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indeed avoid disputes; but then it becomes difficult to know their minds, or what impreffion you make upon them. The miffionaries who have attempted to convert them to Chriftianity, all complain of this as one of the great difficulties of their miffion. The Indians hear with patience the truths of the gospel explained to them, and give their usual tokens of affent and approbation: you would think they were convinced. No fuch matter. It is mere civility.

A Swedish minifter having affembled the chiefs of the Safquehannah Indians, made a fermon to them, acquainting them with the principal hiftorical facts on which our religion is founded; fuch as the fall of our first parents by eating an apple; the coming of Chrift to repair the mischief; his miracles and fuffering, &c. When he had finished, an Indian orator ftood up to thank him. "What you have told us," fays he, "is

❝ all

"all very good. It is indeed bad to "eat apples. It is better to make "them all into cyder. We are much "obliged by your kindness in coming "fo far, to tell us thofe things which you have heard from your mothers. "In return, I will tell you fome of those "we have heard from ours.

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"In the beginning, our fathers had "only the flesh of animals to subsist on; "and if their hunting was unfuccessful, "they were starving. Two of our young "hunters having killed a deer, made a fire "in the woods to broil fome parts of it. "When they were about to fatisfy their

hunger, they beheld a beautiful young "woman defcend from the clouds, and " feat herself on that hill which you fee "yonder among the Blue Mountains. "They faid to each other, it is a fpirit "that perhaps has fmelt our broiling "venison, and wishes to eat of it: let "us offer fome to her. They presented

"" her

her with the tongue : fhe was pleafed with the taste of it, and faid, Your kindness fhall be rewarded. Come "to this place after thirteen moons, and 36 you fhall find fomething that will "be of great benefit in nourishing you "and your children to the latest genera❝tions. They did fo, and to their "furprife, found plants they had never "feen before; but which, from that "ancient time, have been conftantly cul"tivated among us, to our great ad

vantage. Where her right hand "had touched the ground, they found "maize; where her left hand had touch"ed it they found kidney-beans; and "where her backfide had fat on it, "they found tobacco." The good miffionary, difgufted with this idle tale, faid, "What I delivered to you were fa"cred truths; but what you tell me is mere "fable, fiction, and falfehood." The Indian, offended, replied, "My brother,


"it feems your friends have not done

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you justice in your education; they "have not well inftructed you in the "rules of common civility. You faw "that we, who understand and practice "thofe rules, believed all your ftories, "why do you refufe to believe ours?"

When any of them come into our towns, our people are apt to crowd round them, gaze upon them, and incommode them where they defire to be private; this they efteem great rudeness, and the effect of the want of inftruction in the rules of civility and good manners. "We have," say they," as much

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curiofity as you, and when you come "into our towns, we wish for opportuni"ties of looking at you; but for this purpose we hide ourselves behind bufhes where you are to pass, and "never intrude ourselves into your company."

Their manner of entering one another's villages has likewife its rules. It is rec



koned uncivil in travelling ftrangers to enter a village abruptly, without giving notice of their approach. Therefore, as foon as they arrive within hearing, they ftop and hollow, remaining there till invited to enter. Two old men ufually come out to them, and lead them in. There is in every village a vacant dwelling, called the ftrangers' house. Here they are placed, while the old men go round from hut to hut, acquainting the inhabitants that ftrangers are arrived, who are probably hungry and weary; and every one fends them what he can fpare of victuals, and fkins to repofe on. When the strangers are refreshed, pipes and tobacco are brought; and then, but not before, converfation begins, with enquiries who they are, whither bound, what news, &c. and it usually ends with offers of fervice; if the strangers have occafion of guides, or any neceffaries for continuing their journey; and


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