What Would Google Do?

Front Cover
Collins Business, 2009 - Business & Economics - 257 pages
A manual for survival and success that asks the most important question today's leaders, in any industry, can ask themselves: What would Google do? To demonstrate how to emulate Google, Jarvis lays out his laws of what he calls "the new Google century, " including such insights as: Think distributed; Become a platform; Join the post-scarcity, open-source, gift economy; The middleman has died; Your worst customers are your best friends and your best customers are your partners; Do what you do best and link to the rest; Get out of the way; Make mistakes well; and more. He applies these principles not just to emerging technologies and the Internet, but to other industries--telecommunications, airlines, television, government, healthcare, education, journalism, and, yes, book publishing--showing ultimately what the world would look like if Google ran it. The result will change the way readers ask questions and solve problems.--From publisher description.

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