Historia Monasterii S. Augustini Cantuariensis |
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abbas Abbates pręsentis abbatis Abbot Anglię animę Anni Adventus apostolicam benedictionem apostolorum Archbishop archiepiscopo auctoritate apostolica Augus Augustinus beatę Beda bishop Bulla conservatoria Bulla de confirmatione Cantię Cantuarię cardinalis Carta Christi church confirmationis cujus Death Domini Dominicalis ecclesię ecclesiarum ecclesiis Edited ejusdem episcopo episcopus Ethelberti Faversham fratrum fuerat Gestis Gregorii hęc hujus monasterii Indictio Johannis juxta King meę memorię Merciorum monachi monachorum monas monks nostrę Obitus omnibus papa papę Petri et Pauli prę pręcipio pręmittitur pręsens pręsentis monasterii pręsumpserit prętacto presbyter Primatio privilegia quę regi regni regum rex Anglorum Romanę salutem et apostolicam same sanctę sanctę crucis sanctę Marię sancti Augustini sancti Augustini Cantuariensis sanctorum servus servorum sicut Signum manus sine sive suę subscripsi Summi Pontifices super tamen tempore terra terrę Thaneto Thorne tine's Titulus tuę tunc vestrę videlicet vitę vobis wanting Westmonasterium Willelmi Willelmus
Popular passages
Page 528 - Edited by the Rev. JS BREWER, Professor of English Literature, King's College, London, and Reader at the Rolls. A COLLECTION OF POLITICAl. PoEMs FROM THE ACCESSION
Page 526 - VoL I. Edited by the Rev. J. STEVENSON, MA., of University College, Durham, and Vicar of Leighton Buzzard. 3.
Page 528 - IN IRELAND: written in the Irish language. Edited by the Rev. Dr. TODD, Librarian of the University of Dublin. - The BRUT
Page xxiv - in spirituals and temporals, for all vacant benefices belonging to the Cluniac Order in England, Scotland, and Ireland. In the same year he voluntarily resigned his post at Lenton;
Page 526 - MA, Fellow of St. Catharine's Hall, and Christian Advocate in the University of Cambridge. 2
Page 526 - MA., Professor of English Literature, King's College, London, and Reader at the Rolls. 5. FASCICULI
Page xi - Nam abbates exterius curam carnis in desideriis agunt, non curantes dummodo laute exhibeantur, et fiat pax in diebus eorum; claustrales vero tanquam acephali otio vacant et
Page 111 - qui ibi fuerit ordinatus, intus et foris, cum consilio “ fratru.m, secundum timorem Dei libere earn regat
Page xvii - giving us a large collection of the older archives, and narrating the chief events of all that early period in our history, where Thorne is well-nigh silent; while it is inferior to his Chronicle in the want of some historical commentary to illustrate the import of