changes in the literary taste of England, may unfit an author, resident in India, from producing a purely imaginative work, of sufficient interest to amuse the reading portion of the English public; but that Indian customs have become by any medium common or well known, I unhesitatingly deny. Of the great and varied beauties of the natural scenery of India, some vague ideas may have been formed; but of its social condition, of its agricultural capabilities, of its vegetable productions, of its geological formations, of its necessities as an empire, or of its value as a colony, little indeed is generally understood; and as it is by recorded facts alone, that opinions can be formed, and good arise, it is, I think, to be regretted, that so few among us chronicle our experiences of Indian life. Every individual who visits India, whether his sojourn is for a brief, or a lengthened period; whether he possess the pen of an accomplished writer, or a more humble talent, that of careful observation, may yet afford some valuable information, if he but faithfully describe all that may have interested or attracted his attention; and this, without any reference to the degree of literary ability which he may possess, inasmuch as facts resemble gems, which although improved by a graceful setting, are yet recognised as jewels of intrinsic worth, even when surrounded by the most rough and unpolished metal. India is making very rapid advances in general improvement; and although the mass of the people yet unhappily remain sunk in the deepest barbarism, a change is taking place among the gentry, which will produce results of the highest interest. In the present work, I have endeavoured to sketch the commencement of this change, and to represent some portions of Western India, as I have seen them; leaving it to the pens of others, more capable for the task, to follow up the work, and by tracing the causes and effects of such a change, to afford a valuable addition to our present knowledge of India, and of the means by which her condition may be efficiently improved. The gratifying consideration which has attended my recently published work, on "Cutch," will, I trust, be extended to the following pages; which I now venture to present to the reader, in the simple form in which they were originally written; claiming for them, the sole merit of possessing some novel information, which I imagined might prove interesting, and which in some cases, moreover, could only have been afforded, through the medium of a lady's pen. London, November 1st, 1839. |