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is it not laid, that the Devil deceiverb the whole world Rev. 12.9. This is a fad truth, that Satan drives a far thronger Trade than Chrilt, and has many more Cuftomers for his Commodities; are there not far moe thatimploys their Tongues in Swearing and Curling, in Lying and Scolding, and profane ob fcene Difcourfes, than in Prayers or Pfalms, and Spiritual edifying Difcourfes, and thus Satans Trade goes merrily on are there not far moe that frequent Taverns to fatisfe their greedy Lufts with fills of Wine anft Ale, as bett pleafeth their Palats; than who attend the Courts of God thrifting after the finere Milk of the Word; are there not many moe who spend their time in Gaming and Idleness, than are diligent in making their Calling and Election fare; are there not moe who weary themfelves in fcraping together thick clay, than are in bazard of wearying in Well-doing are there not moe that eagerly pursues their carnal Delights, than delight themselves in religious Services? In a word, are there not moe that liften to Satans Suggeftions of this kind; Eat, Drink and be Merry, than to Chrifts Invitations, Come O Sinners, Eat and Drink abun dantly of Heavenly Fare and Dainties; Alas again I fay, are not the Devils Wares, more eagerly fought after than Chrifts?

6. Reaf. Why Chrifts Wares go fo ill off, many pres tend excufes, & feign a great many fhitts, as if they were feared they might make an unluckly Bargain, But the bottom of all is they have no mind to buy: fome fo thronged with croudes of Worldly Buti defs, that they can bave no spare time or thoughts


For Christs Merchandize, fome (tick not to say that they are not acquaint, and were never bred with that fort of Trade, and they will not venture to bars gain where they cannot promise to profit; others are ready to think, they can make a Bargain with Chrift when they like, fo they need not be too hafty in hins dring their other Affairs for this, and they judge it no ill Policy to make the bef Bargain lat; and alfo not a few do except against the Nature of Heavens Wares, that they are for a feen Advantage, and not for Invifibles nor bid Treasures, that they know not f ever they will come at them, and therefore are not minded to buy a Pig in a pock, but would have their Eyne to be their Merchant, and fo forth of innus merable more fuch like evafions, that poor felfedez uding Souls are apt to beguile themfelves with. dence we fee that even early in Chrifts time, Gof pel offers met with this fort of Entertainment, for apon His Invitation of Sinners to come and bargain with Him, Matth 12. 5 the Text fays, they made light fit, and went their ways, one to his Farm, and anotker bis Merchandize: and fo left Chrift to make His Mercat as he could beft find it, for their parts they were not for Him.

7. Reaf. Why Chrifts Wares go fo ill off, the falfly ancied uncertainty of this Bargain, they look upon Heaven, Glory, & future Felicity, to be fine things ndeed, but there is only fair heights and promises of hem, and 'tis like fome doubt if ever there fhall be Performance, and theretore they judge it more prudent and advisible to grip at prefent certainties shan future contingencies, a Bird in band is b.tier th G

wo in the bush O but this carnal way of Argam fpeaks forth a great deal of unbelief and ignoranc of the Goodness, Wifdom, Power, Veracity ar Faithfulness of God; what? Doft thou renounc thy Chriftian Creed, wherein we profe's to believ the Refurrection of the Dead, and the Life everlas ing what? Doft thou look on all the precious Pre miles of God to be empty words of Vanity? whic is as much as to look upon all Religion to be bu Fiction & Fancy; nay prefumptuous Sinner if tho knewest the Power of God, and who fpeaketh to thee in the Promifes (even He who is The Yea and Amen of them) thou wouldst dare to prate at that Atheistical rate thou doeft. but with the holy Saints of God thou wouldst rather fay, furely there is a God, verily there is a reward for the Righteous; and the Scripture is very plain and plenteous in demon ftrating this Truth, that heavens Wares are not all out of light and enjoyment till after death; for even here we may have Fellowship with the Father and with his Son Jefus Chrift. I Jobn 1.3. We may have Grace which is begun Glory, Pfal. 84 11, from the fweet fenfible workings whereof there arifes in the Soul, a Joy unspeakable and full of Glory, Pet, 1,8 Yea and fome Believers have had fo much of heaven upon earth that their earthly veffels were not capable to contain more; fo kind and liberalis cur God, in giving us foretaftes of the Fruits of the beaverly Ca

aan, and a large earneft of the after Inheritance, O'Sirs a prefent Bargain with Chrift, will give as fol mach prefent Poffeffion, as to force us to fay, we are Rocher than all theKings of the Earth that are with God and without Chrift,

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8. Reaf. Why Chritts Wares go fo ill off, fome feem to rue their Bargain made with Chrift, who appa rantly were much enriched, and had great Bore of beavenly Wares, which gives occasion of temptas tion to not a few, to look upon Religion as a Drear, and that there are not fuch real advantages to be found in fpiritual trading as Miniflers in their Rhetor tications are ready to give out, whofe proper em: ploy lying that way, 'tis no marvel they cry up that Trade; as Demetrius the Silver Smith, who deified the great Diana of the Ephefians, because of the gain he bad by making besfilver Shrines, Ads 19, 24. to 19. Wo is to the World because of many temptati ons, and this is no small one that perverts and ftaves off thousands from bargaining with Chrift,even be caufe of the Apoftacy of fome famous Profeffor, who feemed to flourish and abound in Gifts and Graces, hence read we not of Judas, a Preacher of Righteoufnefs, who betrayed his Lord for the wages of unrighteoufnefs; read we not of Hymeneus and Alexander who apparently bad Faith and a good Confcience (confiderable pieces of treasure) who yet made Shipwrack of Faith & a good Confcience; and read we it not alfo to be cafible, that fome who may be plenteoufly enriched with feveral forts of Heavens Wares, (they may be enlightened, shey may tafe or the heavenly Gift, they may be partakers of the Haly Gboß, they may tafle the good Word of God, & the Potocrs of the World to come) yet may fall away, and thereby not only difered.t Chritis Wares. bug difgrace Cheif Himfelf,crucifying the Son of God a freth & putting Him to an open fhame,Heb.6


From all which I fay it is cable that fome may feem to rue their Bargain with Chrift, which may fatally fcandaliz others, and make them keep off from tras ding with Chritt; O poor Sinners, fcar not to trade with Chritt for all this, for it cannot fo properly be faid of luch that they rue their Bargain made with Chrift, as that they have fad realon to rue they ne ver transacted with Him in truth and fincerity, and the hypocrifie of fome will not fuficiently infer the want of lincerity in others, or that it is not attain able; we may make a fure & fatisfying Bargain with Jefus, all whofe Graces & fpiritual Gifts,as they are given without repentance in Him, so are fweetly enjoyed without repentance in the Receivers; but contratiwife I dare aver, who ever have bargained with Him ingenuoufly on His own Terms, they will fing and fay, it is the best Bargain ever they made, and they would not change conditions for all the world,

9 Real Why Chrifts Wares go fill of, many fors go their prefent occafion, with feigned refolutions to be for Him another time, but they cannot off-hand be pofitive to make a Bargain with Him; it Chrift calls them to come and buy,they tell Him they cannor be for Him now, but they will fpeak with Him when they are better advifed, and likely they never mind any fuch matters till their trade of finning be gin to fail them not that they leave their lufts, but their tufts leave them, the infirmities of age, or fickness, or a furfeit of wickednefs perforcing them to defift; but alas, poor wretches, they know not if ever Chrift will give them another offer or bode of his Wares,

ever they fhall bave heart to comply with his


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