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of a poor woman, on account of her religious principles, said, with tears in his eyes: "I almost wish I had never learn'ed

to write."


Prry the sorrows and sufferings of the poor. Dişdǎin' not to enter their wretched abodes; nor to listen to their moving lam-en-tä'tions.

Gratitude is a delightful emotion. The grateful heart at once performs' its duty, and endears itself to others.

If we ought to be grateful for serviceş received from our friends, how should our hearts glow with thankfulness to Him, who has given us being, and all the blessings we enjoy !

Young people too often set out in life, with too much confidence in themselves. Alas! how little do they know the dangers which await them!

To repine at the improvements of others, and wish to deprive them of the praise they have deşerv'ed, is an envious and odious disposition.

We ought not to be proud or vain of the ǎd-văn'ta-geş we păşşess'; but hum'bly endeavour to use thera for the benefit of our fellow-creatures, and the glory of that great Being from whom we have received them.

If we consider how much the com'fórt, or the uneasiness of all ǎround' us, depends on the state of our own temper, we should surely endeavour to render it sweet and accommodating.

When we feel our inability to reşist evil, and to do good, what a com'fort it is, to know that our heavenly Father will, if we hum'bly apply to him, hear our prayers, and graciously assist us!

When young persons àre afflicted with illness, how greatly do they endear themselves to all about them by being tractable, considerate, gentle, and grateful! but how painful it is, to see them peevish, self-willed, and unthankful! How much do the former quâl'ities lessen the affliction; and the latter increase it!

A family where the great Fà'ther of the u'ni-verse is duly reverenced; where parents àre honoured and obeyed; where brothers and sisters dwell together in love and harmony; where peace and order reign; where there is no law but the law of kindness* and wisdom; is surely a most delightful and interesting spectacle?

# kyind'něs.


GOD is the kindest and best of beings. He is our Fà'th He approves us when we do well: he pities us when ĕrr and he desires to make us happy for ever. How gre ly should we love so good and kind a Fà'ther! and how ca ful should we be to serve and please him!

Never insult the unfortunate, especially when they plore relief or assistance. If you cannot grant their reques refuse them mildly and tenderly. If you feel compassion them, (and what good heàrt can behold distress without fe ing compassion?) be not ashamed to express it.

Listen to the affectionate counsels of your parents; trẻ ure up their pré'cepts; respect their riper judgment; enjoy, with gratitude and delight, the ad-văn'ta-geş result from their society. Bind to your bo'şóm, by the most dearing ties, your brothers and sisters; cherish them as y best companions, through the variegated journey of li and suffer no jealous-ies and contentions to interrupt hàr'mony, which should ever reign amongst you.

They who are accustomed to view their companions in most favourable light, àre like persons who dwell ǎmi those beautiful scenes of na ture,† on which the eye rests w pleaş'ure. Suspicious persons resemble the traveller in wilderness, who sees no objects around' him, but what either dreary or terrible.


An amiable youth la-men'ted, in terms of sincere gr the death of a most affectionate parent. His companion deavoured to console him by the reflection, that he had ways behaved to the deceased, with duty, tenderness, respect. "So I thought," replied the youth, "whilst parent was living: but now I recollect, with pain and sorr many instances of dis-o-be'di-ence and neglect, for whi alas! it is too late to make ǎ-tōne'ment."

Sir I'şǎaç New'ton poşşess'ed a remarkably mild and e temper. This great man, on a particular occasion, was d ed out of his study to an adjoining apartment. A little named Di'a-mónd, the constant but incurious attendant of

ed, and had the mortification to behold his irreparable loss. But, with his usual self-põşşes'sión, he only exclaimed; "Oh, Di'a-mónd! Di'a-mónd! thou little knowest the mis'chief thou hast done."

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Queen Căr'o-line having observ'ed that her daughter, the princess had made one of the ladies about' her stand a long time, whilst she was talking to her on some trifling subject, was resolved to give her a suitable rep-ri-mànd'. When the princess came in the evening, as usual, to read to her, and was drawing a chair to sit down, the queen said, No, my dear, you must not sit at present; for I intend to make you stand this evening, as long as you suffered lady to remain in the same position."

The benevolent John How'ard, having settled his accounts at the close of a particular year, and found a balance in his favour, proposed to his wife to make use of it in a journey to Lón'dón, or in any other ǎ-müşe'ment she chose. "What

a pret'ty* çot'tage for a poor family it would build !" was her answer. This charitable hint met his cordialf approbation, and the money was laid out accordingly.

Horace, a celebrated Ro'man poet, relates, that a countryman, who wanted to pass a river, stood loitering on the banks of it, in the foolish expectation, that a current so rapid would soon discharge its waters. But the stream still flowed; increased, perhaps', by fresh torrents from the môûntains and it must for ever flow, because the sources, from which it is derived, àre inexhaustible. Thus, the idle and irresolute youth trifles over his books, or wastes in play the precious moments; defer'ring the task of improvement, which at first is easy to be accomplished, but which will become more and more difficult, the longer it is neglected.





The Pious Sons.

1 IN one of those terrible eruptions of mount Et'nă, which have often happened, the danger to the inhabitants of the adjacent country, was uncommonly great.

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Introduction, &c.

[Part 1.

2. To avoid' im-me'di-ǎte destruction from the flames and the melted lata which ran down the sides of the môûn'tain, the people were oblig'ed to retire to a considerable distance.

3. Amidst the hurry and confusion of such a scene, (every one flying and carrying away whatever he deemed most precious) two brothers, the one named Ã-nā'pi-ăs, and the other Am-phin'o-mus, in the height of their solicitude for the preşĕrvation of their wealth and goods, suddenly recollected that their father and mother, both very old, were unable to save themselves by flight.

4. Filial tenderness triumphed over every other consideration. "Where," cried the generous youths, "shall we find a more precious treasure than they are who gave us being, and who have cherished and protected us through life?" Having said this, the one took up his father on his shoulders, and the other his mother, and happily made their way through the surrounding smoke and flames.

5. All who were witnesses of this dutiful and affectionate conduct, were struck with the highest admiration: and they and their posterity, ever after, called the pàth, which these good young men took in their retreat, "The Field of the Pious."


Filial Sensibility.

1.. A STRONG instance of affectionate and dutiful attachment to parents, has been related in the preceding section. The following display of filial tenderness, is scarcely less inter esting and extraordinary.

2. A young gentleman in one of the academies at Păr'is, was remarked for eating nothing but soup and dry bread, and drinking only water. The governour of the institution, attributing this singularity to excess of devotion, reproved his pupil, and endeavoured to persuade him to alter his resolution.

3. Finding, however, that his remonstrances were ineffectual, he sent for him again', and observ'ed to him, that such conduct was highly unbecoming, and that it was his duty to conform to the rules of the academy.

4. He then endeavoured to learn the reason of his pupil's conduct; but as the youth could not be prevailed upon to impart the secret, the governour at last threatened to send him back to his family.




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5. This men'āce produced an immediate explanation: "Sír," said the young man, "in my father's house I eat nóthing but black bread, and of that very little here I have good soup, and excellent white bread; and though I might, if I chose it, fare lux-u'ri-ous-ly,* I cannot persuade' my-self to take any thing else, when I reflect on the situation in which I have left my father and mother."


6. The governour was greatly moved by this instance of filial sensibility, and could not refrain from tears. father," said he, "has been in the army; has he no pension ?" "No," replied the youth; "he has long been soliciting one: but, for want of money, has been obliged to give up the pursuit: and rather than contract any debts at Vĕrsailles', he has chosen a life of wretchedness in the country."

And since

7. "Well," returned the governour, "if the fact is as you have represented it, I promise to procure for your father a pension of five hundred livres a year. your friends are in so reduced circumstances, take these three lou-is d'orş't for your pocket expenses. I will undertake to remit your father the first half year of his pension, in ǎd-vănce.""

8. "Ah, Sir!" replied the youth, "as you have the goodness to propose remitting a sum of money to my father, I entreat you to add to it these three loü-is d'ors'. As I have here every thing I can wish for, I do not need them but they would be of great use to my father, in the main'tenǎnce of his other children."


Cruelty to Insects condemned.


1. A CERTAIN youth indulged himself in the cruel entertainment of torturing|| and killing flies. He tore off their wings and legs, and then watched with pleaş'ure their feeble efforts to escape' from him.

2. Sometimes he collected a number of them together, and crushed them at once to death; glorying, like many a celebrated hero, in the devastation he committed.

3. His tutor remonstrated with him in vain, on this barbarous conduct. He could not persuade him to believe that flies are capable of pain, and have a right, no less than ourselves, to life, liberty, and enjoyment.


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