Smart Foods for ADHD and Brain Health: How Nutrition Influences Cognitive Function, Behaviour and Mood

Front Cover
Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2021 - Education - 288 pages

Changing one's diet not only improves physical health, but benefits mood, behaviour and cognitive function at a fundamental level. This book highlights the link between nutrition and mental health and demonstrates the crucial role of diet in supporting individuals with ADHD.

Written by an internationally-recognised leader in the growing field of nutritional psychiatry, Dr Rachel Gow takes a nutrition-based look at ADHD and its management. Combining the latest research with the inspirational stories of a range of professionals and individuals whose lives have been touched by the issues raised, this book also includes accessible tips throughout and a chapter of recipes to promote brain health. This is an essential guide to understanding the interplay of brain health and nutrition, and supporting families to build a diet that optimises brain function and health.

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About the author (2021)

Dr Rachel Gow is a Registered Nutritionist and Child Neuropsychologist specialising in ADHD and Nutritional Neuroscience. She was a guest researcher at NIH in Bethesda, Maryland (2012-2016), is affiliated with King's College London and teaches students at both London Metropolitan University and the University of Surrey, UK. She frequently speaks internationally, including at the International Society for Nutrition in Psychiatry Research. She is the founder of the charitable trust Nutritious Minds, and the mother of a child with ADHD and dyslexia.

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