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191.-1. Em, On account of, Philip i. 5. En, For (that is, on account of,) your fellowship in the gospel.* 191.1. Em, Againft. Matt. xxvi. 55. as (em) against a thief?*-Mark iii. 24. divided (en) against itself. Pet. iii. 12. Lord is (ex) against *

2. Ex. To, unto,

done. Ephef. ii. 10.

Are ye come out And if a kingdom be. The face of the

denoting the end for which a thing is Created (e) unto good works.*-Philip.

ifi. 14 I follow on according to the mark, (ɛπɩ) to the prize.

3. En, Over, denoting authority Acts xii. 20. Having made Blaftus, (ToV ETI T8 MAA WYOS T8 Gaorλews) who was over the king's bed chamber, their friend -Ephef. iv. 6.

over all.

Who is, εnи

4 En, Over, in refpect of place Heb. ix. 17. Is firm, (ens vɛnçcıç) over dead facrifices-James v. 14. Let them pray (ɛπɩ) over bim.*

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195 H, Conjunction, And. 1 Cor. ii 1. Came not with excellency of speech (n) and of wisdom.—xvi. 6. And perhaps Ifball abide (n xas) and even winter with you.-2 Cor. i. 13. Than what ye read. (no) and also acknowledge.-x. 12. (nnas) iljo We dare not rank (1) and compare ourselves.

H 8x1

1961. H, is used interrogatively. 1 Theff. ii. 19. Н ××1 kavuues Are not even ye ?*

203.-1. Kaws, Seeing. Gal iii 6. Kadws Abgaau, Seeing Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him for righteoufnefs.

2. Kadus, According, According as. Ephef. i. 4. Kadws To uas, According as he hath chofen us.*

3. Kaws, Even as. Rom. i. 28. Kaι xaws. And even as they did not like to retain, &c.*--2 Pet. i. 14. Kadws, Even as our Lord Jefus Chrift hath fhewed me.*

208.-1. Kai, Therefore. Rom. viii. 17. And if children (a) then (therefore) heirs.

209.-1. Kai, Even as. Philem. ver. 17. Profitable to thee (na) even as to me.


210.-1. Kas, When., Heb. viii. 8. Behold the days come, faith the Lord, (xx) when I will make a new covenant.*

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receive not our

Luke vi. 31.

211. Kai And yet. John iii, 11. And teftify what we have Seen, (na) and yet ye teftimony.-See also ver. 32. 212.-1. Kai, So. And as ye would that men fbould do to you, (xas) fo do ye to them in like manner.-John vi. 57. As the living Father hath sent me and I live by the Father, (xas) so be that eateth me.' xv. 9. As the Father hath loved me (xxyw) so bave I loved you.*

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224.-2. Kai, Moreover. Heb. vii. 15. (Ka) Moreover, it is Still more exceedingly plain.

225.-2. Kara, As, denoting likeness. Xenoph. H-1. 2. 2. Honoured (no nu8 xata tov пatea) by the peple, as his fa ber



228.—2. Kata, with a genitive, fometimes fignifies, On, Upon Mark xiv. 3. She brake the box and poured it (ua ng κεφαλη ) on his head Cor xi 4. Every man who prayeth or prophefteth (xara xɛpaλns exwv) having a veil on his head. Jude ver. 15. To execute judgment, (xάтα Tavi шv) upon all * 3. Kara, Against, Contrary to. Gal. iii. 21. Is the law then (xata), against the promises of God?* contrary to them. 2,2 —. Kara, In. 1 Cor.. xiv. 40. Let all things be done de cently and (xata raw) in_order.*—Heb. iii. 8. (xara,) In the day of temptation.*

2,8. —2. Mɛv, by our tranflators is confidered as a caufal par ticle, Rom. xiv. 2. Os μev, For one believeth that he may eat, things.*

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249.-2. Nu is used as an interjection of befeeching. 1 John ii. 28. Kasvov. Now therefore, little children, abide in him.

3. Nw, according to Raphelius, implies somewhat of admi-, ration, or rather of indignation. Luke xi. 39. Nuv úμes à Qagioasoi, Now do ye Pharifees cleanse the outside of the cup, and the platter. Raphelius obferves that Arrian in Epictet. uses vvv in the fame manner.

4. Now, with the article prefixed, is used as an adjective. 2 Cor. viii. 14. Evvv nagy, In the present time.-1 Tim. iv. 8. Zang Εντωνυν Tns vuv, The life that now is, the prefent life.-Matt. xxiv. 21. EWS 78 20v, fupp. xaigs. To this (the prefent) time.*—Acts iv. 29. και τα νυν κυριε επιδε τας απειλάς αυτών. And O Lord behold their


threatenings, Ta vv, fupp. xaтα тα пgayμata vvv, according to the prefent circumftances.

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254-1. Or, Becaufe. John ii. 11. And knoweth not whither be goeth, (Ti) because that darkness bath blinded his eyes.


2. Or, fometimes hath an adverfative fenfe, and must be tranflated But, Yet. Wherefore, Heb. viii. 9. may be thus tranflated, Taking them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt.) But they did not abide in my covenant. John iii. 20. Ότι βαν. But if our heart condemn us.


259.-1. Or, When. 2 John ver. 4. I rejoiced greatly (örs) (OTI) when I found of thy children walking in truth.

261.1., is ufed to introduce a new fentence. 1 John v. 9. If we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater. (OT) Now this is the witness of God, &c.

268 Пax, on the other hand. 1 John ii. 8. Пax, On the other hand I write to you a new commandment.

286.-1. II nu. Mintert obferves, that man is used by the LXX. as an illative particle, itaque, propterea.

290.-1. Пgos, Of, Concerning. Heb. iv. 13. Пços ov, Of Προς whom we speak -Nehem. ii. 18. LXX. He fpake-(EOS TES Moves to Batiλews) of the words of the king.


294.-1. gos, With, denoting prefence. 2 Theff. ii. 5. Remember ye not (ότι ετι ων προς μας) that when I was yet with you. 306.-2. Tig, Who, Interrogative. Acts xix. 5. But re (TIVES ETE) who, (what fort of perfons) are ye.*-Heb. i. 5. Tw yas, To whom of the angels faid he at any time?-Rev. vii. 13. TIVES BIC, Who are thefe that are clothed with white robes?

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3. Ts, Any one. Hcb. x. 28. Tis, any one who (whosoever) difregarded the law of Mofes, died without mercy.-2 Pet. iii. 9. Not willing (was) that any should perish.

305 1. Υπερ, Concerning. Phavorinus, υπέρ, ὁμοιως τα περι. 3081. Yaeg, Inftead of 2 Cor. v. 20. We pray you (inEg Xg) in Chriff's fe d, be ye reconciled to God.*

309.—1. Taeg, On account of 2 Cor. xii. 10. Xgire) on account of Christ.

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Το υπερ

310-1. TREE, With refpect to. Philip. i. 29. Xers, This, with respect to Chrift, hath been graciously given you, not only to believe on him, but also to fuffer for his fake.

318.-2. Er

318.-2. Ev y. Therefore. Heb. vi. 17. Ev . Therefore God willing more abundantly to fhew to the heirs of promise the im mutability. See note 1. on the verse.

319.-1. 'Qs Certainly. 2 Pet. i. 3. 'Ns, Certainly his divine power bath gifted to us.

321.-1., Namely. 2 Theff. ii. 2. De ori, Namely that; or, intimating that the day of Chrift is at hand.

325. 5, That. Rom. i. 9. God is my witness, whom I serve in the gospel of his Son, (ws) that without ceafing I make mention of you always in my prayers.*—In this sense ws is used by Xenophon, Memorab. lib. i. Πρωτον μεν εν, ώς εκ ενόμιζεν, ὡς ἡ πόλις νομίζει εις ποιῳ ποτε εχρησαντο τεκμηριῳ ; Firf then, that he did not reckon them gods, whom the city reckoned gods, what kind of argument did they




Concerning the right Interpretation of the Writings in which the Revelations of God are contained.


HE revelations of God being defigned to give mankind the knowledge of his counfels refpecting their falvation, the right understanding of these revelations, muft appear to every religious person a matter of great importance. This Effay therefore, having for its object to explain the phraseology of the writings in which the revelations of God are recorded, it will meet with attention from the reader, in proportion to the value which he puts on religious knowledge.

SECT. I. Of the original Language of Mankind, and of the Method in which Language was at first formed.

The books which contain the revelations of God, being more ancient than any books now extant, are written in the language which mankind used in the first ages, or in a language nearly allied to it. Wherefore, the ftyle of thefe writings being very different from that of modern compofitions, to interpret them as modern compofitions are interpreted, is without doubt to mifinterpret them. Accordingly, perfons ignorant of the character of the primitive languages, have, by that method of interpretation, been led to fancy that the fcriptures contain fentiments unworthy of God, whereby they have not only exposed thefe venerable writings to the fcorn of infidels, but have formed to themfe'ves falfe notions in religion, which have had a pernicious influence on their morals.

For avoiding these evils, the nature and character of the lan guage firft fpoken by mankind must be well understood: and for


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