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pires, kingdoms, and republics of the earth with their varied interests, let us look at our municipal corporations. The ninth of November is a memorable day. Memorable as the birth day of the heir apparent to the British throne; but more memorable as being the day when the king of a corporation, after one year of office, puts off his insignia of royalty, and another puts them on. Who is there in London but has gone some time or other to see the Lord Mayor's show? Even those of us who happen to have natures as cold and unimpressible as possible find ourselves from year to year, in spite of our resolves to the contrary, looking on with the rest. Of course we did not mean to leave our office, and lower our dignity by gazing on the Lord Mayor's show. But there we were after all.

The next day there are the papers with the speeches of the notables at the Lord Mayor's banquet. There the grave premier talks a long talk, and is careful to say nothing. His lively Chancellor of the Exchequer comes in at the end with the ladies, and certainly his is the most amusing speech.

We have often wondered when toasts will be put into the lumber room with Gog and Magog. But if we must have them, let them be associated with something more than mere compliment and jejune nothings. We are glad to be able to cut something from the Windsor Express worthy the attention of our readers, and of being preserved in our columns. It is from the reply of the Ex-Mayor of Windsor, at the mayor's banquet in that

borough:-"I feel grateful to Almighty God that I have been enabled to pass through my year of office to your satisfaction; because, when I look back to the changes that have taken place even in my short time, I think of a poor boy leaving his home at the age of fifteen years with 6s. in his pocket, thrown out into the world to seek his fortune, and to struggle on in the great struggle of life; but there is one who is always a Friend to the friendless, and so he changed from business to business till he came to be mayor of the royal borough of Windsor (loud applause). Really it is almost overpowering when one thinks of it; and when one remembers the circumstances that have taken place in such a short history, how much is there to be thankful for. No one in such circumstances is likely to be mayor of Windsor without some amount of self-denial. There must not be too much wine, too many cigars; there must be no snuff (laughter), no music halls, no race courses, no betting; there must be strict attention, to business, steady plodding industry, patience, and a delight in work, and long constant study, and an endeavour to fit oneself for any higher position that God's providence may place within reach. All this one must do if he ever hopes to be mayor of such a borough as this under the circumstances in which I stand (applause). I say, as I said twelve months ago, if I can be to the young men of Windsor anything like a beacon light to warn them from quicksands and whirlpools, I shall rejoice to be enabled to do so (loud applause)."

Mutual-Aid Association Reporter.



MY DEAR BRETHREN,-As six months have gone, and nothing has been done, no apology of mine, however plausible, can possibly redeem one lost opportunity. I will say at once, if the branches are waiting and willing to work, I shall feel it my duty to render them all the assistance which is within my power. The long winter nights are fast closing in upon us, and this is the most fitting season for holding public meetings to express our

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sympathy with the poor brethren who, through age and infirmities, need our assistance.

As an association of brethren having no desire but to walk in the paths of Him who went about doing good, we may assert with truth and gratitude, that the smile of heaven has cheered us in this good work from the beginning, and never more so than at this present moment. The ordinary sources of our income, supplemented with an occasional address from the presidential chair, have enabled us to meet the most pressing claims of our aged and sick brethren; nor have we the least fear that, whilst the local preachers live in the affections of those to whom they have ministered the Word of Life, the needful supply will ever fail.

Now this is my point, and I wish my brethren to know and understand it. Considering the numerous and pressing claims which weigh upon every Wesleyan church, I do not think it right that we should keep on begging the whole year round, and thus advertise our poverty to the church and the world. My settled conviction is, and ever has been, that one vigorous united effort would settle the matter at once, and for all coming time.

Twenty thousand pounds is just the sum we require; and let it be remembered that five thousand pounds of the required sum is already in hand, so that in reality we only want fifteen thousand pounds; and what is this among so many, in an age when gold is heaped up like dust? The finest field in the world is open for our efforts. Boldly we put forth claims which none ever ventured to deny. All agree that no local preacher, in the time of sickness and extreme weakness, should stand at the Union door and ask for bread; and yet this hideous revolting thing is taking place every day. To relate sad tales of woe would be unavailing. What we need is a united, vigorous effort, which never fails to command The only difficulty in the way is to get the machinery set in motion. Now only think, 30,000 local preachers,-not all poor, many of them are men of position and commanding influence; only it is for them to will, and the work is done.


To put the matter into a simple form. Suppose that 15,000 engage to get or give £1: there is our £15,000 at once.

In order to set the machinery in motion, every branch secretary should call a meeting, and state the case clearly, impressing upon our friends, if their response is liberal, this will be our last appeal.

Then, simultaneously with the card movement, an effort ought to be made in another direction. One collection, and only one, should be made in every chapel in each circuit. The pecuniary results of this effort would be considerable. A smile upon this movement, and a kind word from the superintendent ministers and their colleagues, would confer a lasting boon upon the poor and needy local preachers.

In conclusion, permit me to say, that all with whom I have conversed upon the subject, agree that it is most desirable to get rid of perpetual

appeals on behalf of our brethren, and are willing to engage to do their part. Some engage to raise £20, others £10; and more than one already stands engaged for £100. One good brother writes to say that his circuit has done its part of the work,-every brother has given his £1. Go then, my dear brethren, and do likewise : and when the dim eyes of thy poor aged brother cannot see thee, the prayer of his grateful heart, ascending to the Throne, shall bless thee. WM. BOWRON, President.

November 15, 1869.


MY DEAR SIRS,-It appears we are doing well, and have much cause for rejoicing in the growing prosperity of the Association.

There is no part of your excellent magazine that I look into with greater interest than that headed " MutualAid Association Reporter;" and I sincerely regret that so few communications from the branches appear under this heading. I have also been anxiously looking for something from the prolific pen of our vigorous and enterprising President, suggesting some plan that would arouse the branches, and make his year of office a very memorable one. I trust it will come with the new year, if not before.

I have been looking over the amount of subscriptions, and total receipts and payments, appended to the last report, which, if any of our brethren in the branches have not yet received, they will do well to procure from the branch secretaries; and looking at what many of the branches have done and are doing, I rejoice with them in what has been done to

help our needy and aged brethren. But while this is the object and glory of the Association to be able to help our needy brethren, yet I cannot but think that, at least in some of the branches, if the brethren exerted themselves, things might be a little different. Sure, some of the friends in the circuit would help in so good a cause if application were made to them to give donations, or to become honorary members.

In the statements above referred to, without going into particulars, there appear to be about 12 branches, which for every 20s. paid in have received

over 25s. out; 11 branches, that for every 20s. drew over 30s. ; 22 branches received back more than double; 7 branches more than three times the amount they paid in; 7, four times as much; 6, five times; and 3, even more than this.

Now, if the brethren concerned will look into the matter, and each do his best between this and Christmas, and forward to Mr. Creswell a Christmas offering for the Association, then, while our aged brethren are rejoicing over the extra gift of our late Brother Wild, our General Secretary will rejoice over the Christmas offerings for the Association.

I have been greatly pleased of late to find that so many of our circuit ministers are taking a lively interest in the affairs of the Association, but am greatly surprised that after the offer of the Committee to send a deputation to help the branches where needful to hold public meetings, and otherwise revive the branches, that so few applications have been made to them, and trust that in the early months of the new year, public meetings will be held in all the branches wherever practicable.

The Committee will be glad to know that Mrs. Hayward, the kind friend to whom they sent the year's magazines from last monthly meeting, has forwarded me a Post Office order for £1 2s. 6d., the price of the year's magazines and postage, and a subscription of a sovereign, which she intends (if spared) to repeat annually. I hope our poor and aged brethren will not take as unkind any of the above remarks; for while the Lord has preserved my life to be one with them in age, yet having blest me with enough of this world to supply all my bodily wants, I rejoice in being

Phenomena of the Months.


DECEMBER opens with a temperature at the average of 43 degrees, Fahr., and closes at an average of 38 degrees; the mean temperature of the whole month standing at 40 degrees.

The rainfall in December averages rather more than 2 inches. In December, 1867, there was only about half that quantity.

It is interesting to notice how the system of taking averages brings out the fact of the regular and uniform gradation of heat and cold during the year. Early in January we find an average daily temperature of 36 degrees; from this, by slow advances, it rises to 63 degrees in July and August; and from thence declines as gradually to 36 degrees again in January. There is no chance in all this it is the arrangement of a beneficent Providence, which adapts all things, according to a wise plan, for the convenience and comfort of man.

The sun rises on the 1st at four minutes before eight, and sets at eight minutes before four; on the 15th it rises at one minute after eight, and sets at eleven minutes before four; and on the 31st it rises at nine minutes after eight, and sets at twelve minutes before four. The length of day on the 1st is eight hours and eight minutes; on the 21st it is seven hours and forty-five minutes, and on the 31st, seven hours and forty-nine minutes; the total variation in its length being only twenty-three minutes.

The moon is new on the 3rd, at forty-one minutes after ten in the morning, and full on the 18th, at ten minutes before midnight. On the first Sunday it sets two hours after sunset; on the second Sunday it shines until half an hour after midnight; on the third Sunday it rises at twenty minutes before five in the evening; and on the fourth Sunday it does not rise until soon after midnight.

The moon is near to Mercury on the 2nd, to Saturn on the 3rd, to Mars on the 5th, to Venus on the 7th, to Jupiter on the fifteenth, to Aldebaran in Taurus on the 17th, to

Uranus on the 20th, to Regulus in Leo on the 23rd, and to Saturn a second time on the 31st.

Mercury is a morning star until the 10th, but does not begin to set after the sun until the 18th, and then becomes an evening star. It sets forty-one minutes after the sun on the 31st, and is unfavourably situated for observation all the month.

Venus, brilliant and conspicuous in the western sky, sets more than three hours after the sun at the beginning, and more than four hours after it at the end of the month.

Mars sets a little more than an hour and a quarter after the sun all the month.

Jupiter rises before sunset, and sets before sunrise. This fine planet has very little apparent motion among the stars during December, and by the 5th of January, reaches a point in its orbit when it is apparently stationary to the eye of an observer on the earth, it being then at the western extremity of the elongated ellipse or loop which it apparently describes annually in the heavens to our view. After that date its motion will again begin to be towards the east.

Saturn is too near the sun for favourable observation. Sun and planet set together on the 14th.

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Passing Ebents.

G. B. C.

"Is the index ready?" inquired the printer. "Yes." The eleven months were done on that general holiday, when the world of London turned out to see the Queen open Blackfriars Bridge and the Holborn Viaduct. Yes, while our neighbours got out, we had to be at home, engaged in the very prosaic work of preparing the index. There is a good deal of trouble in the world," a shrewd man said to us on one occasion, and went on to remark," I am one of those who wish to get through it with as little as possible." An index should not be too brief, nor too prolix. Whether we have hit the happy medium it is not for us to say. The index, however, brings with it the end of the year.

Leaving for the present the em

pires, kingdoms, and republics of the earth with their varied interests, let us look at our municipal corporations. The ninth of November is a memorable day. Memorable as the birth day of the heir apparent to the British throne; but more memorable as being the day when the king of a corporation, after one year of office, puts off his insignia of royalty, and another puts them on. Who is there in London but has gone some time or other to see the Lord Mayor's show? Even those of us who happen to have natures as cold and unimpressible as possible find ourselves from year to year, in spite of our resolves to the contrary, looking on with the rest. Of course we did not mean to leave our office, and lower our dignity by gazing on the Lord Mayor's show. But there we were after all.

The next day there are the papers with the speeches of the notables at the Lord Mayor's banquet. There the grave premier talks a long talk, and is careful to say nothing. His lively Chancellor of the Exchequer comes in at the end with the ladies, and certainly his is the most amusing speech.

We have often wondered when toasts will be put into the lumber room with Gog and Magog. But if we must have them, let them be associated with something more than mere compliment and jejune nothings. We are glad to be able to cut something from the Windsor Express worthy the attention of our readers, and of being preserved in our columns. It is from the reply of the Ex-Mayor of Windsor, at the mayor's banquet in that

borough:-"I feel grateful to Almighty God that I have been enabled to pass through my year of office to your satisfaction; because, when I look back to the changes that have taken place even in my short time, I think of a poor boy leaving his home at the age of fifteen years with 6s. in his pocket, thrown out into the world to seek his fortune, and to struggle on in the great struggle of life; but there is one who is always a Friend to the friendless, and so he changed from business to business till he came to be mayor of the royal borough of Windsor (loud applause). Really it is almost overpowering when one thinks of it; and when one remembers the circumstances that have taken place in such a short history, how much is there to be thankful for. No one in such circumstances is likely to be mayor of Windsor without some amount of self-denial. There must not be too much wine, too many cigars; there must be no snuff (laughter), no music halls, no race courses, no betting; there must be strict attention, to business, steady plodding industry, patience, and a delight in work, and long constant study, and an endeavour to fit oneself for any higher position that God's providence may place within reach. All this one must do if he ever hopes to be mayor of such a borough as this under the circumstances in which I stand (applause). I say, as I said twelve months ago, if I can be to the young men of Windsor anything like a beacon light to warn them from quicksands and whirlpools, I shall rejoice to be enabled to do so (loud applause)."

Mutual-Aid Association Reporter.



MY DEAR BRETHREN,-As six months have gone, and nothing has been done, no apology of mine, however plausible, can possibly redeem one lost opportunity. I will say at once, if the branches are waiting and willing to work, I shall feel it my duty to render them all the assistance which is within my power. The long winter nights are fast closing in upon us, and this is the most fitting season for holding public meetings to express our

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