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Liberty, political; of Englifhmen, con-
fifts in the prefervation of their law,
property, and religion, 28.
Light, requifite to elevate mankind, 60.
Limitation of our monarchs from the
beginning, 78, 313.

Lineal defcent of the crown, altered at
the revolution, 191. 199.
Locke, his ideas of the prevalence of
principles upon young minds, 5, 6.
of the state of nature, 18.
Locomotion, a natural right, 68.
Lollards, 534.
Lords, fpiritual, 372.

their right to vote in capital
cafes, 376. 384.

triable by their peers in parlia-

[blocks in formation]

Mary, queen, 410.

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-- they delegate the legislative
power, 150.

Muncer, his feditious doctrines, 556.
Murder, 497.


of capt. Hawkins, by Burchet,

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what meant by a natural prince,

Mary, queen of Scots, driven out of Natural-born fubje&ts, 477.

her kingdom, 576.

executed, 570.

[blocks in formation]

Naturalization not by the king, 477.

[ocr errors]

only by parliament, 477.

Navy, 340.

Nobility, 148. 362.

Norman conquest did not alter our
constitution, 79.
Non-conformity, 589.
Non obftante, 346.

[blocks in formation]

Papal encroachments, 225.
Parental power, 79.

Pardoning, prerogative of, 306.
Parishes, their boundaries limited, 298.
Parliament, every act of parliament
the act of the people of England,
and vice verfâ, 164. 211.


lex & confuetudo, 454.
power of, 451.
fovereignty of, 465.
triennial, 336. 416.

Parties, how formerly divided, 138.
Passive obedience, 143. 471. 473.
Peace and war, right of making, 338.
Peers, great council of, 385. 383.
houfe of, 361..
privileges of, 397.
trial by, 393. 396.
Penfioners excluded from the houfe of
commons, 448.
People, delegation of all power from
them, 40. 147. 150. 196.

right to form government given
by God to them, 41. 54. 148. 204.
what fome modern writers

mean by them, 53.

Perfecution, religious, not warrantable
in a state, 96.

Perfons, privilege of in members of

parliament, 457-

Peter Pence, 225.

[blocks in formation]

treafon to deny them, 218.
duty to difcufs them, 319.
caufes of its increase and de-
cline, 232. 416.
Prefbyterianifm, 607.

Prefentation to benefices, 382.
Prefs, liberty of, 417.

Price, Dr. his idea of moft modern go-
vernments, 8.

of the fuperiority of the prefent
generation over all others, 11.
Priestley, Dr. his ideas of magiftracy,

[blocks in formation]

Principles, early impreffions of them,
according to Mr. Locke, 5.

Revolution principles, what,
167. 177. 179. 182. 192.

exift before the objects to which
they are applied, 16. 130. 140.
levelling, deftructive of all focial
virtue, 28.

the only true compass to stick
by in politics, 73. 137.

difference between them, and
rules, 120.

mifchief of denying true, 158.
Priors in parliament, 370.

Placemen excluded from the houfe of Privilege of peerage not prejudicial to

Petition of right, 325.

[blocks in formation]

the community, 398.

of parliament, 455.

Proclamations made as binding as sta-
tutes, 3.50

Propofitions, danger of arguing upon
general, 49.

felf-evident, admitted by the
ftaunchest enemies, 52.
Profecution by the king, 306, 485.
Protection by the laws and conftitution,


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Protecting rights of the community, Rights of man, the foundation of the

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English conftitution, 3, 4.

appealed to for oppofite pur

poses, 14.

of the state of nature, 21.
retained in the state of society,

22, 68.

[ocr errors]

just right different from the free
power of acting, 105.

Rome, court of, an abfolute monarchy,

fee of, 273.

pope of, 273.

Roman catholics, their prefent fituation,
Roundheads, 560.
Royal affent, 259.

Rules different from principles, 120.

Sacheverell, his trial inftituted to per-
petuate the true principles of go
vernment, 184.
Saxons, 85.

Saxon heptarchy, 78.
Scots rebellion, 596.
Scripture, applied to oppofite purposes,

14, 220.

Seditious libels, 495.
Seduction, of well-meaning perfons, by
art and malice of others, 42.
Self-defence justifies killing the aggref
for, 142.

Sentiments vary from circumstances,

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union of individuals, in the
formation of society, 34.

government neceffary for its
fubfiftence, 55.

whoever enters into it, obliged
by it, 63.
Sovereignty of power in the people, 40.
147. 150. 196.

treafon to deny it to parlia

ment, 156.

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