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Darkling in the dark. II. iii. p. 49.

Dead: deadly. III. ii. p. 64. Defeated: deceived, cheated. IV. i. p. 91.

Defect: effect. III. i. p. 54. Dewlap: loose flesh about the throat. II. 1. p. 35.

Dian's bud: a herb said to have the virtue of keeping men and women chaste. ÎV. i. p. 87. Discharge: perform. I. ii. p. 32; IV. ii. p. 95.

Disfigure: destroy. I. i. p. 20.
Distemperature: disturbance of
the elements. II. ii. p. 38.
Distilled: perpetuated in essence
(in scent). I. i. p. 21.
Dole: grief. V. i. p. 110.
Double: false, deceitful.
P. 45.

II. iii.

Duke: leader, general; Lat., dux.
I. i. p. 17.
Eglantine: sweet-brier. II. ii.
p. 44.

Enforced violated. III. i. p. 61.
Ercles: Hercules. I. ii. p. 30.
Estate unto: confer upon. I. i.
p. 22.
Ethiop: 'dark-complexioned
creature.' III. ii. p. 73. (See
Note to Brow of Egypt. V. i. p.
Extenuate: mitigate. I. i. p. 28.
Eyne: old plural of eye. I. i. p.
28, &c.

Fair: beauty. I. i. p. 25. Fancy: love. I. i. p. 24; IV. i. p. 92.

Favour: countenance, appear. ance. I. i. p. 25.

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Generally: singly. I. ii. p. 28. Gentleness: kindness, goodbreeding. II. iii. p. 49. Glance: hint. II. I. p. 36. Gleek: scoff. III. i. p. 59. Gossip's bowl: a mixture of ale, spice, sugar, and crab-apples, prepared for christening feasts. II. i. p. 35.

Government: "In," under control. V. i. p. 103.

Hempen homespuns: coarse, home-bred fellows. III. i. p. 55. Henchman: a page of honour. II. ii. p. 38.

Hiems: winter. II. ii. p. 38. Hight: called, entitled. V. i. p. 104.

Human: humane. II. iii. p. 48. Imbrue stain. V. i. p. 113. Immediately: purposely. I. i. p. 19. Increase: produce. II. ii. p. 38. Intend: pretend. III. ii. p..77. Jew: used as a term of endearment, probably from Fr., bijou, a jewel. III. i. p. 55. Juvenal: youth. III. i. p. 55. Kind: (in this) respect (the question of marriage). I. i. p. 20. Knacks: gewgaws, pretty trifles. I. i. p. 19.

Knot-grass: a low-growing herb which in the form of a decoction was said to have the property of stunting growth. III. ii. p. 77.

Know: make sure. I. i. p. 20.

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sake. II. iii. p. 52. Margent: margin. II. ii. p. 87. Masque a display by masked performers. V. i. p. 98. Means: utters her lament (an archaic use of the word). V. i. p. 112. Mechanicals: labourers, tradeworkmen. III. ii. p. 62. Mewed: imprisoned. I. i. p. 21. Mimic: actor. III. ii. p. 62. Minimus: a being of the smallest size. III. ii. p. 77. Misgraffed: grafted on a wrong or unsuitable stock. I. i. p. 23. Misprised: mistaken. III. ii. p. 65.

Misprision: mistake. III. ii.

p. 66.

Momentany: momentary. I. i. p. 23.

Mouse: to tear to pieces. p. 110.

V. i.

Murrain: a disease of sheep and cattle. II. ii. p. 37. Neeze: sneeze. II. i. p. 35. Neif: a fist. IV. i. p. 85. Night-rule: nocturnal order of things. III. ii. p. 62. Nowl: Saxon knol, head. III. ii. p. 62.

Obscenely: Bottom's blunder

for 'seemly.' I. ii. p. 33. Observation: observance (of the May-day rites). IV. i. p. 98.

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Oxlips: a larger kind of cows. lip. II. ii. p. 44.

Pageant: show. III. ii. p. 67. Pale: enclosure. II. i. p. 33. Pard leopard. II. iii. p. 47. Parlous perilous. III. i. p. 53. Patches: fools. III. ii. p. 62. Patent: privilege. I. i. p. 21. Paved fountain: a stream with a pebbly bottom. II. ii. p. 37. Pelting: paltry. II. ii. p. 37. Pensioners: retainers. II. i. p.


Pert: brisk, lively. I. i. p. 18. Phibbus: Phoebus. I. ii. p. 30. Philomel: Philomela, a classical name of the nightingale. II. ii. p. 46.

Plain-song: a song without
variations. III. i. p. 58.
Point: culminating point, zenith.
II. iii. p. 48.

Preferred: proffered, submitted
for approval. IV. i. p. 96.
Preposterously: perversely.
III. ii. p. 67.
Presented: represented. III. ii.
p. 62.
Presently immediately. IV.
ii. p. 96.

Prevailment: weight, persuasive power. I. i. p. 19. Prey act of preying. II. iii. p. 52.

Privilege safeguard. II. ii. p.

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[blocks in formation]

Quell: kill. V. i. p. 111.
Quern: a handmill. II. i. p. 34.
Questions: cross-examining. II.
ii. p. 43.
Quill: "little
III. i. p. 58.

"shrill note.

Recorder: a small flute. V. i. p. 103.

Rere-mice: bats. II. iii. p. 45. Respects: regards, considers. I. i. p. 24.

Ringlets: hand-in-hand circles. 11. ii. p. 37.

Ripe ripen. II. iii. p. 50. Roundel: a circular dance; also

used for a song. II. iii. p. 45. Sad serious. IV. i. p. 88. Sanded of a sandy colour. IV. i. p. 89.

Savours: sweet perfumes. II. i. p. 33.

Scrip: scroll: corruption of 'script.' I. ii. p. 28. Seething: active, excited. i. p. 97.


Sheen shin'ng, bright. II. i.

p. 34.



mischievous. II. i. p.

Sinister left. V. i. p. 105. Sisters Three: The Fates. V. i. p. 113.

Skill: comprehension. II. iii. p. 50.

Small: effeminately. I. ii. p. 30.
Snuff: offended, angry (used
quibblingly). V. i. p. 109.
Sort: company. III. ii. p. 62.
Spleen paroxysm of passion.
I. i. p. 24.

Spotted: evil, impure. I. i. p.


Spring: opening. II. ii. p. 37. Square: quarrel. II. i. p. 34. Squash an unripe pea-pod. III. i. p. 61.


Stood upon: depended on. I. i. p.. 23.

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p. 58.

III. i.

Thrum: the end of a weaver's warp. V. i. p. 111.

Tiring-house: dressing room. III. i. p. 53.

Toward: in preparation. II. iii. p. 56.

Trace: traverse. II. i. p. 34. Translated: transformed. I. i. p. 26, &c.

Triumph pageant, festivities. I. i. p. 18.

Troth truth. II. iii. p. 47, &c. Unbreathed: unexercised. V. i. p. 100.

Unhardened: impressionable. I. i. p. 19.

Upon: by. II. ii. p. 43.

Vaward: fore-part, early por

tion. IV. i. p. 80.

Voice: sanction, approval. i. p. 20.

Wanton: luxurious.



II. ii. p.

Waxen: increase. II. i. p. 35.
Weed: garment. II. ii. p. 44.
Welkin: sky. III. ii. p. 78.
Wit: wisdom, intelligence. III.
i. p. 58.

Withering: delaying. I. i. p. 18.
Wode: distracted, mad. A play
upon words, wode being the
Middle English form of 'wood.'
II. i. p. 41.
Woodbine: honeysuckle. II. ii.
p. 44; (probably) convolvulus.
IV. i. p. 86.

Wot know. III. ii. p. 92.


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