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humanity. Know that as you declare "My motherhood has never been bereft; my mother-heart has never been left alone nor desolate, for it is the motherhood of God I am expressing, and it is never without its child, which is the Christ. Know that the fullness of loving as God loves, of bringing forth divine ideas even as God does, in self and others, is the true maternity, is what God has put us here for; and if one is living in that consciousness, then the bringing forth is always in peace and harmony, the result will be easy child-bearing, healthy children, and no after-effects, and no loss of the children thus born.

We are here to bring this wondrous freedom to all women, my sister. Cherish the idea I have given you in silence; meditate upon the divine mission you have; think of the glory of manifesting true children of God, which are the perfect ideas of Divine Mind. Already you are tasting the joy of this true bringing forth, for whenever you heal another you have given birth to a divine idea, you have brought forth one of God's children called Wholeness, which manifests in the physical body as health. Whenever you bring peace or harmony into expression, in self or another, you are proving the motherhood of God on earth, for you are bringing into manifestation what God has already created. also in yourself declare, "I am perfect in my motherhood; I bring forth the Christ-child only; I am a perfect mother for the manifestation of the Christ here and now," and directing your thought of blessing to the reproductive organs declare that they are perfect and complete, for they represent your true maternal Godhood. -E. F.


To train the mind should be the first object, and to stock it the next. GLADSTONE.

Circumstances! I make circumstances.-NAPOLEON.



The power of the Lord in every atom of the body brings perfect peace. "Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty." The Lord is the I that must pervade every particle of us in order that we may manifest perfectly. Deprived of the Spirit (the life of the cells) they are given up to disintegration and death. In order to restore the cells to normality, let life be recognized everywhere in all its fullness. Thus comes joy, freedom, health, strength, beauty, all that we would desire and for which the I reaches out. But it needs the co-operation of the physical for manifestation.

Consciousness on the inner spiritual plane goes on without the physical medium. Perfection exists there in the ideal. But if we would have the ideal become externalized in flesh and blood environment and action, we must recognize it. In the external, if we want a certain elevating influence to be brought to bear upon any of God's creatures, we bring that one as much as possible in contact with the influence, and the more it is brought into contact the more does the influence become manifest. So it is in the work of the 7 within each individual. The body must be considered as one with it, thought of constantly as at one with its vitalizer, and so alive in every part. "I and my Father are one.' Every cell is filled and invigorated with the I, and there is no room for disease or death in the presence of Omnipresent Life. Let every thought be in the direction of life, and life more abundantly, because I (the I within you) is living in every cell—is the very life of the cell. When thoughts of disease present themselves anywhere in the system, recognize the I in those parts, and the negative condition gives way instantly to the positive attitude as darkness gives way to light.

This is the premise upon which we stand, before which every negative suggestion must vanish - the I being conqueror of all. Not vaguely, however, is the I to assert its supreme power, but definitely in every atom, especially where disease has taken the place of ease owing to lack of recognition of the life in that particular part of the organism. Life has no place with death or disease (partial death), and so where the Spirit of the Lord (the I) is, there is liberty.

The process of restoring life and health to parts long neglected may be a slow one, but with perseverance, mastery over every condition, however unyielding it may seem, is sure to come. This it is to live

the life, to be alive in every atom of the being, not to recognize death or any form of disease anywhere but instead permeating all with the thought of life, and life abundant. In this strong vibration there is no room for old age or decay of any part, neither for so-called adverse circumstances. Our recognition of the vitality of all things about us gives vitality to all our environment as well as to the physical condition of the individual. It gives poise to the individual, a feeling of strength and confidence in his ability to think and to do; his fears leave him one by one for they cannot stand in the face of this great vitality. All good is for him. He has only to reach out and take what he wants. He must trust his real desire for perfection and harmony within and without, must make for it, passing by all contradictions to this Truth that would beset his path and at times seem to obstruct it wholly. Only so long as he lets the darkness obscure the light, which is ever present and ready to be a present help in every need, is he held out of his rightful place, for the I is the conqueror of all beneath it. There is nothing beside it in power, though much would assert itself as rightfully occupying a superior place.

Don't listen to any negative voice. Truth is not in negations. Truth is in the positives that make for

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This is the premise upon which we stand, before which every negative suggestion must vanish - the I being conqueror of all. Not vaguely, however, is the I to assert its supreme power, but definitely in every atom, especially where disease has taken the place of ease owing to lack of recognition of the life in that particular part of the organism. Life has no place with death or disease (partial death), and so where the Spirit of the Lord (the I) is, there is liberty.

The process of restoring life and health to parts long neglected may be a slow one, but with perseverance, mastery over every condition, however unyielding it may seem, is sure to come. This it is to live the life, to be alive in every atom of the being, not to recognize death or any form of disease anywhere but instead permeating all with the thought of life, and life abundant. In this strong vibration there is no room for old age or decay of any part, neither for so-called adverse circumstances. Our recognition of the vitality of all things about us gives vitality to all our environment as well as to the physical condition of the individual. It gives poise to the individual, a feeling of strength and confidence in his ability to think and to do; his fears leave him one by one for they cannot stand in the face of this great vitality. All good is for him. He has only to

reach out and take what he wants. He must trust his real desire for perfection and harmony within and without, must make for it, passing by all contradictions to this Truth that would beset his path and at times seem to obstruct it wholly. Only so long as he lets the darkness obscure the light, which is ever present and ready to be a present help in every need, is he held out of his rightful place, for the I is the conqueror of all beneath it. There is nothing beside it in power, though much would assert itself as rightfully occupying a superior place.

Don't listen to any negative voice. Truth is not in negations. Truth is in the positives that make for

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