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Obfervations fur les Foffes d'aifance, et Moyens de prévenir les Incon veniens de leur vuidange, par Meff. Laborie, Cadet le Jeune, et Par

mentier. 8vo. Paris.

This useful work was undertaken and published by the command and at the expence of the French government. It will probably prove the means of faving the lives of many poor fcavengers employed in emptying, &c. common fewers; and therefore deferves the attention of every police.

Clef du Grand-Oeuvre, ou Lettres du Sancelrien Tourangeau, à Madame Le D. L. B.***t. . D. f. a. t. 8vo. Paris.

One of the most absurd and contemptible vagaries of alchemistical impudence and nonsense.

Hiftoire générale de l'Eglife Chrétienne, depuis fa naissance jusqu'à fon dernier état triomphant dans les ciel, tirée principalement de l' Apocalypfe: Ouvrage traduit de l'Anglois de Mgr. Paftorini, par un Réligieux Bénédictin, &c. 3 vols. 12mo. Rouen.

This new commentary on the Apocalypfe contains a great deal of facred and profane erudition. Its peculiar intrinfic merit we will not pretend to determine.

Précis des Moyens de fecourir les Perfonnes empoisonnées par les Poifons corrofifs, extraits de l'Ouvrage des Contre-poijons de l'Arsenic, du Sublimé corrofif, du Vert-de-gris, et du Plomb, &c. de M. Navier, &c. 8vo. Paris.

A concife and judicious abstract of M. Navier's excellent work on counter-poifons, made and published by the command of the French government.

Philemon, ou Entretiens fur divers Sujets intereffans de Morale; ou l'Anti-Belifaire; par M. de S. H***. 12mo. Paris.

An unfuccessful attempt to correct or to excel Mr. Marmontel's Belifarius, by another fimilar tale, fet off with very moral and or thodox fentiments.

Epitre à M. Desforges Boucher, ancien Gouverneur général des Ifles de France et de Bourbon, &c. Par M. le Chevalier de Bertin. 8vo. Paris.

An indifferent poetical epiftle, difplaying the contrast between the refpective climes, productions, manners, and morals of Paris and of the island of Bourbon, the native country of the poet.

Réflexions Critiques et Patriotiques. 12mo. Paris.

The author, who styles himself chevalier de .... begins with attempting to prove the truth of revelation from the mere light of reafon, and to confute the attacks of infidels: and then treats his readers with his own peculiar notions on the education of youth; and of princes destined for our fovereigns; on the method of increafing and fecuring foreign commerce; of providing for the poor of a juft and equal taxation; of the means of encouraging agriculture, and of procuring troops and generals -The author feems to be a very fober, well-meaning, patriotic gentleman.

Venerie Normande, ou Ecole de la Chaffe aux Chiens courans, pour le Lievre, le Chevreuil, le Cerf, le Daim, le Sanglier, le Loup, le Renard, et la Loutre; avec les Sons de Chaffe, accompagnés chacun d'une Explication fur l'Occafion et les Circonftances où ils doivent être fonnés, &c. 8vo. Rouen.

The book appears to be an inftructive and complete treatise on hunting; a paltime in which the author has passed not less than fortytwo years of his life.

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Elogi di Galileo Galilei e di Bonaventura Cavalieri. Milano. An interesting Eulogy on two very illuftrious mathematicians, by their learned countryman F. Frifi.

Noticias de la Hiftoria General de Ifas de Canaria, &c. per Don Jofeph

de Viera y Clavjo, Prefbytero del mismo Opifbado. 3 vols. 8vo. En Madrid.

A minute and valuable account both of the natural and civil hiftory and state of the Canary Islands.

Voyage Pitturefque de Paris, ou Indication de tout ce qu'il-y-a de plus beau dans cette Ville, en Peinture, Sculpture, et Architecture, par M. D**.



A faithful and fenfible guide for travellers who wish to know and vifit all the various mafter-pieces of painting, ftatuary, and architecture actually extant in Paris.



An Examination into the Conduct of the prefent Adminiftration, from the Year 1774 to the Year 1778. And a Plan of Accommodation with America. 8.v0. Is. 6d. Almon.


HIS examiner, after cenfuring, in various inftances, the conduct of adminiftration in the war with America, proceeds to delineate a plan for the fettlement of our difputes with the colonies. For this purpose he proposes that we should remove our troops from every part of America, except Halifax, Quebec, and St. Auguftine: at the fame time declaring a fufpenfion of all hotties with British America, both by fea and land, and granting the inhabitants of that country a free trade to any part of the globe that the prerogative of declaring peace and war fhould remain in the king of Great Britain; every other fovereign power within America being vefted in the congrefs, upon the footing in which it now ftands. Having mentioned thefe general propofitions, the author next attempts to invalidate fuch objections as may be made to this fcheme of union, which he also represents as the most advantageous to both countries.

The Public Welfare: or, an infallible Method of paying off the National Debt of England; affording a perpetual Supply for every Exigence of Government, without levying any Tax; and rendering Men as happy as Riches can make them. By M. D—z. Svo. 15. 6d. Hookham.

The fubject of this pamphlet is a method of difcharging the national debt, which the author propofes to accomplish by opening ftare-banks in the capital cities of England, whither all perfons might depofit their money under the following terms: ift That fuch individuals as chufe to put out any fums of money, fhall have a right to come upon those banks, for the intereft of their money, only after twenty years have been fully expired fince the day it was depofited.

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28, That after the expiration of the twenty years, the intereft fhall begin to take place, and that this intereft fhall then form an annuity of 30 per cent.'

An Addrefs to the Lords of the Admiralty, on their Conduct towards Admiral Keppel. 8vo. 15. Almon.

The author of this pamphlet endeavours to refute, or rather to ridicule, fome maxims faid to have been lately advanced by lord Mulgrave in a great affembly. One is, that a specific charge in writing being exhibited against any officer before the board of admiralty, the commiffioners of that board muft immediately appoint a court-martial for trial of the perfon accufed. Another is, that if any officer afk for a court-martial to juftify his own character, the commiffioners must not appoint one.

A Conflitutional Packet, by a Friend to the Conftitution of Great Britain. 800. Is. Williams.

The contents of this Packet are, an addrefs to the first lord of the admiralty, and a political manifefto from the author; the former of which betrays a prejudiced opponent, and the latter an egotistical declaimer, equally dull and frivolous.

The School for Scandal. A Comedy. 8vo. 15. 6d. Bladon.

It is fit to apprife our readers that, under the title of a new dramatic piece, we are here prefented with nothing more than a whimfical caricature of adminiftration.

Three Letters from Sir John Dalrymple, Bart. to the Right Hon. Lord Viscount Barrington, late Secretary at War, on his Lordfhip's official Conduct. 8vo. 25. Wilkie.

These Letters relate to the conduct of lord Barrington, as fe cretary at war, in refpect to the regiment of Roman Catholics lately raised in Ireland, to the levying of which his lordship is charged with having thrown every obftacle in his power. The primary cause of the author's refentment appears to be the injury thence fuftained by two of his brothers, who had been appointed to commiffions in the regiment. But fir John Dalrymple places the behaviour of the fecretary in a different light; directly imputing to him alone the lofs of the British empire in America.

The Letters are equally animated and farcaftic.

Three Letters, &c. 8vo. IS. Dixwell.

In the first of these letters, which is addreffed to the merchants and gentlemen' of the Reprifal Affociation for fitting out privateers, the author recommends, for the purpofe of privateering, the eftablishment of affociated companies at Algiers, Tunis, Tripoli, and other convenient places on the coaft of Barbary, whence we might greatly annoy the trade of the French and Spaniards during a war with thefe powers.-The fecond letter is addreffed to the Ruffian ambaffador, and fuggefts a plan of Great Britain's refigning to the czarina the island of Minorca, in confideration of

her affifting us with a powerful fleet and army for fubjugating America. By the ceffion of this ifland, and a perpetual alliance between Great Britain and Rufia, the author endeavours to fhew that both thefe nations would reap confiderable advantage, the former in her wars with France or Spain, and the other in those with the Turks.-The third letter is addreffed to the judges of the court of King's Bench, and advises that felons fhould be obliged to work in the coal and lead mines, instead of being fent on board the hulk.


Pieces felected from the Italian Poets, by Agostino Ifola, Teacher of the Italian Language, and tranflated into English Verfe by Jome Gentlemen at the Univerfity. 800. 35. ferved. Robfon." Thefe pieces are taken from the works of Metaftafio, Petrarch, Taffoni, Ariofto, Taffo, and Guarini *. The editor informs us, that he delivered thefe, and many other pieces of Italian poetry to fome gentlemen of the univerfity of Cambridge, who undertook to tranflate them; and that he hoped to publish a much larger collection; but having not received the tranflations he expected, he determined to print fuch as were already fent him; though it gave him great concern to find, that he could not have the pleasure of adorning his volume with translations from other poets of the firft character in Italy. We shall oblige our readers with a cantata from Metastafio.

• Placido zeffiretto,

Se trovi il caro oggetto,
Digli che fei fofpiro,
Ma non gli dir di chi.

Limpido rufcelletto,

Se mai l'incontri in lei,
Dille che pianto fei,
Ma non le dir qual ciglio
Crefcer ti fè così.


• Gentle Zephyr, as you fly,

If you kifs fair-one's ear,


Whisper foft that you're a figh ;

But from whofe heart fhe must not hear.

Limpid rill, if e'er my love

Near thy gurgling runnel rove;

Murmur that from tears you rife;

But tell her not from whose fad eyes.'

This cantata turns upon two of these pretty conceits, in which the Italian poets are peculiarly happy. The tranflators have acquitted themselves with reputation; but not one of them has fubfcribed his name to his performance.

The editor calls him repeatedly Guarino, but for what reason he does not inform us.


An Heroic Epifle to Sir James Wright. 410. 15. 6d. Bew. The author, who is a warm admirer of lord Chatham, takes occafion, from a late political controversy, to fatirize lord Bute and Sir James Wright; but particularly the latter, whom he addreffes with unceremonious freedom, but in poetical language, The Nativity of our Saviour. Hayes, M. A.

A Poem.


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Is. 6d.

By the rev. Samuel

The fhepherds attend their flocks near Bethlehem; a choir of angels defcend from heaven, and announce the glad tidings of falvation. This circumftance leads the author to confider the bleffings of redemption, and the gratitude which is due to heaven for thefe ineftimable favours. In the latter part Mr. Hayes answers this objection of the unbeliever: why did Chrift appear in fuch a humble ftation? -This poem is not inferior to the author's former publications.

The Sadducee. A Poem. Oocafioned by feveral Publications, and particularly Difquifitions relating to Matter and Spirit, by Jofeph Priestley, LL. D. F. R. S. 15. Fielding and


This writer, who is probably a methodist, but certainly no poet, vehemently declaims against the impiety of Dr. Priestley; and treats him and his controverfy with Dr. Price as petulantly, as a certain epigrammatift treated the "wicked Will. Whifton," and his attempts to difcover the longitude.

Party Satire fatirized. A Poem. 410. Is. 6d. Bladon.

The defign of this piece is to fhew, that political fatire, like every other fpecies of poetry, has its juft limits; and that it fhould never prefume to exceed the bounds of loyalty and decency. This very falutary advice is communicated in that fort of rough, energetic ftyle, which diftinguishes the compofitions of a tremendous bard, who has for fome time paft amufed himself with fcourging John Wesley, Captain Parolles at Minden, the Scotch Junto, and other objects of his indignation. But whether the author of this piece be the fame impetuous hero, affuming an air of moderation, for fome private reafons, or a very different man, we fhall leave his readers to determine.

An Ode to the Warlike Genius of Great Britain. Second Edition. By W. Tafker, A. B. 410. 25. Dodfley.

In this Ode the author purfues the following plan: he addreffes the genius of Britain, takes a retrofpective view of fome of our ancient warriors, particularly Edward the Black Prince, and Henry V. and their atchievement at Creffy and Agincourt; he then turns his eye to the several camps, which have been lately formed in different parts of the kingdom. The profpect of the camp at Cox-heath gives him an opportunity of faying fome gallant things of the duchefs of Devonshire, as one of the defcendents of the celebrated duke of Marlborough. The view of


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