1491 1493 1504 1481 European Free Trade 1516 1517 (Drawback) Regs. 1966 Wages Regulation (Ready-made and Wages Regulation (Dressmaking and Wages Regulation (Milk Distributive) r., 1968/525 Wages Regulation (Paper Bag) O. 1966 1555 Import Duties (General) (No. 11) O. r., 1968/328 r., 1968/679 1966 Association am., 1968/100 r., 1968/422 am., 1968/660 r., 1968/173 1582 Instrt. not S.I. 21 Dec. 1967 65 79 203 207 270 334 446 455 468 Mauritius Constitution O. 1966 (1966 r., O. 4.3.68 (p. 1871) 651 675 766 815 816 837 923 937 Police (Amdt.) (No. 3) Regs. 1967 Import Duties (General) (No. 4) 1967... ... Composite Goods (Amdt.) O. 1967 ... r., 1968/679 r., 1968/26 r., 1968/75 Import Duty Drawbacks (No. 4) O. am., 1968/481 Export of Goods (Control) O. 1967 ... Mauritius (Appeals to Privy Council) Matrimonial Causes (Amdt.) Rules am., 1968/370 r., 1968/294 r., 1968/219 r., 1968/26 am., 1968/443 Dental Services) Regs. 1967 953 1967 1078 Import Duties (General) (No. 5) O. r., 1968/679 Sausage and Other Meat Product (S.) am., 1968/139 Criminal Justice Act 1967 (Commence- am., 1968/325 1455 1480 1562 1583 1715 1718 1747 r. (Cayman Is.) 1968/ 112, (Falkland Is. and Dependencies) 1968/ 113 Land Registration (District Registries) r., 1968/344 ... Plant Breeders' Rights (Fees) (Amdt.) Seychelles (Appeals to Privy Council) Import Duties (General) (No. 7) O. Exchange Control (Authorised Dealers Betterment Levy (Waiver of Interest) Import Duties (General) (No. 8) O. Industrial Training Levy (Agricultural Horticultural and Forestry) O. 1967 Matrimonial Causes (Amdt. No. 2) am., 1968/533 r., 1968/619 am., 1968/295 r., 1968/679 am., 1968/159, 668 am., 1968/131 r., 1968/679 am. (temp.), 1968/343 r., 1968/549 1765 1810 r., 1968/219 ... ... ... ... Docks and Harbours Act 1966 (commencement-two orders) ADEN. See ARABIA. ADMINISTRATION OF ESTATES. ... ... ... ... 1366 Finance Act 1967 (Section 10) Appointed Day O., 12 Mar. (361) AERATED WATERS TRADE. See WAGES COUNCILS. ... 1012 AGRICULTURE. (See also HORTICULTURE; INDUSTRIAL TRAINING; LAND- Agricultural Credits Fees O., 26 Apr. (678) Agricultural Drainage (Standard Costs) (S.) Regs., 16 Jan. (71) Scottish Milk Marketing Scheme (Amdt.) Approval O., 14 Mar. (391) 1068 Guaranteed prices and assured markets: Fatstock- (Guarantee Payments) (Amdt.) O., 13 Mar. (398) Price Stability of Imported Products (Levy Revn.) O., 2 Apr. (551) Calf Subsidies- (U.K.) Scheme, 28 Mar. (531) 1274 (Supervision and Enforcement) O., 22 Feb. (265) ... 796 AIR NAVIGATION. See CIVIL AVIATION. ALDERSHOT. See COUNTY COURTS. ANIMALS. (See also AGRICULTURE). Diseases of Animals (Milk Treatment) (Amdt.) O., 26 Feb. (266) (Controlled Areas Restrictions) (Amdt.) O., 15 Jan. (51) |