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to have things in the condition in which you desire them; and having done all in your power to this end, submit calmly and with patient resig nation to them as they must be. Having done your best, leave the rest trusting. You say this cannot always be done; but we can try, and even the effort will be favorable, and such effort will often be successful.

estimated: and yet how many remain and keep their precious children almost entirely excluded from the healthy enjoyment of the sun's rays, thus depriving themselves and their offspring of the kind and invigorating offices of one of their best friends. The three great natural contributors to health-please remember them-are exercise from useful employment, fresh air, and sunshine.

4th. Withdraw the mind as much as practicable from self. The more it centres upon self, I promised to mention some instances illusthe less favorable it is to health. Let the mind trative of the fact, that individuals of the go forth frequently and liberally in the con- greatest promise of usefulness and of the hightemplation of the beauties of nature-the placid est intellectual capacity and attainments are grandeur of the stars-the beauty and sweetness frequently lost to the world many years earlier of the flowers-the innocence and cheeri- by the premature breaking of the delicate casness of the birds-the love of our fellow crea-ket in which the precious treasure is contained, tures-anything and everything that is beauti- for want of due regard to the laws of Health. ful and inviting, and it will tend to bring the Of the many recorded instances of the physical system into its true harmony and to restore and constitution being thus broken down in the preserve the health. great struggle for intellectual greatness, I shall mention two.

Avoid as much as possible the unhealthy babit of drawing upon or taxing the sympathics of our friends and ourselves, by a rehearsal of our ailments, our trials and difficulties. There may be a momentary relief in this too common and hurtful practice, but it is unsubstantial and weakening, and disposes the mind to a morbid dwelling upon its own sorrows, which is directly at variance with that firm dignity, fortitude and self-reliance which are so essential to true health.

his suggestion, by actual experiment, and the great proposition of the atmospheric pressure thereby permanently established.

Blaise Pascall, born at Clermont in France, in 1623, is famous for ingenious reasoning in support of the opinion of Torricelli, that it was the pressure of the atmosphere which sustained the column of mercury in the tube of the barometer. Pascall reasoned, that if the mercury was sustained by the pressure of the air, it would stand at less and less height in the tube of the barometer, as the instrument would be carried up a mountain, where the column of air above 5th. Cultivate feelings of interest and cheer-it would be less. This opinion was verified, at fulness in your daily avocations, whatever these may be. As a general thing, it is the condition of the mind, not the amount of labor or exertion in our business, that produces the principal wear and tear of the system. Where the engagement is entirely from choice, however great the bodily labor, this wear and tear are almost wholly unknown. In the philosophic language of a colored man "choose work" (that is work of one's own choice) "is no work at all." The same wise sentiment is expressed in different language by a person of great learning and observation, "It is not work that kills people, but worry." Dr. Armstrong in his poem on the "Art of Preserving Health" speaks to the same point:

"In whate'er you sweat Indulge your taste:

This ingenious and interesting person devoted himself incessantly to study. He "spent his play hours when a youth by himself, in a remote room;" wrote a treatise on Sound, at eleven years of age; and one on Conic Sections, an advanced branch of mathematics, at sixteen. His biographer says, "The incessant application that produced results of such variety and extent, produced another consequence, equally inevitable-the loss of health, with all its attendant evils.". He thus sunk prematurely to the tomb, at the early age of 39, beloved and regretted, his brilliant star being extinguished before it had reached its meridian, for want of keeping the triple powers of the system properly balanced.

He chooses best, whose labor entertains His vacant fancy most. The toil you hate Henry Kirke White, whose "Remains" have Fatigues you soon, and scarce improves your limbs." been so successfully embalmed by the poet 6th. Persons, especially females, should very Southey, was possessed of uncommon intellectgenerally walk more and use more exercise in ual capacity. He was born in England, in the open air. Besides the benefit of the fresh 1705, and commenced his career at school at air, the influence of the sunshine-yes, sun- the age of three years. His biographer says, shine, when not too scorching-is most favorable" At a very early age, his love of reading was to health, in imparting activity and strength a passion to which every thing else gave way." to the skin and aiding it in the perform- In the pursuit of his studies for a profession, it ance of its various important functions. The is recorded of him that he allowed no time for benefit from this source can scarcely be over-relaxation, little for his meals, and scarcely any

Thou art not strange to me, Sad monitress! I own thy sway,

A votary sad, in early day

for sleep, under which regimen his bodily pow-Come, Disappointment, come!
ers soon gave way, and he sunk with all his
acquirements and promise to the tomb, at the
early age of 21, his bright sun setting in the
morning of life. He died on the 19th of 10th
month, 1806.

I bend my knee to thee:
From sun to sun, my race will run,

I only bow and say, my God, 'Thy will be done.'"
These lines breathe the spirit of genius and

The poet Byron refers to the untimely and lamented death of Kirke White, in the follow-devotion-the mind and the soul bewailing, in ing beautiful lines:

"Unhappy White! while life was in its spring, And thy young muse just waved her joyous wing; The spoiler swept that soaring Lyre away Which else had sounded an immortal lay. Oh what a noble heart was here undone, When science 'self destroyed her favorite son! Yes, she too much indulged thy fond pursuit; She sowed the seeds-but death has reaped the fruit. 'Twas thy own Genius gave the fatal blow, And helped to plant the wound that laid thee low. So the struck Eagle, stretched upon the plain, No more, through rolling clouds, to soar again, Viewed his own feather on the fatal dart, And winged the shaft that quivered on his heart! Keen were his pangs, but keener far to feel, He nursed the pinion which impelled the steel;And the same plumage that had warmed his nest, Drank the last life drop of his bleeding breast." Kirke White saw his approaching dissolution some time before it occurred, and mournfully referred to it, in the following touching lines, in "An Ode to Disappointment," written about the age of 19.

"Come, Disappointment, come!

Though from Hope's summit burled; Still, rigid muse, thou art forgiven,

For thou, severe, wast sent from Heaven,

To wean me from the world:

To turn my eye from vanity,

And point to scenes of bliss that never, never, die.

What is this passing scene?

A peevish April day:

A little sun-a little rain;

And then night sweeps along the plain

And all things fade away.

Man soon discussed, yields up his trust,

sad and softened, but resigned cadence, the certain early separation of a member of the tri-partnership, upon whose withdrawal their whole action, in this sphere of existence, must cease forever!

From such sweet specimen of his early promise, how must we lament that all should have been so prematurely lost to the world, by such total disregard as we have seen, of the laws of Health, of which, however, it is to be presumed he was ignorant.

We have, on the other hand, some contrasting and noble instances where the triple powers of our nature-body, mind and soul-have been preserved, well balanced, through a long and active life; among whom I shall name the Baron Von Humboldt and John Quincy Adams.

The great and learned Humboldt, by the labor of ascending the Andes and various other mountains, and exploring the geographical features of the greater portion of our globe, with his great bodily industry and mental activity, and his soul constantly alive to the grand display of the power, wisdom and goodness of God, which is everywhere witnessed in creation, not only acquired that deep insight into nature, and those lofty conceptions of the attributes of Deity, which constituted such a rich gift to his contemporaries, and grand bequest to generations to come, but at the same time, by his well regulated and laborious researches in these explorations, secured that vigorous development of his physical constitution, for which he was in

And all his hopes and fears lie with him in the dust. debted for his great power of endurance, in

Oh, what is beauty's power?

It flourishes and dies:

Will the cold earth its silence break,

To tell how soft, how smooth the cheek,

Beneath its surface lies?

Mute, mute, is all o'er beauty's fall,

giving to the world so many valuable volumes containing the recorded results of his labors. He died at the advanced age of 90, with all his powers in full vigor to the last, continuing actively to benefit his race for a period of more

Her praise resounds no more when mantled in her than 50 years longer than the whole life of the


The most beloved on earth

Not long survives to-day;

So music past is obselete,

And yet 'twas sweet, 'twas passing sweet, But now 'tis gone away!

Thus does the shade to memory fade, When, in forsaken tomb, the form is laid.

Then since this world is vain,

And volatile and fleet,

Why should I lay up earthly joys,

When rust corrupts, and moth destroys, And cares and sorrows eat?

Why fly from ill, with anxious skill,

lamented Pascall.

John Quincy Adams also kept all his triple powers well balanced to an advanced age. His mother trained him early to active physical duties, and to elevated moral and religious ideas and observances, which happily continued with him through life.

He remained constantly at his post of activity and usefulness till the bodily machine was worn out, in the course of nature, when, seeing he had finished his career and reached the termination of his journey and his labors here, he

When soon this hand will freeze, this throbbing heart calmly remarked, "This is the last of earth :

be still?

I am content," and gently ceased to be. He

For Friends' Intelligencer.


died on the 23d of 2d month, 1848, at the ad- Ja wiser, and therefore a more exalted nature. vanced age of 84, having by due regard to the-Lord Brougham. laws of Health, for which he was remarkable, given to the world the benefit of his great industry and vast attainments, for an uninterrupted period of 63 mature years beyond the An article in the Intelligencer of the 11th of whole extent of the life of Henry Kirke White, Fifth month last, under the heading of "The including the time of the latter's infancy and prospect before us," is devoted to a subject education. Thus may we see the great import- upon which something more may be said. It ance of paying due regard to the requirements is the subject of the decline of our Society, and of the body, to develop its powers, and pre- the prospect before us as to whether we shall serve them carefully in health, in order for the continue to live, or are destined to extinction. fulfilment of their highest allotment and capa- Statistics are there referred to, showing that bilities. To sum it all up,-keep the three there has been a diminution of nearly one-fifth parts of our nature, the animal, intellectual of actual members within Philadelphia Yearly and moral or religious, well balanced and all Meeting, from the year 1829 to 1863. And in harmony, acting out promptly and rigidly when we consider how much within that time the best information which you possess population has increased, and how other re. or can acquire for the health of your bod-ligious denominations among us have increased, ies; have constantly at hand some useful we may form an idea of what our numbers ought employment or engagement, and whenever to be, instead of what they are. practicable, a full supply of bodily exercise, But it is not so much in numbers that we fresh air and sunshine;-preserve the mind have declined, as in the attendance of our meetactive, cheerful, hopeful and self-reliant, withings, and the life and interest of those meetings. feelings of kindness and love to all your fellow creatures; and supply it daily with more or less intellectual food;-and finally cultivate love and obedience to God, and an abiding trust in the watchful care of a kind superintending and over-ruling Providence, who will always bless every right endeavor, and none more approvingly than those directed to the preservation of the "harmonious condition of the multiplied dependencies of the physical system," with which he has so munificently entrusted us, for the high and benevolent purpose of our own joyment and His eternal glory.


Here lies, in fact, the true difficulty. The article before referred to states also that there is every reason to believe that Friends are diminishing in numbers in all the Yearly Meetings in correspondence with Philadelphia Yearly Meeting; and that it appears also that the meetings of those called Orthodox, except in some of the Western States, are also declining.

Independently of actual statistics, this state of things, especially the continued falling off in the attendance of our meetings, must for years en-have been apparent to all who have had an opportunity of observing; and to all our members it suggests the most serious considerations. But one result can follow from the continued decline of anything, and that is it must come to an end. Extinction is, therefore, our inevitable doom, and that at no very distant day, unless a remedy for this state of things is sought for and obtained.

Let any man pass an evening in vacant idleness, or even in reading some silly tale, and compare the state of his mind when he goes to sleep or gets up next morning with its state some other day, when he has spent a few hours in going through the proofs, by facts and reasoning, Has our Society fulfilled its mission? And of some of the great doctrines in natural science, is the termination of its existence to be regardlearning truths wholly new to him, and satisfy-ed as following in the natural and providential ing himself, by careful examination, of the order of events? If so,-and there may be those grounds on which known truths rest, so as to be who entertain this opnion, then we need not not only acquainted with the doctrines of them- trouble ourselves about it; but otherwise an obselves, but able to show why he believes them, ligation of the most important character deand to prove before others that they are true,-volves upon us, and that is to ascertain the will find as great a difference as can exist in cause of our lifeless condition, and apply a remthe same being; the difference between looking edy. back upon time unprofitably wasted, and time It may safely be assumed that if the princispent in self-improvement. He will feel himself, ples we profess are correct, and have not become in one case, listless and dissatisfied; in the other, obsolete, and if our forms and usages were comfortable and happy. In the one case, if he wisely adapted to the wants and requirements did not appear to himself humble, at least will of the present day, then we would necessarily not have earned any claim to his own respect; prosper; and the fact that we do not prosper is in the other case, he will enjoy a proud concious-conclusive proof either that the particular testiness of having, by his own exertions, become monies we hold have had their day, or that our

forms, usages and modes of worship are not such as to meet the requirements of the present generation. These are conclusions, the force of which will be apparent to, and must be admitted by all. A more concise way of stating the proposition would be to say that the reason we do not prosper is that there is something wrong with us.

The duty we of the present generation owe to those who are to come after us, of handing down to them, as they have come to us, the great distinguishing testimonies which we maintain as a religious body, is one of the most imperative obligations. May not a kind reproof be administered to those occupying high seats, who are looked to as the fathers and mothers among us, who, notwithstanding their zeal in many things of a formal nature, yet, as to any active remedies, seem to be indifferent upon this vital question. Perhaps this duty devolves equally, however, or even ought to be assumed principally, by those of a younger class; and, in this view, a word of caution may not be out of place to some who are older, lest by undue prejudice in favor of established usages, and inconsiderate aversion to all changes, they be found as stumbling blocks in the way.

The work of ascertaining what are our deficiencies, and what may be the most suitable remedies, and applying them, is one of peculiar delicacy and importance. And while it necessarily requires boldness, it also requires the utmost prudence, and the constant and watchful exercise of those eminent virtues, charity, forbearance, toleration, and love toward one another.

T. H. S.

The roots of plants are hid under ground, so that they themselves are not seen; but they appear in their branches, flowers and fruit, which argue there is a root and life in them. Thus the graces of the spirit planted in the soul, though themselves invisible, yet discover their being and life in the track of a Christian's life, his words, his actions, and the frame of his carriage. Leighton.

For Friends' Intelligencer.


My mind has been powerfully impressed this morning on reading the first two articles of last week's Intelligencer-the "Epistle from New York Yearly Meeting of Ministers and Elders," and the letter of George Fox "to Friends of the Pennsylvania and New Jersey," -with a certain point of contrast between them. The first named Epistle, which is full of excellent matter and stirring appeals, contains also the following passage, which I select for an illustration:

treated to remember the responsibility of their calling, and always to bear in mind that none can minister availingly, in attending to the injunction of the Divine Master-Feed my lambs'-to the gathering of the flocks, but those that are anointed and receive their qualification from on high-that nothing but what proceeds from God can gather to him-that no human qualification is sufficient for the performance of this great service aright, and that all scholastic attainments in the world fall very far short of a right qualification for the ministry-that the gift being divine, the qualification must be of God, and should be performed freely without any view to reward from man," &c., &c. The spirit of Fox is conveyed in such words as these, without the caution which seems to become needful only as life expires. "Therefore, I desire that you may all improve your gifts and talents, and not hide them in a napkin, lest they be taken from you; and not put your candle under a sushel, lest it go out ; and not be like the foolish virgins, who kept their name, of virgins, but neglected having oil in their lamps; such were not diligent in the work of God, nor in the concerns of the Lord, nor in their own particulars." "You may be a hindrance one unto another, if you (confine your visits to Friends, and) do not travel in the life of the universal Truth that would have all men to be saved, and to come to the knowledge of the Truth; and if you would have them come to the knowledge of the Truth, let them know it, and where it may be found. So I desire that you be valiant for it upon the earth," &c.

It appears to me that these two utterances faithfully represent the spirit of the early, as contrasted in action at least with that of the modern, Society of Friends. The latter, like an old man, advises care and caution, while the former, like a young man, urges to action, eager that work be done-and acts accordingly. The one, full of zeal and enthusiasm in the Lord's work, went boldly forward through the opposition of friends and enemies to plant the seeds of heavenly truth and love in all places, leaving the ninety and nine righteous to go in search of the one benighted wanderer. The latter, fearful lest its order, peace and harmony be impaired, moves timidly around its narrow fold, keeping diligent watch lest there be any excesses or any departure from the ancient testimonies and landmarks.

The one was an army of invasion, of young heroes striking boldly into the enemy's country, caring less for their defences than to have an edge on their swords; the other is an army of defence, of old men shut in the walls of sectarian tradition, and mourning the desolations of Zion, but feeling powerless to advance against the ad6. Those in the ministry were tenderly en-Ivancing foe. It needs no prophet's eye to see

[blocks in formation]

When we come to care more for the law than we do for the Life, more for the form than for the Spirit of religion, we are no longer Christ's freemen, but servants unto Moses. Oh, Friends, why have you turned again toward the bondage from which you were delivered? Why have you become weak and timid, so that the inhabitants of Canaan seem as giants, and you are afraid to move out of the walls of Jerusalem, or let your young men go out to forage, lest they become defiled with the enemy? Is this faith in God, or in brick and stone? Your over-caution, your anxiety to preserve your distinctive testimonies as a sacred birthright, have so ladened you that your power of free action and your confidence in one another are nearly gone. A right degree of caution is invaluable, but an excess of it is fatal to that enterprise and free activity which are as essential to success in spiritual as in temporal undertakings. The little motions of the spirit are crushed back. We fear to speak, lest we should say amiss, and so the little openings are closed, and the one talent buried in the earth, because we find Christ a hard master. But why does he seem hard? Why is it hard work, like taking life, for the young to open the mouth in a religious meeting? It is not Christ who makes it so, for he is all love, all tenderness and encouragement, gently urging to that freedom in the utterance of thought which gives growth to the spirit. Ah! it is our over-nice and critical Friends that are the hard masters. They are not so wise as they were when first they were parents, and taught their little ones how to speak. Then they loved their lisping accents, their broken words, and smiled and gently invited the timid attempts to bring forth the spreading leaves of thought.

Mistakes were unnoticed; they knew that as the life advanced, as reason dawned, darkness would flee away, so they surrounded the fireside or the domestic table with a warm, genial, encouraging atmosphere of love. Had they not done this, their children would either have left them to find relief and pleasure, or else have grown up as dull and ignorant of common life as most of us are in our religious life. Oh, it is sad, very sad, that religion should be made such a hard and doleful thing; that the spirit of love, and knowledge, and understanding, which is the Spirit of the Lord, should have to beat

and burn its way through us, not being able to force a way through many that should become joyful channels of living water, because they dare not confront either their own weakness or the critical examination and severe judgment of others.

And that kind of admonition which embraces but misadapts important truths, like the misapplied counsel of Job's friends, is exceedingly dangerous. It may easily be that ministers are in present need of caution not to move unbidden in attempting to do the Lord's work ; but my conviction is that such exhortations as those of Jesus Christ, and of his apostles Paul and George Fox, are much more needful.

"Preach the word; be instant in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine," was the advice of one of the most successful apostles. With this agrees the spirit of that lovely and zealous man on whom was laid the Word of the Lord, who called men from following forms, traditions and ceremonies to the guidance of Christ's living Light. But what are the professed disciples of all these now doing? Some are mourning that the people have gone away to seek other pastures; some are sitting in silence, seldom preaching and less frequently drawing together the warmth of earnest hearts in prayer, while others are felt to be sitttng on the watch, lest there be any departure from the accustomed courses; thus fostering a dead imitation of other men's peculiar views or expressions, instead of the freshness and power of original feeling and thought. There are earnest, useful laborers intent on obeying the commandments; but most of these are much more fettered in their spirit and motions than were those sons of the morning who carried light into dark places, and who, fearing the Lord only, loved their fellow disciples as brethren. The sad truth is, we have become bond men to each other, and to our own weakness and want of faith. What are we doing here, it were well to ask, in these silent meetings? Not one mind in ten is active with profitable reflection. There is, perhaps, a wholesome feeling of solemnity which is better than vain words; but most present are only dreaming or sitting under a dark cloud which yields them no water. And this is not because there is not water in the cloud, but because the electrical power of the Spirit is wanting to condense the dark vapor into shining drops, which would bring life and joy to thirsting souls, could they but fall, even in the simple patterings of the artless but earnest tongue.

"With the mouth confession is made unto salvation." "Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh." Why, then, are we so much silent? Let us not be deceived. It is not because we are so spiritual, more than others, but because we are dying; because the

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