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Mor. [Aside.] Oui, diable! and I have de small bit of business vit you, by-and-by.

Trap. We've come about Muster Thompson's affair.

Mor. I thought it vas Monsieur Tonson; oui, and now you shall go to de diable. Venez ici, Monsieur Vash, dis is Monsieur Tonson: knock him down-lock him up very often.

Nap. [Rushing out from box, and seizing Wantem and Trap.] So, I've got you at last, have I? I'll teach you to come knocking at people's doors at this time of night.

Trap. Zounds! watchy, what are you at? You're on a wrong scent; we're from the public office.

Mor. But you shall no make von public office of my maison, ma foi.

Trap. We're sent by Townsend.

Nap. Ay, ay; that's the name; its all right.

Trap. We've come about a gemman's relation-but I'll tell you the whole pedigree on it.

Nap. We knows all about it, Muster Townsend; you mustn't come arter your relations here.

Trap. Zounds! a'n't you awake?

Mor. Oui; you take dam good care of dat, Monsieur Tonson lock him up.

Nap. Ay, ay; to the watch-house with you.

Rus. [Aside to Thom.] Lock him up! I'll spare them that trouble with you, master; come along.

Thom. But, Rusty

Rus. It's no use: safe bind, safe find.

[Exit, forcing off Thomson, R. Trap. But, I tell you, you don't understand the business. Mor. Nor me no vant, Monsieur Tonsou.

Nap. No, no, Muster Townsend.

[Springs his rattle, which is answered outside. L. R. Trap. Eh! a surprise! then here goes for a fair pair of heels, and the devil take the hindmost!

[Trap trips up Nap and Morbleu, R. and exit hastily with Wantem; Nap and Morbleu get up and follow in pursuit, rattles springing.]

SCENE III-Exterior of the Sablonière Hotel, in Leicester Square. Door in Flat, L. Rattles heard without, R.

Enter USEFUL, hastily, R.

Usef. By those rattles, it would seem, the watchmen, that cursed Frenchman sent after me, are close at my heels. Its lucky I've reached my master's hotel, that


may get housed at once. [Rings the bell and knocks violently.] Here they come! but they'll be disappointed for [Exit into hotel.


Enter THOMPSON and RUSTY, hastily.

Thom. Are we out of their reach, Rusty? Yes; they've taken another direction, so we may stop and breathe a bit.

Rus. It's all my fault; I shouldn't have let you stop out. I might have known no good could follow it. But, come, let us get home to bed.

Thom. "Twill be of no use; I shall not be able to sleep a wink. I must make another attempt. It is now near day-break; I'll throw myself on a sofa for an hour or two, and the first thing in the morning we'll set off to this barber once more as he only saw us in the dark, he'll not know us again; and under pretence of getting dressed and shaved by him, I can sound the rascal, and, perhaps, pump the truth out of him.

Rus. Pump the life out of him! I would, if I had my will.

Thom. You must indulge me in this, Rusty, if you lock me up for a twelvemonth after it.

Rus Well, well; you always coax me over; I'm the most tender-hearted keeper in Christendom. Come along. Thom. Stay, who are these? Stand aside.

[Thompson and Rusty stand aside, R. Enter TOM KING, ARDOURLY, and USEFUL, from the


T. King Ha, ha, ha! old Thompson little thinks how we are amusing ourselves at his expense.

Thom. What?


T. King. And so the Frenchman called for the watch, did he ?

Thom. My expense-old Thompson-the watch !'What does all this mean? As I live, my graceless nephew! Oh, oh! I see it all.


T. King. [Turning round and seeing Thompson and Rusty. Hallo! what pair of antiquities are these? From what curiosity-shop have they escaped?

Thom. Oh! you rascal.

[To Ardourly.

Ard. My uncle! confusion! I'm ruined! how the devil shall I get off?


Thom. You villain! but I'll-[Rattles heard without, R.] Eh! they're coming, Rusty.

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[Exit, with Rusty.

T. King. Ha, ha, ha! Why the old boy's off like a shot; he's getting into his second childhood; frightened at the sound of a rattle.

Ard. "Tis a lucky escape for me, faith! he would not have gone off so quickly, if he had known those watchmen were in pursuit of his hopeful nephew. [Aside. T. King. We must carry on the war; the old Frenchman shall have no rest till you have. We'll storm his castle again to-morrow night; Thompson is the watchword, love the object, Tom King the leader, and victory must follow.

{Rattles heard nearer, R. Exeunt hastily, L. followed by Nap, who crosses in pursuit, springing rattles, and crying, Stop 'em, stop 'em, stop 'em!



SCENE I-Interior of Monsieur Morbleu's Shop. Door in flat, R.

MADAME BELLEGARDE discovered, seated. Table, two chairs, and candle.

Belle. Monsieur no return vit Mademoiselle Adolphine. How long de time does hang! Heigho! in ma patrie, de hour alvays pass quick as de littel minute; here it so dull and so cloudy, that pauvre Time can no see his vay; but creep, creep, creep, as slow as de old vash-a-man. [Knock without, R. D. in flat.] O miséricorde! me hope dat is no Monsieur Tonson dat come last night, come again. I shall no open de door till I know. Qui va là? vat is de knock dere?

Mor. [Without.] Ouvrez la porte-C'est moi, madame. Belle. Monsieur himself. It all right-[Opens the door.] --and mademoiselle, too! quel bonheur !

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Enter MORBLEU and ADOLPHINE, R. D. in flut.

Très bien venu, mes amis.

Mor. [c.] Merci, madame-voilà mon enfant. We have reach home safe at last! You never shall go out by yourself to sell your drawing, unless you are alone, never no more, if you no like.

Adol. [R.] Indeed, sir, I have but too good cause for apprehension! the horrid attack made on me this morning!Mor. Ah! by dat dam Mousieur Tonson! Diable! he

one peste; he not content vit come and call me up all night, but he return de first ting to-day to be dress and shave. Me hope he vill no come again to-night.

Belle. [L.] Sans doute, it vas some pauvre maniac. You see his keeper took him avay par violence!

Mor. Keeper or no keeper, I wish he vould keep avay from me, mon Dieu! But you are mistake, madame: dis Monsieur Tonson is sent by de Convention to kill us, because ve are friend to de grand monarque aud de ancien régime!

Belle. Miséricorde! Ve must be very much careful.

Mor. I shall not open de door, never, nor go any vere in all de vorld, at all, vithout you, madame! dat if dis Monsieur Tonson should kill us, we may be vitness for one anoder to get him hang.

Adol. How much longer, my generous benefactor, am I to trespass on your bounty? Is there no clue by which I can discover ny parents?

Mor. None dat I know of, ma foi! Ven de revolution broke out, de Marquis de Courcy, mon grand ami, send for me to de Conciergerie, vere he vas vait to be guillotine, commit you to my care as un pauvre orpheline dat belong à sa famille; charge me to take you to England, and bring you up; give me de trinket and de letter dat I give you, and finish de sad tale by having his head chop off de next day dat vas to come!

Adol. And did he not reveal the name of my parents?

Mor. No; he no tell me vat vas your père, nor vat vas your mère. He tell me he call you Adolphine de Courcy, and prize you as de last of his maison.

Adol. Unhappy man! Unhappy Adolphine!

Mor. It great misfortune certainment; but pourquoi you grieve? I protect you. You no vant fader nor moder vile I live, and though we no much rich, dis généreuse nation never suffer even her enemy to vant, but relieve de people in distress von day, dey kill very much in de battle de next. But come, it is now souper time, and ve vill go to bed; for I am von very great deal sleepy, and must dormir for to night and last night all togeder. Venez, ma chère Adolphine; venez, madame; ve vill go and get our souper. [Exeunt.

SCENE II.-Exterior of Morbleu's shop.


T. King. The sly old fox thinks he's got the young chick

all to himself; but he's mistaken, and so is madame Partlett, the hen; we'll soon draw them out of their coop: yes, now to begin our holy work for the eveningThompson's Night Thoughts."

Ard. And do you think it will be of any avail?

T. King. I do; but if we fail again, in attempting to effect an entrance, in their very teeth, we must resort to stratagem. I have a scheme already prepared, that must succeed vive la bagatelle!

Ard. Thou art a strange genius. Thy godfathers mistook when they christened thee Tom King; they should have named thee Joe King, for such thou ever art: I trust all to thee.

Now, then,

T. King. You shall not be disappointed. for a coaxing, insinuating piece of street-door eloquence, that shall draw this old Frenchman through a deal board. I'm acquainted with every species of knock, from the single tap of the dun to the thundering lom, tom-tom, tom, tom-tom a rom-a-tom-tom! of the fashionable footman. Mark this: [Knocks at Morbleu's door.]—I hear somebody; they are waiting for us. Hush! if I can trust my ears, monsieur and his rib are disputing which shall come first: worthy souls! they're so anxious to receive us : listen!

Mor. [Within.] Pardonnez moi, madame, de marchioness always rauk before de général.

Belle. [Within.] Non, de général alvays go first, de femme go vit de baggage.

Mor. [Within.] Ve vil split de difference and go side by side: you shall unlock de bolt while I unbolt de lock.Now, madame.

[The door opens, and Morbleu and Madame Bellegarde appear.]

T. King. Serviteur, madaine. Your most obedient, monsieur. Pray, can you inform me if one Mr. Thompson lodges here?

Mor. By gar, 'tis Monsieur Tonson come again! Rascal! villain! get from my sight! get from my door!. I shall be hang for you at vonce, and kill you outright, if you no go. Oh! dat I had my régiment here, to charge you vit dere bayonet!

T. King. It would be of no use, my good friend; in the performance of my duty, an army wouldn't turn me. I have a sacred trust to execute in finding out Mr. Thompson, and all your threats will be of no avail. I am convinced he is in your house.

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