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ABERDEEN UNIVERSITY, honors to Dr. ALLSTON, Washington, 461.

Mayhew, 46.

ADAMS, Charles Francis,

AMBOY, N. J., Lord Sterling at, 217.
AMERICA and England, unity of, iii., iv.,
vi., 116, 130-134, 143, 184, 185, 229, 230,
247, 265, 433, 455.
AMERICA, commerce of, monopolized
by England, 107, 111, 116; its course,
127; source of England's wealth, 127;
how affected by the Revolution, 136,
185, 189, 204, 206, 222; value of, 230;
increase of, 336; Hamilton's influence
on, 427; statistics of, 428-432; Dr.
Stiles's predictions of, fulfilled, 463;
first voyage to Canton, 463.
AMERICA, the Book of," 115-117.
SCIENCES, its establishment suggested
by Rev. Mr. Payson, 408.

ADAMS, John, on Church of England,
xxx.; and Thomas Hollis, xxxii.; on
character of Dr. Mayhew, 44; on the
"molasses act," 112; account of the
council chamber, 113, 153; on the
stamp-act riot, 132; on sermons of
Dr. Chauncy and Dr. Mayhew, 134;
address to George III., vi.; reply of
George III. to, 149; on Duché's prayer,
219; of the Massachusetts council, 266;
on education, 337; on rebellion, 75,
251, 445; ambassador, 454; declaration"
of independence, 554; "armed neu-
457; the future, 465; Austria,


AMERICAN ARMY, artillery of, 221; pat-
riotic, 827, 442; suffering of, 327; its
successes and defeats, 442-445.
gress, 214.

Revolution, xxix.
ADAMS, Samuel, clerk of House of Rep-
resentatives, 155, 173; rep. Boston,182;
committees of correspondence, 191;
committee for relief of poor of Boston,
199; delegate to Congress at Philadel-
phia, 219, 251; governor of Massachu-
setts, 221; "The Adams," 221, 453;
Dec. Ind., 454.

ADAMS, Rev. Z., preaches to the min-
ute-men, xxxvii.

AFRICAN TRADE, "iniquitous," 431.
AGASSIZ, Louis, 164.


ALEXANDRIA, Va., generosity of, 198.

ALFRED, King, 334.

AMERICAN COLONIES, poverty of, 123,
124, 127, 184; "not afraid of poverty,
but disdain slavery," 193, 222, 224;
union of, 215, 255, 264, 327, 347, 445.


ANARCHY, 206, 251, 253.

ALLEN, Rev. Dr. William, 180, 358, 479, ANDROS, Sir Edmund, 175–177.

ALLIBONE, S. Austin, account of Hol-
lis, xxxii.; Critical Dictionary cited,
235, 461; his account of Alex. Hamil-
ton, 427, 490.

ANN, Cape, xx., 225.

APTHORP, Rev. Mr., "missionary," etc.,


ARKWRIGHT, of England, 432.

"ARMED NEUTRALITY," the, 446, 457.

ARNOLD, S. G., "History of Rhode
Island," 306.

ASSISTANCE, writs of, 112, 113.

AUSTIN, Benj., 265, 351, 388.


Canada, 216, 217; excluded from par-
liament, xx.; no bishop, no king,"

America, xxvii.

BABSON, J. J., History of Gloucester, BLACKSMITHS, convention of, 194.


BACKUS, Rev. Isaac, 182, 298, 299.
BACON, Lord, 334, 416, 424.
BACON, Rev. Dr. Leonard, 477.
BAILEY, Rev. Jacob, "missionary,"



BAKER, Samuel, 351, 388.

BALTIMORE, patriotism of, 198; second
American voyage to Canton, 464.
BANCA, Florida, "armed neutrality,"

BANCROFT, George, History of United

States, 131, 132, 138, 235, 459, 461.
BAPTISTS, the, 182, 218, 299.
BARLOW, Aaron, 253.

BARLOW, Joel, notice of, 486.
BARNARD, Henry, 461.

tionary spirit of, 252.

BARRE, Col. Isaac, "sons of liberty,"
131; portrait of, 132; eulogized, 138;
his prophesy, 198.

BARRY, J. S., History of Massachusetts,
331, 358.

BARTLETT, Josiah, Dec. Ind., 454.

BOLLAN, tory letters, 167.

Books on government in New England,

BOSTON, England, tribute to John Cot-
ton, xxi.; name of, xxii.

BOSTON, N. E., chh. of, xx.; lawyers,
xxvii.; resists revenue laws, 112, 152;
council chamber, 113; stamp act,
120; poverty of, 124, 198; taxes, 126;
pictures of Barré and Conway, 132;
"massacre," 153; resolves, 154, 199, 218,
229; slavery, 182; assisted by "all the
colonies," 199; "Thursday lecture,"
188; "committee of correspondence,"
191; town meetings, 192; "port-bill,"
192, 198, 201, 213–221, 263; poor of, 221;
effects of Gen. Gage's treachery, 230,
248; evacuated, 265, 310; seamen of,
306; besieged, 325; foreign trade, 429;
first American voyage to Canton, 463.
BOWDOIN, 101; James, 156; councillor,
199, 265, 388; in congress, 251; Stiles,

BOWERS, J., of the council, 156.

BARTLETT, Rev. Wm. S., memoir of BOYLE, Robert, 489.

Bailey, 100.

BATH and Wells, See of, x., xvi.
BEADLE, William, deist, suicide, 502.
BELCHER, GOV., picture of, 154.
BELKNAP, Rev. Dr., 125.

BERKELEY, Dean, 408, 409.
BERNARD, Governor, 114; thanksgiving
proclamation, 1766, character of, 117;
his administration, 151–153, 180; tory
partisan, 165; his letters, 167, 179.
BEVERLEY, first cotton-mill at, 336.
BIBLE, the, political text-book, xix.,
262; "resolve" of Congress to import
20,000 copies, 327, 375; remarks on by
Dr. Stiles, 462; by Mr. Geo. P. Marsh,
462 Bible Societies, 462; Austria, 464.
BIGELOW, Timothy, 194.
BISHOPS, no real danger" of them in
America, xxx.; Dr. Mayhew's opin-
ion of them, 71; plotting, 110, 192; in

BRADBURY, John, councillor, 156.

BRADFORD, Gamaliel, councillor, 156.

BRADSHAW, the tyrannicide, 97.
BRADSTREET, Simon, agent to England,
xxii.; portrait of, 154.
BRATTLE, Wm., councillor, 156,
BRAXTON, Carter, Dec. Ind., 454.
BRIDGEWATER, Mass., 358.
BRIGGS, Nath. patriot, 253.
in 1774, 252.

BRITISH ARMY in Boston, 152, 165, 189;
effect of, 190, 199, 230; appeal to, 220;
the first to shed blood, 223, 229, 441;
at Concord, 236, 237; at Saratoga, 346,
347; at Bunker Hill, 441; successes
and defeats of, 443, 444.
BRITONS jealous of their liberties, 94.

BROOKS, Rev. Charles, History of Med- CHADBOURN, Benj., councillor, 266.
ford, xi.

BROOKS, Eleazer, councillor, 351, 388.
BROWN, of Massachusetts Congress, 231.
BRUNSWICK, Gen. Howe at, 444.
BRYANT, Wm. C., 461.

BUCHANAN, President, letter on politi-
cal corruption, 436, vi.

BULKLEY, Rev. Peter, of Concord, 477,


BURGOYNE, Gen., condemns the war,
109; anecdote of, 325; at Saratoga,
326, 327, 346, 444; sent home, 443.
BURKE, Edmund, on education in
America, xxvii.; on taxing the colo-
nies, 111, 206, 307; on repeal of stamp-
act, 122, 141, 142; on colonial repre-
sentation, 123; prerogative, 244; co-
lonial military service, 125; slave in-
surrection, 214; colonial trade, 127,
136; kindred blood, 130; George III.,
149, 244; Dr. Stiles, 430.

BURLINGTON, Rev. Sam'l Sewall, 477.
BUSHNELL, submarine navigation, 460.
BUTE, 455, 456.

"CALVIN'S WORKS" in New England,
XXX., 517.

CAMBRIDGE, session, 173, 182, 190, 308;
college, 236; Washington, 262; army,
447. See Harvard College.

CAMDEN, Lord, anecdote, 94; against
taxing America, 109, 133; eulogized,

CANADA, effect of conquest, 107, 145,
183, 432, 471, 486; crusade, 108, 132;
Roman Catholic bishop and the civil
government, 193, 216, 217; a check
upon New England, iv., 258.

CHANNING, Rev. Dr. W. E., tribute to

President Stiles, 400.

CHARLES I., "confirmed" Massachu-
setts Patent, xi., 224; promotes Laud,
xi.; a tyrant, 91, 93, 95; discourse on
his "martyrdom," by Dr. Mayhew,
40, 104, 160; by Milton, 62, 63; by Fox,
Godwin, Stiles, Carlyle, 93; Langdon,
239; anniversary of, in New England,
88, 334; its origin, 97, 98; his "Crom-
well," 134; Stiles, 399.

CHARLES II.'s parliament "run loyally
mad," 96; portrait of in council cham-
ber, Massachusetts, 114, 154; anxious
for "Christian religion" in New Eng-
land, 175; his partisans, 197.
CHARLESTON, S. C., resolves of com-
mon interest with Massachusetts, 199.
CHARLESTOWN, Mass., 223, 257; burnt,
306, 325, 452.

CHARTERS, colonial, of Massachusetts,
xvii., xxii.-xxv., 155; "compacts,"
108; annulled, 110, 175.
CHASTELLEUX, the Marquis de, 445; his
"Travels," 450.

CHATHAM, the Earl of, on the colonists
of America, xxix., xxx.; the friend
of, 145; "the death of," 145; hated by
George III., 149; admiration of the
statesmen of the Revolution, 194; de-
nounces the ministry, 326; parlia-
mentary corruption, 385.

CHAUNCY, Charles, councillor, 266.
CHAUNCY, Rev. Charles, 480.
CHAUNCY, the Rev. Dr., sermon on re-
peal of the stamp act, 106, 136, 149;
endorsed by President John Adams,
134; Burke, 136; his character, 114.
CHELSEA, "action at," 256; Payson,


CANTON, first American voyage to, 1784, CHESAPEAKE,

dence, 444.


CARLYLE, Thos., on the regicides, 93; CHESTER, Bishop of, 479, 480.

memory of Cromwell, 96.

CARR, and Cartwright, royal commis-
sioners to New England, 175.


CHESTERFIELD, Lord, "letters," 379,


CHILD, Mr. Josiah, 430.

CARROLL, Charles, of Carrollton, Dec. CHILD, Robert, xii.
Ind., 454.

CARVER, Indian population, 411.
CAVENDISH's debates on Quebec bill,

CHACE, Samuel, Dec. Ind., 454.

CHOATE, Stephen, councillor, 388.
"CHURCH AND STATE," ix., X., xix.,

xxix., 101, 145.

CHURCH OF ENGLAND, as related to
the American colonies, x.-xiv.; trib-

ute to the Rev. John Cotton, xxi.,
xxii., xxix.; "attempt to land in
America," xxx.-xxxii., 192; "Ox-
ford homily," 41, 65, 71, 197, 199, 217,
230, 229, 304; "Dr. Sacheverell," 84;
Charles the martyr, 88, 98-103; Vir-
ginia, 110, 218; Boston, 154, 160; New
England, 175, 177, 193, 257, 326, 473,
see Quebec bill; future, 467, 479.
CIBBER, 498.

CICERO, Dr. Mayhew, 46, 498.
CIVIL GOVERNMENT, Christian basis
of, 53, 58-62, 67; apostolic teachings
on, 54, 56, 64, 66, 67, 69, 70, 73, 74, 75,
78; errors of apostolic time, 55, 59, 68,
69; ordained of God, 56, 57, 58, 60, 61,
64, 65, 70, 71, 73, 74, 77; not in spirit-
ual matters, 58, 65; only for the good
of society, 56, 60, 61, 63, 66—71, 73-76,
78; passive obedience, 53, 54, 57, 60,
61, 63, 64, 68, 69, 74; resistance, 59,
60-66, 69, 71-75, 77, 78, 82, see "Ty-
rannicide"; "the powers that be,"
61; is from and of the people, 61, 62;
"the established church," 64, 65, 71,
72; rulers should be good men, 70, 77.
CLAP, President, comets, 460.
CLARENDON, Lord, Charles the martyr

and "our blessed Saviour"! 42, 175.
CLARK, Abraham, Dec. Ind., 454.
CLARK, Rev. Dr. J. S., "History of the
Congregational Churches," 479.
CLARKE, Rev. R. W., notice of Presi-

dent Langdon, 232.

CLAY, Henry, on political corruption,

CLERGY, X., xix., xxxv., xxxvii., 71,
110, 475, 480.

CLINTON, General, 325, 443, 444, 453.
CLYMER, George, Dec. Ind., 454.
COLE, Thomas, 461.


sons of liberty," 131; people of,
205; population in 1775, 211; common
schools, 368; Congregationalism, 375;
election sermon, 307; Dr. Stiles, 400;
polity, 421; Dec. Ind., 454.
CONSTITUTION of the United States, its
origin, 358.
Chatham, 194, 199; Gen. Gage's letter
to, 200, 211, 214; wisdom of, 215, 453;
help for Boston, 221; delegates to, 251;
advice to Massachusetts, 261; grant
letters of marque, 262; John Han-
cock, 334; the army, 357, 442.
CONWAY, Gen., moves for the repeal of
the stamp act, 142.

Cook, Rev. Samuel, election sermon,
1776, 147; notice of, 155.
COOPER, see Smithsonian Institute, 440.
COPLEY, 145, 461.

CORNWALLIS, Lord, 444, 445.
"CORRESPONDENCE, committees of,"
suggested by Rev. Dr. Mayhew, 44,
199, 455.

COTTON, the Rev. John, xiv. ; chief man
in forming the polity of Massachu-
setts, xx.; letter from Cromwell,
tribute to his memory, xxi.; church
of England, xxii.; founder of the
"Boston Thursday Lecture," 188; re-
ordained by Gov. Winthrop, 476.
COTTON-GIN, industrial and political
importance of the invention, 412.
COUNCIL CHAMBER of Massachusetts,

COURTS in Massachusetts suppressed,

CRADOCK, Mathewe, first governor of
the Massachusetts "Company," xi.,
xxiii.; his house at Medford, xi.; let-
ter to Gov. Endecott, xvi.

COLLEGES in America, xxxiv., 437, 444, CRANMER, George, letter to Richard

514; see Goodyeare, 514.
COMMON PRAYER, Book of, xiii.
COMMISSIONERS to New England, from
Charles II., 175, 176.

CONANT, Governor of Massachusetts,
xi.; letter to the Rev. John White,
of Dorchester, xv.

CONCORD, Mass., Congress, 194, 308;
April 19th, 223, 230, 235, 236, 248, 477.
CONNECTICUT, 123; military service,

Hooker on "Brownism,” xiv., 517.
CREDIT, bills of public, 262, 357; depre-
ciation of, 358, 391.

CROMWELL, iii.; an "Independent,"
xiv.; letter to the Rev. John Cotton,
xx.; John Hancock, xxxiv.; death
of Charles I., 96; Patrick Henry, 134,
308, 334; "Commonwealth Club," 404.
CROWN POINT captured, 145
CURTIS'S "Progress of Baptist Princi-
ples," 218.

CUSHING, Caleb, councillor, 264, 265,

CUSHING, Joseph, councillor, 266.
CUSHING, Nathan, councillor, 351, 388.
CUSHING, Thomas, speaker of Massa-
chusetts House of Representatives,
155; rep. from Boston, 182; delegate
to Continental Congress, 251; coun-
cillor, 265, 351, 388.

CUTLER, Timothy, president of Yale
College, "obtains episcopal ordina-
tion," etc., 100.

CUTTS, Edward, councillor, 388.
CYPRIANI's engraving of Dr. Mayhew,


DALRYMPLE, Col., 154.

DANA, Francis, councillor, 265, 351.
DANFORTH, Samuel, councillor, 156.
DANIELSON, Timothy, councillor, 351,

DANVERS, deacon, minister, and min-
ute-men, xxxvi.
DARTMOUTH's, Lord, misrepresenta-
tions corrected by Dr. Franklin, 192.
DARTMOUTH, the Rev. Dr. West, of,


DAVENPORT, Rev. John, "learned and
courtly," 476, 480.

DAVIS, Daniel, councillor, 266, 351, 388.
DAWSON, Rev. Dr., reads "book of
sports," 90.

210; in the "marvellous" harmony of
the colonies, 222, 240; in the war, 255,
256; in "raising up" Washington,
442, 448, and "the spirit of military
discipline through the continent like
lightning," 442; "in the glorious act
of Independence, sealed and con-
firmed by God Almighty," 443; in the
detection of Arnold, etc. etc., 444, 460,
464, 519, iv.

DIXWELL, the tyrannicide, finds a ref-
uge in New England, xx,; life of, by
Dr. Stiles, xxxiv.

DORCHESTER, England, seat of colonial

enterprise, xi.; Rev. John White, xv.
DORR, Joseph, councillor, 388.
DOTY, John, patriot of Barnstable
county, 253.

DOWNING, George, the "Navigation
Acts," 107.

DRAKE'S History of Boston, 101; Barré
and Conway, 132; repeal of stamp
act, 138.

DRAPER, Dr. John William, 461.
DUCHE, Rev. Jacob, prays in congress,
proposes treason to Washington, and
then leaves his country, 219.
DUDLEY, Joseph, president of Massa-
chusetts, 1686, 76.
DULFELDT'S voyage, 408.
DURFEE, Thomas, councillor, 388.
DYER, 453.

DAWSON, Henry B., "Battles of the EDGEHILL, battle of, for the bishops,

United States," 235, 346.


DEHON, 101.

DE KALB, "martyr general," 451.
DELAWARE, Dec. Ind., 454.

DELAWARE, equality of all sects in, 375;
system of representation in, 420.
DEMOSTHENES, studied by Dr. May-
hew, xlvi.

DENNISON, Thomas, 479.


EDUCATION in America, in the princi-

ples of government, xxvii.-xxix.;
legislation on in the states, 368, 375;
important to the public welfare, 352,
392, 437.

EDWARD VI., 334.

EDWARDS, Jonathan, distinguished
abroad, 114; Rev. Samuel West, 265,
334, 460.

DEMOCRACY of "Independence," xiv., EDWARDS, Timothy, councillor, 351.


DENOMINATIONS, religious, in United
States, 467-469, 472, 493.
DEXTER, Samuel, councillor, 156.
DIGHTON ROCK, inscription, 410.
DIVINE PROVIDENCE, recognized by
Washington in his "first official act,"
140-144, 173, 190, 207; at Louisburg,

ELECTION-DAY, proceedings on, 155,
233, 265, 386, 510.

ELECTION SERMONS, the first, xxiv.;
"equivalent to political preaching,"
ix., xxiii.; historical, xiii., xviii., xix;
Gordon's account of, xxii.-xxvii.,
229, 262, 265.

ELECTIONS, "corruptions in purchas-

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