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Mor. He is no in my house, I say. By gar, he is no in my house. Sur mon honneur, he is no in my house.

T. King. That we must ascertain in person. We must search your house.

Mor. Vat! doubt my honneur? search my maison? ī dat have been great général? Sacrebleu! I vill be revenge. Dere is no Monsieur Tonson here. I know no Monsieur Tonson. My housekeeper, who vas great marchioness, know dere is no Monsieur Touson here.

Belle. Non, non; monsieur is right: dere is no Monsieur Tonson here.

T. King. We must fulfil our duty: 'tis painful to us toMor. You shall no search my maison.

T. King. But necessity

Mor. Keep at von distance.

Belle. You shall no come in.

T. King. We must not stand on ceremony, my good friend, so I shall take the liberty to

Mor. Shut the door in your face, ma foi.

[Exeunt Morbieu and Madame Bellegarde, shutting the door in their faces, just as they are on the point of effecting an entrance.]

T. King. Ha, ha, ha! fairly shut out, by Jove; the portcullis let down just as we'd crossed the bridge. Is Useful in waiting?

Ard. He is at the Sablonière.

T. King. Now, then, for stratagem. During the day I took the liberty of furnishing myself with an impression of Monsieur's street-door key, in wax; a skilful blacksmith has made me one accordingly. I will now go and instruct Useful how to get the oid Frenchman out, by some plausible story; he once out, we'll slip in, and while you improve the moments with miss, I'll make love to the old


Ard. This, indeed, promises something; only let ine have an opportunity of expressing my passion to the dear girl, of proving my disinterestedness, my sincerity, and I am happy.

T. King. Allons! my boy, it shall be done: we'll about it instantly; au revoir, monsieur ! [Exeunt, R. Enter MORBLEU and MADAME Bellegarde, creeping cautiously from the House.

Mor. Prenez garde, madame. dam Mousieur Tonson is go avay.

Oh! it is all right; dat

By gar, he is von fan

tôme; but ve vill lay him: you shall put von pail of vater in de garret vindow, and ven he come again ve vill drown him for von vitch.

Belle Oui, and den ve shall know vich von he is.

Mor. Très bien, très bien; ve vill lay and vait for him togeder in de garret, madame, and he shall find it never raiu, but it pour vater; dis vay, madame.

[Exeunt ceremoniously, into the house.


Rus. Well, well; ou condition that you stand on one side, and don't interfere, I have no objection to another application being made to this old mounseer, but it must be all left to me; you shall see how I'll manage things. If I don't obtain something satisfactory, I'll give you leave to lock me up all the rest of my days, only you keep out of the way.

Thom. I'll not meddle, though I should like to have a hand in it. [Retires, L. S. E. Rus. You shall see how the Frenchman will shower his information on me, directly I apply. Are you quite out of the way?

Thom. Yes.

Rus. Then I'll commence operations.

[Knocks at Morbleu's door, Morbleu looks out of win


Mor. Vat is dere? Vat you vant, sare?

Rus. I'll open the affair at once. [Aside.] I come from Mr. Thompson, about Mrs. Thompson, or Miss Thompson, whichever it is you are keeping so snugly here.

Mor. Vat, Madame Tonson come as vell as Monsieur Tonson? and Mademoiselle Touson, too! Diable! ve shall have Maître Tonson and de whole famille of de Tonsons next. Me fear von pail of water vill not be half enough; I must get de New River cock turn on. [Asidr.

Belle. [At window, peeping over Morbleu's shoulder.] You are von great story, sare. Monsieur here keep no Madame Tonson, no Mademoiselle Tonson; he keep no voman but me and Mademoiselle Adolphine.

Mor. Non; madame is right: I keep no voman but dem; dere is no Tonsou here, as I tell you before.

Rus. Come, come, this won't do; I am not to be sent off with such an answer as this.

Mor. Non? den, by gar, I must answer you in von oder way. Rus. I knew I should get something more from him.


Mor. But first, permettez-moi ask von question, sare; Avez-vous had your souper?

Rus Supper? No, to be sure I haven't.

Mor. Den I shall give you something by vay of von vet, to stay your stomach till you have. Dere, Monsieur Tonson, take dat. [Throws water on Rusty. [Exeunt Thompson and Rusty, hastily, calling out "Murder," &c. L.]

Enter MORBLEU, from the House.

Mor. Ha, ha, ha! dat dam Monsieur Tonson has got vou duck for his souper. Oui, oui; he has had de vater, and now he vill vish for de fire, so I shall give him von varm reception de next time he goes to come. Monsieur Vash? Monsieur Vash!

Enter Nap, R.

Vere is

Nap. Here I am, mounseer; but it's not my hour, yet.
Mor. Vere is your great big blunderbuss ?
Nap. At home.

Mor. You shall go and fetch it, load it vit powder and littel pea, so dat it may not kill nobody, den go up and keep vash in my garret, and ven dis Monsieur Tonsou come again, shoot him, and make him all over plum pudding; dese Anglois like dat. Qui; you shall pepper him all over, for von seasoning; he has de duck, now he shail have de pea.

Nup. I'll take care he shall smell powder, mounseer; but I mustn't go off my beat in this coat; I'll put it in my box till I come back.

Mor. Do; dere is de key of de street-door; you can let yourself in, ven you come back, and take your post in de garret, venever you like.

Nap. That won't be long, my cellar isn't far off. (Pulls off his watchman's coat, puts it into his box, and

exit, L.]

Mor. Dat settled, I can have some sleep vonce more; for I am very large sleepy. [Exit in house, L.

Enter USEFUL, R.

Usef. "Wheedle the old Frenchman out!" hang him, he's just gone in; but I must obey my instructions. [Knocks.] Now for a good round lie. [Knocks again.] Zounds! the Frenchman won't come.

Mor. [Above.] It no do, Monsieur Tonson: you have change your habit for no purpose at all. I shall not come down. You had better call again in von half hour as shall


Usef. My dear friend, you entirely mistake; I come from no Mr. Tonson; I don't know any such person; I come for you; you are wanted at court immediately.

Mor. Court? By gar, den Louis le Desiré has sent for me to be shave. Oui, oui; I will come down directly; anything to make my way to de court.

[Exit from the window. Usef. He bites: "Court"-Yes, he shall go to St. Martin's-court, and there I'll leave him. There never was such a fellow as Useful: my master never had Useful's fellow. Enter MORBLEU, from the House.

Mor. Now, sare, I am here all ready-tout prêt. Usef. Ready to pray, Monsieur ? Nonsense! are you ready to walk? because, if you are, allons! for we haven't a minute to lose.

Mor. Oh oui, certainement: après vous, monsieur. Use. D-n ceremony! This way, this way!



T. King. There they go; the old fox is bagged. Now, then, to try if the locksmith's daughter is true to us. Here's a clear coast and a fair opportunity. [Opens the door.] Yes, it's all right, the door is open; love invites you; the Rubicon lies before you; you have only to cross it and be happy, you dog.

Ard. Ten thousand thanks! but you

T. King. On second thoughts, I'll keep watch without here, to guard against surprise. In with you. Where can I conceal myself? Eh? zounds! this watch-box, is there anybody in it? What's here? A watch-coat, rattle, and lauthorn. Where's the owner? Tempus fugit! ay, aud the chronicler of time hath flown, too. As he has deserted his post, I'll make bold to take it. [Dresses himself in Nap's coat, &c.] Now, then, I'm as a good a watchman as any Charley among them." Past ten o'clock and a star-light morning!"

[Exeunt Tom King into the watch-box, and Ardourly into the house; the former crying the hour grotesquely.]

SCENE III.-An Apartment in the House of Morbleu. Enter ADOLPhine, R.

Adol. Why am I unprotected thus? Few, fond memorials of parents beloved, though unknown, what hope have I from thee? Dear nameless image of a mother's beauty! [Looking at a miniature which she takes from her

bosom.] Brief records of a father's love! [Looking at letters.] the danger that forbade the hazard of a name before, for ever shuts out all disclosure now, and I must still live on, hopeless, joyless, kinless, friendless!

ARDOURLY appears, stealing in L. door in flut.

Ard. Not so, sweet girl: here, at thy feet, kneels one who would be friend, kiu, all, to thee.

Adol. Ha! rash youth! what brings you here at this untimely hour ? How did you gain admittance? Surely I have not been betrayed?

Ard. Banish your fears; I cannot live without you. As a proof of my sincerity, I will this moment condur, you to the altar.

Adol. For heaven's sake, sir! I conjure you, ler e me. Should you be discovered here, and at this hou:, how would the worid

Ard. I must carry her off by a coup de maiu. • At lovers' perjuries.' [Aside.] You alarm yourself unnecessarily. Your guardian sanctions, nay, has desired this visit; he has obtained tidings of your parents

Adol. Ah! of my parents. Oh! where is he?

Ard. He has sent me hither, purposely to conduct you to him; this key is witness of my veracity

Adol. Fortunate, unlooked-for occurrence! 1 little thought the messenger that called my guardian out just now, was one of so much joy. Let us not lose a mo


Ard. She's mine, she's mine! this note will prevent all unnecessary alarm. [Throws a note upon the table, unperceived by Adolphine.] This way, this way, my charmer ! [Exeunt door in flut, L.

Enter MADAME BELLEGARDE, R. Belle. Vere mon infant Adolphine, that she no come for her souper? Vat do I see? If I can believe my eyes, I see her not here; and vat mean this papier? [Reads.] "Ven next you behold your vard, she vill be de maîtresse of de house of Tonson." Mon Dieu de pauvre child is gone; dat Monsieur Tonson has take her. Oh! miséricorde! vat a dark night is dis.-Vere Monsieur Morbleu? Pauvre enfant, pauvre enfant! Monsieur! Monsieur ! [Exit R. calling.

SCENE IV.-Exterior of Morbleu's House

TOM KING in Nap's Coat, &c. from Watchhouse. T. King. "Past ten o'clock, and a gas-light night!"

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