command that all such officers shall hold themselves in readiness to be removed to Westman's Isles, so that they may not by their intriguing disturb the public peace and tranquillity, unless they can give security for their future good behaviour.

7. That we have seen with the greatest satisfaction that the Icelandic clergy, as good

christians, have promoted tranquillity and good order at this dangerous period; therefore we promise to pay all their salaries and pensions to clergymens' widows, and also to improve their present situation as much as possible.

8. That the country shall be set in a proper state of defence, without additional taxes on the nation.

9. That a person shall be invested with full power to conclude a peace with his Majesty, the King of Great Britain.

10. That all British subjects shall have full permission to trade and reside in this country, in case they do not offend against its laws; and all who shall unprovokedly assault a British subject, shall be punished.

11. That none but natives can hold either civil or clerical offices.

12. That we declare and promise to lay down our offices the moment that the representatives shall be assembled. The time

appointed for the convocation of the assembly is the 1st of July, 1810; and we will then resign when a proper and suitable constitution shall be fixed on; and it is declared that the poor and the common people shall have an equal share in the government with the rich and powerful.

13. That all Danish property on the island shall be confiscated for public use; and if any one shall conceal money, or other Danish goods or merchandize, he shall be punished.

14. That the Amptmend, whether they remain in office or not, shall see these our orders duly executed, and shut up and put seals on all Danish storehouses in their ampts, and receive all confiscated monies.

15. That several officers, from fear of the Danish government, wish to be forced to retain their offices, though they fully approve of our late proceedings, and therefore do we declare, as we have nothing in view but the real good of the country, that all such people, as are not animated by sufficient patriot

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ism to serve their own country, are permitted to leave the island and go to Copenhagen.


16. The situation we now are in requires that we should not suffer the least disrespect to our person, neither that any one should transgress the least article of this our proclamation, which has solely in view the welfare of the inhabitants of this island. therefore solemnly declare, that the first who shall attempt to disturb the prosperity or common tranquillity of the country shall instantly suffer death, without benefit of the civil law.

17. In all other respects the ancient laws and regulations shall remain in full force till such time as the constitution is settled, with the exception that every Icelander is permitted to proceed uninterruptedly from place to place, and to trade wherever and in whatever manner he pleases, without having passports from Amptmend or other authorities; yet all sentences and acts of condemnation must be signed by us before they can be executed.



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