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plicated, resting on undisputed facts, or involved in controverted principles. But it was of peculiar importance that this ground of preference should, in the negotiation of this treaty, have been secured to Great Britain.

Our interest in the whole subject, very far exceeded that of the power with whom we treated. Much of our security in peace, much of our energy and success in war, must hereafter depend on the accuracy and precision of the law, which is now laid down, by this convention, for the conduct of our navy, and for the gui dance of our courts of admiralty. It must also be remembered, that the whole subject is involved in difficult and technical distinctions, in matters of detail, and in points of law, often very imperfectly understood by the continental governments, who have so little occasion to study them in their practical application: whereas, in this country, they ought to be familiar to every man who undertakes the conduct of the public interests. And if the king's servants had the smallest reason to distrust their own abilities or knowledge in this respect, they might, for the purpose of framing such a project, have availed themselves of the assistance of some of the greatest men who have ever professed the science of public jurisprudence. But whether this mode of negotiating were more or less desirable, whether it were safer to have treated for the final arrangement of these great questions on the basis of a British or of a Russian project, I must say, without reserve, that no circumstances could require from the ministers of this country that course which has actually been pursued in the present instance; a course which should, in my opinion, have been decidedly rejected from the beginning, not only on the considerations which I have already stated, but perhaps still more on that of the national honour and the dignity of the British crown.

they cannot be renewed, but with difficulty and danger. Whatever shall then be left in ambiguity will be placed in the worst of all situations; in a state where we can neither abandon our right with dignity, nor maintain it with advantage. Where we shall neither obtain the credit which we might claim for its sacrifice, nor secure the benefits which we should derive from its assertion. To how large a proportion of these articles this remark applies, your lordships will judge by comparing them with the corresponding provisions in the hostile conventions of 1780 and 1800. Those conventions were framed with the avowed object of destroying our rights; this treaty is concluded for the purpose of securing them; and the difference of the stipulations, which are to produce these contrary effects on the same subjects, must, therefore, be looked for on the face of the instruments themselves, This comparison is rendered but too easy by a circumstance which I consider as having uniformly, and, in a very great degree, operated to our disadvantage throughout the whole conduct of this negotiation. I am far from supposing that the authors of this treaty can be ignorant of the advantage which a person employed in negotiation must always derive from treating on the basis of his own project, rather than on that of his adversary. They know, unquestionably, that concessions so introduced are often suffered to remain, in order to avoid the inconveniences of farther controversy or delay. That differences, even unintentional, and apparently inconsiderable, in the wording of an article, have often led in their result to the most important consequences; and that the party, who draws any such instrument, will naturally apply his principal attention to the perspicuity and accuracy of those stipulations which are most favourable to the interests he is employed to maintain. The skill and diligence of a public minister is, indeed, often best shown, in the security which In the form and wording of all these he has thus provided to his country, against articles, the two hostile conventions of those ambiguous interpretations, and armed neutrality have have been followed latent claims, to which the expressions with a scrupulous and servile exactness chosen by an adversary might too proba- wherever they could be made to apply. bly be liable. This advantage, however, We have, therefore, negotiated and conas it is known to both parties, cannot cluded this treaty, not on the basis of any always be obtained even by the ablest British, or even of any new Russian prostatesmen; nor is it always equally impor-ject, but on that of the very same hostile tant. Its value and effect are more or and inadmissible conventions, which we less considerable, as the nature of the actually went to war for the purpose of subject to be arranged is simple or com- annulling. And we now stand, in the [VOL. XXXVI.] [P]

face of Europe, no longer as resisting, but as acceding to the treaties of armed neutrality; with modifications indeed, and changes in some important points; but sanctioning, by this concession, the general weight and authority of transactions, which we had hitherto considered as gross violations of public law, as manifest indications of hostile purpose, and as sufficient grounds to justify, on our part, the extremities of war itself. Whatever principles of maritime law may hereafter be contested, they must now be discussed with some regard to the treaties of armed neutrality. Whatever words of doubtful interpretation are transferred from those treaties into this convention (and many such are so transferred), must, according to one of the best rules of legitimate construction, be explained by a reference to the original instrument, where they were first introduced into the code of public law. It is, therefore, under this impression, that we must proceed to examine the concessions of the present convention, and to compare them with those claims for which this country wisely determined, at the commencement of the present year, that it was necessary, even under all the difficulties of that moment, to incur the additional dangers of a northern war. What those claims were, is a fact which cannot now be disputed. At the opening of the last session of parliament, they were stated in this House, and, with much more ability in another place, as being included in five separate propositions, or principles of maritime law; every one of which the neutral league of 1800 had bound the contracting parties in that engagement to resist by force: and every one of which your lordships agreed with the government of that day, in considering as essentially necessary to be maintained for the preservation of our maritime strength, and, consequently, for the means even of our domestic security.

The proposititions were as follows:

1. That it is not lawful to neutral nations, to carry on, in time of war, for the advantage, or on the behalf, of one of the belligerent powers, those branches of its commerce from which they are excluded in time of peace.*

The claims of neutrals, for the security of their commerce, can evidently, in no case, be carried farther than that they may continue to trade in war in the same manner as they did in peace. This is stated by Bynkershoek,

2. That every belligerent power may capture the property of its enemies wherever it shall be met with on the high seas; and may, for that purpose, detain and bring into port neutral vessels laden wholly, or in part, with any such property.†

3. That under the description of contraband of war, which neutrals are prohibited from carrying to the belligerent powers, the law of nations (if not restrained by special treaty), includes all naval as well as all military stores; and generally all articles serving principally, according to the circumstances of the war, to afford to one belligerent power the instruments and means of annoyance to be used against the other.‡

as the whole possible extent of their demand, which he afterwards proceeds to limit by those considerations which results from the rights of the belligerent. facere aut non facere possunt inter duos "Quæritur quid hostes. Omnia, forte inquies, quæ potuerunt cum pax esset inter eos, quos inter nunc bellum est." Bynk. Quæst. Juris Pub. 1. 9.

This has long ago been laid down as the universal and undoubted law of nations. See the Consolato del Mar. c. 273. Eineccius says, "Idem statuendum arbitramus si Illes capi posse nemo dubitat, quia hosti in res res hotiles in navibus amicorum reperiantur, hostiles omnia licent, eatenus ut eas ubicumque repertas sibi possit vindicare."-De Nav. ob vect. &c. c. 2. s. 9.

"I believe it cannot be doubted, that, by the general law of nations, the goods of a friend, found in the vessels of an enemy, are free; and the goods of an enemy, found in Jefferson's Let. to Genet, 24 July, 1797. the vessel of a friend, are lawful prize."

The law and practice of France has always carried this claim much farther than the British prize courts have ever done. We confiscate only the enemy's property found on board a neutral ship, but release the ship itself, with the remainder of her cargo. The French ordinances direct, that, in addition to the confiscation of the enemy's property so found, the neutral ship which carries it shall also be confiscated. We release all neutral property which is found on board an enemy's ship; but France considers it as lawful prize. -See Ordonnance de Marine, Art. 7, and Valin, p. 284.

In speaking here, and in other places, of the practice of France as constituting an authority of deserved weight on these subjects, I refer to her ancient maritime code, and not to the contradictory decrees, or to the corrupt and lawless decisions, of her révolutionary governments.

"Les choses qui sont d'un usage particulier pour la guerre, et dont on empêche le

Having thus faithfully reoited these propositions, it is not necessary that I should here repeat those arguments which have long since undeniably established both the justice of the principles themselves. and their infinite importance to the interests of this country. The very address to which your lordships are about to accede, describes them, emphatically, as essential rights, and on that ground you are about to congratulate his majesty upon their final establishment and recognition. In what degree they are really secured to us, by the present treaty, is therefore the only point to be now considered; and this question, with the permission of the House, I will proceed to examine in detail.

4. That it is lawful to naval powers, when engaged in war, to block the ports of their enemies, by cruizing squadrons, bona fide allotted to that service, and fairly competent to its execution. That such blockade is valid and legitimate, although there be no design to attack, or to reduce by force, the port, fort, or arsenal to which it is applied. And that the fact of the blockade, coupled with due notice given thereof to the neutral powers, shall affect not only vessels actually intercepted in the attempt to enter the blockaded port, but those ships also which shall elsewhere be met with, and shall be found to have been destined to such port, under the circumstances of the fact and notice of its blockade.*

5. That the right of visiting and examining neutral vessels, is a necessary consequence of these principles. And that, by the law of nations (when unrestrained by treaty) this right is not in any manner affected, by the presence of a neutral ship of war, having under its convoy merchants ships, either of its own nation, or of any other country.t

transport chez l'ennemi, s'appellent marchandizes de contrabande. Telles sont les armes, les munitions de guerre, les bois, et tout ce qui sert à la construction et à l'armement des vaisseaux de guerre."-Vattel, c. 7, s. 112. See also the letter of the American government to Mr. Pinckney, their minister at Paris, dated January 16th, 1797, which expressly declares, that by the law of nations, timber and other naval stores, are contraband of war. These are quoted as the two last authorities of undoubted impartiality on the subject. It has been copiously and variously discussed by the older writers on the law of nations; but the concise and luminous expresssion of Grotius includes the whole principle, by which reason shows that the question always must be governed, "In tertio genere (mercium), usus ancipitis, distinguendus erit belli status." -Grot. I. 3, c. 1, s. 5. See also the essay on contraband, by the able author of the History

of the Law of Nations.

* The late judgments of the court of Admiralty have set this question of blockade in so clear a light, that it would be an injury to the reader to refer him elsewhere for the law of nations on this point. These judgments are to be found in the valuable collection of Admiralty Reports: a publication calculated to vindicate the national honour from much unmerited reproach; and to prove to the world that Great Britain administers the public law of nations with the same distinguished ability and unblemished purity, which have so long been the glory of her courts of municipal judicature.

The first of these principles, in the order in which I stated them, establishes the rule under which the belligerent refuses to neutrals the liberty of carrying on, during the war, those parts of his enemy's trade, from which they are usually excluded in time of peace. This rule has, in our practice, been pricipally applied to the coasting and colonial trade of France. From both these branches of her trade, France bas, in every period of peace, excluded all vessels but her own; with such

+"On ne peut empêcher le transport des effets de contrebande" (we may add, nor that of enemy's property), “si l'on ne visite pas les vaisseaux neutres que l'on recontre en mer. On est donc en droit de les visiter."-Vattel, 1. 3, s. 114.

"Tout vaisseau qui refusera d'amener ses voiles, après la semonce qui lui en aura été faite par nos vaisseaux, ou ceux de nos sujets armés en guerre, pourra y être contraint par artillerie ou autrement, et en cas de resistance et de combat, il sera de bonne prise."--Ordonnance de la Marine de France, Tit. des Prises, Art. 12.

The Spanish ordinance of 1718 has an article to the same effect. With respect to the pretension that neutral vessels sailing under convoy, are exempted from this right of search, it is so unanswerably refuted in sir W. Scott's judgment in the case of the Swedish convoy, that nothing can be added to the authority of that argument. The history of the question has since been stated with very great ability by Dr. Croke, in his reply to Mr. Schlegel's pamphlet; and every person who examines those publications with impartiality, must I think, conclude, in the language used respecting this claim by Cromwell's commissioners in 1657, That a belligerent" cannot, and ought not, to put so much faith in particular captains at sea; that in no former treaty any such article is found; and that the neutral powers have no reason to desire any such novelty."

occasional exceptions only, as have more strongly proved her general principle of exclusion. But in war she has always found it impossible to maintain these monopolies. Pressed on the one hand, by our naval superiority, which has rendered the navigation of their own ships unsafe; and unable, on the other hand, to forego the resources which depend entirely on these important branches of her commerce, she has frequently endeavoured, under these special circumstances, to open both her colonial and her coasting trade to the vessels of neutral nations. But this attempt has uniformly been resisted by Great Britain; nor have the other powers of Europe been very forward to embark in a commerce which they knew we should justly consider as an interference in the war, and as a manifest breach of all the obligations of neutrality.

any fair construction at all, preclude it; and if the principle essential to Great Britain be not (as I fear it is) expressly negatived, it is left, at the best, in a state so very doubtful, as to afford a handle for perpetual cavils, and a copious source of interminable differences. A free navigation to the ports, and upon the coasts of any country, must, I think, imply the liberty of navigating freely, both to and from all those ports, and upon every part of those coasts. If any limitation of this liberty was intended, it must naturally be looked for in the same instrument which asserts, and guarantees, the general right. Some such restraints and limitations are accordingly specified in this article; and these must, I think, in all fair reasoning, be taken to be the only remaining exceptions, to that otherwise unrestrained freedom of navigation and The right to carry on unmolested, dur-commerce with our enemies ports, which ing war, both these branches of the trade of France, although prohibited in time of peace, was, however, claimed in 1780, by the pretended neutral league, which was then formed for the purpose of destroying our naval power. And when, at the close of the last year, the same confederacy was renewed, with the same views, this unjust and inadmissible pretension was, with many others of the same description, once more openly advanced in hostile defiance to Great Britain. The claim which the confederates thus asserted, was, as far as relates directly to the coasting trade, expressed in the third article of the convention of 1800, under the following words, viz. "That neutral ships may navigate freely from port to port, and upon the coasts of the belligerent powers." The present convention has adopted very nearly the same expressions. By the first section of what there also stands as the third article, neutral ships are permitted to navigate freely to the ports, and upon the coasts of the belligerent powers." And in the next section of the same article, corresponding also (though with a variation respecting enemy's property, of which I shall hereafter speak) with a clause in the treaty of 1800, it is expressly declared, that "the effects embarked on board neutral ships shall be free, with the exception of contraband of war, and of enemy's property."

Now, my lords, if these words do not actually establish the hostile claim of the northern league on this subject of the coasting trade, they certainly do not, on

neutrals are henceforward to enjoy. Among the exceptions thus specified, not even the most distant reference is to be found to that principle respecting the coasting trade, which we have hitherto thought, as this address declares it, a right essential to our interests. The liberty of sailing freely to any port of the hostile country, is plainly conceded and guaranteed: but it is not even intimated, much less declared, by any article of this treaty, that this permission is not to extend to ships laden with commodities purchased at any other port of the same country. No man, from reading this convention, could conjecture that we had ever asserted such a rule of public law. The very principle itself is consigned to utter oblivion, and any attempt on our part to renew its practical exercise, will henceforth be regarded as a breach of that solemn compact by which we have recognized the innocence, and guaranteed the freedom, of all neutral trade, not consisting in enemies property, or in contraband of war.

Nor indeed would it be easy to explain, in any other sense than that of a deliberate and intentional concession of the coasting trade, the admission of those words which guarantee to neutrals the free navigation, not only to the ports, but "upon the coasts of the powers at war." If a direct trade only from the neutral country to the ports of the belligerents had been intended, the first words of this section had amply secured it. If it was meant to permit a partial and successive discharge of the

the concessions which really were intended; or why we should have forborne to require in return, that our remaining rights, whatever they might be, should be recog nized with the same precision, and guaranteed to us with the same certainty.

different articles of the cargo, at different ports, this also is secured by the general and unqualified permission to sail freely to those ports. And the addition of the words upon the coasts," cannot possibly have been made with this view; because the words themselves have no reference to this purpose, nor do they even convey the idea to the mind of any man, whether he be accustomed to hear the subject spoken of in loose and popular language, or be expressed with the precision of statesmen and civilians. These words were first introduced into the treaty of armed neutrality in 1780. They were there employed for the express purpose of asserting the right of neutrals to carry on the coasting trade of the belligerents. From that treaty they have since been carefully transcribed, first into the hostile convention of 1800, and now again into this conciliatory arrangement, to which we are hereafter to look for the rule of maritime law. It will not be a very uncandid argument, on the part those who shall maintain that Russia having, in all these three cases, adopted these same words of sailing freely upon the coasts of the belligerents, meant to express by them in each of the cases the same claim: and on the other hand, that if Great Britain had now intended to stipulate for the renunciation of the right which Russia had before asserted, our negotiators would not have selected the very same expressions which were originally used for that assertion, and which even now are capable of no other interpretation, and must be either so construed, or regarded as wholly superfluous.

It would however be difficult for any man, at all acquainted with the nature of the subject, and with the situation and interests of the contracting parties, to believe that this point was in fact intended to be conceded by us, or was purposely involved in doubtful and equivocal expressions. Russia could have no object in contesting it with us: Russian ships will never carry on the coasting trade of the belligerents, nor will that country derive either commercial or political advantage, from obtaining this benefit for the vessels of Denmark or of Sweden, to whom alone

it is likely that this stipulation will practically apply. But if this surrender of right was not in our contemplation, I am utterly at a loss to conceive why we should have been afraid to state with openness, and to define with accuracy, the extent of

I must however acknowledge, that to the next point of which I have to speak, the charge of ambiguity does not apply. On this head the treaty is unfortunately but too explicit. It is clear that we have admitted neutrals to carry on the whole colonial trade of France. That claim is indisputably and unequivocally conceded by Great Britain. I have already stated to your lordships on what grounds of policy and justice we have always hitherto refused to neutrals, during war, the privilege of trading with the French colonies. If this prohibition were once withdrawn, or if it did not attach upon the commerce of those colonies with the neutral ports of Europe, as well as on their direct trade with France, our maritime superiority would, at least in that quarter of the world, be completely eluded: the valour and energy of our navy would be deprived of the just reward which it now derives from its most profitable captures; and the enemy would enjoy, undiminished in war, as in peace, all those resources which are most applicable to increased exertions against the vital interests of Great Britain.

The instructions issued by his majesty at the commencement of the late war,* for the conduct of his navy, were therefore founded on this long-established principle; and the only relaxation of it which had taken place until the signature of this treaty, was by an indulgence granted to the united states of America, on account of the peculiarity of their local situation. That government complained that these instructions had driven the Americans to the necessity of purchasing in Europe, by a circuitous voyage, the articles of colonial produce necessary for their own consumption. If the other European colonies had at that time been open to the trade of America, while those of France were closed by us, the ground of this complaint would have been considerably weaker than

and detain all ships laden with goods the *Nov. 6, 1793. "That they shall stop produce of any colony belonging to France, or carrying provisions or other supplies for the use of such colony, and shall bring the same with their cargoes to legal adjudication in our Courts of Admiralty."

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