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5. "From the thicket the man-hunter sprung;
My cries echo'd loud through the air:
There were fury and wrath on his tongue;
He was deaf to the voice of despair.

6. "Flow, ye tears, down my cheeks ever flow;
Still let sleep from my eye-lids depart;
And still may the sorrows of wo,

Drink deep of the stream of my heart.
7. "But hark! o'er the silence of night
My Ad'i-lă's accents I hear;

And mournful, beneath the wân light,
I see her lov'd image appear.
8. "Slow o'er the smooth ocean she glides,
As the mist that hangs light on the wave;
And fondly her partner she chides,

Who lingers so long from his grave.
66 Oh, Măr'a-tǎn! haste thee," she cries,
'Here the reign of oppression is o'er;
The tyrant is robb'd of his prize,
And Ad'i-lă sorrows no more.'

10. "Now sinking ămidst the dim ray,
Her form seems to fade on my view:
O! stay thee, my Ăd'i-lă, stay!-
She beckons, and I must pursue.
11. "To-morrow the white man, in vain,
Shall proudly account me his slave:
My shackles I plunge in the main,

And rush to the realms of the brave !"*


The Swallows.

1. ERE yellow autumn from our plains retir'd,
And gave to wint'ry storms the varied year,
The swallow race, with foresight clear inspir'd,
To southern climes prepar'd their course to steer.
2. On Da'mon's roof a grave assembly sat,
His roof, a refuge to the feather'd kind:

With serious look he mark'd the nice debate,
And to his Dē'li-ă thus address'd his mind:

*It may not be improper to remind the young reader, that the anguish of the unhappy negroes, on being separated for ever from their country and dearest connexions, with the dreadful prospect of perpetual slavery, frequently becomes so ex'qui-şite, as to produce derangement of mind, and suicide.

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3. "Observe' yon twitt'ring flock, my gentle maid; Obşĕrve', and read the wond'rous ways of Heav'n With us, through summer's genial reign they stay And food and lodgings to their wants were giv'n. 4. "But now, through sacred pré'science,* well they The near approach of elemental strife;

The blust'ring tempest and the chilly snow, With every wânt and scourge of tender life. 5 Thus taught, they meditate a speedy flight; For this, e'en now they prune their vig'rous win For this, consult, advise, prepare, excite;

And prove their strength in many an airy ring. 6. "They feel a pow'r, an impulse all di-vine! That wârns them hence; they feel it and obey: To this di-rec'tión all their cares resign, Unknown their destin'd stage, unmark'd their wa 7. "And does no pow'r its friendly aid dispense, Nor give us tidings of some happier clime? Find we no guide in gracious Providence, Beyond the stroke of death, the verge of time? 8. "Yes, yes, the sacred oracles we hear,

That point the path to realms of endless day; That bid our hearts nor death, nor anguish fear This, future transport; that, to life the way. 9. Then let us timely for our flight prepare, And form the soul for her di-vine ǎbōde; Obey the call, and trust the leader's care, To bring us safe, through vir'tue'st paths, to Go 10. "Let no fond love for earth exact a sigh; No doubts di-věrt our steady steps ǎside; Nor let us long to live, nor dread to die: Heav'n is our hope, and Prov'idence our guide.


In prose, prē'she-ense. †fu'tshūre. ‡věr'tshū's.

Containing a selection of words from the lessons in prose of this Book, arranged as they occur, and marked with the number of the page on which they are to be found; designed for the benefit of young pupils as incipient lessons to the use of the English Dictionary, and the better understanding of the language.

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Compi'ler, s. one who collects from various Perception, s. consciousness, idea.


Elocution, s. fluency of speech
Ada'pt, v. a. to fit, to suit.
Peru'sal, s. the act of reading.

Diph'thong, s. a coalitron of two vowels to
form one sound.

Con'sonant, s. a letter which cannot be sounded by itself.


Respect, s. regard, reverence, relation. Sentence, s. a short paragraph, condemnation.

Thoroughly, ad. fully..

Combina'tion, s. union.

Propri'ety, s. justness, exclusive right,
Ac'cent, s. the manner of pronouncing.
Em'phasis, s. a remarkable stress laid upon

a word or sentence.

Ca'dence. s. fall of the voice.

Preci'se, a. exact, strict, fermal.

Importance, s. concern, consequence.
Emphatical, a. forcible, strong.
There'fore, ad. for this reason.
Affected, p. a. moved, conceited.
Insipid, a. without taste, dull
Previously, ad. beforehand.
Grad'ual, a. proceeding by degrees.
Abrupt, a. broken, sudden.

Vari'ety, s. intermixture, change.

Economy, s. management, frugality.

Emo'tion, s. excitement of mind.
Pas'sion, s. violent commotion of the mind.
Paragraph, s. a distinct part of a discourse.
Interroga'tion, s. a note that marks a ques-
tion, thus [?], a question.

Exclama'tion, s. a note by which a pathet-
ical sentence is marked, thus [!]
Elevation, s. a raising up, exaltation.
Paren'thesis, s. a sentence included within
these marks, and which may be omitted
without injuring the sense.

Mod'erate, a. temperate, not excessive.
Depression, s. act of pressing down.
Effectual, a. powerful, efficacious.

Endeavour, v. n. to labour to a certain pur-

Mod'ulate, v. a. to form sound to a certain key, or to certain notes..

Solemn, a. awful.

Se'rious, a. grave.
Familiar, a. affable, free.
Gay, a. airy, merry.

Kumorous, a jocular, capricious.

Iron'ical, a. expressing one thing and mean ing another.

Pas'sage, s. part of a book, a journey.

Absurd, a. contrary to reason.

Trivial, a. trifling, worthless, vile.

Formality, s. ceremony.

Verse, s. poetry, a paragraph.

Con'ma, s. a point, or short pause [,] in Narrative, a. story-telling, relating.

Prose, s. language not restrained to number

writing or printing.

Lei'surely, ad. slowly.

Semicolon, s. a mark or pause [;] longer
than a comma, half a colon.
Co'lon, s. a mark or pause [:] longer than a
semicolon, and shorter than a period.
Pe'riod, s. a point or pause [.] longer than
a colon, a circuit, epoch, complete sen-
tence, end or conclusion.
Laa'guid, a. faint, weak.

Didac'tick, a. giving precepts.
Pathetick, a. moving..
Descrip'tive, a. describing."
Rhy'ming, p. a. agreeing in sound.

Tone, s. note, sound, a whine.
Confirmation, s. additional proof.
Displa'y, s. exhibition.

In'cident, a. apt to happen, casual.

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Yawn, v. n. to gape.

Elevate, v. a. to raise up, to exalt.
Depre'ss, v. a. to let fall, to sink.
Learning, s. literature, skill in any thing.
Prone, a. disposed.

Habit'ual, a. accustomed, inveterate.
Prece'ding, p. a. going before in time or

Delicacy, s. softness, nicety.
Shrill, a. of a very piercing sound.

Can'ting, p.a. speaking with a particular tone.
Awful, a worshipful, struck with awe.
Gri-ma'ce, s. a distortion of tne countenance,
air of affectation

Whim'sical, a. fanciful, capricious.

Dishon'our, s. reproach, disgrace.
Presumptuous, a. arrogant, confident.
Worth, a. deserving of, equal in value to.
Exe'mpt, a. free by privilege.
Wis'dom, s. the power of judging rightly,
Providence, s. divine superintendence, fore-

Hon'est, a. just, upright, chaste.
Pleasant, a. delightful, cheerful.


Hereaf'ter, ad. in a future state.

Na'ture, s. an imaginary being supposed to preside over the material and animal world. the regular course of things.

Grat'itude, s. desire to return benefits.
Mor'al, a. relating to the practice of men to-
wards each other.

Favourite, a regarded with love or favour.
Instea'd, ad. in place of.

Extraordinary, a. remarkable, more than


Benevolent, a. kind, having good will.
Ad'verse, a. calamitous, afflictive.
Warrant, s. a writ of caption or authority.

Disda'in, v. a. to scorn.
Ende'ar, v. a. to make dear.
Con'fidence, s. trust, assurance.

Peculiar, a. belonging to any one with ex- En'vious, a. infected with envy.

clusion of others, appropriate.


Con'trary, s. a thing of opposite qualities to another.

Consid'erable, a. more than a little. Intel'ligible, a. to be conceived by the understanding.

Competent, a. qualified, fit.

Skill, s. knowledge of any practice or art.
In'itate, v. a. to copy, to counterfeit.


Vice, s. a course of action opposite to virtue.
Ten'der, a. compassionate, easily pained.
Truth, s. honesty, reality.

Opportunity, s. suitableness of circumstances
to any end.

Ines'timable, a. too valuable to be rated.
'Treasure. s. riches accumulated.
Merit, v. a. to deserv. earn.
Approbation, s. act of approving.
Virtuous, a. mora ly good.
Reputation, s. credit. honour.

Virtue, s. moral goodness.


Generous, a. noble of mind.
Cen'sure, s. blame, reproach.
Partiality, s. unequal judgment, injustice.
Wan'ton, a. gay, foose, lascivious.

Patient, a. calm under pain, not basty.
Frugality, s. good husbandry, parsimony.
Ridicule, v. a. to expose to laughter..

Hum'ble, a. modest, not proud.

Compas'sionate, a. inclined to pity,

Solitary, a. living alone, dismal.

O'dious, a. hateful.

Disposition, s. temper, method, tendency.
Gra'ciously, ad. kindly.

Trac'table, a. manageable, docile.
Pee'vish, a. easily offended.

Harmony, s. just proportion of sound,concord


Unfortunate, a. not successful, unprosperous.
Asha'med, a. touched with shame.
Pre'cept, s. an authoritative rule.
Journey, s. travel, a passage.
Drea'ry, a. gloomy, horrid.

Terrible, a. dreadful, causing fear.
Affectionate, a. fond, tender.

Disobe'dience, s. breach of duty, incompli


Atonement, s. expiation, concord.
Apartment, s. a room.

Research, s. inquiry.


Irrep'arable, a. not to be repaired.

U'sual, a. common, customary.

Pret'ty, a. neat, beautiful without grandeur.

Cor'dial, a. hearty, sincere.

Inexhaustible, a. not to be spent.

Irres'olute, a. not determined.


Immediate, a. instant, acting by itself.

La'va, s. quid matter emitted from volca


Precious, a. valuable, costly.

Preservation, s. act of saving or keeping.
Filial, a. befitting a son.

Admira'tion, s. the act of regarding with

Orphan, s. a child which has lost father or Posterity, s. succeeding generations.

mother or both.

Courtesy, s. civility, complaisance,

Ten'derness, s. state of being tender.

Institution, s. establishment

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Men'ace, s. a threat.
Explana'tion, s. interpretation.
Luxuriously, ad. voluptuously.
Pen'sion, s. a settled allowance.
Li'vre, s. Fr. a sum a fraction over 18 and a
half cents.

Louis-d'ors', s. a gold coin of France a
fraction over $4,44 cts.

Advance, s. the act of coming forward.
Main'tenance, s. support, continuance.
Effort, s. struggle, endeavour.

Dev-as-ta'tion, s. waste, havock.

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Share, v. a. to divide, to part among many

Remon'strate, v. n. to make a strong repre- Negligence, s. habit of omitting by heed


Barbarous, a. savage, cruel.

Ca'pable, a. sufficient, able.


Contortion, s. twist, wry motion.
Micro-scope, s. an optick instrument for
viewing small objects.

Stud, v. a. to adorn with studs or knobs.
Mag'nifier, s. a glass that apparently in-
creases the bulk of any object.
Anx'ious, a. uneasy.

Expedition, s. speed, a warlike enterprise.
Fortitude, s. courage, strength.
Vernal, a. belonging to the spring

Seren'ity, s. calmness, quietness.

Verdure, s. green colour.

Perfume, s. sweet odour.


Drought, s. dry weather, thirst.
Fragrant, a. sweet of smell.
Impu'te, v. a. to attribute.

Anticipate, v. a. to preclude, to foretaste.
Foreign, a. not of the country, alien.
Exhibition, s. the act of showing, display.
Figure, s. a shape, a character denoting a


Elegant, a.

pleasing, nice.

Beautiful, a. fair.

Sym'metry, s. proportion, harmony.
Placid, a. gentle, mild.

Coun'tenance, s. face, look, support.
Deformity, s. ugliness.

External, a. outward, visible.
Fierce, a. savage, furious.
Docile, a. easily instructed.

Trav'erse, v. a. to cross, to wander over.
Sus'tenance, s. support, victuals.


Preclude, v. a. to shut out.

Care'less, a. without care,


Aromat'ick, a. spicy.

Delicious, a, sweet, delicate.

Dainty, s. a delicacy.

signable points, interstice.

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Communicate, v. a. to impart, to reveal.
Facility, s. easiness to be performed.

Bish'op, s. an overseer of the church.

Prin'cipal, a. chief, capital.

Bus'iness, s. employment.

Fortunate, a. lucky, successful.
Art'ist, s. professor of an art.

Human'ity, s. tenderness, the nature of man.
Sorrow, s. grief, sadness.

Deport'ment, s. conduct, behaviour
Hes'itate, v. n. to pause, to be doubtful.

Huma'ne, a. kind, benevolent.

Service, s. use, menial office.

Opportune'ly, ad. seasonably.

Provincial, a. relating to a province.

Applau'se, s. publick praise.
Baron, s. a degree of nobility.

Posses'sion, s. state of having in one's own

Depen'dence, s. trust, reliance.
Evidence, s. proof, testimony.
Cov'enant, s. a contract.

Lease, s. a contract for a temporary posses-
sion of houses or lands.

Tenant, s. one who holds of another.
Mate'rial, a. important, Lot spiritual.
Inex'orable, a. not to be moved by entreaty.

Interval, s. time passing between two as- Expulsion, s. the act of driving out.

Phial, s. a small bottle.

Epicure, s. one given to luxury.

Sensuality, s. addiction to corporeal plea


Philosoph'ick, a. belonging to philosophy.
Caution, s. prudence, warning.

Surfeit, v. a. to make sick with eating

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