The Cult of the Mother of God in Byzantium: Texts and ImagesLeslie Brubaker, Mary B. Cunningham The papers presented here, by an international cast of scholars, consider the development and transformation of the cult of the Theotokos (Virgin Mary) in Byzantium from approximately the fourth through the twelfth centuries. |
Relics Icons Texts | 1 |
Medium Imagination and Presence | 16 |
The Mother of God as Guardian | 31 |
The Virgin in Early Byzantine | 39 |
Mary at the Crucifixion and Resurrection | 53 |
Portrayals of Mary in Greek Homiletic Literature 6th7th | 69 |
Wisdom Imagery and the Mother of | 91 |
Epithets of the Theotokos in the Akathistos Hymn | 109 |
Typological Images of Mary | 133 |
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The Cult of the Mother of God in Byzantium: Texts and Images Leslie Brubaker,Mary B. Cunningham No preview available - 2016 |
Common terms and phrases
Akathistos Hymn Andrew of Crete Annunciation apocryphal birth Blachernai Byzantine art Byzantium celebrated Chalkoprateia Christ Christian church cols commemoration Conception cult Cunningham divine Dmitrievskij Dormition dormitionem early eighth century emotion epithets Euboia Evergetis George of Nikomedeia Georgian Germanos of Constantinople Gospels Greek H in Mateos holy homiletic homilies hymnography Hypapante ibid icon Ikos Incarnation Jerusalem John of Damascus Jugie kanon Kathisma Kokkinobaphos kontakion lament Late Antiquity liturgical Lord Maguire manuscripts Marian feasts Mary's Maximos the Confessor medieval Middle Byzantine monastery Mother Mother of God narrative Octoechos Opisanie Paris patriarch Patristic Peltomaa Plate Poreč Presentation Protevangelion Protevangelion of James saints sermon seventh century Sinai sixth century Sophronios Source Studies Syriac temple Testament Theodore theological theotokia Theotokos tomb tradition trans translation Troparion Tsironis Typikon typology Vassilaki Virgin Mary vision Wider Than Heaven ἐν καὶ τὴν τῆς τοῦ τῶν χαῖρε