PROSEA : Plant Resources of South-East Asia 11, Auxiliary PlantsYayasan Obor Indonesia |
Editors and contributors | 8 |
Foreword | 16 |
Acacia aulacocarpa | 49 |
Albizia chinensis | 63 |
Azadirachta indica | 71 |
Bruguiera sexangula | 77 |
calliandra | 79 |
coast sheoak | 86 |
forest red gum | 137 |
apaapa | 144 |
silky oak | 151 |
hairy indigo | 159 |
guest tree | 166 |
leucaena | 173 |
lupin | 180 |
Chinaberry | 187 |
centro | 92 |
cordia | 98 |
showy rattlebox | 105 |
monkey fruit | 113 |
purple coraltree | 121 |
December tree | 127 |
mikania | 194 |
paraserianthes | 203 |
pongam | 209 |
Minor auxiliary plants | 251 |
Auxiliary plants with other primary use | 308 |
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Common terms and phrases
Acacia acid Africa Agriculture agroforestry altitude annual apex Australia auxiliary plants axillary bark Benth Blume Botany bracts branches breeding calyx Centre cm long coppice corolla cover crop Crotalaria cultivars cultivated densely Diseases and pests dry matter Ecology Editors Erythrina fertilizer Flora flowers fodder forage forest Forestry fruit fuelwood g dry Genetic resources germination glabrous Gliricidia green manure grown grows growth hairy harvest India Indonesia Inflorescence Java kg/ha leaf leaflets leaves legumes Leguminosae LEGUMINOSAE-PAPILIONOIDEAE Leucaena lobes Malaysia Malesia mm long months mulch neem nitrogen nitrogen fixation nodules nutrients occurs Origin and geographic ovate Papua New Guinea pedicel Peninsular Malaysia petiole Philippines plantations pods production Propagation pruning pubescent raceme rachis rainfall Redrawn and adapted Research root Roxb seed seedlings Selected sources Sesbania shrub soil South-East Asia species stamens stem Synonyms t/ha tall Thailand timber trees tion tolerant tropical United vegetable Vernacular names Vietnam weed Willd wood yield