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78. A drover bought 16 sheep of one man, 10 of another, and 8 of another. He sold from this number 7 to one man and 5 to another. How many did he have left?


79. A boy started for Boston with $1 in his He paid 25 cents for street-car fares, 48 cents for a jack-knife, 15 cents for a writing-book, and 10 cents for ink and pens. How much money ought he to have left?


80. From 362 take 147.

Minuend, 362
Subtrahend, 147
Remainder, 215

As we cannot take 7 units from 2 units, one of the 6 tens is put with the 2 units, making 12 units, and then, 7 units from 12 units leave 5 units. Now as one of the 6 tens has been put with the 2 units, only 5 tens remain in the minuend, and 4 tens from 5 tens leave 1 ten, and, finally, 1 hundred from 3 hundreds leaves 2 hundreds; hence, the entire remainder is 2 hundreds, 1 ten 5 units, or 215.

81. From 467 take 293.

82. From 875 take 468.

83. From 953 take 872.

84. From 135.84 take 18.79.


Ans. 117.05

Writing units under units, tenths under tenths, and so on, we subtract exactly as in Ex. 80, remembering also to place the decimal point between units and tenths, that is, directly under the points in the minuend and subtrahend.

85. From 846.12 take 75.21.
86. Take 87.49 from 149.637.
87. Take 715.187 from 932.25.
88. From 194.87 subtract 76.49.

If in subtraction the work is correct, the sum of the subtrahend and remainder must equal the minuend.

89. Subtract 746.87 from 984.9.

[blocks in formation]

(2) (9) (10) Minuend, 300 Subtrahend, 17 4 Remainder,

In this example we cannot take 4 from 0, nor can we take from the 10's place, as there is 0 there; but we can take one of the 3 hundreds and separate the one hundred into 9 tens and 10 units; then we can take 4 units from 10 units, 7 tens from 9 tens, and 1 hundred from 2 hundreds, leaving 126 as the remainder.


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

102. John had 47 cents, of which he gave his sister 12. How many cents did he have left?

103. George had 27 chickens, of which 11 died. How many were left?

104. Sarah is 9 years old and her mother is 33. What is the difference in their ages?

105. A man who owed $18 to one man and $11 to another, had $50 in his pocket. How many dollars will he have after he pays his debts?

106. From a barrel containing 45 gallons of syrup 14 had been sold. How many gallons still remained in the barrel?

107. A boy counted his chickens at night and found he had 33; the next morning he counted and there were only 25. How many were gone?

108. A man bought a harness for $31 and sold it for $19. How much did he lose?

109. How old was a man 23 years ago who is 57 to-day?

110. A boy had 50 cents. He bought a pound of walnuts for 12 cents, and a dozen oranges for 25 cents. How many cents did he have left?

111. A merchant sold some calico for 62 cents, some thread for 8, a thimble for 3, and received in payment a dollar-bill. How much change ought he to return?

112. A lady purchased some rosebuds for 40 cents and a calla lily for 15, and gave in payment a 50-cent piece and a 10-cent piece. How much change ought she to receive back?

113. From a cistern containing 85 gallons 43 were drawn out. How many gallons remained?

114. Mr. Means is 43 years old, his wife is 7 years younger, and their son, Freeman, is 24 years younger than his mother. How old is Freeman?

115. A drover bought 27 sheep; then he sold 8; then bought 10; and then sold 9. How many sheep did he have left?

116. If a boy who had 50 cents spent 10, then earned 12, and then spent 8, how many cents did he have left?

117. If I buy a horse for $85, pay $5 for keeping, $2 for shoeing, and sell it for $100, how much do I make?

118. A lady bought some cotton cloth for 42 cents, some ribbon for 10 cents, buttons for 15 cents, thread for 8 cents, and gave a dollar bill in payment. How much change should she receive?

119. Mary bought a handkerchief for 17 cents and a collar for 11 cents. She handed to the clerk a 25-cent piece and a 5-cent piece. How much change should she receive back?

120. Subtract by twos from 40 to 0; from 39 to 1. 121. Subtract by threes from 40 to 1; from 39 to 0; from 38 to 2.

122. Subtract by fours from 40 to 0; from 39 to 3; from 38 to 2; from 37 to 1.

123. Subtract by fives from 40 to 0; from 39 to 4; from 38 to 3; from 37 to 2; from 36 to 1.

124. Subtract by sixes from 40 to 4; from 39 to 3; from 38 to 2; from 37 to 1; from 36 to 0; from 35 to 5.

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126. What will remain if 9 be taken from 18? 7 from 17? 5 from 13? 4 from 16? 8 from 20? 6 from 18? 3 from 21?

127. From 5 +7 + 4 + 8 + 3 + 9, take 9+ 3. 128. A boy having 35 marbles sold 15. How many did he then have?

129. From a barrel containing 32 gallons of vinegar 9 gallons were drawn out. How many gallons remained?

130. From a bin containing 75 tons of coal 9 tons were sold. How many tons remained?

131. If I sell a horse for $ 65 and receive $15 more than it cost me, how much did it cost me?

132. A boy having only a dollar went to the city. He paid 40 cents for railroad fare, 10 cents for streetcar fare, 8 cents for candy, and 25 cents for his dinner. How many cents had he left?

133. John found 9 peaches under one tree, 7 under another, and 9 under another. If he gives 5 to his mother and 7 to his father, how many peaches will he have left?

134. If the distance from Natick to Wellesley is 3 miles, from Wellesley to Newton 8 miles, from Newton to Brighton 2 miles, and from Brighton to Boston 5 miles, and the distance from Dedham to Boston 10 miles, how much farther from Boston is Natick than Dedham ?


135. If a man whose income is $2317 a year spends $350 for house-rent and $879 for all other purposes, how much does he save?

136. How many years from the discovery of America in 1492 to the settlement of St. Augustine in 1565?

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