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Know it to the bottom as to why everything is made just so, and what it will bring in the best Between the years of forty and sixty, a man markets, and who are its chief consumers. The who has properly regulated himself may be conprinciples and the practice of every art and pro-sidered in the prime of life. His matured fession are not easily learned. Employers do not often like to teach these things. Often they carefully conceal them for fear of rivals, and often those who are most successful, and have the most knowledge and good will, do not know how to teach that which is so complicated. But by cultivating the good will and easy conversation of all those around, a thousand things will become plain that the silent plodder never gets an idea of. To secure the respect of employers by discretion is a great point.


strength of constitution renders him almost impervious to the attack of disease, and experience has given soundness to his judgment. His mind is resolute, firm, and equal; all his functions are in the highest order; he assumes mastery over business; builds up a competence on the foundation he has formed in early manhood, and passes through a period of life attended by many gratifications. Having gone a year or two past sixty, he arrives at a stand still. athwart this is a viaduct, called the turn of life, 4. Aim high-To be the most exact, punctual, which, if crossed in safety, leads to the valley diligent, is within the reach of all, yet how few of " old age," round which the river winds, and attempt superior excellence of this sort! But to then beyond without a boat or causeway to effect use extra skill, and all the talents God has giv-its passage. The bridge is, however, constructen in parts of an employment, in themselves re-ed of fragile materials, and it depends upon how pulsive perhaps, and to use them generously to it is trodden, whether it bend or break. Gout secure high ends, is the surest road to success. To aim to be the most perfect possible in any manufacture, in any study, in any trade, will show how superior excellence is to be attained beyond the highest present conception, and it is that highest knowledge and practice which will bring all the reward. People are afraid of trouble. "I have always had as much to do as I could, at the best prices from the best class of customers whom I have kept from beginning to end, and among whom I found some of the best and dearest friends of my life." This cannot be done without thought and study. Many lose customers and friends because their ideas get too old to be worked up into use, instead of always growing as they should.

and apoplexy are also in the vicinity to waylay the traveller, and thrust him from the pass; but let him gird up his loins and provide himself with a fitter staff, and he may trudge in safety with perfect composure. To quit metaphor, "The Turn of Life" is a turn either into a prolonged walk, or into the grave. The system and powers having reached their utmost expansion, now begin either to close like flowers at sunset, or break down at once. One injudicious stimulant, a single fatal excitement, may force it beyond its strength, whilst a careful supply of the props, and the withdrawal of all that tends to force a plant, will sustain it in beauty and vigor until night has entirely set in.-The Science of Life, by a Physician.


Let your business be a part of your religion, but not the whole of it." So writes the admirable correspondent to whom we have referred. Pray for the Divine blessing and have faith in ducted by M. Bert, have been taken up by M. The experiments on the sensitive plant, conthe Divine assistance, while faithful. But when disappointments come, as they will to all, the induced galvanic current of Ruhnukorff's Ch. Blondeau, who has tested the leaves with feel that there is something higher to which coil. He submitted three plants to the influthey have led your mind. Be not envious of ence of the electric current. The first was opthose who by greater energy, enterprise and sa-erated on for five minutes; the plant when left gacity, have prospered more than you, though to itself seemed prostrated, but after a while (a in many other things they may have seemed to you inferior and much wanting, for it is just seemed to recover itself. The second was acted quarter of an hour), the leaves opened, and it and reasonable that energy should be rewarded with wealth; but how much happiness wealth trate for an hour, after which it slowly recovThis specimen was prosmay bring will depend greatly upon the dispo- ered. The third specimen was galvanized for sitions of mind that have procured it. Honesty, politeness, faith in God and benevolence se- in twenty-four hours had the appearance of twenty-five minutes, but never recovered, and cure peace and happiness with wealth, or even a plant struck by lightning. A fourth plant without it.-Public Ledger. was etherized, and then exposed to the current. The moment a man gives away to inordinate Strange to say, the latter had no effect, and the desire, disquietude and torment take possession leaves remained straight and open; thus proof his heart. The proud and the covetous are ving, says M. Blondeau, that the mode of connever at rest; but the humble and poor in spirit traction of the leaves of the sensitive plant is possess their souls in the plenitude of peace.-in some way allied to the muscular contraction Kempis.

on for ten minutes.

of animals.



Scientific research and intelligent investigation are constantly adding new substances to those already recognized as possessing a mernew cantile value. Within a few months a textile has been announced, but a more recent discovery promises practical results not only immediate, but having an important bearing A species of sponge, upon various interests. (not the ordinary sponge of commerce, but grass-sponge, heretofore considered useless,) which grows in exhaustless quantities among the coral formations of the Bahama Islands, on the coast of Mexico and Florida, is ascertained to be exactly suited to a large variety of mechanical purposes, and is destined to enter largely into domestic consumption. It grows in very shallow water, and hence requires no skill or labor for its production.

two of either feathers or hair, and its cost is
comparatively small. For carriage upholstery,
car seats, church cushions, mattrasses, &c.,
sponge is already in extensive use, and is high-
ly commended.

As a new commodity, furnishing employment
for skill and labor, starting new processes in
machinery, and especially as affording to all
classes additional means of comfort without a
corresponding tax upon pecuniary resources,
the discovery thus announced possesses not a
little commercial importance.-N. Y. Journal
of Commerce.

A CORRESPONDENT of the London Shipping and Mercantile Gazette says he saw a practical proof of the truth of the old adage that oil

ocean with the water made by the leaking vessel.

would calm the troubled waters. The event occured on a voyage from St. Johns, N. F., to Although the peculiar properties of this Bristol, England. The vessel was loaded with vegetable growth were unknown until within a oil and blubber, and, experiencing severe weathrecent period, vessels are leaving New Yorker, was disabled and thrown on her beam ends. and Bostou regularly to obtain cargoes; and the The sea being very heavy, it was suggested that substance, as prepared by machinery at the fac-oil would smooth it, and a hogshead was broachtory in Birmingham, Ct., is in demand for bed-ed in the hold, and the oil pumped into the ding and upholstering purposes far beyond the means now at command for its supply. As a substitute for curled hair and feathers, which were too expensive for any except the opulent poor classes, it seems complete. Henceforth the man can throw away his bed of straw, and at a moderate expense provide himself with a place of rest as soft and luxuriant as those more favored with worldly goods.

The effect was marvelous. The vessel was

drifting to leeward, and to windward the sea spite of a tremendous gale, the sea never broke appeared as though there was a calm, and in on board for the eight days the vessel lay to. When the effect was observed, the oil was not crippled as not to be worth repairing. If this spared, and the vessel reached Scilly, though so be true, it must greatly diminish the dangers of whaling, and a few barrels placed on board vation of some in stormy weather.-The Press. every other sea-going craft might prove the sal


The burrow of the woodpecker is far too comfortable a dwelling to be neglected by the wren, who allows the woodpecker to proceed with its labors until he thinks the hole is large enough for his purpose, and then assaults the unfortunate burrowers, driving them off to seek another and a less disturbed locality. In one case a pair of woodpeckers began to make a tunnel in an apple tree, and were driven from the spot They then pitched upon a by a house wren. pear tree, completed their burrow, and laid one egg, when they were again attacked by the fiery little bird, and obliged to abandon the locality altogether.-Homes without Hands.

The newly discovered sponge grows in a scraggly form among the corals of the sea-shore, and is gathered by natives of the Bahamas, and delivered dry at a certain price per pound, payable in merchandise at the various places of deposit. A schooner belonging to the New York Elastic Sponge Manufacturing Company, left this city lately on her fourth trip; and another, belonging to the American Patent Sponge Company of Boston, left at the same time-the latter company paying a royalty to the former. Each vessel brings from 80,000 to 100,000 lbs compressed into bales by machinery. To render this substance merchantable, the first process is to put it into what paper manufacturers call a "stuff engine," where it is cut, washed, and freed from calcareous matter and other impurities. It is afterwards passed through a series of rubber rollers, saturated with glycerine, (which preserves its natural elasticity,) and is Every successful teacher is composed of three then seasoned in ovens and baled. A single inch will expand to twelve times its bulk. Thus component parts-patience, tact, and, lastly, prepared the sponge is free from all forms of book-learning. It is not what the teacher puts insect life, never packs, and is not liable to de-into, or, as is more commonly the case, on to cay, and is much softer and more elastic than the child that does the work, but what she draws other materials which it seems destined to dis-out. And no one has a right to assume the place at least to a certain extent. One pound heavy responsibilities of a teacher who has not is considered equivalent to one and a half or the ability to develop that rectitude of charac

ter which will enable a child to do a thing because it is right, and not because men esteem it to be so.


Few, even of those who are familiar with the name, understand how that species of mottled or brindled paper, so muchused for the covers of books, is made to assume its curious appearance. The following information is sent to the Boston Traveller, by a lady who lately visited Harper's great printing establishment, in New York, and

(( saw how it was done:"


The most remakable thing to me, after all, was the "marbling process," which I don't be lieve you know any more about than I did. Europe it is kept as a great secret. A tank is filled with gum and water, and water colors are thrown upon the surface, first black, then red, blue, or yellow, each spot of color remaining perfectly distinct, but changing its form as it is displaced by the next one.

Then a comb, or rake, is drawn along the surface. These are of various degrees of fineness, and a great variety of patterns can be given. The "comb pattern" is now most used. As a special compliment to his inquisitive lady visitor, the man made a pattern called the "peacock's tail," really very handsome and elaborate. The sheets are laid lightly on the top, and when taken off retain the impression. They are then dried and afterward burnished.

THE PARIS EXPOSITION from Fifth month 1st to Ninth month 10 h, received $1,500,000 as fees from

visitors for admission tickets. It is stated that $300,000 more will be required to cover the expenses, and that this will be collected before the exposition closes at the end of this month.

ENGRAVING is a surprising art, and it is announced that to such a wonderful extent has the engraving of test objects for microscopes been carried, that a Prussian artist has engraved lines upon glass so close together that upwards of eighty thousand would go in the space of an inch. Several series of these lines were engraved upon one slip of glass. By these the defining power of any object-glass could be ascertained As test objects they are equal to, and even rival, many natural objects which have hitherto been employed for this purpose. The delicate lines are not more than one one-hundreth-thousandth part of an inch apart.

CURIOUS FACTS IN NATURAL HISTORY.-The grubs or larvæ of a kind of long legged fly, belonging to the tipula family and found in the forests of Northquently, to move far from one locality. They occur ern Europe, are without feet, and unable, consein vast numbers in certain places, and when desirous

of changing their abode, they attach themselves to each other by means of a glutinous secretion, so as to form a living cord many feet in length, and one or two inches in thickness. In one instance the column was more than thirty yards long, although the grubs themselves measure less than half an inch each. The column crawls slowly along at a snail's pace, but moves steadily along to its goal. If an intermediate portion be removed, the remaining fragments, if undisturbed, reunite, and if the head and tail of the procession be brought together a circle is formed, which keeps going round and round, sometimes for days, before it is broken and progress can be resumed. It is probable that the resemblance to

"THE PATH OF THE JUST IS AS THE SHINING a serpent may have the effect of preventing attacks


Thus the Christian's path breaks out of obscurity; the darkness is past and the true light now shineth. His religion is not only real, but apparent, and as it need not, and should not be hid, so it will not and cannot be hid. There will be the work of faith, and the labor of love, and the patience of hope, and the fruit of the Spirit. Pity will get into the eye; meekness will smile in the features; the law of kindness will dwell upon the tongue. They that were in darkness will show themselves, and in a thousand ways their light will shine before men.


THE COMMISSION created in England to examine the subject of Ritualism have reported to the Queen that they have made an impartial examination of the matter; that they do not regard vestments as essential, as they give grave offence to many;" that they consider it expedient "to restrain in the public services of the United Church of Eegiand and Ireland all variations in respect of vestures from that which has long been the established usage of the said United Church, and think that this may be best secured by providing aggrieved parishoners with an easy and effectual process for complaint and redress." They say, however, that they are not yet prepared to recommend the best mode of giving effect to the conclusions of their report, but will consider this matter, and make a future communication upon it.

upon the column by other animals.

The remains of a gentleman lost on a glacier fifteen the Syndic of Gressonay fell into a crevasse on the years ago have recently been discovered. In 1852 Aventina glacier (under the Brethorn, on the Italian side) so deep that, though men were let down by ropes, they were unable to reach his body. A few of the Val d'Ayas, into which the Aventina glacier weeks ago the landlord of the little inn at the head descends, found these remains on the surface of the ice, and they were brought down for burial by a large party of the inhabitants. The bones were broken into fragments by the pressure of the ice. Strange to say, however, the unfortunate man's telescope was found almost uninjured.

TO MEASURE A TREE.-Farmers and mechanics wishing to cut a piece of timber of a certain length proceed to the woods and select a tree that would suit, but are not certain whether the length can be got out. How shall this be ascertained without felling the tree? The exact length of any tree, or part of a tree, height of a house or other object, can be ascertained by a simple principle of trigonometry being brought into practice. It is the following: two sides of a right-angled triangle being equal, the third side will also be equal to the others; suppose a stick of timber, thirty feet in length, is required; measure thirty feet from the tree in a straight line, on level ground, drive a stake into the ground till the top just reaches to your eyes, lie down on your back with the feet against the stake; now, if looking over the top of the stake, the point on the tree that ranges in a straight line with your eyes will be thirty feet from the ground.



[blocks in formation]


Copy of a Letter written by Elizabeth Webb to Anthony
William Boehm.......

Hilda, or the Thwarted Wish-
Thomas Ellwood..........




Notes of Foreign Travel, from Private Correspondence...... 534

At Publication Office, No. 144 North Seventh Street, The Lady who does her own Work

[blocks in formation]

Copy of a Letter written by Elizabeth Webb, in 1712, to Anthony William Boehm, Chaplain to George, Prince of Denmark, with his An






[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]


The Hague, Holland................

Mont Cenis Summit Railway..

The Horse-His Memory and Sagacity.
Eggs by Weight.....

*****... 544 ** 544

sions, or any such thing. No, my dear friend, I never sought after the Lord in these ways, nor for any of those ends; but I sought after him in my young years for salvation; and I Worthy Friend:-My sincere love is to thee still seek him for the perfect restoration of my in truth, and for the truth that dwells in thee. soul in him; but I have nothing of my own to Dear friend, the kind respect thou showed me boast of, unless it be weaknesses and infirmities; when at London hath left an obligation on my but let me rejoice in the Cross of Christ, by mind towards thee, and I have something to which I am crucified to the world in a good communicate in the openings of Divine love, on measure, and the world to me; and I can truly which I must desire thy favorable construction, say I die daily; and as touching the fondness I being almost a stranger to thee; and, there- of education, complexion, conversation, these fore, thou art not well acquainted with the sin- things have cast no mist before my eyes. I cerity and plainness of my heart. But what I can see, own and love the image of my Lord have to write hath lived on my mind these and Saviour in any sort of complexion or eduseveral weeks, in that pure, innocent love in cation, if the soul hath been educated in the which is the communion of saints. I have no heavenly university or school of Christ. But learned method to communicate any thing in, thou knowest we cannot see God in, or have either by word or writing, but plainly and sim- fellowship with, all sorts of conversations; for ply as the spirit dictates it; and being the the conversation of the wicked is as if there weaker vessel, too, had need to be excused. I was no God. God is not in all their thoughts, shall not write any thing from notions and and such do not desire the image of meek, speculations, as at a distance. I look on them humble Jesus, nor his counsel, and will follow as unsafe, and I know they are many times none of his precepts, nor his self-denying examunsound; but shall write to thee a small part ple, while they are here. Thou well observest of what I have gone through, and what my" that sin, self-love, self-will, &c., contract the soul has tasted of the good word of life, which soul into a very narrow compass; but the loveis near, that we may have fellowship together of God breaks down all such walls of selfishin God, the Father of our spirits, whom my soul hath known both in mercy and judgment, to the purification of my heart, so far that I can say to his praise that I don't see him by or through peculiar forms, sect or party impres

ness, whereby the soul is hedged in and restrained from universal love and benignity." All this is very true, but thou knowest all will not receive our love as it is in Jesus; or else there are those who have felt the flowings of

the love and compassion of Him that would not the death of a sinner, but had rather that all would return to him, repent and live. I am a witness of the Lord, that the sheddings abroad of his love over the inhabitants of this nation hath been like showers of rain in the spring time. I remember well my telling a Friend in London that I felt the extendings of the love of God so to flow to the people, as I walked in the streets of the city, that I could freely have published the salvation of God, which is near, and his righteousness, which is ready to be revealed in the public places of concourse. But the Friend said he hoped it would not be required of me. This I mention, that if thou can believe me, I can assure thee there is no want of universal love in the hearts of several who are unknown to the world, and hardly known to their own brethren; and no wonder, either; for, as Eli of old did not know the inward exercise of Hannah, and the prophet Elijah thought he had been left alone, until the Lord told him that he had seven thousand in Israel, and the prophet Samuel, when he looked out with the eye of reason on the goodness of the stature of Eliab, said, "Surely the Lord's anointed is before me," &c,-so now, unless the Lord is pleased to reveal things to us, or we have some spiritual acquaintance, we may mistake. But blessed be the name of our most gracious God, who is the same that ever he was, he sees not as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.

I take great notice of thy Christian love and good advice in thy second letter, and do accept it very heartily. I can assure thee that my labor is not to gather people into a formality; but I labor as the Lord enables me, to gather souls to Christ, who is able to make the deceitful hearts of the children of men plain, honest, clean; and when the mind is clean, the outside will be clean also. But I freely acknowledge that the glory of the true church-the mystical body, or bride of Christ, which is made up of souls that are entered into covenant with the Lord, which love and serve him forever,-her glory is within, and her clothing is of wrought gold and the curious needle-work of virgins; wisdom is upon her, for she having been stripped of all her old rags or garments of righteousness and unrighteousness, and having been washed in pure water, her bridegroom having anointed her with the holy oil-Christ Jesus-the holy unction of his spirit, and he is clothing her with righteousness, and she depending on him for her daily bread, so she is not eating her own bread nor wearing her own apparel; for she cannot be content with only bearing his name; but she longs to be made more and more a partaker of his Divine nature; and the love of the Lord hath been and still is so largely extended to her which hath drawn her love so

to him that she is wholly subject to him. He ruleth in love and she obeys in love; and this makes all things easy. She hath no will of her own, but the will of the Lord is her will in all things. All his commands are pleasant to her, because she delights to wait on him, and to serve in his presence; and she had rather be deprived of all outward enjoyments than to be deprived of the enjoyment of his favor. Her conversation is adorned with humility and meekness. Her steps are comely in the eyes of her beloved. All her children are taught of the Lord, established in righteousness, and great is their peace. And my soul may say, to the praise and glory of God, that no greater comfort can be enjoyed on this side of the grave than to be a child or member of this church.

And now, my dear friend, it is on my mind to give thee a short account of the dealings of the Lord with me in my young years; how he brought my soul through fire and water. For what end this hath lived in my mind I know not, unless it be for spiritual communion. But when my soul is lowest and nearest to the Lord, in the simplicity of truth, then is my heart opened and filled with Divine love. In this thing I desire thee to appraise it inwardly when thou art retired, and not to judge of it before thou hast gone through it, and then judge freely, as thou pleasest.

I was baptized and educated in the way of the Church of England. I went to school to a minister thereof, and loved and honored him greatly; and he showed me great tenderness and respect. And in those days I looked on the ministers to be like angels, that brought the glad tidings of salvation to the children of men; but when I was about 14 years of age, I went to live at a Knight's house, who kept a chaplain that used to pray in the house with the family twice a day; and I observed his conversation, and saw it was vain, which I thought ought not to be so. Then I was troubled in my mind, and began to think on my latter end, and also on eternity, and I had no assurance of salvation or a state of happiness, if it should please the Lord to send the messenger of death to call me away. So the fear of the Lord laid hold of my mind, and I began to search the Scriptures. And I found that they testified that the wicked should be turned into hell, and all those that forget God." And I saw that both priests and people did forget God as soon as they came off their knees or from their devotion. And I was much afraid of Hell, and wanted a place of assurance in the Kingdom of Heaven. Then I began to think of the great promises made for me in my baptism, as they called it, whereby they said I was "made a member of Christ," a child of God, &c.; and that I should renounce

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