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mach that death everlasting has had, and shall #%, power and dominion over all that have not , are not, or shall not be, regenerated from re, which regeneration is wrought by the w of the Holy Ghost working in the hearts of dect of God an assured faith in the promise God revealed in his Word;" that "from the mal and immutable decree of God all our arata springs and depends;" "God of mere

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electing us in Christ Jesus His Son before fanlation of the world was laid ;" and that faith and the assurance of the same proceeds from flesh and blood, that is to say from our tural powers within us, but is the inspiration Holy Ghost;""who sanctifies us and us in all verity by His own operation, hat whom we should remain for ever ene

to God and ignorant of His Son Christ -; for of nature we are so dead, so blind, o perverse, that neither can we feel when pricked, see the light when it shines, nor to the will of God when it is revealed, unthe Spirit of the Lord Jesus quicken that ais dead, remove the darkness from our , and bow our stubborn hearts to the ce of His blessed will;""so that the of good works we confess to be not our but the Spirit of the Lord Jesus, who ng in our hearts by true faith, brings forth works as God has prepared for us to walk :." and "whoso boast themselves of the merits brown works, or put their trust in works of rogation, boast themselves in that which is and put their trust in damnable idolatry." #farther admits that "we now, in the time of * erangel, have two chief sacraments only," to -Baptism and the Lord's Supper; by the forand which “we are ingrafted in Christ Jesus

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made partakers of His justice, by which our are covered and remitted;" and in the lat7:s asserted that there is a real though only al presence of Christ, and "in the Supper **y tsei, Christ Jesus is joined with us, that

mes very nourishment and food of our ⚫ The marks of a true Church are said to true preaching of the Word of God, the twininistration of the sacraments, and eccleal discipline rightly administered as the of God prescribes. The polity or constitu. f the Church, however, is not detailed; this ts in the Book of Discipline," drawn up • az and his brethren. The highest Church story is the General Assembly, composed of >ntatives from the others, which are pro

synods, presbyteries, and kirk sessions. cers of the Church are pastors or ministers,

doctors or teachers, and lay elders, to which areto be added lay deacons, for the care of the poor. Among the clergy there is a perfect parity of jurisdiction and authority, and in the Church courts clergy and laity have equal voices. The minister and the elder, indeed, are both presbyters, -the one a preaching presbyter, and the other a ruling presbyter; indeed, when Bucer expressed his approbation of the episcopal hierarchy of England, Calvin said it was only another papacy. Another principle, recognised alike by Calvin and the Reformers of Scotland, was the education of the people; which both seem to have regarded as the rock upon which the Reformed Church should be built; and in Scotland, as was fit, this foundation was as broad as the building, it being meant that, besides the universities of the kingdom, there should be in every district a parish church and a parish school.

In its earlier history, the Church of England, though medieval and Catholic in its ritual, was Calvinistic in its creed. Puritanism was neither more nor less than an attempt to reduce it altogether to a Calvinistic model. In the reaction which followed this movement, the Church of England, while retaining its original articles, nearly parted with its Calvinistic faith; and throughout the eighteenth century, its leading divines were conspicuously Arminian or Latitudinarian. With the revival of the Evangelical party, however, in the end of the century, Calvinism revived; and it still maintains a powerful influence over many minds in the Anglican establishment.


"Calvin's name," says Mr. Froude, "is now associated only with gloom and austerity. It may be true enough that he rarely laughed. He had none of Luther's genial and sunny humour. Could they have exchanged conditions, Luther's temper might have been somewhat grimmer, but he would never have been entirely like Calvin. Nevertheless, for hard times are needed hard men, and intellects which can pierce to the roots where truth and lies part company. It fares ill with the soldiers of religion when the accursed thing is in their camp. And this is to be said of Calvin, that so far as the state of knowledge permitted, no eye could have detected more keenly the unsound spots in the received creed of Europe, and no hand could have been found so resolute to excise, tear out, and destroy what was distinctly seen to be false, so resolute to establish

what was true in its place, and make truth to the last fibre of it the rule of practical life.

"Calvinism, as it existed in Geneva, and as it endeavoured to be wherever it took root for a century and a half after him, was not a system of opinion, but an attempt to make the will of God as revealed in the Bible an authoritative guide for social as well as personal direction. Men wonder why the Calvinists, being so doctrinal, yet seem to dwell so much and so emphatically on the Old Testament. It was because in the Old Testament they found, or thought they found, a divine example of national government, a distinct indication of the laws which men were ordered to follow, with visible and immediate punishments attached to disobedience. At Geneva, as for a time in Scotland, moral sins were treated, after the example of the Mosaic law, as crimes to be punished by the magistrates. Elsewhere,' said Knox, speaking of Geneva, 'the Word of God is taught as purely, but never anywhere have I seen God obeyed so faithfully.'

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"If it was a dream, it was at least a noble one. The Calvinists have been called intolerant. Intolerance of an enemy who is trying to kill you seems to me a pardonable state of mind. It is no easy matter to tolerate lies clearly convicted of being lies under any circumstances; specially it is not easy to tolerate lies which strut about in the name of religion; but there is no reason to suppose that the Calvinists at the beginning would have thought of meddling with the Church if they had been themselves let alone. They would have formed communities apart. Like the Israelites, whom they wished to resemble, they would have withdrawn into the wilderness -the Pilgrim Fathers actually did so withdraw into the wilderness of New England-to worship the God of their fathers, and would have left argument and example to work their natural effect. The Catholics chose to add to their already incredible creed a fresh article, that they were entitled to hang and burn those who differed from them; and in this quarrel, the Calvinists, Bible in hand, appealed to the God of battles. They grew harsher, fiercer, if you please, more fanatical. It was extremely natural that they should. They dwelt, as pious men are apt to dwell in suffering and sorrow on the all

disposing power of Providence. Their urlen grew lighter as they considered that God had so determined that they must bear it. But they attracted to their ranks almost every man in Western Europe that "hated a lie." They were crushed down, but they rose again. They were splintered and torn, but no power could bend or melt them. They had many faults: let him that is without sin cast a stone at them. They abhorred, as no body of men ever more abborred, all conscious mendacity, all impurity, all moral wrong of every kind so far as they could recog nize it. Whatever exists at this moment in England and Scotland of conscientious fear of doing evil is the remnant of the convictions which were branded by the Calvinists into the people's hearts. Though they failed to destroy Romanism, though it survives and may serv long as an opinion, they drew its fangs; they forced it to abandon that detestable princip that it was entitled to murder those who dissente from it. Nay, it may be said that by hariz shamed Romanism out of its practical corruptor the Calvinists enabled it to revive...

separation betwe

"The power of Calvinism has wane Th discipline which it once aspired to maintain ba fallen slack. The argumentative and bra side of Calvin's mind has created once more fatal opportunity for a opinion and morality. We have learnt, as w say, to make the best of both worlds,-to ta political economy for the rule of our conce and to relegate religion into the expression orthodox doctrines. . . . Calvinism was ti spirit which rises in revolt against untruth, spirit which has appeared and reappeared in due time will appear again, unless God be delusion, and man be as the beasts that peris For it is but the inflashing upon the consti with overwhelming force of the nature a origin of the laws by which mankind a governed-laws which exist, whether we scia ledge them or whether we deny them, and have their way, to our weal or woe, according the attitude in which we please to place oursel towards them-inherent, like electricity, in t nature of things, not made by us, not to altered by us, but to be discerned and obeyed! us at our everlasting peril."

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"Lifting the thunder of their acclamation

Towards the city, then the multitude,

And he among them, went in joy-a nation

Made free by love-a mighty brotherhood

Linked by a zealous interchange of good."-Shelley.


Apparently Impossible Task-Italy and her Woes-Condition under Napoleon I.-Congress of Vienna-Italy and the Year 1830-Fallacious Hopes_Garibaldi's Birth and Early Years-His Family-A Sailor's Career Chosen-First Dreams of Ralian Liberty Charles Albert and Charles Felix of Piedmont-Naples and her Kings-Secret Societies-The Carbonari, etc.-Mazzini and Young Italy-Half-heartedness of Charles Albert-A Desperate Plot-Garibaldi and Masini in Exile-The South American Republics-A Commander by Sea and Land-Mastai Ferretti, A Liberal PopeGaribaldi's Letter to Pius IX.-1848; Hopes for Italian Unity-Piedmontese and Austrians-Mistakes of Charles bert-Bovara-Radetzky's Triumph-Rome: The Republic Proclaimed-Arrival of Garibaldi-Siege of Rome by the Franch-Garibaldi again a Sailor-Despotism Re-established-Naples-1859; Lombardy Gained for Italy-Francis II.Garibaldi's Expedition of 1860-Astonishing Success-Kingdom of Italy set up-Garibaldi and Victor EmmanuelGaribald's Retirement-Reasons for the Step-The Triumph and the Departure Garibaldi at Home-Domestic Economy Caprera-Count Carour-Expedition of 1862-Aspromonte-Garibaldi a Prisoner-Later Years-Venice and Rome

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obtained under circumstances apparently hopeless and desperate, as those which finally crowned the efforts of the heroic and simple-hearted liberator of Italy. Never was there a stronger instance of the power wielded by a man who, indomitable in the feeling of an honest cause, and in the attachment and sympathy of an oppressed people, strikes again and again for justice and for right; until at length, after many failures and much repeated effort, the hour comes when retribution is to follow tyranny, and a great nation is set free from its oppressors, and starts joyfully, in renewed youth, upon a fresh career.

Of all possible tasks, the unification of Italy, the binding together into one homogeneous whole, of that peninsula which sneering Metternich, the chief representative of Austrian despotism, pronounced to be, "not a country, but a geographical expression," appeared the most utterly hopeless. Even by many who fervently desired to see the country free and happy, the possibility of the success of a popular rising against the strongly established despotic powers was not for a moment contemplated; and by the majority the man who achieved the great work of Italy's liberation was looked upon as a mischievous adventurer, or at best as a Quixotic enthusiast, certain to bring destruction upon himself and upon all who should be foolish enough to follow him. But at last the hour came, and the man; the hour was in the year 1860, and the man was the decried enthusiast, who returned, strong in the consciousness of right, to the scene of his former mournful but not inglorious failure, to redeem that failure, and wipe out its very memory by an astonishing and unparalleled success; and then were the men who had been most sceptical as to the possibility of Garibaldi's success among the loudest to shout "erica" for him in the day of his victory and triumph.

The story of his life is especially valuable as teaching the lesson of the insufficiency of mere argument by experience, in judging of the changes brought about by great undertakings. A project may fail over and over again, and yet be crowned by success at last, when time has fully prepared the ground for the seed that takes root at length.

ITALY AND HER WOES; CONDITION UNDER NAPOLEON I.; THE CONGRESS OF VIENNA. For many generations, the fair land of Italy had suffered under the yoke laid upon her by irresponsible power.

"Man seems the only growth that dwindles here,"

wrote Goldsmith in the middle of the last century; and went on to tell how

"Each nobler aim, repressed by long control,
Expires at last, or feebly mans the soul."

But Goldsmith did not live long enough among the Italians justly to appreciate the national character. He had no idea of the fire that lay smouldering beneath the apparent indifference and carelessness of those fiery southern nations, like volcanic forces beneath a vine-clad hill, ready to burst forth when least expected. The first Napoleon, himself an Italian, understood the national spirit better, and used it, as he used everything, from the self-devotion of his soldiers to the national aspirations of the Poles, for his own advantage. Whether the "Kingdom of Rome," of which the investiture was bestowed upon the conqueror's infant son, would ever have been more than a name, is very doubtful; at any rate, the fall of Napoleon in 1814, put an end to any idea of a united Italy under imperial auspices; and the Congress of Vienna proceeded to parcel out the country among the different Powers of Europe, with a disregard of the feelings of the Italians themselves that wa quite heroic in its completeness. The kingd of Naples, which Murat, the beau sabrew, bac endeavoured to retain by deserting Napolon his brother-in-law and benefactor, after the battle of Leipsic in 1813, was taken from tha hot-brained but not unkindly adventurer, an handed over to Ferdinand, its former Bourbon possessor, who speedily proceeded, after th fashion of his family, to demonstrate by narrow and selfish tyranny that he had learne nothing and forgotten nothing in exile. Veneta which had been handed over to Austria

Napoleon at the peace of Campo Formio a 1797, remained in the possession of that Powe which also retained Lombardy. The temper government of the Pope was set up again in th States of the Church; and the part of Ital situated between these States and the Austra possessions in the north, was parcelled out int duchies, Tuscany, Modena, Parma, etc., und the auspices and the protection of Austra Parma and Lucca, for instance, being given fa life to Marie Louise the daughter of the Austra Emperor Francis, and the second wife Napoleon. In the north-western corner of t Peninsula was the Kingdom of Sardinia, sisting of Piedmont, to which was now Genoa, and the island of Sardinia; and ev where throughout Italy irresponsible desp government was established. The great Pow

Continent united in that "Holy Alliance," rwards sarcastically but justly designated as boly alliance of kings against the liberties nations," which Canning, on the part of Izland, to his lasting honour, refused to join. was one of the principles of this confederacy

any of its members might invoke the -"tary assistance of the rest in putting down -7 movement of discontent among its subjects; 21 this principle was displayed in action on than one occasion. Thus in 1823, a French , under the Duke of Angoutême, entered a. and put down by force the resistance the Cortes against the worthless king, 'ramand, who had arbitrarily abolished the aation he had sworn to maintain; and arly Austrian troops crossed the frontier Italy, to maintain the despotic power of Eng of Naples, threatened with overthrow indignant subjects.


The July Revolution of 1830 drove King aries X. into exile, and gave a heavy blow to aly Alliance and its method of rule. For ww King, Louis Philippe, Duke of Orléans, son that worthless “Philippe Egalité," who, after *ing violent democracy, and voting for the lat of his relative Louis XVI., had been unable bare his own head in the storm of the reign kenzor, professed to rule as a “citizen king," ad himself -Roi des Français," instead of *Li de France," and for the time at least took and upon the platform of constitutional chy. The hopes aroused in Italy by the revolution faded away; but there was d in the kingdom of Naples a secret society, er the name of the Carbonari, or charcoal

, having for its object the overthrow of potic kings, and the establishment of a tational government, if not of a republic. ar discontent on the one hand was met by Girs repression on the other. Military executions the favourite method of terrorism, especially provinces under Austrian rule; and the s of Spielberg and other fortresses were Gd with prisoners whose chief offence was they belonged to the liberal party in Italy. That these dungeons were like, and what manner the the captives led who were incarcerated le may be ascertained by any one who ses to read Silvio Pellico's account given

Prigioni." Such was the condition of am Italy during the youth and early manand of Joseph Garibaldi,



This distinguished patriot was born at Nice (at that time a part of the Kingdom of Sardinia. but now the capital of the French department of the Maritime Alps), on the 22nd of July 1807. His father, Dominique Garibaldi, had come to settle there from the old Italian seaport of Chiavari, on the Bay of Rapallo, not far from Genoa. Dominique, Garibaldi's father, had been a shipowner, and he himself had served an apprenticeship to the sea in one of his father's ships; and he already owned a vessel of his own when he came to live permanently at Nice, with his young wife, Rosa Raguindo. The house in which they lived at Nice was remarkable as the building in which the great soldier of the Revolution, Marshal Masséna was born. It was destined to witness the birth of a still more remarkable man in the person of Joseph Garibaldi.

Of his mother Garibaldi always spoke with unbounded admiration and affection. "I declare with pride," he says, "that she was a perfect model of a woman. If there is any good feeling in my nature, I distinctly declare that it is from her I have derived it." He also was accustomed to express his regret at the constant anxiety caused to her by his adventurous and perilous career, and declared that, although not superstitious, in the most perilous moments of his life, he used to have a vision of her on her knees praying for him, and that this strengthened him marvellously in positions of danger and trouble. She lived to a good old age, dying in 1851, after she had seen her famous son fighting for his country at the head of the patriotic Italians in Rome, but was not spared to see the glorious part he played in the emancipation of the country, when Italy was converted into a kingdom.


Something of the roving disposition of the sailor, a strain of the salt in the blood derived from sea-going forefathers, showed itself in the disposition of the boy. He delighted in everything that appertained to the sea, and cared little for study; though his parents, themselves illiterate, but recognising the importance of learning, made various sacrifices to give him a good education. Active and daring, and even in his early boyhood a leader of others, he determined to be a sailor, and one day, in a fit of Robinson Crusoe enthusiasm, absolutely per

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