THE LIBELLE OF A POEM ON THE USE OF SEA-POWER 1436 65862. Edited by SIR GEORGE WARNER, D. LITT., F.B.A., F.S.A. Late Keeper of Manuscripts and Egerton Librarian British Museum OXFORD AT THE CLARENDON PRESS SING PREFACE INCE my attention was first attracted to the Libel of English Policy nearly fifty years ago I have hoped to see it more carefully edited and annotated than was then the case. As no such new edition has yet appeared, I have here attempted to supply the deficiency, and if I have failed to do the subject full justice, the disabilities of advancing age may perhaps be pleaded as some excuse. To the Delegates of the Clarendon Press I am much indebted for their willingness to undertake the publication of the volume. My cordial thanks are also due to Mr. G. H. Gurney for the loan of his manuscript, and to the custodians of the other eight manuscripts for facilities given me for their collation; to my former colleagues in the British Museum, Dr. G. F. Hill, Mr. J. P. Gilson, Mr. J. A. Herbert, and Mr. R. Flower, for ever-ready help in any difficulty; and to Mr. K. Sisam, of the Clarendon Press, for much assistance and valuable criticism while the volume was in course of printing. G. F. W. |